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陈忆九 《法医学杂志》2014,30(5):360-366
尸体解剖是法医学传统的、经典的技术手段,但由于需破坏尸体,尸体解剖有时会遭到抵制和排斥。虚拟解剖技术为法医学检验提供了一种非侵入性的检验途径,可客观准确地反映骨折、软组织损伤、创道、器官损伤等,为法医学鉴定实践提供直观有力的证据。本文综合国内外最新文献资料,从虚拟解剖在法医损伤鉴定、机械性窒息、溺死、高低温死亡、疾病诊断及其在法医有限元损伤研究中的应用等方面进行综述,阐述了这一新的法医学研究方向。  相似文献   

虚拟解剖采用了临床医学中常用的CT和MRI用于鉴定死亡原因和死亡方式。虚拟解剖是一种多学科技术,它结合了法医学和病理学、放射学、计算机图形学、生物力学和物理学。虚拟解剖在法医学领域的重要性正在迅速增加,并在法医病理学的多个领域被广泛研究。本文从死亡原因、交通损伤、医疗纠纷、枪弹创、死后变化与死亡时间推断等方面,简述国内外的研究现状,与同行共同探讨虚拟解剖在法医病理学领域的作用。  相似文献   

<正>虚拟解剖技术作为传统尸检的重要辅助手段,以其无创性、精确性、高效性等独特优势,在法医学死因鉴定中,发挥着越来越重要的作用[1–3]。因交通事故导致死亡的案件通过尸体解剖检验可明确死因,但实践中因多种原因导致交通事故死亡案件的尸体解剖率并不高,虚拟解剖技术的快速发展为交通事故死亡案件的鉴定提供了一种无创便捷的辅助或者替代手段。本文通过介绍2例因交通事故导致死亡后经死后尸体CT(Postmortem Computed Tomography,PMCT)确定死因的案例,探讨了虚拟解剖技术在道路交通事故死亡案件中的应用价值。  相似文献   

论虚拟解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨天潼 《证据科学》2010,18(2):234-248
“开放式”解剖是法医学死亡调查中的传统手段。随着科技进步和技术发展,现在的断层扫描影像学技术已经可以部分甚至全部取代传统的解剖技术。计算机断层扫描成像技术可以提供个体的损伤或死后变化的二维或三维影像信息.可以充分而客观地反映如骨折、气体检塞、皮下气肿、气压损伤、腐败改变及器官损伤等。这些反映个体损伤或者死后变化的计算机断层扫描成像技术可以为司法实践提供直观、有力的法医学证据。而另一种影像学技术.核磁共振成像技术在探查软组织损伤、器官损伤及非外伤性损伤等方面具有独特优势。但是,如何辨别生前和死后骨折形态的差异,如何调整生前死后变化的信号检查强度等方面。一直没有系统地研究报道。本文将综述有关计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像技术在法医解剖方面的应用,引入“虚拟解剖”的概念.系统地介绍这种独立、客观和微创的新型解剖方式.并对其在法医学死亡调查中产生的影响做出前瞻性预测。可以预见,在今后大量、广泛的法医死亡调查中.“虚拟解剖”将成为一种普遍应用的损伤和死亡的分析鉴定方式。  相似文献   

为更客观和直观地展示虚拟解剖技术的研究成果,探索虚拟解剖技术的研究热点和演进趋势,为司法鉴定领域研究人员提供参考依据。通过文献计量的方法对CNKI数据库中关于虚拟解剖技术的文献,分别从文献发表年度、来源期刊、文献作者、作者机构、关键词、引文、研究对象和方法等方面进行深入挖掘并通过数据表和图谱的形式呈现出来。研究发现虚拟解剖技术是当前研究的热点;作者、作者机构、来源期刊相对集中,研究阵地突出;虚拟解剖技术面临研究领域广泛但不深入的问题。虚拟解剖技术在司法实践中虽仍有较多不足之处但发展前景广阔。因此在未来发展中应结合新技术的应用逐渐弥补虚拟解剖技术的短板,使其真正服务于临床和司法实践。  相似文献   

