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目的 测量四川汉族青少年(8—20岁)人群面部中线软组织厚度,探讨其生长发育变化规律,为法医人类学的面部重建提供的基础数据。方法 选取974例(男496,女478)头颅侧位数字X线片,分13个年龄段(8—20岁)。选择面部10个标志点的软组织厚度测量,并进行描述性统计学分析。结果 四川汉族青少年人群面部10个标志点的中线软组织平均厚度,在青少年阶段大多数测量标志点随年龄增长而增厚;男女性面部中线软组织厚度统计学分析存在性别差异(P〈0.05),在15岁之后差异增大,且LU点显著差异性在9-20岁之间均存在(P〈0.01)。结论 四川汉族青少年面部中线软组织厚度有随年龄增长而增厚的档势.男女面部软组织厚度存在性别差异。  相似文献   

目的 使用不同方法测量面部软组织厚度(FSTT),为我国北方汉族成年人的颅骨面貌复原提供方法及数据支持。方法 收集123名北方汉族成年人(男性64名,女性59名)的颅面部薄层螺旋CT图像,进行三维重建并初步选取38个颅骨标志点;对所有受试者标志点的软组织厚度进行三维测量,随机选取其中50例进行二维测量;比较两种方法的测量结果是否存在显著差异,分析不同性别、年龄、BMI对面部软组织厚度的影响。结果 配对t检验显示,两种方法测量的数据相关性均> 0.7,30个标志点的差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);多因素方差分析(MANOVA)显示,有13个和35个标志点分别在不同性别和不同BMI间的差异有统计学意义(P <0.05),仅6个标志点在不同年龄段间的差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 不同测量方法会影响面部软组织厚度的测量结果,我国北方汉族成年人面部软组织厚度受性别和BMI影响较大,受年龄影响较小。  相似文献   

应用超声波检测活体头面部软组织厚度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用CTS-5型超声波诊断仪对82例中国汉族不同年龄组(18-60岁)健康男,女性头面部软组织厚度进行测量和统计,力图为国人面貌复原提供更加客观和准确的基础数据。  相似文献   

中国土家族人群头面部软组织厚度的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的测量中国土家族人群头面部软组织厚度。方法156名中国湖南西部土家族成年男女(男80,女76),经拍摄头面部侧位X线片,选取正中矢状面5个部位上的10个点,测量其软组织厚度,并对所得数据进行统计学处理。结果中国土家族成年人群头面部10个点的软组织厚度测量值,男性在(3.46±0.09)mm~(9.11±0.14)mm范围,女性在(3.29±0.16)mm~(9.05±0.18)mm;除鼻下点外(男性9.06mm±0.15mm,女性9.02mm±0.19mm),男女性之间各点均有显著性差异,且下面部软组织厚度较上面部大。结论土家族成年男女性头面部软组织厚度存在着性别差异和年龄差异。  相似文献   

四川汉族青少年面部中线软组织厚度的数字X线测量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的测量四川汉族青少年(8~20岁)人群面部中线软组织厚度,探讨其生长发育变化规律,为法医人类学的面部重建提供的基础数据。方法选取974例(男496,女478)头颅侧位数字X线片,分13个年龄段(8~20岁),选择面部10个标志点的软组织厚度测量,并进行描述性统计学分析。结果四川汉族青少年人群面部10个标志点的中线软组织平均厚度,在青少年阶段大多数测量标志点随年龄增长而增厚;男女性面部中线软组织厚度统计学分析存在性别差异(P<0.05),在15岁之后差异增大,且LLI点显著差异性在9~20岁之间均存在(P<0.01)。结论四川汉族青少年面部中线软组织厚度有随年龄增长而增厚的趋势,男女面部软组织厚度存在性别差异。  相似文献   

1案例资料 1.1简要案情 徐某,男,37岁。2007年11月20日被多人致伤头面部。入院检查:头部血染,头顶部有一长约9cm不规则头皮裂伤,部分深达颅骨,有活动性出血,压痛(+),右眼睑下方有约2.5cm皮肤撕脱伤,广泛性出血。头颅CT报告:左颞顶部皮下血肿。初步诊断:闭合性颅脑损伤;头面部多发性软组织挫裂伤。  相似文献   

选用30具成尸,在头面部设34个测量点(中线上14、侧面20),测了各点软组织的厚度;观测了眼在眶中的位置、眼裂的内外径、外耳厚、上下高、前后宽及纵轴斜向前下方的角度、口裂的宽度和上下唇的厚度、外鼻的上下长,鼻底的宽,鼻尖的高和鼻孔的口径等,为面貌复原、整容、头面部软组织损伤后的整形修复提供解剖学资料。  相似文献   

