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法医昆虫学是近年来法庭科学中发展较快的学科之一,而利用昆虫学证据来推断死亡时间或称死后经历时间(PMI)是其最主要的应用。当尸体PMI达一周以上,无法通过蝇蛆生长发育历期来推算时,仍可以借助嗜尸性昆虫群落演替规律来判断。嗜尸性昆虫群落演替规律与尸体腐败过程息息相关,法医昆虫学家通过对尸体腐败进行人为分期,能够辨别出不同的演替波次,从而达到推断PMI的目的。本文对嗜尸性昆虫群落演替研究与应用进行了综述,并分析了未来研究趋势,希望能为相关研究和实践应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:根据深圳地区夏季室内外猪尸体上主要嗜尸性昆虫的生长发育和群落演替规律来推断死亡时间(PMI)。方法从2013年5月初到8月初,在深圳市公安局法医检验中心模拟的室内、外场地分别放置成年猪尸体两头,观察尸体腐败的过程和猪尸体上出现主要昆虫的种类,记录猪尸体腐败各阶段的历期,以及主要昆虫在尸体上的群落演替。结果室内、外的猪尸体分别经历了412.5 h和325 h进入白骨化阶段。主要的嗜尸性昆虫,蝇类以大头金蝇、绯颜裸金蝇、星岛金蝇,甲虫类以大隐翅甲、赤颈郭公甲、丽腐阎甲、白腹皮蠹为优势代表性种类。室外猪尸体在较多雨水的影响下,优势蝇群明显产生二代,室内的猪尸体上未见较大规模二代产生。结论深圳地区夏季室内外猪尸体上主要昆虫的群落演替有规律性,7种代表性昆虫及其幼虫整体的活动规律对推断PMI有较大的意义。  相似文献   

昆虫学证据在解决死亡时间、死亡地点、死亡原因等方面可为案件侦破提供切入点和线索。近年来,昆虫学证据在实践中应用的可行性已被理论和案例所证明,尤其是在一些非自然死亡、无监控、尸体高度腐败案件的调查中发挥了巨大作用。然而,将昆虫学证据应用于鉴定实践,尚有一些关键问题需要进一步研究和标准化,以提高昆虫学证据在法庭调查和审判中的效力。本文对昆虫学证据在法庭科学应用中的关键性研究进行了回顾性综述,主要包括法医昆虫学检验操作标准探讨、嗜尸性昆虫物种鉴定研究、嗜尸性昆虫不同环境下发育数据和演替数据的收集、法医昆虫毒理学等。随着信息技术和生物技术蓬勃发展,将人工智能和全基因组测序等技术应用于法医昆虫学将成为一种新的研究方向,可提升昆虫学证据在法庭科学中的应用价值与范围。  相似文献   

高度腐败尸体的死后间隔时间一直是法医实践中的难题。通过在现场腐败尸体上提取的嗜尸性昆虫,判断其生活习性,可以较准确地进行死亡时间推断,因此对嗜尸性昆虫种类的准确鉴定十分重要。由于案发现场环境复杂多变、人为破坏等情况,往往现场仅能发现一些干的嗜尸性昆虫样本、昆虫破残的肢体以及于蛹壳等,用形态学方法对其进行分类受到一定限制,取而代之用分子生物学方法可对嗜尸性昆虫进行种类鉴别。  相似文献   

目的研究新乡地区夏季嗜尸性昆虫的种类及其群落演替规律。方法观察法研究新乡医学院动物房后偏僻草地上6只大白鼠和5只家兔尸体腐败过程中嗜尸性蝇类的主要物种及其群落演替规律。结果该地区主要出现嗜尸性蝇类为双翅目3科7种,包括家蝇、大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇、棕尾别麻蝇、黑尾黑麻蝇、厩腐蝇、元厕蝇,且呈现出演替规律性。结论研究结果可作为新乡地区对尸体死亡时间的推断依据。  相似文献   

