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Book reviews     
Canache, Damarys and Kulisheck, Michael (eds.) (1998), Reinventing Legitimacy: Democracy and Political Change in Venezuela. Mauceri, Philip (1998), State under Siege: Development and Policy Making in Peru. Ruth Berins Collier (1999), Paths Toward Democracy: The Working Class and Elites in Western Europe and Soth America. Sommer, Doris (ed.) (1999), The Places of History: Regionalism Revisited in Latin America. Rodr1Hguez‐Luis, Julio (ed.) (1999), Re‐Reading JoseHMartiH: One Hundred Years Later. Taylor, William B. (1996), Magistrates of the Sacred: Priests and Parishioners in Eighteenth‐Century Mexico. Purnell, Jennie. (1999), Popular Movements and State Formation in Revolutionary Mexico: The Agraristas and Cristeros of Michoacan. Evans, Sterling (1999), The Green Republic: A Conservation History of Costa Rica. Arthur, Charles and Dash, Michael (eds.) (1999), A Haiti Anthology: Libete. Sheahan, John (1999), Searching for a Better Society: The Peruvian Economy from 1950. Lesser, Je4rey (1999), Negotiating National Identity: Immigrants, Minorities, and the Struggle for Ethnicity in Brazil. Hanchard, Michael (ed.) (1999), Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil. Brooke, Larson (1998), Cochabamba, 1550–1900: Colonialism and Agrarian Transformation in Bolivia. Gilderhus, Mark T. (2000), The Second Century: U.S.+Latin American Relations Since 1889. Palermo, Vicente and Novaro, Marcos (1996), Pol1Htica y poder en el gobierno de Menem. Tedesco, Laura (1999), Democracy in Argentina: Hope and Disillusion. Owensby, Brian P. (1999), Intimate Ironies: Modernity and The Making of Middle‐Class Lives in Brazil. Field, Les W. (1999), The Grimace of Macho Raton Artisans, Identity and Nation in Late 20th Century Western Nicaragua. Pichon, Francisco, Uquillas, Jorje and Frechione, John (eds.) (1999), Traditional and Modern Natural Resource Management in Latin America. Wilson, Fiona (ed.) (1999), Violencia y Espacio Social: Estudios Sobre Conflicto y Recuperacion. Koonings, Kees and Kruijt, Dirk (eds.) (1999), Societies of Fear. The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Thorp, Rosemary (1998), Progress, Proverty and Exclusion: An Economic History of Latin America in the 20th Century, Inter‐American Development Bank (Washington). Katz, Friedrich (1998), The Life and Times of Pancho Villa. Jones, Grant D. (1998), The Conquest of the Last Maya Kingdom. Bell, Stephen (1998), Campanha Gaúcha. A Brazilian Ranching System, 1850‐1920. Adelman, Jeremy (ed) (1999), Colonial Legacies: The Problem of Persistence in Latin American History. Bulmer‐Thomas, Victor and Dunkerley, James (eds.) (1999), The United States and Latin America: The New Agenda. Leogrande, W.M. (1998), Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America 1977‐1992. Arnson, Cynthia (ed.) (1999), Comparative Peace Processes in Latin America. Biekart, Kees (1999), The Politics of Civil Society Building. European Private Aid Agencies and Democratic Transitions in Central America. Belnap, Jeffrey and Fernandez, Raúl (eds.) (1998) José Martí's “Our America”: From National to Hemispheric Cultural Studies. Chomsky, Aviva and Lauria‐Santiago, Aldo (eds.) (1998), Identity and Struggle at the Margins of the Nation‐State: The Laboring Peoples of Central America and the Hispanic Caribbean. Míguez, Daniel (1998), Spiritual Bonfire in Argentina: Confronting Current Theories with an Ethnographic Account of Pentecostal Growth in a Buenos Aires Suburb. Kamsteeg, Frans H (1998), Prophetic Pentecostalism in Chile: A Case Study on Religion and Development Policy. Rodríguez, Victoria (ed.) (1998), Women’Participation in Mexican Political Life. Arias, Patricia and Fiona Wilson (1997), La Aguja y el Surco: Cambio Regional, Consumey Relaciones de Génera en la Industria de la Ropa en México. Laguerre, E.S. (1998), Diasporic Citizenship: Haitian Americans in Transnational America. Johnson, H. and Watson, K. (ed) (1998), The White Minority in the Caribbean. Bueno, Eva P. and Terry Caesar (eds.) (1998), Imagination Beyond Nation: Latin American Popular Culture. Parker, Richard (1999), Beneath the Equator: Cultures of Desire, Male Homosexuality and Emerging Gay Communities in Brazil. Kulick, Don (1998), Travesti: Sex, Gender and Culture among Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes. Davies, Matt (1999), International Political Economy and Mass Communication in Chile: National Intellectuals and Transnational Hegemony. Roberts, Kenneth (1999), Deepening Democracy? The Modern Left and Social Movements in Chile and Peru. Petras, James (1999), The Left Strikes Back, Class Conflict in Latin America in the Age of Neoliberalism.  相似文献   

