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Abstract: The identification of missing casualties of the Korean War (1950–1953) has been performed using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) profiles, but recent advances in DNA extraction techniques and approaches using smaller amplicons have significantly increased the possibility of obtaining DNA profiles from highly degraded skeletal remains. Therefore, 21 skeletal remains of Korean War victims and 24 samples from biological relatives of the supposed victims were selected based on circumstantial evidence and/or mtDNA‐matching results and were analyzed to confirm the alleged relationship. Cumulative likelihood ratios were obtained from autosomal short tandem repeat, Y‐chromosomal STR, and mtDNA‐genotyping results, and mainly confirmed the alleged relationship with values over 105. The present analysis emphasizes the value of mini‐ and Y‐STR systems as well as an efficient DNA extraction method in DNA testing for the identification of old skeletal remains.  相似文献   

In a fire tragedy in Manila in December 1998, one of the worst tragic incidents which resulted in the reported death of 23 children, identity could not be established initially resulting in the burial of still unidentified bodies. Underscoring the importance of identifying each of the human remains, the bodies were exhumed 3 months after the tragedy. We describe here our work, which was the first national case handled by local laboratories wherein conventional and molecular-based techniques were successfully applied in forensic identification. The study reports analysis of DNA obtained from skeletal remains exposed to conditions of burning, burial, and exhumation. DNA typing methods using autosomal and Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) markers reinforced postmortem examinations using conventional identification techniques. The strategy resulted in the identification of 18 out of the 21 human remains analyzed, overcoming challenges encountered due to the absence of established procedures for the recovery of mass disaster remains. There was incomplete antemortem information to match the postmortem data obtained from the remains of 3 female child victims. Two victims were readily identified due to the availability of antemortem tissues. In the absence of this biologic material, parentage testing was performed using reference blood samples collected from parents and relatives. Data on patrilineal lineage based on common Y-STR haplotypes augmented autosomal DNA typing, particularly in deficiency cases.  相似文献   

DNA is a major and essential identification tool for mass fatality incidents including the hundreds of thousands of victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Mathematical complications characteristic of this sort of mass fatality include prevalence of related victims, the many races represented among the victims, and various identification modalities in tandem with DNA. Four mathematical problems of interest are discussed in this paper. (1) Other quantifiable factors (i.e. geography) can be formally accounted for by including a likelihood ratio that can be thought of as reducing the "effective number of victims." (2) When a victim is found and tentatively identified as V, but then it comes to light that the victim has a relative W who is also missing, confidence in the identity is depressed. To account for the existence of W, increment the effective number of victims by the likelihood ratio supporting W as the identity of the victim. (3) When several apparently related victims are found, their mutual identities should be calculated simultaneously. Compared to one-at-a-time, serial identifications, this is both logical and may lead to much more confidence in the identities. (4) Although there may be many different population groups represented among the missing, it is generally sufficient to consider population statistics for only a few of them in deciding whether to declare an identification.  相似文献   

Dipterous fly larvae (maggots) are frequently collected from a corpse during a criminal investigation. Previous studies showed that DNA analysis of the gastrointestinal contents of maggots might be used to reveal the identity of a victim. However, this approach has not been used to date in legal investigations, and thus its practical usefulness is unknown. A badly burned body was discovered with its face and neck colonized by fly larvae. Given the condition of the body, identification was not possible. Short tandem repeat (STR) typing was performed using the gastrointestinal contents of maggots collected from the victim and was compared to STR profiles obtained from the alleged father. The probability of paternity was 99.685%. Thus, this comparative DNA test enabled the conclusive identification of the remains. This is the first reported case of analysis of human DNA isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of maggots used to identify a victim in a criminal case.  相似文献   