呼和浩特夏秋季嗜尸性苍蝇群落组成与演替   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的研究呼和浩特夏秋季常见嗜尸性苍蝇生态群落组成与演替规律。方法连续3年用观察法研究7—10月份,家兔、狗尸体、鸡、鱼内脏等试验材料上的嗜尸性苍蝇生态群落组成与演替。结果该地区上述尸体上出现的双翅目嗜尸性苍蝇是最先到达尸体上的昆虫,而且在尸体上出现时间及部位表现出很强的生态群落演替规律性。结论研究结果可成为在呼和浩特地区对尸体进行死亡时间、死亡地点推断的依据。  相似文献   

在调查北京地区嗜尸性昆虫物种谱系的基础上,进一步研究了在尸体分解过程中,昆虫种类的演替特点及其对死亡时间推断的价值。嗜尸性昆虫侵食尸体的过程可分为侵入期、分解期和残余期:侵入期以双翅目蝇类为主,时间推断以幼蛆的发育程度为依据;分解期出现大量鞘翅目种类,时间推断以甲虫的各类组成、数量以及演替特征为主要依据;残余期昆虫数量极少。季节及温度、环境条件、尸体是否受伤或裸露,是影响昆虫侵食尸体时序的三个重要因素。正常的春季,侵入期为8至25天,分解期为约42天。  相似文献   

死亡时间(postmortem interval,PMI)推断一直是困扰法医学工作者的难题之一,尤其是荒郊野外或偏僻屋内的高度腐败尸体更是难以使用常规手段推断PMI,因此常需要借助现场中的昆虫证据来推断。不同种属的蝇类发育时间差异较大,在实际案件中,如果不进行种属鉴定而直接测量蝇蛆体长、计算积温或演替阶段,或是基于错误的种属鉴定来计算,往往会导致推算出的结果与实际PMI之间出现较大偏差,误导案件侦查方向。因此,使用法医昆虫学方法来推断腐败尸体PMI,必须先进行准确的昆虫种属鉴定。本文对嗜尸性蝇类不同虫态的大体和超微形态学种属鉴定以及分子生物学种属鉴定方法进行综述,以期为相关研究和实践提供新思路和新方法,为法医昆虫学在鉴定实践的应用推广提供参考。  相似文献   

法医昆虫学是应用昆虫学知识解决法医实践中所遇到的相关问题的一门科学。食尸性蝇类在尸体的腐败分解中发挥着重要的作用,运用食尸性蝇类的特点可以更准确进行死亡时间推断,为侦查破案提供线索。本文对依据食尸性蝇类推断死亡时间的方法进行综述,以期为后续的研究与实践应用参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

死亡时间(postmortem interval,PMI)推断一直是涉及人员死亡的刑事案件现场勘验中法医调查的重点和难点[1]。嗜尸性蝇类证据的应用是解决死亡时间推断特别是腐败尸体死亡时间推断的有效手段之一,但前提是要立足案发当地常见嗜尸性蝇类的种类及分布特点,并据此建立具体种类的发育史数据库。  相似文献   

Most forensic studies are focused on Diptera pattern colonization while neglecting Coleoptera succession. So far, little information is available on the postmortem colonization by beetles and the decomposition process they initiate under temperate biogeoclimatic countries. These beetles have, however, been referred to as being part of the entomofaunal colonization of a dead body. Forensic entomologists need increased databases detailing the distribution, ecology, and phenology of necrophagous insects, including staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). While pig carcasses are commonly used in forensic entomology studies to surrogate human decomposition and to investigate the entomofaunal succession, very few works have been conducted in Europe on large carcasses. Our work reports the monitoring of the presence of adult rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) on decaying pig carcasses in a forest biotope during four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter). A total of 23 genera comprising 60 species of rove beetles were collected from pig carcasses.  相似文献   

