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人类DNA遗传特征多态性使DNA技术成为各国警方侦办案件的重要技术手段,但DNA检验鉴定采样合法性和结论可采性须由立法规定。众多国家和地区针对DNA采样和鉴定结论应用制定了相关法律法规。我国相关法律细则尚处空白,因此,应尽快制定我国DNA鉴定采样与应用法规,规范DNA鉴定样本采集与证据采信。  相似文献   

论DNA鉴定结论的证据效力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁丽 《中国司法鉴定》2008,(3):79-82,89
DNA分析技术发展迅速,具有很多其它法庭科学技术不可比拟的优点,广泛用于刑事案件侦查、民事纠纷解决等。虽然我国DNA鉴定技术上与国际水平差距不大,但因为缺乏相应证据规则,DNA鉴定结论在应用上表现出诸多问题。为了规范DNA鉴定结论的应用,本文从DNA鉴定使用的遗传标记衡量DNA鉴定结论的证明力大小,从鉴定机构是否合法、受案程序是否得当、DNA鉴定过程是否符合17025标准等方面判断DNA鉴定结论是否具有证明效力。在认定DNA鉴定结论有证明效力的前提下判断其证明力大小,即判断能否达到个体识别和亲权鉴定的目的。此外,呼吁我国尽早出台DNA证据规则,以规范DNA鉴定结论的应用。  相似文献   

制定我国罪犯DNA数据库管理规范的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在司法鉴定领域,基因遗传分析技术已广泛地应用于个体识别和亲权鉴定检案之中,特别是利用DNA分型技术建立罪犯DNA数据库作为刑事案件侦破手段的设想,就其技术而言已逐步走向成熟和现实.近几年来美国和西欧一些国家相继建立了以PCR-STR分型技术为基础的罪犯DNA数据库,并且也已制定了相关的法律法规以此规范数据库的整个运作过程.1999年我国司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所开展和完成了"中国罪犯DNA数据库模式库"的研究工作,可以预计正式建立我国国家罪犯DNA数据库只是个时间问题,因此进行有关罪犯DNA数据库法律法规制定的研究工作是必须的,它是我国国家罪犯DNA数据库得以顺利建立和高效运作的重要保障之一.  相似文献   

彭小珊  王传超 《法制与社会》2013,(13):114-116,120
DNA鉴定技术有着强大的同一认定功能,文中具体讨论了DNA鉴定的技术原理与精准度。DNA鉴定结论与其他诉讼证据相结合,成为了法庭科学的强有力武器。但从法庭科学实践来看,DNA鉴定结论和其他鉴定结论一样,也是证据的一种,将DNA鉴定结论应用到司法领域时还需经审查判断,建立严格的采信标准,使之与司法规则相契合,并需要相关法律来规范DNA鉴定数据的使用。  相似文献   

随着我国法制建设的发展,涉及动物个体识别的案件逐年增多,山羊是我国农牧地区常见的家畜,相关案件的审理可能需要个体识别或亲缘鉴定结论作为依据.本文对山羊的10个STR基因座遗传多态性进行初步调查,旨在为法医遗传学鉴定和相关研究及实践提供基础数据. 1材料与方法 1.1样本来源和DNA提取 123只山羊血液样本采自山东青岛市和莱芜市.采用QIAGEN公司的M48 DNA试剂盒,参照说明书提取样本模板DNA,应用荧光光度计检测模板DNA浓度与质量后备检.  相似文献   

“强制采样”在我国刑事诉讼中并无明确规定,立法只规定了“人身检查”制度,然而违背当事人意愿提取人身检材的现象在实践中却普遍存在.实证考查发现:立法的相对滞后造成了强制采样的权力运作不当,执法人员对采样的适用程序和做法不一.通过比较借鉴我国台湾地区及美国刑事诉讼中的相关制度在分类、程序与做法、发动要件等方面的差异,发现我国强制采样处分分类笼统、启动条件宽泛、审批环节阙如,强制采样所获之鉴定意见却普遍被采纳.我国强制采样之完善必须实现“发现真实”和“人权保障”的价值平衡,实现强制采样行为的必要控制,实现“鉴定客体化”向“鉴定主体化”的地位转变.  相似文献   

