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Chapter 12     

This study examined the perspectives and definition of leadership by women and mothers with children (n= 40) affiliated with Oxford Houses, a communal mutual-help recovery setting. Participants were asked questions relating to their experiences living in an Oxford House including the strengths and challenges encountered and how leadership impacted the stability in their house. Results illustrated the value of female leadership and highlighted the characteristics deemed important for women leaders in Oxford House, as well as some differences between these women's perception of leadership and the standard definition of leadership. The implications of the findings and how they may be useful to women's and mothers' with children houses are discussed.  相似文献   

Several definitions of "home," drawn from dozens provided by the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language, underscore how a large urban county jail becomes many forms of home for the women detainees there. Drawing on the women's poetry and the mechanics of creative writing workshops facilitated by the author for the last seven years at Cook County Jail, this essay describes some of the realities of the criminal (in)justice system and how the women's writing becomes a way of writing against the grain of official discourse, thus altering certain definitions of this "home."  相似文献   

The Oxford House model for substance abuse recovery has potential economic advantages associated with the low cost of opening up and maintaining the settings. In the present study, annual program costs per person were estimated for Oxford House based on federal loan information and data collected from Oxford House Inc. In addition, annual treatment and incarceration costs were approximated based on participant data prior to Oxford House residence in conjunction with normative costs for these settings. Societal costs associated with the Oxford House program were relatively low, whereas estimated costs associated with inpatient and incarceration history were high. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

文章分析了在政府职能转变的过程中,妇联作为党和政府联系妇女群众的桥梁和纽带,对于承接政府转移出的部分公共管理和公共服务职能具有的优势和阻力。其优势为:组织网络健全、与妇女有天然联系、在坚持党的领导下积累了丰富的工作经验、培养了一支专业研究队伍;阻力为:政府没有专门的常设妇女工作机构、人民团体“上宽下窄”的组织结构和多样性社团发展不成熟影响政府职能的转变。文章还对妇联在承接政府职能过程中如何防止行政化倾向进行了分析。  相似文献   

This study explored the sense of community among women (n = 21) and women with children (n = 30) living in Oxford Houses, with emphasis on how the presence of children might affect the household. Sense of community did not vary between participants with more or less than three months residence. Residents reported very high levels of satisfaction with the home, possibly because of a ceiling effect of little room for increases in their sense of community over time. Participants reported that they were getting along with the children in the home, that mothers could count on babysitting help, and that the children had a positive effect on the household and their own recovery process. This effect did not differ between mothers and non-mothers, suggesting that non-mothers might view the children in the home with a sense of responsibility and sensitivity comparable to that of the mothers. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

作为生育主体,女性对生育疼痛的认知,代表着她对自我与外在的理解和处理。当女性介入历史文本的书写,这种独特深刻的性别体验必然成为她们思考和表达的基点。女性文本在孕育这一偶然个体生活事件中对性别角色的体验式叙事,让我们看到女性从无意识的生育工具到主动的生命创造主体的巨大变化;生育体验与女性主体意识、生命意识觉醒之间的互动关系。女性只有获得精神的解放,在人格心理上真正独立,才能以人的立场而不是女人的立场穿越疼痛之门,成为健全的人的母亲。  相似文献   

河北省农村妇女土地权益保护状况研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文结合河北省实际,从理论和实践两个层面,对农村妇女土地权益的保护问题进行了全面探讨.分析了当前河北省妇女土地权益的特征以及现行政策法律的不足,介绍了其他省的经验,并就村民自治如何做到民意性与合法性的统一、出嫁女的村集体经济组织成员资格界定等热点问题,提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

本文从现代国家建构的角度,对农村妇女组织渗透乡村社会的过程进行了剖析,认为妇女组织是伴随着"政权下乡"和"政党下乡"的过程而萌生的,其成长的路径、特点和形式均体现出浓厚的国家建构色彩,是国家意志作用于乡村妇女的体现。也正因如此,妇女组织在下乡过程中承担的任务亦是动员、组织和吸纳妇女,以适应国家的政治需要为主。  相似文献   

本研究着眼于受害女性的经验和解释,试图通过这些女性在工作中经历的性骚扰事件以及她们的态度和感受,了解性骚扰背后的制度和文化因素,以及这些制度和文化因素对这些女性态度和自我定位的影响,同时了解受害女性是如何感受和评价性骚扰带来的危害和后果,等等,以此为反性骚扰的法律、制度和社会文化的形成与完善提供必要的依据。  相似文献   

佟晓牧 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):468-469
Traditionally women’s primary role should be wives,mothers and homemakers,and today women are still mothers,but few of them stay home full time to take care of the house and children.They never cease their steps to gain equal rights with men.The paper will try to analyze the changes of women’s social status in the 20th century,exploring its reasons.  相似文献   

