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张树平 《政治学研究》2022,(1):142-155+160
历史政治学是中国政治学学科主体自觉和方法论反思的结果。在中国政治学方法论多元化以及由此引起的方法论之争的背景下,围绕如何更为有效地理解中国、解释中国,历史政治学逐渐成长为一种具有理论雄心和学科抱负的方法论主张和学术潮流。历史政治学的学科属性决定了其研究起点在于经验,经验的时空属性预置了社会科学理论建构中的“历史研究”路径。对于包括历史政治学在内的政治学理论研究来说,经验-历史基础上的逻辑呈现是社会理论建构的关键。经验、历史与逻辑的关系决定了历史政治学作为批判实证社会科学的研究进路和学术定位,同时也决定了其可能的成就与可能的风险。三年来,历史政治学在政治学概念创制和政治学议题拓展上取得了明显成就,但在实现(历史)政治学理论建构中“批判的自我呈现”一面尚待进一步努力。历史政治学发展中潜藏的风险源自于历史政治学与其经验基础的剥离,所以,从方法论上防范历史对经验的疏离以及逻辑对历史的疏离,重建经验世界的完整性、历史世界的统一性和逻辑世界的自洽性成为历史政治学后续发展的关键。从恢复和重建历史政治学理论建构与其经验基础的方法论通道的角度来说,“古典政治学”和“进程政治学”是历史政治学未来发展中较具...  相似文献   

规范研究方法和经验研究方法是政治学研究的两大基本方法。本世纪五六十年代,在西方政治学研究方法体系中长期居主流地位的规范研究方法曾一度被行为主义政治学奉行的经验研究方法所取代。70年代以后行为主义向后行为主义的嬗变以及回归国家学派的崛起,标志着规范研究方法的复兴并与经验研究方法的相互渗透和相互融合,代表了当代西方政治学研究方法的最新发展趋势,对中国政治学方法论的研究及整个政治学的学科建设和发展,也有重要的启发和借鉴意义  相似文献   

博士研究生是未来学术研究的中坚力量,博士论文是读博士研究生期间最重要的成果,形塑未来的研究方向和研究方法,因而,对博士论文进行梳理不无裨益。政治学博士点设立三十余年来培养了一大批政治学博士,但却未见对博士论文的梳理。这就需要采用文本研究方法,对政治学科排名前十名高校2011~2015年间政治学理论专业的369篇博士学位论文的选题来源、主题分类与界定、研究范式等进行比较分析,评估中国政治学引介与创新的贡献,辨析政治学在中国与中国的政治学之间的“身份危机”所在。以博士论文为代表的中国政治学的研究要坚守价值取向与立足现实关怀,吸取人类共同的政治智慧与挖掘本土积累的政治实践,在引介西方政治学的基础上实践中国的经验,建构中国的理论,为中国政治学研究提供知识储备,为中国政治发展作出政治学应有的贡献和智慧。  相似文献   

林毅 《理论探讨》2019,(4):33-38
中国政治学学科的创新发展既需要对西方主流理论进行反思,更需要唤起建构本土理论体系的学术自觉与学术自信。在构建本土理论体系的过程中,创新性地发展马克思主义政治学理论,将经典阐释研究、中国化马克思主义理论成果研究和马克思主义理论的应用性研究有机结合,发挥了巩固政治根基与理论根基的作用。在此基础上,通过发现真正关键的中国问题,并在基础理论的研究框架内展开学理化的研究,又将对构筑本土化理论的学理基础提供助力。同时,创新中国政治学理论的研究范式也具有重要意义,只有正确处理政治哲学与政治科学研究、单一学科与多学科研究、国外研究范式与本土研究范式的关系,才可能把中国本土理论的创新推入一个自觉的全新境界。  相似文献   

采用文献计量方法,从研究主题热点、研究方法、研究者队伍、引文与被引情况等方面,对《政治学研究》2000-2015年刊载的1021篇研究性论文进行统计分析.结果表明:16年来,中国政治学研究主流领域是政治行为和政治文化,政治行为、政治发展、政治性质是一级主题热点,政治管理、政治学的性质、政治民主和政治统治是二级主题热点;政治学研究方法以传统思辨式定性研究为主,缺乏实证、定量研究;政治学研究者研究方向稳定性不足,产文单位以高校为主,高产论文单位是中国社会科学院,作者合著率低,主要为独著;作者引用文献主要是中文期刊和著作,高频被引文献主要源自政治行为、政治发展领域,高频被引作者为陈剩勇、周平.由此,提出政治学研究的未来发展取向,为我国政治学的健康发展提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