1 案例1.1简要案情某男。55岁,某年10月71315时许,因纠纷被他人打伤头面部。伤后约1h到卫生院就诊。查体:神志尚清,头面部多处软组织肿胀,尤以面额部左侧为著,局部有触压痛;颈前部软组织肿胀及触压痛,余(一)。建议去上级医院行头颅CT检查。伤后3h余到县人民医院就诊,无昏迷、呕吐,无胸腹痛,无大、小便失禁。查体:神清,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,左面部肿胀、压痛,胸腹部(一),四肢活动可。头颅CT示:左侧脑室旁低密度影,梗塞(可能),右侧上颌窦囊肿。  相似文献   

头面部软组织厚度的测量是颅骨面貌复原、颅像重合、口腔颌面正畸的基础工作。长期以来,经过各国学者的不懈努力,在对不同种族,不同时代人的研究中积累了大量头面部软组织厚度的资料[1]。由于相关学科的渗入及高新技术的应用,人类头面部软组织厚度的测量方法也已由过去的针刺法、X线法发展到超声、CT及核磁共振扫描(MRI)法等,测量的精确度明显提高,测量的标志点明显增多,测量的对象也逐渐由尸体向活体转移。现将几种主要测量方法介绍如下:呈直接测量法直接测量法的倡导者当首推Welcker。1883年,Wefeker在13具白种人成年男性…  相似文献   

徐传宝 《法医学杂志》2011,27(4):318-318
1案例 严某,男.31岁。某年4月9日被人用刀捅伤腹部,急诊入院治疗。主诉:腹部外伤1h。查体:神志清,呼吸19次/rain.脉搏80次/min.血压17.3/11.3kPa(130/85mmHg);头面部、颈部未见异常;胸廓对称,心、肺听诊正常;腹平坦,左下腹壁可见一处体表创口长约3.0em,斜向内下方.进入腹腔.  相似文献   

Chen F  Chen Y  Yu Y  Qiang Y  Liu M  Fulton D  Chen T 《Forensic science international》2011,212(1-3):272.e1-272.e6
The purpose of this study was to acquire accurate data of craniofacial soft tissue thickness (CFSTT) and nasal profile in Chinese people of Han population. A total of 31 anatomical landmarks and 4 nasal profile parameters were determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 425 subjects (233 males and 192 females). In the present study, the mean CFSTT values of male subjects exceeded those of female subjects at most anatomical landmarks except at seven (22.58%) and 6 out of the 7 landmarks were bilateral anatomical landmark points. The age-related and sex × age interactions were found to be statistically significant at all landmarks. Significant differences were found in the nasal profile data of males and females, and 15 out of 20 different groups had significant differences between sexes, and the mean values of nasal length, nasal height, nasal depth and nasal breadth in males were all greater than those in females. Furthermore, both CFSTT and nasal profile showed good correlation with age. The thickest CFSTT of male and female were found at the respective ages of 45-59 and 35-44, and the nasal profile becomes more constant after 24 years of age. CFSTT of the lower part of the face shows greater variation compared to the upper part, so special care needs to be applied when reconstructing the lower portion of the face. Our data on CFSTT and nasal profile for the Chinese Xi'an Han population is important in understanding craniofacial characteristics of the Chinese population and might be potentially helpful in forensic identification.  相似文献   

A large-scale study of facial soft tissue depths of Caucasian adults was conducted. Over a 2-years period, 967 Caucasian subjects of both sexes, varying age and varying body mass index (BMI) were studied. A user-friendly and mobile ultrasound-based system was used to measure, in about 20min per subject, the soft tissue thickness at 52 facial landmarks including most of the landmarks used in previous studies. This system was previously validated on repeatability and accuracy [S. De Greef, P. Claes, W. Mollemans, M. Loubele, D. Vandermeulen, P. Suetens, G. Willems, Semi-automated ultrasound facial soft tissue depth registration: method and validation. J. Forensic Sci. 50 (2005)]. The data of 510 women and 457 men were analyzed in order to update facial soft tissue depth charts of the contemporary Caucasian adult. Tables with the average thickness values for each landmark as well as the standard deviation and range, tabulated according to gender, age and BMI are reported. In addition, for each landmark and for both sexes separately, a multiple linear regression of thickness versus age and BMI is calculated. The lateral asymmetry of the face was analysed on an initial subset of 588 subjects showing negligible differences and thus warranting the unilateral measurements of the remaining subjects. The new dataset was statistically compared to three datasets for the Caucasian adults: the traditional datasets of Rhine and Moore [J.S. Rhine, C.E. Moore, Tables of facial tissue thickness of American Caucasoids in forensic anthropology. Maxwell Museum Technical series 1 (1984)] and Helmer [R. Helmer, Sch?delidentifizierung durch elektronische bildmischung, Kriminalistik Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, 1984] together with the most recent in vivo study by Manhein et al. [M.H. Manhein, G.A. Listi, R.E. Barsley, R. Musselman, N.E. Barrow, D.H. Ubelbaker, In vivo facial tissue depth measurements for children and adults. J. Forensic Sci. 45 (2000) 48-60]. The large-scale database presented in this paper offers a denser sampling of the facial soft tissue depths of a more representative subset of the actual Caucasian population over the different age and body posture subcategories. This database can be used as an updated chart for manual and computer-based craniofacial approximation and allows more refined analyses of the possible factors affecting facial soft tissue depth.  相似文献   