近十多年来。DNA分析技术发展迅速,具有很多其它法庭科学技术不可比拟的优点,广泛用于刑事案件侦查、民事纠纷解决等。DNA证据被引入道路交通事故鉴定中就是其中一个应用领域。由于DNA证据的获得是一个由人员操作、完成的过程,因此,DNA证据的价值也受多方面的影响。为了规范DNA鉴定结论在道路交通事故鉴定中的应用,通过对办案人员的DNA证据意识、采样、保存和运送生物检材环节应注意的问题等方面,并结合工作实践提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

陈松  胡兰  王俭 《证据科学》2000,7(4):F002-F002
在我国刑事案件侦破和审理的过程中,法医DNA检验技术发挥了显著作用。由于我国刑事司法系统对DNA鉴定的依赖性较大, DNA鉴定结论常常作为法庭判决的关键证据,但是,在实际应用中几乎不对其证据能力进行评估。因此,对鉴定机构而言,提高DNA鉴定的质量和可信度,对法医DNA检验的实验室进行测试就显得十分必要。 目前,在DNA检验方面国内还没有专门的测试机构,但在国外则有如美国的实验室测试服务公司(Collaborative Testing Services Inc,以下简称CTS)、英国的塞尔马克公司(Cel lmark Diagnostics)等比较大的DNA测试机构。美国CTS测试在规模上最大,已被美国、英国、法国、荷兰、加拿大、日本等许多国家的质量认证组织所认可。下面就对CTS的DNA检验测试作一介绍。  相似文献   

刘广三  汪枫 《法学杂志》2015,36(3):102-110
刑事DNA采样和分析是查明案件事实的重要侦查措施。刑事DNA采样可能会侵犯被采样人的身体权、人身自由权和反对强迫自证其罪特权,不当的刑事DNA分析可能会侵犯其基因隐私权。我国刑事诉讼法关于DNA采样和分析的规定存在诸多缺陷,应进一步完善对第三人采样的程序规范、强制采样的标准和审查核准主体以及强制采样适用的案件类型。同时确立先非私密样本后私密样本的采样程序,限定DNA分析目的仅为同一性识别。  相似文献   

胡志斌 《科技与法律》2008,83(1):77-80,87
DNA证据作为一种科技证据,具有独特的证据价值,成为现代高科技条件下司法的重要手段。但是,DNA证据并非“铁证”,DNA鉴定结论的价值功能实现除了受鉴定技术影响外,还与DNA鉴定管理制度是否完善有很大的关系。针对我国DNA鉴定程序和管理体制中存在的问题,我们应当尽快加以解决,以提高DNA证据的价值,发挥其应有的司法功能。  相似文献   

Abstract: Plant material is frequently encountered in criminal investigations but often overlooked as potential evidence. We designed a DNA‐based molecular identification system for 100 Australian grasses that consisted of a series of polymerase chain reaction assays that enabled the progressive identification of grasses to different taxonomic levels. The identification system was based on DNA sequence variation at four chloroplast and two mitochondrial loci. Seventeen informative indels and 68 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms were utilized as molecular markers for subfamily to species‐level identification. To identify an unknown sample to subfamily level required a minimum of four markers or nine markers for species identification. The accuracy of the system was confirmed by blind tests. We have demonstrated “proof of concept” of a molecular identification system for trace botanical samples. Our evaluation suggests that the adoption of a system that combines this approach with DNA sequencing could assist the morphological identification of grasses found as forensic evidence.  相似文献   

排污权抵押贷款法律问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
排污权抵押贷款是一项主要面向中小企业的绿色信贷措施,旨在解决企业的融资难、发展难等问题。但要在我国现阶段法律体系框架下推行这项措施还存在诸多障碍,如:排污权的用益物权属性存在争议;用益物权作为抵押权的客体没有法律的明确规定;作为排污权客体的环境容量资源的权属不明;排污权交易存在立法空白;绿色信贷缺乏必要的法律支撑等等。然若对我国现有的相关法律进行必要的完善,则排污权用以抵押贷款是完全可行的。  相似文献   