G.A. Nyersyesov's Diplomatichyeskaya istoriya Yegipyetskogo krizisa 1881–1882 gg. (v svyetye Russkikh arkhivnikh materialov), Diplomatic History of the 1881–1882 Egyptian Crisis (In Light of Russian Archival Materials) (Moscow: Nauka Press for the African Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1979; 320 pp.)

V.S. Koshyelyev's Yegipyet do El‐Alameyna: iz istorii vmttripolitichyeskoy bor'bi (1939–1942), Egypt Before El‐Alamein: From the History of the Internal‐Political Struggle, 1939–42 (Minsk: The Belorussian State University Press, 1977; 176 pp.)

I.P. Byelyayev and Ye. M. Primakov, entitled Yegipyet: vryemya Pryezidyenta Nasyera, Egypt: The Era of President Nasir (Moscow: Misl’ Press 1974; 400 pp.)

V.I. Nagaychuk's Politika S. Sh. A. v otnoshyenii Yegipta (50–60ye godi), US Policy Towards Egypt: The 1950s and the 1960s (Kiev: Naukova Dumka for the Academy of Sciences of Soviet Ukraine, 1982; 208 pp.)

Olyeg Gyerasimov's Sumyerki Kaira, Cairo Twilight(Moscow: Sovyetskaya Rossiya Press, 1980; 96 pp.)

G.I. Sukharyev's Sadd‐El'‐Aali. Zapiski Stroityelya, The High Dam: Notes of A Builder (Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya Press, due in late 1983; about 160 pp.

L.A. Fridman's Yegipyet 1882–1952: Sotsial'no‐ekonomichyeskaya struktura dyeryevni, Egypt 1882–1952: The Socio‐Economic Structure of the Village (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1973; 425 pp.)

V. A.L. Lutskyevich's Yegipyet vbor'bye za ekoaomichyeskuyu nyezavisimost’ 1952–1971 (analiz roli vnyeshnyeekonomichyeskikh svyazyey), Egypt in the Struggle for Economic Independence, 1952–1971: An Analysis of the Role of External Economic Relations (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1976; 231 pp.)

A.G. Baklanov's Rabochiy klass sovryemyennogo Yegipta, The Working Class of Contemporary Egypt (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981; 216 pp.)

V.V. Chyernoskaya's Formirovaniye Yegipyetskoy intyelligyentsii v XIX — pyervoy polovinye XX v., The Formation of the Egyptian Intelligentsia in the 19th and the First Half of the 20th Century (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of Moscow University, 1979; 163 pp.)  相似文献   

D.I. Soyfyer, in his Krakh Sionistskikh tyeoriy, The Bankruptcy of the Zionist Theories (Dniyepropyetrovsk: Promin's Press, 1980; 192 pp.)

A.B. Doyev's Sovryemyenniy Iudaizm i Sionizm, Contemporary Judaism and Zionism (Frunze: Kirgizstan Press, 1983; 68 pp.)

Myedzhdunarodniy Sionizm: istoriya i politika (sbornik statyey), International Zionism – History and Politics: A Collection of Articles (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1977; 176 pp.)

Zionism: Enemy of Peace and Social Progress. Volume 2 of this work (1983)

I. Zvyagelskaya (authoress of a book in Russian on the Israeli military élite in politics), entitled ‘Who Is Obstructing the Settlement of the Middle East Conflict’ (pp. 137–68).

Ye. Dmitriyev (a prolific writer on the Arab‐Israel conflict), entitled ‘Zionist Ideas as Reflected in Israeli Government Policy on A Middle East Settlement in the Early 1980s’ (pp. 205–19).

Felitsia Langer is an Israeli Jewish lawyer, close to the leaders of the Israel Communist Party, who specializes in defending Arabs suspected of terrorism before the Israeli Courts. Her Oni moi brat'ya, They Are My Brethren (Moscow: Progress Press, 1979; 192 pp.)

