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印度高校对师生科研能力的管理及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度现代高等教育理念、高校建设规划和课程设置考核等,有助于科技创新和发展;为了培养学生的创新能力,高等教育着力加强和提高高校教师的科研素质,稳定教师队伍,确保科研持续发展。而教师科研能力的持续发展与学生科研素质形成互动性提高,为国家向科研大国迈进提供了动力。  相似文献   

资料室是高校图书资料系统中的子系统,是图书馆的延长和补充。它承担着为教学和科研服务的双重任务,对教师提高教学质量和科研水平起着先导作用,知识信息的价值决定了资料工作的社会价值。高校资料室作为社会信息网络体系的一个组成部分,必将随着整个大系统的发展而发展。  相似文献   

高校大学生科研能力的培养一直是越南教育界关心的问题。本文通过问卷调查的方式了解目前越南高校大学生科研现状及如何提高本科学生的科研能力,并对越南高校大学生科研能力的影响因素进行分析并提出建议。  相似文献   

我是五十年代的幼儿师范毕业生,一生重视幼儿教育事业。我的科研论文曾入选在《幼教研究》、《上海教育科研》、《上海预防医学》等权威性杂志上,并被普陀区教育学院聘为 240工程的任课老师。我的工作赢得教育部幼教司专家组的肯定。但是,到了六十岁退下来时,顿时手足无措,有种失落感。斜土街道统战干部上门访问,因为我先生的大哥是美国大学副校长,是知名学者,动员我出来为侨工作。从此,我就成了现在的角色——上海斜土路街道侨眷组的组长。   我可算是一个侨界新兵,对侨务工作充满着新奇,一切从头学起。凡是区侨联组织的报告…  相似文献   

e-Science是21世纪科研工作的重要模式,全球许多国家与地区都展开了e-Science的研发与建设。与传统科研方法相比,e-Science呈现出高开放性、高协同性、高共享性等特点。e-Science的不同特点对科研工作产生了极大影响,它使科研方法由实物实验转向模拟仿真,科研信息获取量由少到多,科研模式由个体走向协作,科研发现整体实力由弱变强。  相似文献   

高新技术在养禽业中的应用甘孟侯,黄瑜(北京农业大学兽医学院100094)当今科学技术层出不穷、迅猛更新,不断向组合化、多域化和产业化的方向发展。对于应用性、实用性甚强的兽医科学,一些现代高新技术已成为科研和临床诊断的有力手段,其初步应用已显示出广阔的...  相似文献   

印度力争成为军事工业大国刘晓飞潘小珠印度通过执行长期经济计划,在发展社会经济方面,已取得了可观的成就,现正努力争取实现在本世纪末成为“世界中等强国”的战略目标。为实现这一总目标,它在重点发展经济,加强科研的前提下,侧重发展军事力量,力争在21世纪称霸...  相似文献   

山羊人工流产术黄群山,王建辰(西北农业大学陕西杨陵712100)在生产或科研实践中,有时为了某种特殊的目的,需要人为中断家畜的妊娠。本文旨在通过几种常用人工流产方法在山羊上实施的效果比较,找出一种适用于山羊的人工流产方法。(一)材料和方法1,试验动物...  相似文献   

兽医科技成果的经济评价对兽医科研新课题是否值得开题研究、新成果是否值得推广,具有决定意义。同时也有助于兽医科研单位利用有限的科研资金以尽可能快、尽可能多的研制出科学性强、技术先进、适用于生产、经济效益高和增益潜力大的科研成果,以促使兽医科研单位重视和加强应用研究和开发研究。同时便于在同类型的科研单位之间进行经济效益大小的比较,相互促进,找出提高科研单位科研投资经济效益的途径和改善科研管理提  相似文献   

吉林大学──珲春市图们江国际开发研究所吉林大学珲春市图们江国际开发研究所是吉林大学和珲春市联合开办的科研实体,具有独立法人资格,所址在珲春市边境经济合作区。该所成立于1994年10月。研究所的办所宗旨是以中共"十四"大精神为指针,以吉林省建设发达边疆...  相似文献   

Pavel Kohout 《Orbis》2005,49(4):120-742
As immigrant populations in Western welfare states grow at a faster rate than the native populations, whose birthrates have declined dramatically in recent years, Europe's tradition of democracy and tolerance is threatened. The reasons for the birthrate decline and the resultant aging of the native population are many and complex, but one important contributing factor is the pay-as-you-go pension system, which reduces people's immediate dependence on children. Moreover, the payroll and social security taxes that support the welfare state reduce the earnings capacity of men and women of the traditional age for having children, thus pushing down the birthrate. It is time to consider whether modern Europe's small-size families and high pensions are sustainable  相似文献   

