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合规计划的效度之维——逻辑与实证的双重展开   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于对传统企业犯罪预防模式的反思,以及企业责任形式的转变,尤其是文化责任、结构性疏忽的采用,企业合规计划(CorporateComplianceProgram)得以产生并蓬勃发生;对于合规计划的效度问题,实证研究缘于方法论的缺陷,难以达成一致结论;从实证转向逻辑思辨,合规计划对于企业及其职员过失犯罪具有显著作用,而对于故意犯罪,则应区分犯罪主体;对于一般企业职员及中层管理人员的故意犯罪具有一定作用,但对于企业高层职员则难见成效;基于对合规计划及其成效的分析,文章提出选择性借鉴的观点,增加激励机制,严厉刑罚,同时避免合规计划的过度适用引起的诸多问题。  相似文献   

在企业合规制度中,涉罪企业认罪既是启动合规考察的前提条件,亦能体现检察机关提前采取“准刑罚”措施的正当性。围绕中小微企业这一类主要适用对象,企业认罪的实践困境包含直接责任人员未参与罪名合意、认罪真实性与自愿性难以保障、检察机关接触企业认罪较晚等。究其原因,主要为“认事”与罪名合意之人发生分离、合规不起诉的优待及于直接责任人员、公诉裁量权较大且外在监督不足等。同时,从试点情况看,企业认罪的具体表现形式为第三方组织审查和建议采取何种合规计划、合规考察合格后检察机关是否不起诉等提供了参考和依据。面对诸多实践困境,应从赋予两类代表人员相关性权利、对直接责任人员慎用不起诉、逐步完善企业合规规则、强化公诉裁量权的外部“风控”因素四方面加以改进。  相似文献   

李勇 《政法论坛》2022,(1):132-146
只有被证明是有效的合规计划,才能作为对涉罪企业从宽、免除处罚的事由,但合规有效性标准从合规诞生之日起就是个难解之题.从合规有效性标准的发展历程来看,经历了从技术性指标向文化指标转变的过程,合规有效性的核心标准是合规成为企业文化.与其问企业是否完成了合规计划的实施,不如问企业文化走向何方.奠定于卢曼的社会系统论基础之上的...  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the ability of compliance program audits to provide adequate assurance of compliance system performance. The empirical evidence comes from the use of compliance program audits in monitoring compliance with enforceable undertakings agreed upon between companies (that have allegedly breached the law) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The evidence suggests that the primary value of compliance program audits in this context is as a management review that induces better compliance. Nevertheless, it may be the formal regulatory expectation of verification (and the belief that it is possible) that gives the compliance review its power to encourage management to listen and respond to auditors' recommendations for improvement.
The danger is that the review aspect of the audit will be captured by management concerns. This is evident in a tendency for the audit methodology to focus on management systems at the expense of forensic investigation of harm done (or likely to be done) to consumers and investors, and in a failure to seek out public opinion and input. This style of audit undermines the basic regulatory objective of democratic accountability for corporate responsibility. I conclude by using the literature on critical social audits to show that there is, nonetheless, significant potential for compliance program audits to open corporate management to democracy, and to make some suggestions as to how this might be possible.  相似文献   

意大利是较早建立企业合规体系,法治经验相对成熟的国家。第231号法令跨越意大利《宪法》第27条的障碍,规定了判断企业责任的主客观标准,将企业责任建立在组织性罪过基础之上。企业免责的唯一途径是构建有效合规计划。如果企业能够证明在犯罪发生之前已采用并有效地实施了组织、管理和控制模式,则可以免除责任。该法令实施20年来,通过持续性革新,将反腐败合规计划由公共机构扩展至私营企业,规定合规计划中辩诉交易的适用条件,引入配额制的经济制裁手段,实现了自我完善。我国的企业合规改革刚刚起步,应当重视企业刑事合规的法治化,明确单位犯罪的归责基础,单位犯罪治理应当由事后惩治模式向事先预防的企业合规模式转变,立法上应当增设配额罚金制和褫夺资格处罚,以建立相对完善的、符合我国国情的企业合规制度。  相似文献   

Australian law provides incentives and encouragement for companies to develop their own sexual harassment policies. This paper reports on interviews with equal opportunity officers in Australia's financial services industry responsible for best practice sexual harassment policies. Their experiences evoke three scholarly critiques of corporate compliance as a regulatory strategy: (1) that corporate compliance programs are a means by which employees' lives are regimented and controlled by corporate governmentality, (2) or, even worse, that private management priorities subvert the principles of public‐regarding law while appearing to implement them, and (3) that even where law has some effect, regulatory strategies aimed at producing self‐regulatory compliance will provide insufficient deterrence to effect real change. The data however also show that the best of these best practice officers have themselves created complex strategies to resolve tensions between law and management, corporate goals, and normative pressures. In doing so, they have had to combine their personal, professional, and corporate commitments to "win hearts and minds" to antiharassment values by co‐opting management resources to compliance goals through strategic appeals to both "business case" arguments and the specter of public sanctions. This project of cooption depends on their own position and "clout" within the corporation.  相似文献   

