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Punch biopsies taken from the extensor side of the thigh of 35 human cadavers were incubated in vitro with radioactively labeled thymidine (3H-thymidine = 3H-TdR, 14C-thymidine = 14C-TdR) to determine whether a relationship exists between changes in the proliferative activity of the skin and the postmortal interval after irreversible cardiac arrest. The cadavers were stored at 4 degrees C. Cadavers with indeterminable time of death or presence of intoxication, drug therapy with cytostatic agents, or a skin disease were excluded from the study. Single, double, or multiple biopsies were performed on the same cadaver; single labeling with 3H-TdR was done in all cases; double labeling with 3H-TdR and 14C-TdR in selected cases. No relevant changes in the labeling index (mean, 2.39 +/- 1.03%) were demonstrable within the examined postmortal interval of 77.75 h. The DNA synthesis time (ts) was, on the average, 4.75 +/- 1.44 h; a certain relationship to the postmortal interval existed since ts declined with increasing storage time. The potential doubling time (tpot) decreased accordingly, beginning with 181.7 h (mean storage time, 29.9 h) and ending with 137.7 h (mean storage time, 41.7 h). No statistically relevant differences, however, were established at the 1% level. Whereas both labeling index and tpot during the early postmortal interval are comparable with observations in live humans, ts was relatively short as compared to that for the epidermis of live humans.  相似文献   

The morphology of various types of cells in the peripheral blood of human cadavers was investigated. The material comprised 123 medicolegal autopsy cases with post-mortem (p.m.) times ranging from 1.7 to 270.4 hours. The corpses were kept at +4 °C. The haematocrit values of the blood increased rapidly after death. The haematocrit-corrected red cell count, and the total white cell and platelet counts remained quite stable during the whole p.m. time range. Red cells were quite rapidly transformed from a discoid configuration to crumbled discs, echinocytes and spherocytes, but no debris or burst cell configurations were seen. Rapid deterioration of the staining properties and marked morphological changes in many leucocytes occurred quite rapidly after death. Lymphocytes seemed to be the most resistant and basophils the least resistant to the effects of autolysis. Morphologically altered platelets and aggregates of them were seen in each cadaver.The present morphological observations and the quantitative results suggest that various cellular elements of the blood seem to be quite resistant to autolytic effects, and many cells apparently retain their viability for longer periods of time in the blood of cadavers kept at reduced temperature.  相似文献   

The viability of white blood cells, spermatozoa of the epididymis, cells from minced spleen, lymph node and lung, and cells aspirated from the bone marrow of the sternum was studied using the vital dye exclusion test. The material comprised 123 medicolegal autopsy cadavers which had been stored in a mortuary cold room at +4 °C up to 10 days after death. Cells which excluded trypan blue were found in various specimens from all cadavers. However, there was marked individual variation in the results. The loss of viability of the white blood cells showed a moderate correlation (r = ?0.78) with the increase in the post-mortem (p.m.) time, whereas the results for other tissues were not so significant. The K+ and Mg2+ and haemoglobin content and the osmotic resistance of the red cells correlated poorly with the p.m. time. The present results suggest that despite the general assumption that autolytic changes proceed rapidly at the cellular level, individual cells and especially blood cells may remain viable for a long time in cadavers kept at +4 °C.  相似文献   

Postmortem DNA and RNA synthesis was detected in tissue specimens harvested from two cadavers at different intervals between 2.5 and 32 h postmortem. Each tissue specimen was incubated for 1 h in a 3H-thymidine or 3H-cytidine solution. DNA- as well as RNA-synthesizing cells were found in skin tissue and bone marrow throughout the interval investigated. Cytidine incorporation decreased progressively during the course of the postmortem interval. DNA and RNA synthesis was also observed in cells of the testis, which were predominantly spermatogonia cells in the case of DNA. Low-grade RNA synthesis was detected in bowel epithelial cells up to 2.5 h postmortem; DNA synthesis was not present during the interval investigated. No supravital phenomena were observable in the splenic tissues examined.  相似文献   

The mathematical analysis of quantitative micromorphometric parameters of different human skin sites on section material has revealed a significant age-related thinning of the skin and its layers, decreased depth of the salivary and sweat glands position. It is proposed to use micrometric skin parameters for expert examination to define a biological age of the examinee.  相似文献   

Li CT  Li L  Liu Y 《法医学杂志》2006,22(5):346-348
目的检测不同年龄组人活体血细胞线粒体DNA4977碱基缺失情况及其与年龄的相关性。方法根据Anderson标准序列设计mtDNA恒定区和mtDNA4977特异缺失区引物,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术,对110份不同年龄组人活体血细胞mtDNA4977缺失水平进行检测。结果在23岁以下个体中未检出mtDNA4977缺失,在大于23岁的被检个体中检测到mtDNA4977缺失,年龄越大,越容易检测到缺失。结论人mtDNA4977缺失与年龄有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