This article argues that Australia's recently-passed data breach notification legislation, the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 (Cth), and its coming into force in 2018, makes an internationally important, yet imperfect, contribution to data breach notification law. Against the backdrop of data breach legislation in the United States and European Union, a comparative analysis is undertaken between these jurisdictions and the Australian scheme to elucidate this argument. Firstly, some context to data breach notification provisions is offered, which are designed to address some of the problems data breaches cause for data privacy and information security. There have been various prominent data breaches affecting Australians over the last few years, which have led to discussion of what can be done to deal with their negative effects. The international context of data breach notification legislation will be discussed, with a focus on the United States and European Union jurisdictions, which have already adopted similar laws. The background to the adoption of the Australia legislation will be examined, including the general context of data privacy and security protection in Australia. The reform itself will be then be considered, along with the extent to which this law is fit for purpose and some outstanding concerns about its application. While data breach notification requirements are likely to be a positive step for data security, further reform is probably necessary to ensure strong cybersecurity. However, such reform should be cognisant of the international trends towards the adoption of data security measures including data breach notification, but lack of alignment in standards, which may be burdensome for entities operating in the transnational data economy.  相似文献   

The illegal trade in ammunition in the Netherlands seems to be a small-scale problem. However, as a result of high profits and a small chance of being caught, it is an extremely attractive criminal activity for malicious individuals. The criminal purchase of ammunition is facilitated by weaknesses in the logistic supply chain for legal ammunition, current legislation on the purchase, possession, transport and use of ammunition and the inadequacy with which Dutch government agencies enforce the laws. The fight against the criminal purchase of ammunition could benefit from the adoption of an automated registration system by arms dealers, the use of a different type of freighting method for legal ammunition transport and a common approach by European law enforcement agencies.  相似文献   

With infertility on the rise in the United States and the legalization of same sex marriage, it has become increasingly difficult for many Americans to start a family. Advancements in modern medicine have addressed this issue and now couples can create their family through surrogacy. However, New York's current laws have not caught up to the changing times and surrogacy agreements are still invalid and unenforceable. This Note proposes the repeal of New York's surrogacy ban and the adoption of legislation to recognize and enforce surrogacy agreements in order to bring New York's laws within the purview of modern medicine.  相似文献   

Any-Willing-Provider (AWP) legislation requires that health plans accept any health care provider who agrees to conform to the plan's conditions, terms, and reimbursement rates. Many states have adopted such legislation, raising questions about its effect on the managed care market. Those favoring this legislation argue that it will reduce restrictions on choice of provider, while opponents argue that it will reduce competition by increasing administrative and medical costs for managed care plans. Using cross-sectional time-series data for the period 1992-1995 (the period during which many of these laws were enacted), this study investigates the effect that these laws have on HMO financial performance. Our results show that "all-provider" AWP laws have a very limited effect on the financial performance measures we examine. "Pharmacy" AWP laws have a more significant effect, but neither type of law appears to affect the overall profitability of HMOs.  相似文献   

Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have enjoyed a rapid increase in usage in recent years. WLANs serve to connect users to the Internet by means of radio or infrared frequencies. The rise in WLAN usage has however served to highlight some of the inadequacies of the present laws governing unauthorised access to WLANs. At present, the legislation serves to make unauthorised access, modification or impairment of electronic communications illegal. It is clear that the provisions prohibit the hacking of computer systems and denial of service attacks. However, it is unclear whether the legislation extends to additional forms of unauthorised access such as wardriving (using software to identify and map freely available WLAN) and joyriding (accessing a network with no further damage to the connection). The liability of Internet Service Providers and those engaged in unauthorised access in public places also remains unclear. Finally, the relationship of the offence of unauthorised access to the tort of trespass and the laws of copyright remain untested. The objective of this paper is to consider the measures necessary to increase the effectiveness of WLAN laws. The paper will begin by considering the nature of WLAN technology and the policy discourse to date. This will be followed by an examination of the present Australian law and an identification of areas of uncertainty. Finally, the paper will consider the measures required to enhance the certainty and effectiveness of the laws governing unauthorised access to WLAN.  相似文献   

The Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) held in Evans v Information Commissioner that certain correspondence between Prince Charles and government officials must be disclosed under freedom of information legislation. Much of the judgment was devoted to a discussion of the constitutional conventions applicable to Prince Charles, and the case provides a useful example of how conventions and laws can interact. In this note, I argue that the Upper Tribunal misunderstood how conventions are distinguished from one another, and misapplied the test for the identification of conventions.  相似文献   

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