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朋辈心理辅导作为高校心理健康教育体系中必不可少的一部分已经逐渐被各高校重视,但是如何充分发挥这支队伍的优势让其更好地服务自己和他人是高校心理健康教育工作的难题。文章从四个角度进行分析,首先阐述了朋辈心理辅导的含义与特点,其次从两个方面分析了高校开展朋辈心理辅导的必要性,然后概括了目前高校中朋辈心理辅导的常见模式(心理委员、朋辈心理咨询员、心理健康协会),最后从三个角度提出了提高大学生心理健康教育中朋辈心理辅导有效性的策略。  相似文献   

刘晶 《学理论》2012,(29):198-199
近年来心理健康教育成为教育领域的热点,关于幼儿园心理健康教育的研究层出不穷。通过文献综述法对国内2007—2012年发表的有关幼儿园心理健康教育的研究论文进行梳理,阐述我国幼儿在行为习惯、情绪、社会交往三个方面常见的心理问题,针对这三方面的内容,从环境、课程、教师等五个领域提出了幼儿园心理健康教育的实施策略,并在此基础上提出了对幼儿园心理健康教育的趋势预测和思考:一方面进行实证的研究,找出科学、专业的方法,另一方面再根据研究归纳细致的操作程序,使得幼儿园老师能够进行运用,为幼儿的心理健康教育搭建更广阔的平台。  相似文献   

刘媛 《学理论》2012,(28):170-171
积极心理学为学校心理健康教育提供了一个新的视角。本文探讨了积极心理学视域下的研究生心理健康教育,通过对当前研究生群体所面临的普遍性的心理问题及形成原因的分析,将积极心理学理念有针对性地应用到研究生心理健康教育中,从树立积极取向的教育理念,注重学生的积极心理体验,促进朋辈心理互助辅导以及建立积极完善的学校心理健康教育系统这几个方面,来对研究生心理健康教育工作进行加强和改进。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划教育与心理健康教育的关系是两者结合的理论基础,两者的结合有利于提高心理健康教育的实效性,并让心理健康教育的内容更加具体,对象也更加主体化。两者要想结合,就要从思想上重视职业生涯规划教育的地位;在内容上建构两者的结合框架;并采用多种方法的有效结合。从高职学生职业规划现状入手,在分析了当前高职学生心理健康特点的基础上,就职业生涯规划教育与高职心理健康教育的关系进行了探索,以期为我国高职院校的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

当代社会日趋复杂,许多大一学生都出现了不同程度的心理问题。试图从大一学生心理健康教育的引导方面探索高校对大一学生的思想政治教育的重要作用,探讨加强大一学生心理健康教育的对策,希望用心理健康教育来弥补思想政治教育的不足,促进高校大一学生的健康成长与成才。  相似文献   

在国家明确提出学校教育工作要以"健康第一"为指导思想要求下,作为健康内容之一的心理健康,特别是大学生的心理健康教育问题越来越显得十分重要。文章主要是从心理健康的涵义、标准和体育锻炼对心理健康的功能来分析,从理论上提出了高校体育渗透大学生心理健康教育的原则、内容和方法,从而为实践操作提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

钟平 《学理论》2013,(15):270-271
大学生心理健康教育在培养大学生心理素质方面担负着重要的责任。心理健康教育课堂教学作为高校心理健康教育的主要途径,对大学生心理素质的提升起着举足轻重的作用。从高校目前心理健康教育课程的现状出发,探讨高校心理健康教育课程教学改革的方法和手段。  相似文献   

由于民办高校在招生、学生待遇、教师来源及教师待遇等诸多方面与公办高校不同,民办高校大学生心理健康问题更多更复杂。因此,民办高校大学生心理健康教育更值得社会、高校、家长以及大学生自己的关注。通过对民办高校大学生心理健康现状及心理健康教育存在的问题进行详细的分析,从现实出发,有针对性地探讨有助于提高民办高校大学生心理健康教育实效性的应对策略,对于改进和加强民办高校大学生心理健康教育具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

