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近几年来,中亚伊斯兰极端主义的发展进入活跃期,突出表现为伊斯兰极端思想的传播加强.从总体上看,在中亚地区,伊斯兰极端主义并非首要安全问题,但却正在成为重大威胁之一.它的产生、发展有着复杂、深刻的原因,涉及地区内外的历史文化、思想意识、社会经济等方面.中亚伊斯兰极端主义主要源自瓦哈比极端思想,是国别、地区内外多种因素交互作用的产物.中亚国家经过多年治理实践,积累了不少经验,使伊斯兰极端主义处于总体可控之中,目前亟待深层管理,尤其需要加强社会治理与宗教教育.  相似文献   

伊斯兰极端主义利用伊斯兰教来表达自身诉求并煽动暴力,其在全球的扩散引发恐怖主义浪潮,严重扰乱国际与地区秩序。域外伊斯兰极端主义的渗透、广大穆斯林外部威胁感知的强化以及地区部分国家的政策失当,推动东南亚伊斯兰极端主义迅速崛起。伊斯兰极端主义意识形态在东南亚的蔓延诱发地区恐怖主义滥觞,严重恶化各国政治生态与安全形势。基于此,抑制并消除伊斯兰极端主义就成为东南亚国家打击地区恐怖主义、维护安全与稳定的关键举措。实现"去极端化"目标既要切断域外伊斯兰极端主义意识形态渗透渠道,弘扬伊斯兰教多元共存精神,又要积极探索适应本土价值与政治发展需求的现代性模式,实现族群融合与宗教和谐。  相似文献   

三个"极端主义"与中亚安全   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文主要论述了民族分离主义、宗教极端主义、恐怖主义的内涵和界定标准,这三个"极端主义"是当今世界上不少地区冲突或战乱的重要根源之一.近几年来,民族极端主义、伊斯兰极端主义和恐怖主义三股恶势力在中亚地区的合流,挑起塔吉克斯坦内战,制造绑架、暗杀、爆炸等一系列恐怖活动,破坏中亚国家社会秩序和威胁地区安全,影响中亚国家政治和经济发展进程.2001年美国发生"9·11"事件后,中亚国家积极支持美国反恐怖战争.美国与俄罗斯在反恐怖斗争中的合作,消除国际恐怖主义头目本·拉登在阿富汗的"基地"组织和推翻伊斯兰极端主义政权塔利班,美国等西方大国加大对中亚国家经援力度,这都有助于维护中亚地区安全.  相似文献   

许涛 《亚非纵横》2014,(4):22-31
随着经济全球化深入发展,新一轮极端主义思潮兴起,对地区稳定和全球安全造成严重冲击,世界政治资源的配置格局面临重新洗牌,首先发生松动和颠覆的就是处于世界各大权力中心之间的边缘地带。极端主义浪潮在中亚地区的出现,就体现了该地区各国内部矛盾与周边环境变化的综合作用,并呈现出与以往不同的特征。由于美西方坚持冷战思维,使国际社会的团结与合作在反对极端主义的努力中大打折扣,宗教问题等国内问题甚至成为大国博弈的重要手段。如何应对中亚地区泛起的宗教极端主义冲击,是处在同等或接近利益层级的各国须认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

"9.11"事件后,伊斯兰极端主义成为国际社会关注的焦点。事态发展表明,传播极端伊斯兰意识形态的激进经文学校与宗教极端主义和恐怖主义的密切关系,不仅成为影响有关国家社会稳定的重大因素之一,也危及地区乃至国际安全。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,由于前南地区各国间历史积怨与分歧难以消除、各种极端主义思潮泛滥,加之外部势力频繁插手巴尔干事务,使得该地区战事迭起,各国间经济发展不平衡加剧.进入新世纪后,巴尔干地区形势虽较几年前有所好转,但发展前景仍充满变数.  相似文献   

王联 《亚非纵横》2015,(1):1-10,121,125
"伊斯兰国"给中东带来的乱局是当前该地区政治伊斯兰主义发展的突出写照,宗教极端主义必然混迹其中。尽管美国和西方国家发起新一轮空中军事打击行动,但囿于自身利益以及有关国家政局动荡,未必能在短期内解决问题,宗教极端主义的蔓延还将延续。未来中东地区的政治变迁大体可从土耳其、伊朗和巴基斯坦过往的政治发展中找寻演变规律。  相似文献   

“伊斯兰国”的极端主义理念、政治追求和战略战术决定了其扩张需求.“伊斯兰国”对外渗透和扩张主要指向伊斯兰世界,包括位于中国周边地区的南亚、东南亚和中亚地区.这种渗透和扩张严重威胁相关地区和国家的安全与稳定,增加了世界各国面临的核恐怖主义风险,也对中国的安全和利益构成了多重挑战.  相似文献   