Gorst’ rodnoy zyemli: Sovryemyennaya Palyestinskaya novyella, A Handful of the Fatherland Earth: Contemporary Palestinian Stories (Moscow: Progress Press, 1981; 312 pp.),

This Leitmotif is set by the title of the first story, ‘Return to Haifa’ (pp. 21–64) by Ghassan Kanafani (1936–73),

Ghassan Kanafani and entitled Lyudi pod solntsyem, People under the Sun (Moscow: Raduga Press, 1984; 343 pp.)

Put’ k miru na Blidzhnyem Vostokye, The Road to Peace in the Near East (Moscow: Myedzhdunarodniye Otnoshyeniya Press, 1974; 248 pp.)

Ye. Dmitriyev and V. Ladyeykin includes a chapter on ‘The Arab People of Palestine’ (pp. 55–74).

A.P. Barishyev, entitled Blidzhniy Vostok: problemi mira na rubyedzhye 80‐kh godov, The Near East: Problems of Peace at the Threshold of the 80s (Moscow: Znaniye Press, 1979; 64 pp.).

L.L. Vol'nov, Livanskiy dnyevnik, Lebanese Diary (Moscow: Political Literature Press, 1980; 96 pp.).

U vrat Vostoka: Ochyerki o Livanye, At the Gate of the East: Essays on Lebanon (Moscow: Misl’ Press, 1982; 112 pp.),

Liban: ekho agressii, Lebanon: Echo of the Aggression (Moscow: Political Literature Press, 1984; 112 pp.).

M. Ye. Hazanov's OON i Blidzniyevostochniy krizis, The United Nations Organisation and the Near‐Eastern Crisis (Moscow: Myedzhdunarodniye Otnoshyeniya Press, 1983; 176 pp.),

Hazanov's book is Palyestinskaya problyema: Dokumyenti OON, myedzhdunarodnikh organizatsiy i konfyeryentsiy, The Palestinian Problem: Documents of the UN, International Organisations and Conferences (Moscow: Progryess Press, 1984; 240 pp.).

D. Sokolov, entitled ‘Palyestinskaya tragyediya i istoki Palyestinskogo dvidzyeniya soprotivlyeniya (1917–1949 gg.)’,

‘The Palestinian Tragedy and the Origins of the Palestinian Resistance Movement, 1917–1949’ (Palyestinskiy Sbornik, Vol. 26 (89), 1978, pp. 3–21).

(Palyestinskiy Sbornik, Vol. 27 (90), 1981, pp. 3–22.)

Ye. Dmitriyev, is entitled Palyestinskiy uzyel: k voprosu ob uryegulirovanii Palyestinskoy problyemi, The Palestinian Knot: Towards the Question of Settlement of the Palestinian Problem (Moscow: Myedzhdunarodniye Otnoshyeniya Press, 1978; 304 pp.).

al‐Qadiyya al‐Filastiniyya: al‐'Udwan wa‐'l‐muqawama wa‐subul al‐taswiya, The Palestinian Problem: Aggression, Resistance, Means of Resolution (Moscow: 1983; 230 pp. Oriental Studies in the USSR, 3).

The Palestine Problem: Aggression, Resistance, Ways of Settlement (Moscow: ‘Social Sciences Today’ Editorial Board, 1984; 277 pp. Oriental Studies in the USSR, 9).  相似文献   

Afrikanskiy Sbornik: istoriya (African Collection: History), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1963, 303 pp.

G. A. Nyersyesov on the French occupation of Tunisia in 1881 (pp. 170–230),

B. M. Dantsig et al., entitled Politika Frantsii v Azii i Afriki (French Policy in Asia and Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1965, 408 pp.

S. R. Smirnov et al., Novyeyshaya istoriya Afriki (The Recent History of Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1964, 500 pp.

Ye. A. Lyebyedyev et al. and entitled Arabskiy Vostok i Magrib: sbornik statyey (The Arab East and the Maghrib: A Collection of Articles), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977, 232 pp.

N. A. Ivanov's Sovryemyenniy Tunis (Contemporary Tunisia), Moscow, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1959, 132 pp.

B. Ye. Kosolapov's Tunis: gyeografichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: A Geographical Essay), Moscow, Government Press for Geographical Literature, 1958, 46 pp.

V. P. Smirnov's Tunis: ekonomichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: An Economic Essay), Moscow, Socio‐Economic Literature Press, 1962, 72 pp.,

V. Gusarov's Tunis (Tunisia), Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1974, 128 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has written a second work on another aspect of Tunisia, entitled Gosudarstvyenniy stroy Tunisa (Governmental Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Government Press for Juridical Literature, 1962, 64 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has also written a historical study, entitled Krizis Frantsuzkogo protyektorata v Tunisye, 1918–1939 gg. (The Crisis of the French Protectorate in Tunisia, 1918–1939), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1971, 400 pp.