We monitored the immunohistochemically determined amount of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells in human fetal lung using polyclonal antibodies against apoprotein B and C of human pulmonary surfactant. Lungs of 30 dead-born fetuses without lung affection aged between 15 and 38 weeks of gestation were evaluated and the surface density of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells was determined by morphometry. In lungs of fetuses with a gestational age less than 22 weeks no relevant number of positively reacting cells could be found. Between the 22nd and 29th week a progressive increase with considerable inter-individual variability was observed. From the 30th week on the number of the type II pneumocytes appeared rather constant without further significant increase. We provide evidence that the immunohistochemical detection of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells is useful for the determination of the age of unknown and especially fragmented fetuses: The lack of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells in fetal lungs before the 22nd week allows a rather safe distinction between fetal lungs of higher age from those of lesser age. Between the 22nd and 29th week an age-dependent increase in the number of these cells occurs with wide inter-individual variability allowing only an approximate age determination. In particular, this may be an important piece of information in fragmented fetal corpses. Furthermore, the number of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells provides additional information on pulmonary maturation and may thus be helpful in the estimation of a theoretical survival chance.  相似文献   

Examination of enzymic activities and histochemical reactions on needle pricks can be used to determine the age of micro-injuries with sufficient exactness. Well preserved skin shows patterns of enzymes which also appear with other skin injuries and which were described in detail especially by Raekallio (1970, 1972). In autolytical changes of the skin the adenosinetriphosphatase-reaction is still reliable and can be successfully estimated. If one has sufficient experience it is possible to fairly exactly estimate the age of an injury within the first hour after the injury by preparation of the adenosinetriphosphatase-reaction. If the times of injections are known one frequently succeeds in determining the time of death by exactly determining the age of the injury. In legal expertises the histochemical reactions can rightly be regarded as useful indications of a certain age of the injury. But they do not allow an exact estimate "beyond a reasonable doubt".  相似文献   

The growth of five variables of the tibia (diaphyseal length, diaphyseal length plus distal epiphysis, condylo-malleolar length, sagittal diameter of the proximal epiphysis, maximum breadth of the distal epiphysis) were analysed using polynomial regression in order to evaluate their significance and capacity for age and sex determination during and after growth. Data were collected from 181 (90♂ and 91♀) individuals ranging from birth to 25 years of age and belonging to three documented collections from Western Europe. Results indicate that all five variables exhibit linear behaviour during growth, which can be expressed by a first-degree polynomial function. Sexual significant differences were observed from age 15 onward in the two epiphysis measurements and condylo-malleolar length, suggesting that these three variables could be useful for sex determination in individuals older than 15 years. Strong correlation coefficients were identified between the five tibial variables and age. These results indicate that any of the studied tibial measurements is likely to serve as a useful source for estimating sub-adult age in both archaeological and forensic samples.  相似文献   

根据手指节皱纹推断年龄的研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了快速、准确、简便地推断年龄,笔者收集广西区1195人活体手指背照片.通过对中指背近节横纹特征的观察,并用解剖学、法医学、数理统计学的理论进行研究,结果发现手指背横条纹随着年龄的增长呈规律变化,即皱纹由少到多、由浅到深、由不明显到明显、粗纹间距由窄变宽的规律特征,具有一定的法医学应用价值.  相似文献   

A total of 317 upper and lower third molars were randomly divided into working and control samples and used to estimate chronological age employing a method which combined multiple regression analysis of data from Gustafson's and Maples's scoring system, direct morphological measurements obtained with a Kontron image analysis system and logarithmic data transformation. The standard errors of estimate were 2.4-6.8 years in the working sample and 1.9-7.5 years when the derived formulae were tested on the control sample, respectively. Compared to previous studies, this method provides a smaller standard error of estimate from a single molar tooth. The method is presently being tested on other tooth categories, like premolars, canines and other types of molars.  相似文献   

Research on arson and its many motivations continues to be absent from the criminological literature. Although some authorities cite revenge or retaliation as the primary motive for arson in certain areas of our central cities, revenge arson has not been systematically addressed. The research presented here explores whether demographic variables (age, race, and sex) along with the environmental character of the offender's place of residence adequately determine the likelihood that offenders will commit arson for revenge. The analysis not only indicates that important age and racial differences affect the likelihood that individuals will use fire as a weapon of retaliation but also reveals that the environmental situation or character of the offender's place of residence appears to condition the relationship of both age and race with retaliation.  相似文献   