张淑琴 《学理论》2015,(6):253-255
高校德育伴随着高校的不断发展,其被赋予许多新的任务和责任。心理健康教育在高校教育中的地位越发重要,于是,如何整合二者的关系、如何实现二者在推进高等教育的发展是需要考虑的问题。高校德育与心理健康教育存在密切的相关性,并且整合二者关系的重要性主要体现在三个"有利于",并需要从原则分析和具体措施两个方面来构建高校德育与心理健康教育有效整合的措施。  相似文献   

马春萍  李艳波 《学理论》2010,(13):40-41
由于全球化背景下的一系列新变化,导致一些人对诞生于革命与战争年代的毛泽东思想教育的当代价值产生困惑甚至怀疑。文章正是从毛泽东思想教育在现实教育中所面临困惑,分别从知识价值的认知、道德价值的培育、思想价值的导向三个方面为突破口,对毛泽东思想教育在现实教育中所面临的困惑提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate a hypothesized structural model that reflects the relationship between unemployment stress, spiritual intelligence and mental health components. The sample of the study consisted of (761) unemployed adults (412 males and 349 females), their ages ranged between 30 to 48 year. They were divided into two samples: the first consisted of (352) unemployed adults to test the validity and reliability of the scales used in this study. And the second sample consisted of (409) unemployed adults to evaluate the hypothesized structural model. Researcher prepared the unemployment stress scale, and used the spiritual intelligence scale‐27, as well as prepared the short version of the mental health components scale based on the mental health scale‐50. In order to find how unemployment stress and spiritual intelligence predict the mental health components, the hypothesized model was examined using structural equation modeling. The results of test the proposed structural model concluded that the independent variable: unemployment stress contributed statistically significant directly to predict of the five dimensions of mental health components: mental mindfulness, flexibility, self‐efficiency, social support and happiness as dependent variables. At the same time, the independent variable: unemployment stress contributed statistically significant indirectly and proportionally to the prediction of the five dimensions of mental health as dependent variables through the dimensions of spiritual intelligence: spiritual mindfulness, spiritual abilities, spiritual presence as median variables. The proposed model of unemployment stress, spiritual intelligence and mental health components has a good fitness with the data were collected, and able to predict mental health among unemployed adults.  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展和社会竞争加剧,大学生的心理健康教育问题日益凸显,而传统的思想政治教育模式已远远不能适应当前的教育对象.心理健康教育逐渐在思想政治教育中发挥着越来越重要的作用,二者的结合巴成为高等教育学生工作改革的必然趋势.  相似文献   

谭志喜 《学理论》2010,(14):211-212
自进入21世纪以来,新媒体对大学生生活的影响无处不在。学生健康已不能停留在身体健康就行,更多需要我们关注学生心理健康,对于民族高校而言,开展学生心理健康教育起步时间较普通高校晚,加之民族高校学生心理又有着自身特点,本文力求在新媒体时代探索民族高校大学生心理问题表现及对策。  相似文献   

谭伟贞 《学理论》2011,(34):274-275
近年来,成人教育事业突飞猛进,成教学院心理健康教育虽然也得到了一定的重视,但仍存在不少问题,主要表现在领导不够重视、人才缺乏、教育方法等方面。为了促进成人教育事业健康、稳步发展,成教学院心理健康教育必须从政策、教学体制改革和家庭、学校、社会三者相结合等方面进行改进。  相似文献   

A fundamental concern with competitive health insurance markets is that they will not supply efficient levels of coverage for treatment of costly, chronic, and predictable illnesses, such as mental illness. Since the inception of employer-based health insurance, coverage for mental health services has been offered on a more limited basis than coverage for general medical services. While mental health advocates view insurance limits as evidence of discrimination, adverse selection and moral hazard can also explain these differences in coverage. The intent of parity regulation is to equalize private insurance coverage for mental and physical illness (an equity concern) and to eliminate wasteful forms of competition due to adverse selection (an efficiency concern). In 2001, a presidential directive requiring comprehensive parity was implemented in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. In this study, we examine how health plans responded to the parity directive. Results show that in comparison with a set of unaffected health plans, federal employee plans were significantly more likely to augment managed care through contracts with managed behavioral health "carve-out" firms after parity. This finding helps to explain the absence of an effect of the FEHB Program directive on total spending, and is relevant to the policy debate in Congress over federal parity.  相似文献   

