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法治中国的全方位建设包括法治国家建设、法治政府建设和法治社会建设。法治中国、法治国家、法治政府、法治社会四个概念在同一时空使用时,可以认为"法治中国"是后三者的上位概念。后三者是"法治中国"的基本要素。法治国家指整个国家公权力的法治化;法治政府主要指国家行政权行使的法治化;法治社会则主要指相对于国家公权力的政党和其他社会共同体行使社会公权力的法治化。法治中国等四个概念的相互关系是:建设法治国家是建设法治政府的前提,建设法治政府是建设法治国家的关键;建设法治国家是建设法治社会的基础,建设法治社会是建设法治国家的条件;建设法治政府是建设法治社会的保障,建设法治社会是建设法治政府的目标;而建设法治国家、法治政府、法治社会的统一,就是建设法治中国。  相似文献   

论一体建设法治社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设是中国建设发展的主观选择,是我国经济社会发展的迫切需求,中国特色社会主义理论是其思想基础,具有划时代的意义。相对于法治国家、法治政府,法治社会是指全部社会生活的民主化、法治化。法治国家、法治政府与法治社会要一体建设而非分体建设、要同步建设而非分步骤建设。要从理念和思维层面、国家治理体系和治理能力层面、社会自治能力层面充分认识法治社会建设的艰巨性、复杂性。我国法治社会建设的基本路径在于:以坚持党的领导为根本保证,以政府主导与社会共治为基本方式,以培育法治信仰、增强全民法治观念为突破口,以构建政社分开、权责明确、依法自治的现代社会组织体制为重点,以形成多元融贯的规则体系为支撑,实现政府治理和社会自我调节、居民自治良性互动,达到整个社会和谐有序、健康发展。  相似文献   

房旭 《行政与法》2014,(7):29-33
法治中国是中国法治建设的最终目标,但究竟何为法治中国却是一个难以达成共识的问题.然而,厘清何为法治中国的内涵是法治中国建设的逻辑起点.依据现代意义上的“法治”和“中国”的内涵以及法治中国与法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设的关系理论可知,法治中国是法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设完成后的结果,是指在整个中国领域范围内,法治成为一种全社会的主要生活方式和一种全民的信仰,并且形成和表现为科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法的一种良性法律秩序的现实状态.  相似文献   

行政机关自觉运用法治思维行使紧急权是紧急状态法治化的内涵,亦是我国法治政府建设和推进国家安全法治建设的重要内容.运用法治思维有助于真正实现紧急权的价值功能,有助于约束紧急权的行使和保护公民权利.在紧急权行使中运用法治思维就是在采取紧急措施限制公民权利时,应综合运用紧急性思维、必要性思维、平等思维、核心基本权利不可克减思维、信息公开思维等进行分析判断.因此,完善紧急状态法制是指导紧急权行使的法治思维形成的基础,加强对应急法治知识的学习和实践是指导紧急权行使的法治思维形成的必要条件.  相似文献   

法治秩序断想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家"目标的确立,标志着我国已经走上了一条政府推动法治化进程的"变法"之路。法治秩序的形成是法治化的重要内容之一。本文从"法治"的含义入手切入法治秩序,探讨了法治秩序的内涵及法治秩序建构的条件,并对法治秩序进行了理性反思,聊作当下法治秩序建构之参考。  相似文献   

法治国家是现代文明的重要标志,是中国共产党领导人民台理国家的基本方略。建设社会主义法治国家,监督国家权力正当行使,必然是一个渐进的过程。新中国成立后,为防止共产党员和公职人员蜕化变质,党和国家采取了一系列措施。其中最具法治精神的,就是建立了以公权力监督公权力的一系列制度体系。  相似文献   

周恒 《河北法学》2020,(4):103-115
作为一个同法治国家、法治政府相区别的概念,法治社会命题致力于实现社会生活的秩序化、法治化,并尤其强调社会力量对国家法治建设的推动作用,试图借助多元社会主体的参与来型构法治发展的动力基础。准确认识当下的社会状况,充分挖掘现有的社会力量,是开展法治社会建设的正确路径。在当代,互联网信息技术的纵深发展日益改变着现代社会的交往模式,并塑造出互联网社交这一新型的社会关系形态。互联网社交的出现与发展孕育了以网络为介质的社会力量,使社会逐渐获取了同国家对话并参与国家法治建设的能力。互联网社交在法治社会建设中的功能可以从四个向度获得理解:互联网社交缔造着网络公共空间的公民品格;互联网社交孕育了网络社会的自治能力;互联网社交构成了民主参与的"非正式"渠道;互联网社交提供了权力制约的社会手段。  相似文献   

