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第一条 根据《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》(以下简称条例)制定本办法。 第二条 民办非企业单位根据其依法承担民事责任的不同方式分为民办非企业单位(法人)、民办非企业单位(合伙)和民办非企业单位(个体)三种。 个人出资且担任民办非企业单位负责人的,可申请办理民办非企业单位(个体)登记; 两人或两人以上合伙举办的,可申请办理民办非企业单位(合伙)登记; 两人或两人以上举办且具备法人条件的,可申请办理民办非企业单位(法人)登记。 由企业事业单位、社会团体和其他社会力  相似文献   

第一条 根据《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》(以下简称条例)制定本办法。 第二条 民办非企业单位根据其依法承担民事责任的不同方式分为民办非企业单位(法人)、民办非企业单位(合伙)和民办非企业单位(个体)三种。 个人出资且担任民办非企业单位负责人的,可申请办理  相似文献   

民办非企业单位制度质疑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为文件术语的法律升级版,"民办非企业单位"一词不是经过批判性反省和提炼的法律概念,它舍弃了严谨的法人概念,重拾含混的单位话语,以致民办非企业单位制度内涵混乱不堪、外延模糊不清、体系庞杂无序,其制度价值颇受质疑,需在非营利法人制度的整体框架内进行重整。鉴于我国现在尚无财团法人与公益法人的概念,民办非企业单位的法律性质当前可以明确为"公益性的非营利法人"。  相似文献   

我国的基金会和民办非企业单位是两套不同的制度,虽然基金会和民办非企业单位法人有一些共同的特征,如不以营利为目的、没有成员等。但二者的区别也是比较明显的。  相似文献   

法人型民办非企业单位是与法人型社会组织有区别的单位,本文主要论述其与机关法人、事业单位法人、企业法人以及社会团体法人的区别。  相似文献   

我国《民法通则》延续了计划经济体制下的单位制度,定义的法人是单位法人特征,而西方民法典的"法人"制度,其承认民法是私法,依据民法典设立的法人是私法人,虽然同称法人,概念却不尽相同。我国的社会组织经历了"社会团体"、"民办非企业"、"民间组织"等诸多称谓变迁,从法律法规层面,社会组织被分为社会团体、基金会和民办非企业单位,分别依据相关的行政法规进行登记注册和管理,但是法人地位并没有得到明确。在大力培育社会组织发展过程中,如何保证政府主导下的社会组织规范、可持续发展,明确非政府组织的法人地位是关键所在。  相似文献   

在民政部于2010年开展的全国性行业协会商会、基金会和民办非企业单位的评估工作中.中国公证协会获得4A等级。民政部开展社会组织评估工作.是促进社会组织健康发展的重要举措.也是完善改进政府管理模式的重要手段.对于推动社会组织的组织建设、制度建设和能力建设.  相似文献   

邰婷婷 《法人》2004,(9):34-35
“如果政府部门作为主管单位的规定能够取消的活,这对于我们行业商会来说是件具有划时代意义的大事。”在《法人》的采访过程中,苏州的民间商会代表表达了这样的想法。2004年,苏州市工商联向市政府提议,建议在全市社会团体改革中取消行业商会必须由政府部门来主管的限制,建立与主管部门“三脱钩”的符合市场经济规则的行业商会组织。  相似文献   

廊坊市香河县淑阳镇正义法律服务所成立于1998年,由香河县司法局组建,杜秉志出资并主持工作任该所主任。2008年3月20日,正义法律服务所完成民办非企业单位登记,并取得了登记证、组织机构代码证开设了银行账户,成为了河北省乃至全国第一家民办非企业单位(法律服务业)。  相似文献   

第一条为促进民办非企业单位健康发展,保障民办非企业单位的合法权益,加强对民办非企业单位的规范管理,根据《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》,制定本办法。第二条民办非企业单位年度检查(以下简称年检),是指登记管理机关对民办非企业单位,依法按年度进行检查和监督管理的制度。第三条经登记管理机关核准登记的民办非企业单位,应当按照本办法的规定,接受登记管理机关的年检。  相似文献   