In response to the recent Productivity Commission report into mental health, the previous Federal Government announced its intention to produce a new national agreement that lays the platform for Australia's sixth national mental health plan. It has been recommended mental health move to a more regional model of governance and planning, away from a centralised, top-down approach, partly in response to broader reforms affecting health care, and partly in direct response to consistent inquiry evidence that the mental health system remains in crisis. The past 30 years of mental health planning have been centralised. Successive national plans set a broad framework, with real decisions about mental health funding and service allocation made in the health departments of our capital cities. Will the next plan sponsor or inhibit regionality in mental health planning? This paper assesses Australia's historical approach to health planning particularly as it affected mental health and the costs arising. In learning these lessons, we propose the necessary ingredients to facilitate a regional, innovative, and effective approach to decentralised planning, for better mental health outcomes. We cannot afford to replicate the failed planning approaches of the past.  相似文献   

Herbert Zimiles 《Society》2008,45(2):164-169
After solidifying its role as a powerful innovative educational force reinforced by its alignment with mid-century concerns with preventive mental health, the progressive education movement responded to the call to improve the public education of disadvantaged children mandated by civil rights legislation. Although the ideas and tools of progressive education are relevant to this task, this challenge has been only partially met because its scope and complexity have been seriously underestimated. Further complicating the goals and agendas of education today are the massive social and technological changes, thus far insufficiently identified and understood, that affect all children.  相似文献   

胡俊文 《学理论》2010,(4):61-63
青少年犯罪问题己越来越突出,成为摆在人们面前的一个不容忽视的严峻的社会问题,预防青少年犯罪已成为我们社会各部门、学校及家庭必须研究、认识和解决的课题。本文中主要对青少年犯罪的心理原因进行剖析,并从心理健康教育的角度提出对策。  相似文献   

Single mothers are more likely to experience mental health problems and stress-related negative health behaviors than their married counterparts, but a more generous safety net may improve these outcomes. We use a simulated safety net eligibility approach that accounts for interactions across safety net programs and relies on changing policies across states and time to identify causal effects of safety net generosity on psychological distress and risky behaviors of single mothers. Results suggest that a more generous safety net is protective of maternal mental health: a $1,000 increase to the simulated potential combined cash and food benefit package reduces severe psychological distress by 8.4 percent. Breaking out effects by individual programs while still controlling for potential benefits from other programs, we find protective effects of tax credits, cash benefits provided by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and food benefits provided by Supplemental Nutritional Assistance, but no effects of Medicaid eligibility. The effects are primarily driven by single mothers with the lowest levels of education. We find no significant effects of generosity on daily smoking, but we find evidence that benefits reduce the likelihood of heavy drinking. Results suggest that government investments in resources available to low-income families can be effective at improving well-being.  相似文献   

Depression is the most common mental illness and its profound impact on cognition and decision-making has implications for political judgement. However, those implications are unclear in the case of referendums offering a choice between status quo and change. On one hand, one component of depression is the kind of life dissatisfaction associated with voting for change. Yet cognitive models also portray depression sufferers as biased towards the status quo: they are less inclined to research change, more pessimistic about its benefits and more likely to exaggerate its potential costs. In this paper, we use data from Understanding Society to examine the impact of those cross-pressures on support for Brexit. Prior to the referendum, while life dissatisfaction and generally poor health predicted support for Leaving the European Union (EU), those diagnosed with depression were disproportionately likely to support Remain. Supporting our claim that the latter was a sign of status quo bias, this difference disappeared once the result was in and leaving the EU had become the widespread expectation. The study highlights the unexplored importance of mental health for political judgements, emphasises the multidimensionality of conditions like depression and illustrates the psychological role of status quo bias in referendum voting.  相似文献   

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