A bioinformatic tool was developed to assist with the victim identification initiative that followed the Swissair Flight 111 disaster. Making use of short tandem repeat (STR) DNA typing data generated with AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus (PP) and AmpFlSTR COfiler(CO) kits, the software systematically compared each available STR genotype with every other genotype. The matching algorithm was based on the search for: (i) direct matches to genotypes derived from personal effects; and (ii) potential kinship associations between victims and next-of-kin, as measured by allele sharing at individual loci. The software greatly assisted parentage analysis by enabling kinship evaluation in situations where complete parentage trios were unavailable and, in some situations, with distantly related relatives. Exclusion of fortuitous kinship associations (FKA) was made possible through the recovery at the disaster site of at least one remains for every sought-after victim, and was incorporated into the kinship software. The data from the 13 combined STR loci produced 6 and 23 times fewer FKAs when compared with PP alone and AmpFlSTR Profiler (PR) alone, respectively. Identification leads or confirmations of identification were obtained for 218 victims for which DNA reference samples (personal effects and kin) had been submitted. Confirmation of an inferred kinship association was sought through frequency and likelihood calculations, as well as corroborative data from other identification modalities. The use of a simple, yet powerful, automated genotype comparison approach and the use of megaplexes with high power of discrimination (PD) values extended considerably the identification capabilities in the case of the Swissair disaster. The DNA typing identification modality proved to be a valuable component of the large arsenal of identification tools deployed in the aftermath of this disaster.  相似文献   

We describe here our collaborative efforts in identifying 2 fatalities of a fire disaster by using a variety of identification techniques. Postmortem findings in both cases were reinforced using Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA technology to establish with a high degree of certainty the identities of 2 child victims. STR markers used in the present study include HUMAMEL, HUMCSFIPO, HUMTHO1, HUMvWA, HUMFES/FPS, HUMF13A01, HUMFOLP23, D8S3O6, HUMFGA, and HUMTPOX. Unambiguous identification was made possible through matching DNA profiles generated from skeletal remains with those from umbilical tissues. These tissues were kept by their mothers in accordance with a Philippine tradition and were submitted for DNA analysis. Of the DNA profiles generated from exhumed bone samples of 21 child victims, comparison with the genetic profiles of children A and B obtained from umbilical tissues showed consistent DNA matches with remains 1756 and 1758, respectively.  相似文献   

A car collided head-on with a bus containing 56 passengers plus the driver. A few seconds after the crash, the bus caught fire and 28 persons (15 male and 13 female) lost their lives. All the deceased were almost completely incinerated. To establish the identity of the victims, the judge in charge of the case designated a multidisciplinary Identification Commission. Postmortem procedures included a general external examination, routine photographs, dental examination, dental (intraoral and extraoral) and general radiographs (chest, ankle, etc.), and complementary biological methods for identification (e.g., DNA analysis). The antemortem information, including dental and medical records available, were transcribed onto the INTERPOL disaster victim identification forms. The detailed ante- and postmortem information were compared manually. In this disaster dental identity could be established in 57% of the victims, whereas dental evidence did not allow by itself the identification of 12 burned victims. Odontological examination and complementary radiographic procedures were found to be accurate, economic and rapid methods of identifying badly burned victims in this bus accident.  相似文献   

Abstract: The World Trade Center (WTC) victim identification effort highlights taphonomic influences on the degradation of DNA from victims of mass fatality incidents. This study uses a subset of the WTC‐Human Remains Database to evaluate differential preservation of DNA by skeletal element. Recovery location, sex, and victim type (civilian, firefighter, or plane passenger) do not appear to influence DNA preservation. Results indicate that more intact elements, as well as elements encased in soft tissue, produced slightly higher identification rates than more fragmented remains. DNA identification rates by element type conform to previous findings, with higher rates generally found in denser, weight‐bearing bones. However, smaller bones including patellae, metatarsals, and foot phalanges yielded rates comparable to both femora and tibiae. These elements can be easily sampled with a disposable scalpel, and thus reduce potential DNA contamination. These findings have implications for DNA sampling guidelines in future mass fatality incidents.  相似文献   

DNA analysis is a key method for the identification of human remains in mass disasters. Reference samples from relatives may be used to identify missing persons by kinship analysis. Different methods of applying the CODIS in disaster victim identification (DVI) were investigated. Two searches were evaluated: (i) relating family relatives to a pedigree tree (FPT) and (ii) relating unidentified human remains to a pedigree tree (UPT). A joint pedigree likelihood ratio (JPLR) and rank were calculated for each search. Both searches were similar in average JPLR and rank. In exceptional cases, namely the existence of a mutation different from the CODIS model, a nonbiological father, a mistake in STR, or incorrect profile association, the UPT search returned one true rank, whereas the FPT search returned no results. This paper suggests a novel strategy to overcome these limitations and increase efficiency in conducting identification of mass disaster victims.  相似文献   