This study measured and assessed facial soft tissue depths (FSTDs) in adult female Chinese and New Zealand (NZ) Europeans (Caucasoids). Ultrasound was used to obtain depths at nine landmarks on 108 healthy subjects (51 Chinese, 57 NZ European), erect positioned, of same age group (18–29 years). Height and weight were also recorded. Statistical analysis focused on comparison of tissue depth between the two ancestry groups and the influence of Body Mass Index (BMI) (kg/m2). Results showed mean depth differences at Supra M2 and Infra M2 landmarks significantly greater for Chinese than Caucasoid women for all three BMI Classes (BMI <20, 20 ≤ BMI < 25, 25 ≤ BMI < 30), even BMI <20. For both groups BMI positively correlated with FSTD values at all landmarks except Labrale superius. This study enabled ancestry and BMI influence on FSTDs to be observed and compared for two distinct groups. Results add to knowledge about facial tissue depth variation.  相似文献   

中国15个少数民族面部形态标志点的差异   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对15个少数民族3182例(男女各半)成年人的头面部27个标志点进行测量及形态特征观察,以汉族男女成年人的标准为基准,同各受试民族进行研究和比较,结果表明:各民族的面部形态特征、标志点测量值均有程度不同的差异存在。与汉族差异较大的是哈萨克族、维吾尔族和蒙古族。  相似文献   

A mobile and fast, semi-automatic ultrasound (US) system was developed for facial soft tissue depth registration. The system consists of an A-Scan ultrasound device connected to a portable PC with interfacing and controlling software. For 52 cephalometric landmarks, the system was tested for repeatability and accuracy by evaluating intra-observer agreement and comparing ultrasound and CT-scan results on 12 subjects planned for craniofacial surgery, respectively. A paired t-test evaluating repeatability of the ultrasound measurements showed 5.7% (n = 3) of the landmarks being significantly different (p < 0.01). US and CT-scan results showed significant differences (p < 0.01) using a Wilcoxon signed rank test analysis for 11.5% (n = 6) of the landmarks. This is attributed to a difference in the volunteer's head position between lying (CT) and sitting (US). Based on these tests, we conclude that the proposed registration system and measurement protocol allows relatively fast (52 landmarks/20 min), non-invasive, repeatable and accurate acquisition of facial soft tissue depth measurements.  相似文献   

The production of a three-dimensional plastic face on an unknown human skull has been practiced sporadically since the latter part of the last century. In recent years, the technique has been revived and applied to forensic science cases. The morphometric method of forensic facial reconstruction rests heavily on the use of facial soft tissue depth measurements. Moreover, it has been established that measurements made on the living are of more value than those made on the dead. In view of the well-known genetic complexities of the Egyptians, and the lack of knowledge of average facial soft tissue depths of the Egyptians that makes facial reconstruction questionable, it was decided to set up a table of norms for facial tissue thicknesses in 204 adult Egyptians aged 20-35 years. Tissue depths at 17 established landmarks (according to Aulsebrook et al. [Forensic Sci. Int. 79 (1996) 83]) were obtained using ultrasonic probing. The study revealed a unique spectrum of measurements for the Egyptians that might be useful for facial reconstruction purposes with obvious sexual dimorphism in facial soft tissue thickness. Additionally, the study provided evidence for the presence of interpopulation differences in average facial soft tissue thicknesses as evidenced from the comparison of the present data of Egyptians with those previously reported for some other populations.  相似文献   

This study examines facial tissue depth in adult Chinese-Americans. Using ultrasound, measurements were taken at 19 landmarks across the faces of 101 individuals aged from 18 to 87 years. Summary statistics are reported for a sample of 67 individuals of normal weight (as determined by a body mass index [BMI] of 19-25). Statistical analyses were used to assess relationships between tissue thickness, age, and BMI. Results indicate that no significant relationship exists between tissue thickness and age for males, and for only 3/19 points in females. Also, only four points showed significant relationships between tissue thickness and sex. However, significant relationships exist between BMI and tissue thickness at multiple points for both males and females. Compared to other American and Asian populations in the literature, Chinese-Americans generally had thinner facial tissue; though, this difference was not assessed statistically. Finally, data generated in this study will add to the body of knowledge concerning facial tissue depth variation in modern humans.  相似文献   

目的研究中国汉族成人正面照片,优选出面部特征指标建立分型特征标准,考察面部特征的个人识别能力。方法确定27项面部特征指标及分型标准,观察254张中国汉族成人正面照片,通过统计分析观察数据结果及计算个人识别能力评价指标和分型标准。结果 13项指标性别差异显著;联合所选择的27个面部特征指标,男性TDP(tolal discrimination power,累计个人识别能力)=0.999 999 909 08,女性TDP=0.999 999 919 82,总体TDP=0.999 999 868。结论正面照片面部特征指标越多、分型的多态性及量化程度越高,个人识别能力越高。  相似文献   

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