目的 探讨虚拟解剖在法医尸检中的应用价值。方法 对4例PMCT影像资料进行回顾性研究,总结比较PMCT与传统尸检结果的差异,分析虚拟解剖对于法医学尸检的价值。结果 PMCT在积液、积气、出血、骨折等检查方面具有更高的敏感性,对死因、损伤机制及死亡方式的判断亦具有重要补充作用。结论 虚拟解剖在法医尸体检案中具有较高应用价值,是传统尸体解剖的重要补充。建议国家加大设备投入,促进虚拟解剖在法医学尸体检案的常规应用。  相似文献   

<正>本文联合虚拟解剖(PMCT和PMCTA)和传统解剖对1例高坠死亡个体进行了检验。结果表明,通过虚拟解剖和传统解剖证据的相互补充和相互印证,可进一步提高高坠死亡个体的法医学检案质量。1案例资料1.1简要案情某男,61岁。2021年4月,在房屋建设工作从铲车斗中跌落后死亡(铲车斗与地面垂直距离2.5m)。在征得家属书面同意后,对尸体进行PMCT、PMCTA、尸表和解剖检查。  相似文献   

目的比较虚拟解剖与尸检结果,分析两者的优势及不足。方法选取死后在医院行全身CT检查并完成尸检的3例案例,将CT影像资料交给放射科医师判读并与尸检结果进行对比。结果在交通事故死亡案例中,两者结论较为一致;在心源性猝死案例中,虚拟解剖提供的信息价值有限;虚拟解剖显示某些病变如积气、骨折等更有优势。结论虚拟解剖在交通事故案件有很高的应用价值,在某些猝死类案件的鉴定尚有改进的空间。  相似文献   

总结了虚拟解剖技术在公安系统建设应用模式:各地公安系统结合自身实际探索出了多方共建模式、合作模式、单独建设模式等虚拟解剖建设应用模式,回顾公安系统对虚拟解剖认识和应用过程,建设应用过程面临问题,如人财物保障问题、技术自身局限性、应用法律问题、鉴定业务量萎缩以及鉴定人自身原因,并对虚拟解剖在公安系统应用进行了的展望。  相似文献   

虚拟解剖技术具有无创、非接触和可以发现潜在病变等特点,在法医病理学、法医临床学等领域具有广阔的运用前景。本文回顾了虚拟解剖发展简史,对虚拟解剖在法医学各领域的运用情况进行介绍,总结了我国当前虚拟解剖运用的情况,并提出了加强规划、制定标准、加强协助和科研推广等建议。  相似文献   

对于溺死尸体,尸表检查和解剖检验所见有时会缺乏特异性,溺死诊断一直是法医病理学中最为困难的工作之一。本文从病理学征象、实验室检查、免疫组织化学检验及虚拟解剖技术等方面对溺死诊断的相关研究进行全面、细致的综述,并展望溺死诊断的研究方向。  相似文献   

尸体断层影像学(post-mortem cross-sectional imaging,PMCSI),也称虚拟解剖(virtopsy)或解剖画像(Ai),是法医学的革命性技术。较国际而言,我国PMCSI领域发展相对缓慢。进行系统的PMCSI文献计量分析研究,对于厘清国际PMCSI发展整体概貌和制定我国PMCSI发展战略方面,有着重要的现实意义。本文通过对2013-2019年PMCSI领域下27个专业术语不同组合进行在线文献搜索,并对文献的年份、作者、研究领域、发表杂志、作者单位、发表国家等系列指标进行了定性定量分析。分析结果表明世界PMCSI发展迅速:PMCSI已成为国际法医学的研究热点;瑞士、日本和英国PMCSI研究位居世界领先地位;尸体计算机断层扫描、尸体计算机断层扫描血管造影和尸体磁共振成像三个领域研究最为深入;PMCSI研究已得到相关学界的认同;法医日常检案中普及PMCSI是世界发展趋势。  相似文献   