"伊斯兰国"在战场上的一系列失利预示着一个时代的结束。然而,摩苏尔的陷落并不意味着伊斯兰极端主义在世界范围内的彻底终结。无论是"伊斯兰国"的残存势力、还是"基地"组织等老牌极端组织、抑或是目前尚不为人知的潜在极端分子,都在等待新的时机。其存在将对中东地区的社会秩序、国家安全、意识形态稳定以及大国间关系构成严重挑战。稍有不慎就会引爆新的动荡和冲突,以致极端主义势力向其他地区蔓延。因此,国际社会应继续保持密切合作,在打击中东极端主义势力的同时,帮助中东国家完成国内重建或转型,构建一个各文明和谐相处的世界。  相似文献   

近年来西方右翼极端主义势力有所抬头。从对右翼极端主义的最高历史形态———法 西斯主义的兴起分析中可以看出, 资本主义生产方式是右翼极端主义的基本社会根源, 经济危机和 特定条件下的政治文化危机是法西斯主义主流化的基本条件。右翼极端主义也具有很强的蛊惑 力。社会主义运动是抑制和铲除右翼极端主义的根本途径  相似文献   


This article describes an investigation into factors required for a development programme in intercultural business communication amongst the personnel of a South African company operating in the Japanese market. Drawing from items that were identified in the literature, and amongst individuals who operate in the Japanese market, a set of criteria was identified that could be included in a South African-Japanese intercultural business communication course. These criteria were used in a structured questionnaire, which was pre-tested in interviews and a focus group, and then administered to a group of company managers who had travelled to Japan on business. The results of the research are a set of items ranked in terms of salience within three categories. The first comprises degree of knowledge of important aspects of Japanese life, the second consists of factors that lead to culture shock, and the third includes aspects that are deemed to be important in a course on South African–Japanese intercultural business communication.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that there is a link between constructivism and globalisation, and it is a strong one. Constructivism evolved as part of a more general trend in international relations scholarship, a trend that has seen a shift from the study of the relationship between assumed fixed, given units, nation‐states, to the study of encounter between political entities. The study of the encounter, however, affects a subtle but significant change in the assumed spatial context in which international relationships are taking place. The underpinning image of the geographical space, the envelope in which international relationships take place, has shifted from an image of a divided space made of separate and isolated nation‐states to an image of a global space, an arena that give rise to problems of encounters between social units. Encounter theories, of which constructivism in all its variations is a good example, are predicated, in other words, on an assumed global world (however ambiguous and inchoate this notion of global might be), and in that sense they advance, unwittingly, a theory of globalisation.  相似文献   

"印太战略"是美国均势+有限遏制+规制+话语诋毁的混合型战略。它意在前沿、中间地带与后方的三层构建不对称的对华遏制性力量,突破中美双边、单区域战略竞争的狭窄战略空间;在多地域与多维度孤立中国,拉拢更多国家在产业价值链、数字经济等层面与中国切割;制订基础建设投资透明化的新标准,嵌入有利于美国利益的规制;通过国际法、舆论等软性手段抹黑中国的"一带一路"与海权发展。虽然共同逻辑都是制衡中国崛起,但日澳印在策略上强调非对抗性。其中避免成为中国优先反制是日本重要的策略目标;印度在拉达克边界冲突后尚没有形成一个完全倒向美国的战略,因为这必定使其背上沉重的战略包袱,成为美国的附庸;澳大利亚作为地缘政治影响有限的中等国家,在美国反华行动中冲在最前列已使其利益严重受损。而"印太战略"与东盟所推动的包容性、合作安全理念也有着本质的区别,东盟要在"印太地区"发挥中心领导作用,定位"印太"为对话与合作区域。所以由于东盟的抵制、印日澳的消极政策,这个战略形成的攻势将很难保持可持续性,其长期前景并不看好。  相似文献   

The international situation is evolving more impressively than it has at any time since the end of the Cold War.Globalization has been in decline.Nations are scrambling to gain greater influence.The international strategic pattern is being adjusted.Many countries have problems with public management,and are faced with a new array of social trends and increasingly popular movements.The world is entering a new era full of chaos and anxiety.Mankind once again faces significant trade-offs and choices in peace and conflict,development and recession,openness and isolation,liberalism and conservatism.China strives to advocate win-win cooperation and lead the trend of reform and opening to maintain a favorable external environment despite world chaos,and enhance status and institutional rights in the international system.China's 30 years of development was successful in the process of integrating into the existing international system;China is a participant as well as a builder of the international system,rather than a challenger or a subversive.In the future,with a constructive attitude,China will promote the international system in a more reasonable direction together with international partners,in order to better safeguard world peace and security,and promote sustainable development throughout the world.  相似文献   