Novoye litso: novyelli pisatyelyey Tunisa (A New Face: Stories by writers of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Governmental University of Leningrad, 1974, 78 pp.,

M. F. Vidyasova's Rabochiy klass v sotsiyal'noy strukturye Tunisa (The Working Class in the Social Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and for the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow Governmental University, 1975, 232 pp.

Shabayev's Rabochiy klass stran Magriba (Moscow, 1968)

Werner Plum's Gewerkschaften im Maghreb (Hanover, 1962),

L. P. Zudina entitled Agrarniye otnoshyeniya v Tunisye, 1956–1971 (Agrarian Relations in Tunisia, 1956–1971), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 183 pp.  相似文献   

Ryeshyeniye natsional'nogo‐yazikovoy problemi v. SSSR, The Resolution of the National‐Linguistic Problem in the Soviet Union (Moscow: Political Literature Press, 1982; 224 pp.)

Socialism: Nations and National Relations (Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1982, Problems of the Contemporary World, No. 104),

Yazikovaya situatsiya v stranakh Azii i Afriki, The Language Situation in the Countries of Asia and Africa (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1967; 192 pp.)

Razvitiye yazikov v stranakh Zarubyedzhnogo Vostoka (poslyevoyenniy pyeriod), The Development of Language in the East Beyond the [Soviet] Borders: The Post‐War Period (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983:208 pp.)

Kul'tura ipolitika v stranakh Azii i Afriki, Culture and Politics in the Countries of Asia and Africa (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 336 pp.).

Gilbert Grandguillaume's Arabisation et politique linguistique au Maghreb (Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 1983).

Yazik v politikye i idyeologii strait Zarubyedznogo Vostoka, Language in the Politics and Ideology of the Countries of the East Beyond the [Soviet] Borders (Moscow: Nauka, 1986; 197 pp.).  相似文献   

Gilles Kepel 《亚洲事务》2013,44(2):91-108
Gilles Kepel is Professor, Institute of Political Studies, Paris (1985 to present); Senior Researcher, CNRS (National Board for Scientific Research), Paris (1984 to present); Director of the Doctoral Program on the Muslim World, Institute of Political Studies (1994 to present). He was Visiting Professor, Columbia University, New York (1996–1997); Researcher, CEDEJ (Egyptian–French Center for Scientific Cooperation), Cairo, Egypt (1980–1983). He is the author of several books on Islam, including Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam, published by IB Tauris in 2002 (reviewed in this issue of Asian Affairs, p. 158) and Bad Moon Rising: A Chronicle of the Middle East Today (Saqi, 2003). An earlier version of this article was published in Ramse`s, 2003  相似文献   

James Aldridge's Cairo: biography of a city (Moscow, 1970)

‘A. al‐RafiTs The development of the Egyptian national movement, 1882–1956 (translated from the Arabic, Moscow, 1961).

B. G. Seyranyan, Egipet v bor'be za nezavMmosf 1945–1952 (Egypt's struggle for independence: 1945–1952), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970.

Sh. N. Kurdgelashvili, it is entitled Revolutsiya 1952 g. i krakh Britanskogo gospodstva v Egipte (The 1952 Revolution and the breakdown of the British Occupation in Egypt), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1966.

Suetskiy Kanal (faxti i dokumenti) (The Suez Canal: facts and documents), Moscow, Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1959.

A. S. Protopopov's Sovyetskiy Soyuz i Suetskiy krizis 1956 goda (The U.S.S.R. and the Suez crisis of 1956), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1969.

Adolf Hoffmeister (published in Moscow, 1961)

Polish of Zofia Jezewska (published in Moscow, 1962).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bremmer I &; R Tarras (eds), Nations and Politics in the Soviet Successor States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 565pp., index.

Bulloch J &; H Morris, No Friends but the Mountains: The Tragic History of the Kurds. London: Penguin Books, 1993 (new epilogue). 257pp., index.

Cable J, Gunboat Diplomacy 1919 ‐ 1991: Political Applications of Limited Naval Power. London: Macmillan, 1994, 246pp.

Evans R, Deng Xiaoping and the Making of Modern China. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1993, 339pp.

Gaddis JL, The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, 301pp.

Jeffrey R, What's Happening to India? Punjab, Ethnic Conflict, and the Test for Federalism. London: Macmillan, Second Edition, 1994, pp. ii &; 252pp.