在"工商食官"与国家对工商业实施严格控制的古代中国,商人组织经历了从市坊、商行制度到会馆、公所制度的演变,直至近代,在晚清改制修律的大背景下,才有仿行西制、具现代意义之商会制度的出现。由于政治体制方面的原因,我国目前已形成了以中华全国工商业联合会为载体的中国民间商会、以中国国际贸易促进委员会为组织形式的中国国际商会、以全国性行业协会为主体的行业商会这一三足分立、多元多层的商会制度格局。改革和完善我国商会制度,变现行的准行政性商会制度为社会自治性商会制度,将是我国未来几年政治体制改革与市场经济建设的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to scrutinise the uncertainty of the Iranian Electronic Commerce Law (IRI ECL 2004) provisions especially on the issue of capacity of parties. Issues of parties’ legal capacity have been resolved in traditional contracts but they are still debatable in electronic commerce transactions. Under UK law, contracts formed by minors for things other than necessities are unenforceable against the minor but enforceable against the merchant (seller) while according to US uniform commercial code in online contracts capacity is not recognized as a legal excuse to nullify a contract. At the mean time, contracts made by incapacitate person is considered null under Iranian law. In spite of technical developments such as digital signatures and smart cards used in verifying the identity and capacity of parties in electronic commerce transactions, the legal certainty on capacity of parties is still questionable. The article also examines the application of traditional contract general rules on parties’ legal capacity in Iran to electronic commerce with reference to EU law. The EU law which is already at an advance stage serves a guide for future development of e-commerce law in Iran.  相似文献   

China is experiencing a phenomenal expansion of platform economy fuelled by the advancement of information and communication technologies. It has become a global frontrunner in many sectors, including commerce, finance, and entertainment. A comprehensive law and policy narrative, however, is largely absent from English academic literature. This paper seeks to fill this gap by analysing the dynamic relationship of industrial development, policy engagement and regulation construction in one of the prime sectors of platform economy: Electronic Commerce (E-commerce). China's E-commerce market rose to global dominance shortly after its origination in the mid-1990s. This paper holds that such an expeditious ascendency is nourished by carefully designed public policies. To implement these policies, also to redress information asymmetries and other pertinacious market failures, a tailored regulatory paradigm has been instigated. This regulatory paradigm manifests a new mode of polycentric, participatory, and collaborative governance that strives to balance interest disparities between various stakeholders. The dynamic relationship exemplified in China's E-commerce market would provide a valuable indication for administering other sectors of platform economy not only in China but also across other jurisdictions that openly embrace commercial innovations in the context of information technological transformation.  相似文献   

Organized dentistry spent nearly a century laboring to obtain control over entry into the profession. The first attempt, the American Society of Dental Surgeons, failed because the issue of using amalgam so split the Society that collective action became impossible. The second attempt, state licensing during 1870-1900, gave preferential treatment (automatic licensing) to dental school graduates and appeared at first to be the solution to the entry problem, given the small number of schools in operation. However, dental school entrepreneurs recognized a profitable opportunity, and the supply of dental schools expanded rapidly. Thus, in the third and final attempt at obtaining entry control, organized dentistry attacked the for-profit schools. The dental practice acts were amended to require all candidates to pass a licensing examination, provided first that they were graduates of a school considered "reputable" by the state board of dental examiners. Moreover, rising costs generated by increased school standards took the profit out of for-profit operation, and by 1930 such schools ceased to exist. However, the competitive nature of the 1930s made altogether clear that entry control was a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the maximization of dentist profits, and thus organized dentistry began its turn inward, focusing on the competitive behavior of existing dentists.  相似文献   

商法的独立性根源于其调整对象“商”的独立性,商法的独立性表现为其基本内容和基本形式的独立性。作为市场经济根本大法的商法,与民法、经济法一起构成了调整市场机制资源配置的有效手段。商法的独立性是客观存在的,商法独立性的形式是由其内容决定的。在现阶段,商法的独立性不应表现为商法典的独立,而应在坚持民商(法典)合一的形式下,以商事通则与商事单行法并行的形式体现商法内容的独立价值。  相似文献   