From 1993 to 2008, criminal investigations were conducted in the western part of Switzerland with special attention to blowfly and flesh fly species in order to estimate the post-mortem interval when requested by the police authorities. Flesh flies were found in only 33 cases out of 160. Five species of the genus Sarcophaga were identified (S. africa, S. argyrostoma, S. caerulescens, S. similis and S. sp.). The main species found on corpses (larval stage) was S. argyrostoma. The thermal constant (K) calculated for this species in Switzerland is 380.6 ± 16.3 (mean ± S.D.) degree-days. With the exception of S. caerulescens, found three times in the larval stage on corpses, the three other species are of minor forensic importance. S. argyrostoma is found during summer and indoors. This species colonises dead bodies, usually the same day as blowfly species, and it could be used to estimate the post-mortem interval. Other species are discussed in the light of current knowledge on their biology and ecology. It is recommended that voucher material be deposited in a museum, allowing further studies by relevant specialists, thereby helping investigators and avoiding misidentifications.  相似文献   

Recent casework in Belgium involving the search for human remains buried with lime, demonstrated the need for more detailed understanding of the effect of different types of lime on cadaver decomposition and its micro-environment. Six pigs (Sus scrofa) were used as body analogues in field experiments. They were buried without lime, with hydrated lime (Ca(OH)(2)) and with quicklime (CaO) in shallow graves in sandy loam soil in Belgium and recovered after 6 months of burial. Observations from these field recoveries informed additional laboratory experiments that were undertaken at the University of Bradford, UK. The combined results of these studies demonstrate that despite conflicting evidence in the literature, hydrated lime and quicklime both delay the decay of the carcass during the first 6 months. This study has implications for the investigation of clandestine burials and for a better understanding of archaeological plaster burials. Knowledge of the effects of lime on decomposition processes also has bearing on practices involving burial of animal carcasses and potentially the management of mass graves and mass disasters by humanitarian organisations and DVI teams.  相似文献   

The cranial thickness was measured in 64 individuals (43 males, 21 females) autopsied at our institute. The thickness was measured by taking a biopsy with a trephine at four specific locations on the skull. Complete medical records and pathologic autopsy results were available. While none of the individuals had suffered from diseases affecting bone or bone metabolism as such, a large sub group consisted of individuals with a history of, and autopsy finds consistent with, chronic substance and alcohol abuse. There was no statistically significant difference in cranial thickness measures between this group and the rest of the material. Subsequent analyses failed to reveal any correlations between the cranial thickness and sex and age and height and weight of the individual. This is in accordance with most earlier studies, which likewise show no correlation, or only very faint trends, between cranial thickness and these parameters. This study, thus, adds to other studies showing that cranial thickness cannot be used in aging or sexing human remains. Likewise, in a forensic pathological setting, cranial thickness cannot be inferred from the individuals stature and build, which may be an issue in cases of interpersonal violence with cranial trauma.  相似文献   

Different approaches to the estimation of age at death in mature human skeletal remains were evaluated utilizing samples from 19 recent French autopsy individuals of known age at death. Methods of estimating age at death from single-rooted teeth, the sternal ends of the fourth ribs, the symphyseal face of the pubis and femoral cortical remodeling were evaluated by two independent observers (three observers for the teeth). Comparison included ages estimated from three more comprehensive approaches utilizing data from the application of two or more of the individual methods. The results indicate that the comprehensive approaches are superior to the individual ones and the success of the latter reflects not only the morphological expression of the aging process, but also the technique complexity and the experience of the investigator. Of the individual techniques, the "Lamendin" dental technique was most effective for individuals of ages greater than 25 years.  相似文献   

Using the concept of global prohibition regimes as an analytical point of departure, this article interrogates the development and results of the agitation campaign that relayed the new global prohibition regime against trafficking for sexual exploitation in Greece after 1995. In line with the international trend towards the issue of trafficking in the 1990s, the Greek campaign has been successful in shaping perceptions of the change in the Greek sex industry on the basis of an equation of prostitution, trafficking and transnational organized crime, and it also successfully capitalized on transnational supports to induce changes in legislation and public policy. However, a critical examination of the Greek situation suggests that there is a considerable discrepancy between the above conceptualisation and the knowledge of the issue emerging from the activities of criminal justice agencies. The examination of the general conditions of economic exploitation and social marginalization of migrants in Greece in the 1990s and after reveals significant homologies between the social organization of the sex industry and other sectors of the economy that have depended on migrant labour. This result underscores the nature of the idea of organized crime as an ideological construct acting as a diversion from more substantive paths of inquiry into the structures of national economy that bear upon the exploitation of sexual labour.
Georgios PapanicolaouEmail:

Among the methods dealing with the age estimation, the evaluation of the ratio of the D-, L- form of the aspartic acid in tissues with a low metabolic turnover is considered to be the most precise. We introduced demineralization of the dentin with 0.5 M EDTA adjusted to pH = 7.4. The advantage of such a procedure is that after demineralization we obtained pure insoluble protein (collagen) and soluble noncollagenous proteins in one step. In this study we analyzed insoluble collagen. The amino acids obtained after the hydrolysis were derivatized into TFA isopropyl esters and analyzed by gas chromatography on Chirasil L-Val capillary column. We analyzed human dentin from the lower canines. The correlation coefficient was 0.93 for our set of 71 persons. The result concurred with those of other scientists.  相似文献   

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