Mazrui AA &; C Wondji (eds), Africa since 1935. Paris: UNESCO; Oxford: Heinemann Educational; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. (UNESCO General History of Africa Series, Vol. VIII) xxiii, 1025 pp. Illustrated, maps, plates, bibliography and index.  相似文献   

There are two works which are tailor‐made for a short ‘double‐barrelled’ review article. They are: (a) Akbar S.Ahmed, Millennium and Charisma among Pathans: A Critical Essay in Social Anthropology (London, Henley and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1976), pp.173 (price not indicated, but around £4.50); (b) idem, Pukhtun Economy and Society: Traditional Structure and Economic Development in a Tribal Society (London, Henley and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1980), pp.406, diagrams, maps, plates (price not indicated but around £15.00 or $35.00).  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia is A.M. Vasil'yev's Istoriya Saudovskoy Aravii (1745–1973), History of Saudi Arabia, 1745–1973 (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Orientalism of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1982; 613 pp.)

Puritanye Islama? Vahhabizm i pyervoye gosudarstvo Sauditov v Aravii (1744/45–1818), The Puritans of Islam? Wahhabism and the First Government of the Saudis in Arabia, 1744/45 to 1818 (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1967; 264 pp.).

I.I. Proshin's Saudovskaya Araviya. Istoriko‐Ekonomichyeskiy ochyerk, Saudi Arabia: An Historical‐Economic Essay (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1964; 303 pp.)

V.V. Ozoling's Ekonomika Saudovskoy Aravii, The Economy of Saudi Arabia (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Orientalism of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1975; 208 pp.)

V.L. Bodyanskiy and M.S. Lazaryev's Saudovskaya Araviya poslyeSauda. Osnovniye tyendyentsii vnyeshneypolitiki (1964–1966 gg.), Saudi Arabia After Saud: Basic Tendencies of Foreign Policies, 1964–66 (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1967; 116 pp.)

L.V. Val'kova's Saudovskaya Araviya v myedzhunarodnikh otnoshyeniyakh,Saudi Arabia in International Relations (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Orientalism of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1979; 224 pp.)

O. Gyerasimov's Saudovskaya Araviya, Saudi Arabia (Mos cow, Misl’ Press, 1977; 72 pp.) and Saudovskaya Araviya (Spravochnik), Saudi Arabia; A Handbook (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1980; 272 pp.)

Yakub Yusef Abdallah's Obyedinyenniye Arabskiye Emirati: Istoriya politiko‐gosudarstvyennogo razvitiya (xix v.‐nachalo 70‐ye godov xx v.), The United Arab Emirates: The History of Political‐Governmental Development (19th century to the early 1970s) (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Lumumba University, 1978; 152 pp.)

R.V. Klyekovskiy and V.A. Lutskyevich, is entitled Obyedinyenniye Arabskiye Emirati, The United Arab Emirates (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1979; 159 pp.

‘Socio‐Economic Problems of Developing Countries’, which also includes a book by L. Zvyeryeva, entitled Kuveyt, Kuwait (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1964; 112 pp.)

V.L. Bodyanskiy's Sovryemyenniy Kuveyt (spravochnik), Contemporary Kuwait: A Handbook (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Orientalism of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1971; 328 pp.)  相似文献   

i. Islamic Bindings & Bookmaking: A Catalogue of an Exhibition, The Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago, May 18 — August 18, 1981. By Gulnar Bosch, John Carswell and Guy Petheridge. Chicago, 1981. pp.xii, 235, 177 photographs, 15 colour plates, 15 figures. $40.OO (hard cover), $20.00 (soft cover) plus postage and handling charges (foreign surface mail $3.10 and £2.80 respectively). Inquiries and orders to: The Oriental Institute (Attn.: Museum Office), 1155 E. 58th St., Chicago IL 60637, USA.

ii. A Book World Directory of the Arab Countries, Turkey and Iran. Compiled by Anthony Rudkin and Irene Butcher. London, Mansell/Detroit, Gale, 1981. pp.xiv, 143.

iii. Islamic Revolution or Revolutionary Islam in Iran, A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Political Publications from the Overthrow of the Shah until his Death. By Wolfgang Behn. Berlin, “Ayidok”, 1980. pp.118.

iv. A Brief Guide to Sources for the Study of Afghanistan in the India Office Records. By Lesley Hall. London, India Office Library and Records, 1981. pp.v, 60. £4.00.

v. Scholars’ Guide to Washington, D.C. for Middle Eastern Studies. Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula, Israel, Turkey, Iran. (Scholars’ Guide to Washington, D.C, No.7) . By Steven R. Dorr. Washington, D.C., Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981. pp.xiii, 540,2. $27.50 (cloth), $12.5O (paper).  相似文献   

Richard Calland &; Paul Graham (Eds), IDASA's Democracy Index — Democracy in the Time of Mbeki, Cape Town: Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), Cape Town, 2005, R150, 252 pages.