A developmental validation was performed to demonstrate reliability, reproducibility, and robustness of the ANDE Rapid DNA Identification System for processing of crime scene and disaster victim identification (DVI) samples. A total of 1705 samples were evaluated, including blood, oral epithelial samples from drinking containers, samples on FTA and untreated paper, semen, bone, and soft tissues. This study was conducted to address the FBI’s Quality Assurance Standards on developmental validation and to accumulate data from a sufficient number of unique donors and sample types to meet NDIS submission requirements for acceptance of the ANDE Expert System for casework use. To date, no Expert System has been approved for such samples, but the results of this study demonstrated that the automated Expert System performs similarly to conventional laboratory data analysis. Furthermore, Rapid DNA analysis demonstrated accuracy, precision, resolution, concordance, and reproducibility that were comparable to conventional processing along with appropriate species specificity, limit of detection, performance in the presence of inhibitors. No lane-to-lane or run-to-run contamination was observed, and the system correctly identified the presence of mixtures. Taken together, the ANDE instrument, I-Chip consumable, FlexPlex chemistry (a 27-locus STR assay compatible with all widely used global loci, including the CODIS core 20 loci), and automated Expert System successfully processed and interpreted more than 1200 unique samples with over 99.99% concordant CODIS alleles. This extensive developmental validation data provides support for broad use of the system by agencies and accredited forensic laboratories in single-source suspect-evidence comparisons, local database searches, and DVI.  相似文献   

Since 1982, the remains of 41 victims of the Green River Serial Murderer have been recovered. The majority were discovered as skeletal remains, and 24 facial approximations have been used in attempts to develop leads for identification of nine of these victims. Nine different artists were used. Interpretations of the same victim varied greatly. For those victims subsequently identified, resemblance of the facial approximation to the deceased showed considerable variation, but in some cases was quite accurate. This experience created a unique opportunity to compare different methods of facial approximation techniques and artists, and to comment on their efficacy in aiding identification.  相似文献   

Forensic dental evaluation methods for use in a systematic approach to the dental identification of charred human remains are described. A systematic, conservative approach prevents the loss of valuable dental information before a thorough picture of the individual's dental remains has been adequately documented. The presenting conditions of fire victims are explained and illustrated with photographs, and a series of illustrations and text describe the damage seen in the dentition of the fire victim. A systematic four-stage process for gaining access to the intraoral structures of charred human remains is outlined and illustrated. Utilizing methods of access to the oral structures that maintain the integrity of the dentition through each stage of the evaluation of charred remains will prevent the loss of potential dental information before a thorough dental charting, intra-oral photographs, and radiographs can be obtained.  相似文献   

Piracatinga (Callophysius macropterus) are a type of bottom feeder catfish encountered in the Amazon River and its tributaries. We report two cases in which human remains were first located based on a characteristic circular distortion of the surface of the river that the Piracatinga make while they feed. Human skin samples of one of the victims recovered from the Piracatinga digestive tract were subjected to mitochondrial DNA analysis that allowed identification of the body of Case 1; the family recognized body parts of Case 2. Importantly, the location of human body parts and their identification based on DNA analysis enabled the respective families to obtain a death certificate expeditiously in the absence of identifiable remains—a process that normally requires 5 years under current Brazilian law, and in the absence of closure, imposes severe emotional stress on the family of the deceased.  相似文献   

Identification of human remains is often achieved by comparing documented reference data with the same type of evidence obtained from the remains. We present a case of a decomposed unidentified body, whose identity was presumed but because of the low validity range of the available data, the identification process could not be completed. Antemortem radiographs of the teeth found in the house of the reputed victim could not be compared to the edentulous cadaver and the kinship between the victim and the only living relative that could provide DNA for comparison was too tenuous. Isolated teeth found at the scene, were neither a source of DNA reference information nor questioned data to be compared to the antemortem radiographs. The strategy implemented by the investigators to reallocate the status of the isolated teeth from the questioned source to the reference source of DNA to be compared with the cadaver is presented.  相似文献   