This article explores the parameters, value and limitations of different critical strategies for those dissatisfied with the contemporary politics of terror. It argues, first, that the prominent (counter-)terrorism paradigm – in which terrorism is approached as a ubiquitous and very specific security challenge meriting appropriately exceptional responses – is far more critiqued than we might anticipate. And, second, that such critiques – which can be found across political language, popular culture, everyday life, and beyond – employ distinct critical resources to serve varying ends. Reflecting on these, the article offers a new heuristic distinguishing five critical strategies which seek to: (i) repudiate; (ii) question; (iii) subvert; (iv) replace, or (v) deconstruct the prominent counter-terrorism paradigm. This typology, it argues, offers scope for optimism and strategic resources for those attracted to a critical terrorism studies project going forward.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the interplay of energy, climate change, and national security issues in Southwest Asia, using the newer definition of “national security” to include energy security, economic development, and climate change, as well as traditional security focusing on the military aspects.  相似文献   

In the Spitsbergen treaty of 1920, Norway acquired sovereignty over the Spitsbergen Islands. Rather than Woodrow Wilson, the American president, the architects behind the treaty were Robert Lansing, Wilson’s secretary of state, and, behind the diplomatic scene, the mining investor, John M. Longyear. In 1906, Longyear established a mining company to exploit the coal deposits at Spitsbergen. He induced Congress, the State Department, and the White House to forge an American policy for the European Arctic, including the appointment of Lansing, an international lawyer, as a counsel in the State Department. Lansing was a leading expert on both international law and the lack of state authority at the terra nullius, Spitsbergen. In 1915, he became secretary of State and, at the Paris Peace Conference, decided American policy regarding the Spitsbergen question. This analysis shows how the outcome of the Spitsbergen question was a result of American mining interests, supplemented by Norwegian-American shared interests in conflict resolution based on international law.  相似文献   

The article makes a preliminary survey of the teaching of internationalrelations (IR) in Malaysia. It starts by describing the originsof the field, and the emergence of an IR epistemic communityjoining both academia and government. This account is necessarilyderived from the experiences of the four most established Malaysianuniversities distinguished by length of existence and officialfavor. Subsequently, the survey would describe course contentand influences going into their design. The penultimate sectionswould attempt to place the evolution of Malaysian IR teachingwithin a historical context. This survey nonetheless concludesthat nationalist aspirations continue to remain a secondaryinfluence when compared with intellectual dependence upon theWest in the design of IR education in Malaysia. Received for publication August 28, 2008. Accepted for publication October 2, 2008.  相似文献   

This article draws on the politics of indigeneity to distinguish the claims of first occupancy from simple ethnic identity politics, illustrating that relative political marginalization in Australasia is not so much a function of minority status but of indigeneity itself. The politics of indigeneity's aim is to create political space for self-determination and a particular indigenous share in the sovereign authority of the nation-state itself. The Australasian states are compared with Fiji to demonstrate that the significance of historical constraints on political authority transcend the withdrawal of a colonial power and the restoration of collective indigenous majority population status.  相似文献   

Most of the socio-economic changes taking place in Africa and much of the South are externally driven. External agencies, often in league with the State, by-pass working people and do not involve them in the decision-making processes. Their economic approaches ignore people's cultures and their world view. This denies working people a creative capacity to adapt new techniques and knowledge to their own concrete reality. This article argues for the importance of the historical frame of reference and for the centrality of culture in socio-economic processes. The author argues against approaches which are not culturally familiar to working people.  相似文献   

This article reports on exploratory research based on interviews with expatriate and local aid workers employed by local and international NGOs in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Thematic analysis of the interviews found that personnel were placed in groups based on their job category – consultant, volunteer, or permanent staff – regardless of experience. These categories logically reflect each worker's pay level, purpose, and role, but they may also have an implicit power meaning which reinforces group differences and inhibits inter-group relationships. Relationship building was reported to be the most important factor contributing to the success of capacity-development initiatives. Four sub-themes were identified: communication, friendship, reciprocal learning/teaching, and confidence.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Samuel B. Bacharach and Edward J. Lawler , Power and Politics in Organizations: The Social Psychology of Conflict, Coalitions, and Bargaining .
Max H. Bazerman and Roy J. Lewicki , eds., Negotiating in Organizations .
Jeffrey Pfeffer , Power in Organizations .  相似文献   

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