Human rights violations by corporations are a major challenge, even if serious companies try to prevent them with their internal compliance program. Traditionally CSR and compliance were synonyms for soft law and self-regulation. Compliance, however, is increasingly establishing itself as a fundamental requirement to prevent corporate liability. Obviously, there are additional requirements for responsibility (like jurisdiction and the offence as a step towards the corporate goal). Overall, what has evolved in areas like corruption, money laundering and tax crime is gradually extending to the protection of human rights.  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of the corporate "social license," which governs the extent to which a corporation is constrained to meet societal expectations and avoid activities that societies (or influential elements within them) deem unacceptable, whether or not those expectations are embodied in law. It examines the social license empirically, as it relates to one social problem–environmental protection–and as it relates to one particular industry: pulp and paper manufacturing. It shows try the social license is important, the circumstances in which it may encourage companies to go "beyond compliance" with regulation, how its terms are monitored and enforced, and how it interacts with what we term the regulatory and economic licenses. Overall, this research demonstrates that corporate environmental behavior cannot be explained purely in terms of instrumental threats and moral obligations to comply with the law, and that the increasing incidence of "beyond compliance" corporate behavior can be better explained in terms of the interplay between social pressures and economic constraints.  相似文献   

涉案企业合规刑行衔接的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李奋飞 《政法论坛》2022,(1):104-116
涉案企业合规改革的推行和深化,离不开行政监管部门的全面配合.检察机关在涉案企业合规改革探索过程中,也较为注重发挥行政监管部门的作用,并尝试利用现有的制度空间解决好与行政监管部门的衔接配合问题.但由于行政监管部门并没有配合刑事执法机关参与办理企业合规案件的法定义务,加上衔接配合的规则和程序粗陋缺失,刑行衔接程序出现不畅问...  相似文献   

自我国监管部门引入合规监管方式以来,有效合规管理大体形成了两种相对独立的制度模式。其中,日常性合规管理是企业在行政监管部门的指导和监督下,以预防相关合规风险为主要出发点,建立常态化的合规管理体系;合规整改则是企业在行政机关、司法机关的执法压力下,或在国际组织采取制裁措施的情况下,以减轻处罚或者取消制裁为目标,针对业已暴露的违法、违规或犯罪行为,采取有针对性的合规整改措施。在确保企业有效防控合规风险方面,这两种合规管理模式各有其制度结构和公司治理功能,也存在着各自的优劣得失。在企业合规管理体系的建构方面,这两种模式既可以相互转化,也可以相互补充和完善。  相似文献   

Increased health care fraud and abuse investigations could result in home health agencies, and other targets, becoming politically acceptable casualties of war in the battle to balance the federal budget. To protect themselves, home health agencies would be well advised to conduct internal fraud and abuse audits on an annual basis and to develop corporate compliance plans (see Newsletter, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 1994, at 16, and next month's issue, which will discuss corporate compliance programs as well as the OIG's new voluntary disclosure program). In addition, purchasers of home health agencies should be especially vigilant of fraud and abuse problems during the due diligence phase of the acquisition and, if problems are discovered, should consider whether voluntary disclosure to the OIG and settlement of any resulting claims is an appropriate condition of closing.  相似文献   

董坤 《政法论坛》2022,(1):117-131
通过对企业合规检察面向的谱系梳理可以发现,无论是对合规总体宏观的理论论证、试点决策、规范制定,还是就合规具体试点的推进方式、进度调控和领域调整,检察主导已成为中国企业合规的鲜明特色.企业合规检察主导的内生动力和深层根源涉及三个方面:主体认知自觉,即新形势下对检察工作省思后的创新探索和职能延伸;法理依据证成,基于对合规"...  相似文献   

杨帆 《法学杂志》2022,43(1):112-122
在刑事合规的制度设计中,程序法承载了治理犯罪、保护权利、提升经济效率等多项重要职能。当前,全球范围内企业合规的刑事程序运行呈现出如下发展态势:立案管辖范围扩张,侦(调)查措施更加灵活多样,检察官主导实现多样化的诉讼激励,刑事合规的司法审查逐步加强,律师充分参与刑事合规得到保障。我国刑事合规的理论研究逐步兴起,实践中企业合规试点单位进行了相应的刑事程序改革与探索。随着刑事合规的全面深入发展,我国刑事诉讼程序应从立案、侦查、起诉、审判、辩护等多个环节进行系统、科学改造,以满足企业合规对刑事程序的实质需求。  相似文献   