A decaying cadaver emits volatile organic compounds that are used by necrophilous and necrophagous insects in order to find their brood substrate. Although volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are released by carcasses have been identified, little is known about the specific compounds that are used by these insects while searching for a brood substrate. Therefore, we have investigated the chemical ecology involved in the attraction of the necrophagous hide beetle Dermestes maculatus, which feeds as an adult and larva upon decomposing carcasses. Our aims have been to identify the responsible compounds in the odours of the carcass that are important for the attraction of the beetles. Furthermore, we have studied sex- and age-related differences in beetle attraction and tested whether the hide beetle can distinguish between various stages of decomposition by means of the emitted odours. Headspace collection of volatiles released from piglet carcasses (bloated stage, post-bloating stage, advanced decay and dry remains), coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and bioassays were conducted to identify the volatiles responsible for the attraction of the beetles. Freshly emerged male beetles were attracted by the odour of piglets in the post-bloating stage (9 days after death; T(mean) = 27 °C) and the EAD-active compound benzyl butyrate. Statistical analysis revealed a higher relative proportion of benzyl butyrate in the odour bouquet of the post-bloating stage in comparison with the other stages. We therefore conclude that this compound plays an important role in the attraction of hide beetles to carcass odour. This underlines the potential use of D. maculatus for the estimation of the post mortem interval. The decomposition stage at which the female beetles are attracted to the odour of a cadaver remains unknown, as does the nature of this attraction. Pheromones (sexual or aggregation pheromones) might play an essential role correlated with their attraction to carrion and consequently with their attraction to the substrate for mating and ovipositioning.  相似文献   

Abstract: Often carrion decomposition studies are conducted using a single carcass or a few carcasses sampled repeatedly through time to reveal trends in succession community composition. Measurements of biomass and other abiotic parameters (e.g., temperature) are often collected on the same carcasses but are rarely a focal point of the studies. This study investigated the effects that repeated sampling during experiments have on the decomposition of carrion, measured as both gross biomass (carcass plus fauna) and net biomass (carcass only), on carcasses disturbed on every visit (with weighing only or also with the collection of fauna) and on carcasses disturbed only once. Each trial lasted at least 21 days, with samples taken in triplicate. Rat carcasses used in this study were placed in the field on the same day and either weighed on every visit or ignored until a given day. Internal and ambient air temperatures were recorded on each carcass at the time of sampling and on undisturbed carcasses using temperature loggers. The presence of succession fauna did not result in significant biomass loss on most days; however, there were individual days early in decomposition (days 3 through 6) when the succession fauna comprised a large portion of the gross biomass. With the exception of biomass loss by the emigration of maggots on days 4 and 5, neither repeated weighing of the carcasses nor repeated weighing and faunal sampling of the carcasses statistically affected the rate of biomass loss. Internal temperatures of carcasses sampled repeatedly were frequently 2–5°C lower than those that had not been disturbed, and ambient temperatures differed significantly depending on the location of measurement device. Results indicate that methods used historically for biomass loss determination in experimental forensic entomology studies are adequate, but further refinements to experimental methodology are desirable.  相似文献   

A preliminary field study in the summer in a rural village in El-Qalyubiya Governorate (Egypt) compared the necrophagous insects colonizing the cadavers of two male rabbits (Oryctolagus cunicullus domesticus L.) killed by asphyxia (control), with two poisoned by the organophosphate (OP) pesticide pirimiphos-methyl (test). Decay of control carcasses was rapid since they reached the skeletal stage in only 19 days. Test carcasses did not decay completely, even 40 days post-killing. Insect species colonizing both carcasses types were not different, indicating that despite its odor, the OP were not masking the decomposition odors which were drawing the species to the bodies. The blowfly Chrysomya albiceps (Weidemann) constituted 76.6% of all samples collected. They were the first colonizers and played a major role in the decomposition process of control carcasses and in the partial decay of the test ones. They were significantly fewer numbers of immature stages developing on the test carcasses which probably contributed to their distinct lag and poor decomposition. Samples indicate that 17.3% of the insects were members of the Formicidae. This family was present in all carcasses, mostly in the early stages of decomposition. Formicidae may be considered omnivorous, and one of the fauna which use the cadaver as a refuge, to obtain humidity and food. This study provides additional knowledge in the context of Egyptian forensic entomology and the influence of OP which is of relevance to forensic science.  相似文献   

Twenty Sus scrofa carcasses were used to study the effect the presence of clothing had on decomposition rate and colonization locations of Diptera species; 10 unclothed control carcasses were compared to 10 clothed experimental carcasses over 58 days. Data collection occurred at regular accumulated degree day intervals; the level of decomposition as Total Body Score (TBSsurf), pattern of decomposition, and Diptera present was documented. Results indicated a statistically significant difference in the rate of decomposition, (t427 = 2.59, p = 0.010), with unclothed carcasses decomposing faster than clothed carcasses. However, the overall decomposition rates from each carcass group are too similar to separate when applying a 95% CI, which means that, although statistically significant, from a practical forensic point of view they are not sufficiently dissimilar as to warrant the application of different formulae to estimate the postmortem interval. Further results demonstrated clothing provided blow flies with additional colonization locations.  相似文献   