Pieter Wolvaardt, A Diplomat's Story: Apartheid and Beyond, 1969–1998, South Africa: Galago Publishing, 2005. ISBN 1–919854–15–0, R225, 336 pages.

Greg Mills, The Security Intersection: The Paradox of Power in an Age of Terror, Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2005, 321 pages.

Hugh Pope, Sons of the Conquerors. The Rise of the Turkic World, New York: Overlook Duckworth, 2005. ISBN 1–58567–641–1. 413 pages.  相似文献   

The text and photographs in this photo essay are excerpted with permission from Down and Out: Labouring under Global Capitalism (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), by Jan Breman and Arvind N. Das (text) and Ravi Agarwal (photographs).  相似文献   

Istoriografiya stran Vostoka (problyemi novogo vryemyeni), Historiography of the Countries of the East: Problems of Modern Times (Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1978; 256 pp.).

M.S. Ivanov on the Babi revolt in Iran (pp.5–16).

F.M. Atsamba on the historiography of the colonial enslavement of Egypt (pp.95–115)

V.I. Shpil'kova, on the historiography of the Young Turk revolution (pp.234–54).

Istoriografiya i istochnikovyedyeniye istorii stran Azii i Afriki, Historiography and Source Research of the Countries of Asia and Africa, has been published irregularly by Leningrad University Press.

Vladimir Alexandrov, of the Academy of Social Sciences, is entitled A Contemporary World History 1917–1945 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1986; 718 pp.).

The East After the Collapse of the Colonial System (translated from the Russian, Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 176 pp.)

Novaya istoriya stran Azii i Afriki, Modern History of the Countries of Asia and Africa, (3rd edition, Moscow: Nauka Press, 1982; 560 pp.,maps).

Novyeyshaya istoriya Arabskikh stran Azii 1917–1985, Contemporary History of the Arab Countries of Asia, 1917–1985 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1988, 639 pp.).

Kritika burdzhuaznikh kontsyeptsii politiki impyerialistichyeskikh gosudarstv na Blidzhnyem Vostokye. Epokha probudzhdyeniya Azii, A Critique of Bourgeois Conceptions of the Politics of Imperialist Governments in the Near East: The Epoch of the Penetration of Asia (Kiev: Kiev University Press, 1979; 136 pp.)

Politika impyerialistichyeskikh dyerdzhav na Arabskom Vostokye v godi vtoroy mirovoy voyni (1939–1945 gg.)

Erevan: the Armenian Academy of Sciences Press, 1980; 265 pp.

Strani Blidzhnyego i Sryednyego Vostoka v myedzhdunawdnikh otnoshyeniyakh (XIX‐XX vv.), The Countries of the Near and Middle East in International Relations (19th‐20th Centuries). (Tashkent: Fan Press for the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, 1984; 152 pp.)

Borisov's S.Sh.A.: Blidzhnyevostochnaya politika v 70‐yegodi, The United States: Near Eastern Politics in the 1970s (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1982; 216 pp.).

A.I. Osipov's S.Sh.A. i Arabskiye strani 70‐ye‐nachala‐80‐kh godov, The United States and the Arab Countries in the 1970s and Early 1980s (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 230 pp.),

V.A. Shmarov's Osobyennosti politiki impyerializma v Vostochnom Sryedizyemnomor'ye, The Characteristics of Imperialist Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 256 pp.)

Bor'ba SSSR za obyespyechyeniye prochnogo i spravyedlivogo mira na Blidzhnyem Vostokye (1967–1980), The Struggle of the Soviet Union to Secure a Firm and Just Peace in the Near East, 1967–1980 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1980; 280 pp.).

Rabochyeye dvidzhyeniye v osvobodivshikhsya stranakh Azii i Syevyernoy Afriki: Osobyennosti I tyendyentsii, The Workers Movement in the Self‐Liberating Countries of Asia and North Africa: Characteristics and Tendencies (Moscow: Oriental Literature Press, 1981; 272 pp.).

Natsional'niy vopros v stranakh Vostoka, The National Question in the Countries of the East (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1982; 273 pp.).

Natsional'niy vopros v osvobodivshikhsya stranakh Vostoka, Tha National Question In the Self‐Liberating Countries of the East (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 262 pp.).