"放过企业、严惩个人"是欧美国家企业合规不起诉的理念,但在我国企业合规改革试点的典型案例中,既放过企业又放过个人的"双不起诉"现象出现了,这引发了对企业合规不起诉公正性和正当性的质疑。"双不起诉"出现的主要原因在于,我国未严格区分企业刑事责任和个人刑事责任,未厘清企业合规不起诉制度与认罪认罚从宽制度的关系。随着企业合规改革试点的持续推进,有必要对"双不起诉"引发的质疑作出回应,区分企业和个人的刑事责任,对小微企业的合规不起诉给予足够的本土关怀,厘清企业合规不起诉制度与认罪认罚从宽制度的关系,推动我国企业合规本土化深入发展。  相似文献   

我国检察机关目前对于民营企业犯罪探索建立的刑事合规制度具有积极的社会引导意义,但在发端背景、合规互动结构、案件适用范围、法源及合规强度等方面存在不足,可能影响刑事合规的适用效果。通过改造我国刑法中关于单位犯罪归责原理的路径来达到刑事合规扩大适用是不经济的。我国民营企业的刑事合规建设需要避免合规概念的泛化,通过区分犯罪类型、细分企业规模及控制合规成本等方面的细致设计来激发企业建立合规体系的内驱力。外部监管方面应通过更新监管理念来获得行政监管机构对企业合规建设的协同,可以试点先行延长合规考察期限。  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, the risks of bribing foreign public officials have greatly increased for multinational companies based in OECD countries and those listed on their stock markets. Generally, these risks can be mitigated through corporate compliance programs. Such compliance programs are directed at reducing bribery and other unethical behavior in the private sector. This paper assesses how the international standard against transnational bribery has impacted anticorruption compliance programs in Argentina. It first traces the origins and logics behind corporate anticorruption compliance. It later describes the international standard against transnational bribery and, in the light of information collected through 16 in-depth interviews and a survey conducted among 70 companies based in Argentina, it assesses how corporate anticorruption programs work in this country. After distinguishing between “paper”, “cheap-talk” ideal-type programs and sound, truly committed ideal-type policies, it suggests that anticorruption compliance in Argentina is placed closer to the former than the latter, and it offers possible reasons for such findings.  相似文献   

在企业的刑事归责问题上,西方国家传统上遵循的是以企业员工的行为和主观过错推论企业行为和主观过错的原则。如今,这一归责方式正在受到普遍的质疑和挑战,一种建立在“组织责任”基础上的理论正在兴起,并为企业合规引入企业归责原则确立了理论上的依据。我国刑法所确立的单位犯罪制度,面临着单位犯罪与自然人犯罪“入罪标准不统一”“同罪不同罚”,单位所承担的刑事责任与行政责任难以保持均衡,以及认定单位主观意志较为困难等方面的问题。唯有建立“企业独立意志理论”,将单位视为一种独立的生命有机体,承认其具有实施独立行为和具有独立主观意志的能力,才能走出上述困境,并将企业合规融入单位归责原则之中。  相似文献   

Tom Tyler's Procedural Justice Theory has received support in a variety of studies using criminal justice authorities as the research focus. To date, the theory has not been empirically tested using corporate malfeasance as an outcome, despite evidence that procedural justice is important in achieving regulatory compliance. This study uses factorial survey methods to examine whether corporate behavior is predicted by professionals' perceptions of procedural justice and legal legitimacy. We find that procedural justice and legitimacy considerations are salient only when managers have direct contact with regulatory authorities. This supports John Braithwaite's argument that effective regulation is enhanced by microlevel interactions in which procedural justice can be effectively leveraged to promote compliance.  相似文献   

契合"放管服"改革理念的数据安全认证,在数字时代整个规制法体系中必将占据日益重要的地位。数据安全认证通过声誉评价机制,可以引导、激励互联网企业守法合规经营,可以增强用户对中小微互联网企业和新兴数字产业的信任感,可以避免"一刀切"的政府规制,可以满足社会公众多元的数据安全需求。数据安全认证机构应具有高度的独立性与专业性,防止其被互联网企业"俘获"或成为政府的"附庸"。宜实行自愿为主、强制为辅的数据安全认证模式。认证程序应强调公正透明性,认证标准应注重评价企业数据合规的制度建设。根据过错责任原则,分别设置数据安全认证机构"相应的赔偿责任"或"连带责任",并加大对数据安全认证违法行为的公法责任追究。科学构建法治化的数据安全认证体制机制,不仅是保障数据安全的现实需要,而且是弥补数字时代政府规制缺陷的迫切需求。  相似文献   

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