A body was found in a local river almost completely converted into adipocere. The corpse was identified as a 78-year-old male who was missed for 13 months. It was assumed that he committed suicide by drowning. The postmortem imaging findings utilizing multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in this virtopsy case are presented with special focus on the radiologic appearance of adipocere. The loss of signal in MRI and hyperdensities in MSCT up to 1000 Hounsfield units, as well as the increased assessment of the intracranial structures compared with traditional autopsy, are presented.  相似文献   

司法鉴定的法治建设是鉴定制度建设的重要目标,也是我国法治进程的重要环节。我国司法鉴定制度应当在原有的司法鉴定特色和文化的基础上,结合现代法治理念,以公正和效率为价值目标,建立科学和完善的司法鉴定制度。我国的司法鉴定立法应当结合我国相关诉讼法律制度修改的契机,在逐步完善现有法律规范的基础上,建设统一完备的司法鉴定专门法。  相似文献   

The forensic analysis of pollen involves the comparison of crime scene and reference pollen samples. Successful matches are frequently used to solve time- or location-related crimes. Despite its prospects in criminal investigation, forensic palynology is still underused in casework due to inherent shortcomings such as its limited evidential weighting, scarcity of skilled palynologists dedicated to forensic casework and the laborious nature of analytical procedures. To address these challenges, the current state-of-the-art in forensic palynology is transiting from the traditional light microscopic methods that dominated the early days of palynology to more contemporary approaches like Raman spectroscopy, stable isotope analysis and DNA metabarcoding. The major challenges of these methods, however, include a lack of optimisation to forensic expectations and the unavailability of robust databases to permit accurate data interpretation, and quests to resolve these problems constitute the theme of current research. While reiterating the usefulness of pollen analysis in criminal investigation, this report recommends orthogonal testing as a way of improving the evidential weighting of forensic palynology.  相似文献   

The anthropocentric nature of forensic sciences has been changing continuously over the years and this process is continuing today. Due to its universality and multilateral implementation, and the fragmented nature of forensic epistemology, the information provided by forensic genetics can play a pivotal role in forensic science. At the same time, the link between forensic genetics and non-human forensic biological evidence has become unquestionable. It may highlight the modern requirements of forensic science, and this connection is also able to provide useful and sufficient examples for developmental processes in wildlife forensics. Obviously, the local formations, organizations, and operations of wildlife forensics can be different worldwide, but the detection and punishment of wildlife-related criminal behavior, as well as the prevention of further crimes, play a relevant role in these processes everywhere.  相似文献   

Multislice-computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are increasingly used for forensic purposes. Based on broad experience in clinical neuroimaging, post-mortem MSCT and MRI were performed in 57 forensic cases with the goal to evaluate the radiological methods concerning their usability for forensic head and brain examination. An experienced clinical radiologist evaluated the imaging data. The results were compared to the autopsy findings that served as the gold standard with regard to common forensic neurotrauma findings such as skull fractures, soft tissue lesions of the scalp, various forms of intracranial hemorrhage or signs of increased brain pressure. The sensitivity of the imaging methods ranged from 100% (e.g., heat-induced alterations, intracranial gas) to zero (e.g., mediobasal impression marks as a sign of increased brain pressure, plaques jaunes). The agreement between MRI and CT was 69%. The radiological methods prevalently failed in the detection of lesions smaller than 3mm of size, whereas they were generally satisfactory concerning the evaluation of intracranial hemorrhage. Due to its advanced 2D and 3D post-processing possibilities, CT in particular possessed certain advantages in comparison with autopsy with regard to forensic reconstruction. MRI showed forensically relevant findings not seen during autopsy in several cases. The partly limited sensitivity of imaging that was observed in this retrospective study was based on several factors: besides general technical limitations it became apparent that clinical radiologists require a sound basic forensic background in order to detect specific signs. Focused teaching sessions will be essential to improve the outcome in future examinations. On the other hand, the autopsy protocols should be further standardized to allow an exact comparison of imaging and autopsy data. In consideration of these facts, MRI and CT have the power to play an important role in future forensic neuropathological examination.  相似文献   

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