Stanovlyeniye natsional'noosvobodityel'nogo dvidzhyeniya v Arabskikh stranakh Azii 1908–1914 gg., The Formation of the National Liberation Movement in the Asiatic Arab Countries, 1908–1914 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 376 pp).  相似文献   

Political support for economic reform in the USSR is evaluated at five different levels of Soviet society, or more properly, of the political-administrative hierarchy: the top leader (Gorbachev himself), the collective leadership (Politburo), the bureaucracy, knowledge specialists (intelligentsia), and the population at large. Attitudes and motivations within each group are examined in order to demonstrate how interest group relations in the Soviet Union have made and will continue to make basic economic change a protracted, complex, and unpredictable process. journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 113.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: AEPPLI, Daniel C., KÄLIN, Roli, OTT, Walter und Matthias PETERS (2004), Wirkungen von Beschäftigungsprogrammen für ausgesteuerte Arbeitslose, Zürich, Chur: Rüegger, 238 Seiten. AMBÜHL, Michael und Aymo BRUNETTI (Hrsg.) (2004). EU‐Wirtschaftspolitik aus Schweizer Sicht. Bern, Stuttgart, Wien: Haupt, 345 Seiten. BAYART, Jean‐François (2004). Le gouvernement du monde. Une critique politique de la globalisation. Paris: Fayard, 448 pages. DORN, David (2004). An Empirical Analysis of Early Retirement: Switzerland in an International Comparison. Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstitutes für Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht an der Universität St. Gallen, Band 27. Bern, Stuttgart, Wien: Haupt, 115 pages. GUGGISBERG, Jürg, SCHÄR MOSER, Marianne und Stefan SPYCHER (2004). Auf der Spur kantonaler Unterschiede in der Invalidenversicherung. Eine empirische Untersuchung. Zürich: Rüegger, 172 Seiten.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Cook P &; C Kirkpatrick (eds), Privatisation in Developing Countries. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics. Cheltenham: Elgar Reference Collection, 2000. 120pp. ISBN: 1–85898–358–4 (Two volume set).

Entman RM &; A Rojecki, The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.305pp. US$26.00. ISBN: 0–26–21075–8.

Jalilian H, Tribe M &; J Weiss (eds), Industrial Development and Policy in Africa. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000. 292pp. ISBN: 1–84064–120–7

Jing J (ed.), Feeding China's Little Emperors: Food, Children and Social Change. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000. 279pp. ISBN: 0–8047–3134–9. US$17.95. http: //www. sup. org

Kleinen J, Facing the Future Reviving the Past: A Study of Social Change in a Northern Vietnamese Village. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1999. 239pp. ISBN: 981–230–039–2. US$29.90. http: //www.iseas.edu.sg/pub.html

Kebede JA, The Changing Face of Rural Policy in Tanzania: From Collectivism to Capitalism. London: Minerva Press, 2000. 86pp. ISBN: 07–5410–828–7. £8.99

Lane RE, The Loss of Happiness in Market Democracies . New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. 465pp. ISBN: 0–300–07801–3. £22.50

Madsen W, Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa : 1993–1999. Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 1999. 568pp. ISBN 0–7734–8002–1.

Mankekar P, Screening Culture, Viewing Politics: An Ethnography of Television, Womanhood and Nation in Postcolonial India. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 429pp. 1999. ISBN: 0–8223–2390–7.

Mathoma P, Mills G &; J Stremlau (eds), Putting People First: African Priorities for the UN Millennium Assembly. Johannesburg, SANA, 2000. 129pp. ISBN: 1–919819–14–5

Nurnberger K, Prosperity, Poverty and Pollution: Managing the Approaching Crisis. Cluster Publications, 1999.487pp. ISBN: 1–875053–15–8.

Harvey D, Limits to Capital , Verso, 1999. 478pp. ISBN: 1–85984–714–5

O'Conner JS, Orloff AS &; S Shaver, States, Markets, Families: Gender, Liberalism, and Social Policy in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 280pp. ISBN: 0–521–63881‐X. £15.95. h ttp: //www. cup. cam.ac.uk

Oi J &; A Walder (eds), Property Rights and Economic Reform in China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. 354pp. ISBN: 08047–3788–6. £13.95. http: //www.sup.org

Parenti C, Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis. London: Verso, 1999. 244pp. ISBN: 1–85984–3034. £15.00

Townsend RF, Agricultural Incentives in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Policy Challenges , World Bank Technical Paper no.444. Washington DC: World Bank, August 1999. ISBN: 0–8213–4528–1. Available from World Bank offices and Oxford University Press.