The identification of the victims of the 2009 Victorian bushfires disaster, as in other mass disasters, relied on a number of scientific disciplines - including DNA analysis. As part of the DVI response, DNA analysis was performed to assist in the identification of victims through kinship (familial matching to relatives) or direct (self source of sample) matching of DNA profiles. The majority of the DNA identifications made (82%) were achieved through kinship matching of familial reference samples to post mortem (PM) samples obtained from the victims. Although each location affected by the bushfires could be treated as a mini-disaster (having a small closed-set of victims), with many such sites spread over vast areas, DNA analysis requires that the short tandem repeat (STR) system used be able to afford enough discrimination between all the DVI cases to assign a match. This publication highlights that although a 9-loci multiplex was sufficient for a DVI of this nature, there were instances that brought to light the short comings of using a 9-loci multiplex for kinship matching--particularly where multiple family members are victims. Moreso it serves to reinforce the recommendation that a minimum of 12 autosomal STR markers (plus Amelogenin) be used for DNA identification of victims which relies heavily on kinship matching.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) techniques were utilized in the forensic DNA community until the mid 1990s when less labor-intensive polymerase chain reaction short tandem repeat (PCR STR) techniques became available. During the transition from RFLP technology to PCR-based STR platforms, a method for comparing RFLP profiles to STR profiles was not developed. While the preferred approach for applying new technology to old cases would be to analyze the original biological stain, this is not always possible. For unsolved cases that previously underwent RFLP analysis, the only DNA remaining may be restriction cut and bound to nylon membranes. These studies investigate several methods for obtaining STR profiles from membrane bound DNA, including removal of bound DNA with bases, acids, detergents, various chemicals, and conventional cell extraction solutions. Direct multiplex STR amplification of template in the membrane-bound state was also explored. A partial STR profile was obtained from DNA that was recovered from an archived membrane using conventional extraction buffer components, indicating promise for recovering useful STR information from RFLP membranes that have been maintained in long-term frozen storage.  相似文献   

DNA analysis is one of the primary methods of identification in DVI practices. The external environment of a mass disaster often results in severe fragmentation, decomposition and intermixing of the remains. However, DNA profiling still can be achieved even on cases involving partial, severely decomposed remains. This report shows the DNA profile of shipwreck victims using identifiler plus marker from tissue sample exposed to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Forensic mitochondrial DNA analysis of 116 casework skeletal samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Between February 1999 and May 2005, 116 DNA extractions were completed on skeletal remains from routine casework. Overall, at least a partial mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) profile was obtained on 83.6% of samples. Skeletal remains fell into two general categories: (1) samples for body identifications submitted by law enforcement and (2) samples submitted to answer historical or family identity questions. Body identification cases were more likely to yield full mtDNA profiles, whereas historical cases were more likely to result in partial profiles. Overall, the ability to obtain a full or partial profile primarily reflects the difference in the average age and condition of the samples in these two categories and thus, difference in the quantity and quality of the DNA. Cremated remains were uniformly unsuccessful, whereas infant/fetal remains were uniformly successful. Heteroplasmy in skeletal remains was observed at a rate similar to that in hair ( approximately 10%). For body identification cases, skeletal remains had the same mtDNA profile as the accompanying reference sample in 50% of cases.  相似文献   

Contact‐based evidence is likely to have limited quantities of DNA and may yield mixed profiles due to preexisting or contaminating DNA. In a recent arson investigation, a paper towel was collected and used as circumstantial evidence. The paper towel was partially burned and was likely set on fire with flammable liquid. As part of the investigation, the paper towel was treated with ninhydrin to visualize fingerprint evidence. Initial DNA analysis of two swabs was negative for short tandem repeat (STR) markers and revealed a mixture of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Analysis of 13 additional cuttings yielded four more mixed profiles, but also two samples with a common single‐source profile. The single‐source mtDNA profile matched that of the primary suspect in the case. Thus, even if initial mtDNA analysis yields a mixed profile, a sampling strategy involving multiple locations can improve the chance of obtaining valuable single‐source mtDNA profiles from compromised evidence in criminal casework.  相似文献   

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