The summer 2006 war in Lebanon can be perceived through at least five different frames of reference. The US administration saw the war in Lebanon as a local manifestation of the global war on terror. According to this framework, Hezbollah is an Al Qaeda-type enemy, not a national group with a local agenda and constituency; bargaining with Hezbollah is not possible. This point of view makes fighting global terror more difficult and jeopardises the search for stability and peace in the region. Many Israeli and European politicians saw the war as a confrontation between radical Islam and a modern Israeli state, a clash of cultures between Islamic fundamentalists and Western civilisation. This frame of reference, however, fails to recognise the fault line within the Muslim world itself, between those who want to integrate their societies into a globalised world and those who do not. The conflict in Lebanon can also be interpreted as a consequence of the weakening of a state, a framework which underlines the need to strengthen Arab institutions, or as an asymmetrical war between an armed nation state and a guerrilla movement. Finally, the war in Lebanon can be seen as a conflict over power, land, resources and sovereignty–the classic realist perspective. If the international community fails to work toward a comprehensive peace settlement in the Middle East, another framework will gain strength in the Arab world: one that interprets events according to a theory of non-negotiable conflicts between Western imperialism and radical Islamic resistance.  相似文献   

Conflict management in the context of ethnic boundaries and a history of inter-ethnic violence remains a challenge in a range of socio-economic contexts. Conflict management in remote rural areas within developing states where state presence and capacity is relatively weak amidst a background of prolonged and ongoing inter-ethnic violence is particularly challenging. This article examines a case of successful bottom-up efforts to manage conflict at the micro level in northern Kenya. Focusing on the so-called siege of Loregon and its aftermath, this case study describes dynamics on one part of the ‘border’ between Turkana and Pokot ethnic groups, examining the causes and consequences of this violent episode, with a particular focus on recent successes at the local level in managing conflict and as a consequence in reducing the likelihood of future violence in a particular locality, despite ongoing violence in other parts of the interface between Turkana-Pokot ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Constructivists have distanced themselves from questions of language in order to engage the "positivist" mainstream in dialogue. Yet language has played a central role in one important strand of positivism. Current debates in international relations assume a question about whether language is important. This article asks how or why language is important to the study of IR by exploring two distinct phases of the linguistic turn. The first phase, associated with logical positivism, approaches language as a picture of the logic of reality; the second, at the roots of a range of alternative approaches, approaches language use as analogous to making moves in a game. In constructing a link between two phases of the linguistic turn, the abyss separating "positivists," who aren't concerned with language, and "poststructuralists," who are, is replaced with a spectrum of different approaches to language and logic in international relations. The significance of these differences is illustrated in a variety of theoretical and empirical examples.  相似文献   

20 0 1年 4月 ,黑龙江省赴俄经贸考察团分四个组对俄罗斯远东、西伯利亚地区以及莫斯科市进行了考察活动。考察人员一致认为 ,目前俄罗斯政治局面基本稳定 ,经济出现了恢复性增长 ,俄制定了一系列促进经济发展的新政策 ;黑龙江省与俄地方友好往来逐年增多 ,已奠定了良好的经贸科技合作基础 ,但合作层次低、规模小、领域窄的问题仍然存在 ;黑龙江省与俄开展经贸科技合作的潜力巨大 ,前景广阔。通过此次考察还总结了促进中俄经贸科技合作的六点有益的启示。考察活动成效很大 ,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

Within the political configuration of advanced Western democracies, analysts agree that technology is a significant empowering force for organization and mobilization of political parties. However, it is clear that information technology is deployed and employed within a larger political culture, and therefore it is reasonable to expect that political culture has a mediating effect on the role of information technology and political practice. This essay presents a case study from the Republic of Singapore, a nation that has a vastly different political culture from the Western nations, to examine the ways in which assumptions about technology affected both the deployment and regulation of the Internet as a political force during the 2001 general election. Contrary to assumptions and arguments that the Internet has similar qualitative impacts across national boundaries, this essay argues that political culture, including regulation, plays a significant role in contextualizing and limiting the effects of new media on political practice. The results demonstrate significant national differences in the ways in which the Internet is used in campaigns, in soliciting feedback and discussion, and in establishing a political profile.  相似文献   

身份叙事与中国参与北极事务身份建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵洋 《东北亚论坛》2022,31(1):96-116
国家身份可以划分为总体身份和具体身份,具体身份是总体身份在不同场域的具体投射。作为话语实践的一种形式,叙事则是身份建构的主要机制,它将一系列关于总体身份和具体身份的隐喻以特定逻辑联系在一起。当代中国所追求的总体身份是负责任大国,而这一身份的主要表现则是倡导构建人类命运共同体。这一身份通过领域或功能以及地域两个维度被投射到北极场域,形成了"北极事务的重要利益攸关方"这一具体身份。本文在论述叙事和国家身份形成关系的基础上,重点分析了"北极事务的重要利益攸关方"这一身份隐喻通过叙事被投射到具体场域中的过程。通过叙事,"北极事务的重要利益攸关方"同中国的国际责任、各国的共同利益等话语联系在一起,成为负责任大国身份在北极场域的延伸,成为构建人类命运共同体这一宏观目标的组成部分。  相似文献   

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