Verdery K, The Political Lives of Dead Bodies, Reburial and Postsocialist Change. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. 185pp. ISBN: 0–231–11230–0. US$25.00. http: //www.cc.columbia.edu/cu/cup

Zouev A (ed.) Generation in Jeopardy: Children in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. New York: Unicef, 1999. 206pp. ISBN: 0–7656–0290–3. US$19.95. http: //www.unicef.org  相似文献   

i. Syria and the Lebanese Crisis. By Adeed Dawisha. London, Macmillan, 1980. pp.xii, 208. £15.00.

ii. Geographical Changes in the Traditional Arab Villages in Northern Israel. By Y.Bar Gal and A.Soffer. Durham University, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Occasional Papers Series, No.9). 1981. pp. 88, 20 figs.,10 plates, 13 tables.

iii. Moroccan Peasants: A Century of Change in the Eastern Rif 1870–1970. By David Seddon. Folkestone (Kent), Dawson, 1981. pp.xvii, 337, maps, tables. £15.00.

iv. Honneur et baraka: Les Structures socials traditionelles dans le Rif. By Raymond Jamous. Cambridge (Atelier d'Anthropologie Sociale), Cambridge University Press/Paris (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1981. pp.303, maps, tables, photographs. £22.50.

v. Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Thought Styles : A Social Perspective. By Fuad Basil and Ali Wardi. Boston, Mass., G.K.Hall & Co., 1981. pp.155. $23.95.

vi. The Arabic Novel : An Historical and Critical Introduction. By Roger Allen. University of Manchester (Journal of Semitic Studies Monograph No.4), 1982. pp.181.  相似文献   

Nahnu wa‐'1‐'Arab 1988, We and the Arabs, 1988 (Moscow: Progress Press, 1988; 220 pp.).

Z. Gafurov, is entitled, ‘Problems of War and Peace and Contemporary Revolutionary Democracy’ (pp.21–40);

Vladimir Mikhaylov's Irhabiyyu al‐Mosad, The Terrorists of the Mossad (Moscow: Progress Press, 1987; 174 pp. Also published in Russian).

G.I. Mirskiy's al‐Jaysh wa’ 1‐mujtama'wa‐’ 1‐siyasa fi al‐buldan al‐namiya, Army, Society and Politics in the Developing Countries (Moscow: Progress Press, 1987; 228 pp.).

al‐'Alaqat al‐Sofyetiyya al‐Libiyya, Soviet‐Libyan Relations (Moscow: Progress Press, 1986; 213 pp.)

A. Shvyedov and V. Rumyantsiyev, also published in Russian in the same year. Its eight chapters are arranged chronologically, ending with a list of events, 1917–86 (pp.203–12),

Buhuth Sofyetiyya jadida fi al‐adab al‐'Arabi, New Soviet Studies in Arabic Literature (Moscow: Progress Press, 1986; 215 pp.)

Institute of Ethnography in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, entitled ’Alam al‐Badw, The World of the Bedouins (or: Nomads) (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1986; 213 pp. Soviet Ethnographic Studies, 2).

Idiyulujiyat al‐dimuqratiyya al‐thawriyya al‐Ifriqiyya, The Ideology of African Revolutionary Democracy (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1983; 140 pp.).

al‐lttihad al‐Sofyeti wa‐Ifriqiyya, The Soviet Union and Africa (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1983; 160 pp.).

Shamal Ifriqiyya: al‐tatawwur al‐mu'asir, North Arfrica: Contemporary Development (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1987; 192 pp.)

Al‐Qadiyya al‐Filastiniyya: al‐'udwan wa‐'l‐muqawama wa‐subul al‐ taswiya, The Palestinian Problem: Aggression, Resistance and Ways of Settlement (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1983; 230 pp. = Soviet Orientalism, 3)

Vladimir Belyakov, a newspaperman and radio commentator. Writing on ‘The Soviet Union and the Palestinian Revolution’ (pp.215–28),

Buldan al‐Sharq: al‐siyasa wa‐'1‐idiyulujiya, Countries of the East: Politics and Ideology (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1985; 220 pp. = Soviet Orientalism, 4)

Abhath jadida li‐'l‐musta'ribin al‐Sofyet, New Studies by Soviet Arabists have been published so far in three volumes.8 The first (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1986; 261 pp.= Soviet Orientalism, 5)

Aleksiy Vasil'yev's Misr wa‐'l‐Misriyyin, Egypt and the Egyptians (Moscow: Progress Press, 1989; 387 pp.).  相似文献   

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