博士论文是读博士研究生期间最重要的成果,形塑未来的研究方向和研究方法,因而,对博士论文进行梳理不无裨益。论文采用文本研究方法,对政治学科排名前十名高校2011~2015年间政治学理论专业的369篇博士学位论文的选题来源、主题分类与界定、研究范式等进行比较分析,评估中国政治学引介与创新的贡献,辨析政治学在中国与中国的政治学之间的"身份危机"所在。以博士论文为代表的中国政治学的研究要坚守价值取向与立足现实关怀,吸取人类共同的政治智慧与挖掘本土积累的政治实践,在引介西方政治学的基础上实践中国的经验,为中国政治学研究提供知识储备,为中国政治发展作出应有的贡献和智慧。  相似文献   

杨光斌  释启鹏 《政治学研究》2020,(1):10-20,M0002
历史政治学的提出引发了中国政治学界的广泛关注。作为一种新型研究路径的历史政治学不但具有客观的分析主义特征,而且和其它政治理论的研究路径一样,还具有鲜明的功能主义特征。历史政治学首先回答了政治理论的知识来源问题,从而为建构中国自主性政治学知识体系提供了可能。基于政治学取向的政治史研究有助于避免因“文化转向”而导致的历史研究的碎片化问题,这意味着历史政治学研究既追求“真相”也关怀“真理”。历史政治学的知识功能自然有其政治实践价值,那就是为治国理政提供历史解释与现实论述,并为认识合法性政治提供一套不同于理性人假设的历时性方案。  相似文献   

经验研究方法在我国政治学研究中应用的现状分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文以 1 995年以来国内学者公开发表的政治学研究方面的论文中非随机选取 2 93篇为样本 ,对当下中国政治学研究进行方法论的评估 ,特别是重点分析了政治学经验研究的现状与主要特征。认为要实现政治学的理论创新与发展 ,应大胆借鉴、运用和创新研究方法 ,加强对经验研究方法的应用  相似文献   

新中国政治学理论研究的历史发展经历了阶级政治、利益政治和公共政治三个阶段。其现状表现出"学科体系基本形成,但独立性有待提高;基础理论日益完善,但深度内涵有待挖掘;研究方法不断创新,但科学性有待提升;研究内容逐渐丰富,但实践性有待加强;人才队伍建设加快,但队伍结构有待优化;国际交流日渐频繁,但‘西主中附’格局未变"的特征。在今后的研究过程中,必须注重用中国话语解说中国故事,形成具有中国特色的政治理论体系;加强学科理论建设与人才建设并重,夯实政治学理论研究的基础;坚持规范方法与经验方法的综合,创新政治学理论研究的方法论;推进理论研究与实践特色深层契合,提升政治学的科学性与实践性。  相似文献   

柴宝勇  王刚 《理论探讨》2007,42(3):17-20
长期以来,中国的政党政治学研究存在着在概念、理论、框架、方法等各方面的陈旧与落后。而建构具有中国特色的政党政治学既是提高政党执政和参政能力的需要,也是推进我国政治民主化和进行国际对话的需要。政党政治学是政治学的一个分支学科,是运用政治学的研究方法去分析政党的起源、发展、组织、功能等一般原理以及政党实际运作方式等具体范畴的学科。其框架应该包括概念、关系、制度、行为、文化、发展六个维度。应该采用科学的比较方法、历史与理论相统一的方法、规范与实证相结合的方法进行政党政治学研究,着力建构具有中国特色的政党政治学。  相似文献   

中国近年来社会科学视角的危机管理研究已进入瓶颈期。本文旨在梳理这十年来公共管理视角下的危机管理相关研究,以期为危机管理研究进一步深入发展提供参考。评述文献主要来源于公共管理、政治学、管理学和综合社会科学领域的重要学术期刊以及依据专业知识所选取的近些年来具有代表性的研究专著和报告。在对文献进行分类、编码和统计分析之后,分析结果表明:危机事前分析的文章占据主导地位,而对危机应对过程和危机后分析相对不足;应然研究类文章占据很大比重,但对于危机理论的建构和实证检验的研究比较缺乏;对于危机的综合分析多于单灾种分析。近些年中,虽然上述研究方式依然居于主导地位,但是研究者开始关注危机后的分析,注意理论的建构和检验,特别值得注意的是对于社会安全事件的分析呈上升趋势。最后,本文结合危机管理研究的现状和趋势总结出未来值得研究的若干领域。  相似文献   