The effect of clothing on carcass decomposition and patterns of insect succession onto remains were investigated in two separate years during autumn in Western Australia. The progression of decomposition differed between clothed and unclothed carcasses in both years of the study. The presence of clothing markedly prolonged the wet decay stage in both years with larval feeding occurring across the moist skin surface underneath clothing, as well as within and under the carcasses. Ambient temperatures were higher in the second year of the study and corresponded to marginally faster rates of decay throughout decomposition. Within years, insect arrival and oviposition were largely consistent between clothed and unclothed carcasses with a few notable exceptions. The green blow fly, Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae) oviposited one day earlier on clothed than unclothed carcasses in both years of the study. The black carrion fly, Australophyra rostrata Robineau-Desvoidy, (Diptera: Muscidae) colonised clothed carcasses in two distinct waves of succession but only one wave of ovipoistion was observed on unclothed carcasses in either year. Correspondingly, clothed carcasses supported larval feeding by A. rostrata for a longer duration than unclothed carcasses. Finally, dipteran larval masses were more widely distributed across the carcass surface and were present for a longer period of time on clothed carcasses than on unclothed carcasses in both years. Forensically relevant data detailing the seasonal pattern of insect succession onto clothed and unclothed decomposing remains in Western Australia are reported.  相似文献   

Recently botanical evidence has been studied to determine if it is useful in forensic investigations. This study was performed to examine stillborn piglet decomposition in a brackish water environment and to semi-quantitatively document stages of decomposition, degree day accumulation per stage as well as the algal/diatom diversity useful in determining a postmortem submersion interval (PMSI). Piglets and ceramic tiles were submerged in brackish ponds and sampled on a regular basis to document algal diversity and succession between substrates and stages of decomposition. Significantly greater weight was lost from piglet carcasses during the early floating and advanced floating decay stages. Seasonal effects were observed in degree-day accumulations. Diatom diversity was significantly greater on piglet carcasses compared to tile substrates. Algal diversity decreased over time on the piglet carcasses as well as the stage of decomposition. A significant relationship and strong correlation between algal diversity found on the piglet substrate with time was observed. Our results indicate that more research is needed to examine the potential to use diatoms in not only determining manner of death but also the duration of time (PMSI) a victim may have been immersed in an aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Although researchers have examined many aspects of fire modification, the rate and pattern of decomposition in charred remains have not been studied previously. This study utilized 48 domestic pigs, divided into 24 charred (head, neck, and limbs burned to Crow-Glassman level 1 and torso to level 2) and 24 un-charred pig carcasses. Decomposition of control carcasses was scored at 50 accumulated degree days (ADD) intervals, and charred carcasses were also observed and photographed at this time. A Charred Body Scale was subsequently created, and charred carcasses were scored retrospectively for the same ADD intervals. Analysis using a mixed-effect repeated measures model indicated that, while decomposition rate was not statistically different between the two groups (p = 0.2692), the charred remains initially displayed an ostensibly more advanced pattern. Body regions displaying significant charring decomposed at a faster rate (p < 0.001), while areas with very light levels of charring decomposed at a significantly slower rate (p < 0.001).  相似文献   

The estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) based on successional patterns of adult insects is largely limited, due to the lack of potential PMI markers. Sex and size of adult insects could be easily used for such estimation. In this study, sex‐ and size‐related patterns of carrion attendance by adult insects were analyzed in Necrodes littoralis (Coleoptera: Silphidae) and Creophilus maxillosus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). For both species, abundance of males and females changed similarly during decomposition. A slightly female‐biased sex ratio was recorded in N. littoralis. Females of N. littoralis started visiting carcasses, on average, one day earlier than males. There was a rise in size of males of N. littoralis at the end of decomposition, whereas for females of both species and males of C. maxillosus, no size‐related patterns of carrion visitation were found. Current results demonstrate that size and sex of adult carrion beetles are poor indicators of PMI.  相似文献   

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