Linking isolated instances of organized crime in a systematic way can inform law enforcement in identifying high-risk activities and markets and prioritizing them according to objective factors known to be associated with organized crime. There are five ways in which risk assessment organized crime can be achieved. Improvements to data collection, utilizing a team approach to gather information, identifying common elements in organized crime incidents, understanding the parameters of a risk assessment instrument, and connecting organized crime risk assessment to the implementation of law and policy are practical ways in which organized crime activity can be better anticipated, investigated, and prevented. Connecting isolated incidents to organized crime through better information from offenders, victims, and police is possible with teams of investigators, researchers, and analysts. An organized crime risk assessment tool is presented that offers systematic analysis of opportunity factors, the criminal environment, and harm potential among the seventeen risk factors identified. Risk assessment can be used to evaluate the influence of organized crime in local jurisdictions, and the impact of new laws and policies that affect commerce and criminal opportunities.  相似文献   

自《反垄断法》实施以来,第一个也是迄今为止唯一一个被商务部禁止的集中案件——可口可乐收购汇源案,引发了广泛的争议。从反垄断法的角度来看,需要在相关市场及市场控制力、市场进入和效率抗辩等几个方面展开具体分析。通过分析发现,集中并不会导致强有力的市场控制,果汁饮料市场的市场进入情况也相对容易。集中还可能提高效率,尽管要证明效率为集中所特有并必然给消费者或社会公众带来福利仍然较为困难。商务部的禁止决定存在"合法但不合理"的嫌疑,实则反映了我国公平有效的竞争制度的缺失。要杜绝类似的合理性怀疑,还需搭建更为基础的竞争制度平台。  相似文献   

It is easy to become inured to students' common perception that lectures are what universities provide — that the attendance at lectures is the total of a student's university experience. It is fruitless to deny that lectures, and sometimes tutorials, are the students' primary connection with the modern university. It would be interesting if the delivery of lectures was considered to be conduct in trade or commerce, capable of attracting the operation of consumer protection statutes, such as the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth). This article will investigate several Australian cases which have considered some aspect of universities' liability for misleading conduct. It will also consider more a fundamental question — should universities be exposed to liability for this type of activity?  相似文献   

The debate on organized crime has shifted from the question of “myth or reality?” to efforts to come to an assessment of the nature and extent of organized crime. This paper discusses the possibilities and limits of such an endeavor in the case of Germany. A meaningful assessment requires linking the concept of organized crime to clearly defined empirical referents, having a thorough understanding of their dynamics and interrelations, and obtaining valid and reliable data. It is argued that these requirements cannot be met given the present paucity in theory and data. From the available aggregate data contained in the official crime statistics and annual situation reports on organized crime drawn up by the federal police agency BKA no overall trends are discernible. Where trends are identifiable, they mostly pertain not to patterns of criminal cooperation but to contextual factors. In contrast, the analysis of individual cases may serve to shed some light on the situation of organized crime, provided they are put in perspective with a differentiated conceptualization. A four-fold typology of criminal networks based on differences in the social embeddedness of criminal actors suggests that the seriousness of the problem may depend on the likelihood of the manipulation of relevant decision-making processes. Germany is not characterized by alliances between underworld and upperworld, but the existence of criminal networks within the upperworld gives grounds for concern.  相似文献   

电子商务中的消费者权益保护问题研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
庞敏英 《河北法学》2005,23(7):148-153
电子商务以因特网为交易平台,而网络空间开放性、无国界的特点突破了传统商务在时间和空间上的限制,使电子商务获得了空前发展。但是电子商务发展过程中出现的种种损害消费者权益的情形给现行消费者权益保护法律带来了严峻挑战,也阻碍了电子商务的发展。在对电子商务背景下消费者权益保护中出现的问题进行深入分析的基础上,试图构建电子商务中的消费者权益保护体系,以期对相关立法有所裨益。  相似文献   

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