The article evaluates the body of literature on Leonardo da Vinci using for the first time bibliometric and altmetric methods for data processing. The question of whether the literature on Leonardo da Vinci reflects his interdisciplinarity as scientist and artist is addressed. We argue that the medical and material sciences show a high number of citations to the respective publications, and much higher number of citations to publications ratio than the humanities and social sciences fields. We also found that there is no relationship between the number of publications for each research area and the citations (between productivity and quality). The largest category of papers, in terms of citations and in terms of the number of subfields, discussing da Vinci’s contribution to the various sciences, belongs to exact sciences. This finding is surprising as Leonardo da Vinci has become a synonym for the mysterious artist whose paintings consist of many messages that are difficult to explain. Therefore it seems natural that Leonardo the artist would get a lot of research attention. Nevertheless, the bibliometric findings show that the academic community has interest in his contributions to science, no less than in his work of art.  相似文献   

Comparative Journal Ratings: A Survey Report   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The expert survey and bibliometric methods of assessing the quality of work in political science are complementary. This project builds on previous surveys of academic political science journals conducted among US political scientists. The current wave extends the survey to political scientists in Canada and the UK. Preliminary results suggest both similarities and differences across the three countries. These results matter for policy debate in any country that is considering channelling flows of funds to universities in proportion to the quality of their research, and in helping to supply objective evidence about the research quality of work submitted by candidates for academic appointments and promotions.  相似文献   

Textbook content is a powerful indicator of what is and is not considered important in a given discipline. Textbooks shape both curriculum and students’ thinking about a subject. The extant literature indicates that gender is not well represented in American government textbooks, thus signaling to students that women and gender are not part of the mainstream in political science. I contribute to this literature by using quantitative and qualitative content analysis to examine gender mainstreaming in 10 introductory political science textbooks. I find that the quantity of gendered content is small, and the quality of that content varies considerably from text to text.  相似文献   

A Global Ranking of Political Science Departments   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
Rankings of academic institutions are key information tools for universities, funding agencies, students and faculty. The main method for ranking departments in political science, through peer evaluations, is subjective, biased towards established institutions, and costly in terms of time and money. The alternative method, based on supposedly 'objective' measures of outputs in scientific journals, has thus far only been applied narrowly in political science, using publications in a small number of US-based journals. An alternative method is proposed in this paper – that of ranking departments based on the quantity and impact of their publications in the 63 main political science journals in a given five-year period. The result is a series of global and easily updatable rankings that compare well with results produced by applying a similar method in economics.  相似文献   

The literature on political control of bureaucracy reveals that bureaucracies are highly responsive to political forces. This paper argues that the political control literature misses evidence from other academic literature that bears directly on this phenomenon. Specifically, researchers need to consider the values of the bureaucracy in any effort to assess the degree of political control. An empirical test is presented using a data set from public education. Results show bureaucratic values to be far more influential in explaining bureaucratic outputs and outcomes than political factors. These findings suggest that a reinterpretation of previous empirical research is urgently in order.  相似文献   

In Australia there has been a great deal of discussion in recent years of something called ‘political correctness’. This term is an insidious phrase applied to academic humanists, who, it is frequently said, do not think independently but rather according to norms established by a cabal of ‘correct-thinking’ leftists. These norms are supposed to be overly sensitive to racism, sexism and the like, instead of allowing people to debate in what is supposed to be an ‘open’ manner (Said 1994:58). This article asks why Australia has witnessed a backlash against ‘political correctness’ at this point of time. Why has Hanson been able to mount a sustained attack on ‘political correctness’ and why has John Howard's response been muted? The article suggests notions of identity and difference are at the centre of the recent debate — the rhetoric has highlighted the politics of division while obsuring the issues of those marginal to the mainstream.  相似文献   

Although academic and professional publications give the impression that performance measurement is a growing government practice, in actuality the use of this technology is not as deep or as widespread as it may appear. Even when performance measures are used, governments rarely integrate them into planning, budget, personnel, and other management processes. Most professional researchers located primarily in academic institutions, but also in research and government organizations, approach performance measurement as though governmental officials, elected or otherwise, are already sold on its usefulness. Instead, they need to function as "change agents," using a variety of strategies to gain acceptance and understanding of the strengths and limitations of performance measurement. This article draws on the authors' experiences with the Community Benchmarks Program of the Maxwell School in Onondaga County and a review of the current literature. It suggests guidelines for professional researchers who want to increase the use of performance measures by governments at all levels.  相似文献   

Since 1949 we have witnessed paradigmatic changes in political science research concerning the field of German politics. The focus of this article is on the most important political institutions in Germany: Federal President, Federal Government, Federal Parliament, Bundesrat (quasi second chamber)/federalism and Federal Constitutional Court. German political science has produced an impressive number of publications on the German political system with a wide range of approaches and of high quality. What is to some extent lacking, however, is an innovative combination of the improved knowledge created with regard to the functioning of institutions in Germany on the one hand and of middle-range theories of political science on the other, especially of theories developed in international and comparative discourses.  相似文献   

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