妇女与社会政策--论妇女地位在北欧国家的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从性别角度研究福利国家,为研究者提供了一个把握妇女和国家社会政策之间复杂联系的方法。这一维度的研究被北欧女权主义学者所发展,它强调妇女对发展福利国家的巨大贡献。然而本研究将考察妇女与国家联系的另一个方面:即国家的社会政策是如何影响妇女在社会中的地位的。为了说明这个问题,本研究将讨论妇女作为家庭主妇、母亲、配偶和公民的角色,揭示北欧国家社会再生产体系的转型,考察北欧国家的社会政策发展及其如何将妇女从家庭中解放出来使她们成为社会公民。由此,本研究为思考在中国实现男女平等的现实道路提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the result of research conducted in the context of a 13-year collaborative partnership between DePaul University and a community-based, self-run, residential substance abuse recovery program called Oxford House. This collaborative effort highlights several examples of the research and action activities fostering a positive alliance that benefited both the research team and the Oxford House community. It also proposed practical guidelines for developing effective action research collaboratives that may be helpful to others who desire to cultivate and maintain similar mutually beneficial partnerships; including such processes as the development of trust, respecting the personal experiences of the community members and group, commitment to serving the community, validating findings with organization members, and accountability.  相似文献   

汪丹  汪兵 《思想战线》2004,30(1):32-37
从文化视角看,梁启超"反缠足、兴女学、倡女权"的新妇观,既没有超越传统文化"男主女从"的范式,却又能"与时俱进"地提出新的时代命题在西方文化大潮冲击下,中国妇女应如何与男子一道面对"三千年未有之大变局",在世界新格局与中国转型社会中,共建中华民族"新民德".梁启超的"新妇观"是真正合乎中国国情的妇女观,而近现代以提倡女性独立人格为主导的妇女解放观,则恰恰是忽视中国国情的"西妇观".  相似文献   

为了探索中国育龄妇女在计划生育中的身份地位,本文通过DQ县的田野调查,访问了女性64人,男性19人,从社会性别公平的理念出发,阐述了在计划生育优质服务过程中,中国育龄妇女在生育和节育方面的身份地位状况,分析了计划生育优质服务对育龄妇女身份地位的影响,发现了育龄妇女虽仍处于计划生育"客体"的地位,但其主体性意识已经开始觉醒;最后,为确立育龄妇女的主体身份提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

村民自治制度中的农村妇女参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村妇女参与的实现与扩大不仅有赖于政权的现代化,有赖于政党的制度安排,同时也有赖于传统性别文化的破除与妇女群众主体参与意识的培养.为此,必须赋予农村妇女以真实的和个体的主体性,建构一个"横向"的妇女力量整合机制,使农村妇女能够参与到党和国家的政治体系中,建立起国家与农村妇女的纵向联系.同时农村妇联组织在代表女性整体利益的政治沟通过程中也必须注重整合分散的妇女权力资源,通过不断地自我更新实现农村妇女参与的草根化发展走向.  相似文献   

Chapter 1     

In this paper, we review the result of research conducted in the context of a 13-year collaborative partnership between DePaul University and a community-based, self-run, residential substance abuse recovery program called Oxford House. This collaborative effort highlights several examples of the research and action activities fostering a positive alliance that benefited both the research team and the Oxford House community. It also proposed practical guidelines for developing effective action research collaboratives that may be helpful to others who desire to cultivate and maintain similar mutually beneficial partnerships; including such processes as the development of trust, respecting the personal experiences of the community members and group, commitment to serving the community, validating findings with organization members, and accountability.  相似文献   

近几十年来,女性主义史学家挑战了传统史学,不仅使妇女进入了史册,而且使“性别”(Gender)成为一个重要的历史分析范畴。但是,女性主义史学在几个基本理论问题上存在很多争议:在解释妇女在历史上缺席的原因时,如何区分性别偏见与时代局限;在把妇女作为研究对象时,应该如何认识妇女之间的差异;妇女史学在颠覆使命完成之后,如何处理妇女史与通史关系等。思考这些问题是我们研究妇女史的理论前提。  相似文献   

当前,全球化正以摧枯拉朽之势,冲破民族国家的疆界,迅速改写着地方、国家和地区的意义。对妇女而言,全球化的发展,一方面使超越国家边界的妇女问题迅速攀升,如贫困的女性化,女性移民人口的增长,等等;另一方面也增强了妇女运动在全球范围里的连接,比如联合国的世界妇女大会,跨国NGO妇女组织和因特网。为界定这些全球化的新发展,推动全球范围内妇女运动的发展,自上世纪后期,“全球女性主义”,“跨国女性主义”的概念先后出现。本文将以上世纪70年代之后历次联合国世界妇女大会的实践为开端,进而转入对全球女性主义的思想理念——全球姐妹情谊(globalsisterhood)的分析,然后通过对跨国女性主义的实践和理论的介绍,进一步考察跨国女性主义的知识生产过程的特点。  相似文献   

本文以河南宇县为个案,考察了计划生育政策的推行与农村妇代会异化间的关系,认为计划生育从结构、功能和认同三个角度侵蚀并解构了妇代会的原本属性,给妇女整合带来了负面影响。异化的机理是,在各种政治压力、利益导向和信息传递作用下,国家、村庄、妇女干部三个层面的治理和行为都倾斜于计划生育工作。最后,本文还简单分析了近年来实施的计生管理员办法对妇代会的冲击并提出了应对举措。  相似文献   

The current study found that African American residents of Oxford House (OH) used Narcotics Anonymous (NA) at high rates, and that both OH and NA strongly contributed to abstinent social networks. Having siblings and other family members in one's network predicted substance use among network members, whereas spouses, parents, and children did not have an effect on the rate of substance use. These findings suggest that OH and NA may be effective sources of abstinent social support for African Americans recovering from substance abuse. However, family members are well represented in the support networks of African Americans in OH.  相似文献   

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