法治国有多种类型:从专制的法制国到自由法治国、国家主义法治国、社会法治国.它们同社会的关系虽各有特色,但基本上是以国家为本位,以控制社会为目的.社会主义法治国家应当是自由社会法治国,它是以社会为本位,不只是要建设民主化、法治化的国家,更要形成法治社会;国家既服务于社会,又保障社会的自主、自治、自由.而法治社会则应当是自由的社会、公民社会.这种自由社会的终极目标也就是马克思所追求的"自由人的联合体".权力的多元化社会化和法的社会化多元化将消减国家法对社会的绝对统治,转为国家法与社会自治规范的共治,最终使法与权力逐渐复归于社会.  相似文献   

法治国家、法治政府与法治社会一体建设的重要途径就是必须全面推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法.  相似文献   

市民社会驱动:中国法治发展模式的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彬 《行政与法》2004,(3):44-46
在中国法治化进程中,我们必须以中国市民社会的建构作为法治的前提,以市民社会的建构驱动中国的法治化进程,运用法律维护市民社会的自律、自治与独立,明确国家权力行使的根据、范围、界限和程序,将实现市民社会的自治作为中国法治发展的目标取向。  相似文献   

合同成立与生效区分的再探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尹飞 《法学家》2003,(3):115-124
作者考察了各主要国家民法对合同成立与生效区分的态度及其成因,认为法律对这一区分的态度受到合意在交易中的地位、意思主义与表示主义、法律对法律行为本质的认识等因素的影响,并探讨了合同成立与生效区分的意义、合同的不成立与被撤销之间的关系等内容.在此基础上,揭示了我国《合同法》区分合同成立与生效的法理基础及《合同法》相关规定的不足之处.  相似文献   

This case is about the finding of a body of an unidentified male of approximately 70 years of age who was hit by a train. During the carrying out of the corresponding autopsy and after the radiological tests for posterior odontological identification, a foreign body of a cylindrical-cone shape, identical to that of a bullet, was found lodged between the first and second cervical vertebrae. During dissection of the neck, a bullet was found. When the ballistic test was carried out, it was ascertained that the bullet was from a cartridge of 7.92 by 57-mm Mauser caliber, manufactured in Spain in 1936. This ammunition corresponds to that used during the Civil War in Spain (1936-1939). After the identification of the body, it was proved that the bullet was the result of a war wound. However, the victim had been unaware of the existence of the bullet, which had remained in his body for 50 years.  相似文献   

A consignment of individual packages is thought to contain illegal material, such as drugs, in some or all of the packages. A sample from the consignment is inspected and the quantity of drugs in each package of the sample is measured. It is desired to estimate the total quantity of drugs in the consignment. Sampling variation is present in the original measurements and it is not sufficient just to adjust the sample mean pro rata. An analysis is described which takes account of the uncertainty concerning the proportion of the packages that contain drugs and provides a probabilistic summary of the quantity of drugs in the consignment. In particular, a probabilistic lower bound for the quantity of drugs in the consignment is given, which is dependent on the required standard of proof. This is in contrast to the approach based on confidence intervals which assumes that in the long run, the interval will contain the correct quantity the appropriate proportion of the time, but gives no measure of uncertainty associated with the particular consignment under consideration.  相似文献   

The rise in the scale and complexity of the tasks of building communism constantly puts new and higher demands on the apparatus for managing the country's economic and social development. A special role in assuring that the mechanism of administration will proceed without fits and starts belongs to the ministries, upon which are placed the full responsibility for the state of affairs in the branches of economy and culture under their jurisdiction. The December 1977 Plenum of the CPSU Centr Committee emphasized that the duty of the heads of each branch and each ministry requires that, as they seek improvement of their indices, they tie this as closely as possible to the final effect of their work on the national economy, that they overcome elements of localism and departmentalism, and that they help to satisfy real social needs in the most economical and effective manner possible.  相似文献   

This article reports on an investigation of children's definitions of the truth that can pertain to their ability to provide accurate information during an, investigation or trial: whether corroborating an inaccurate statement made by a parent is lying or telling the truth. Subjects were 133 preschool through third-grade children who were shown a videotape in which either a boy makes a false statement to a neighbor about the neighbor's daughter hitting him and his mother listens passively or a mother makes a similar false statement and the boy corroborates it. None of the children classified the corroboration as the truth. Only a small percent of the preschool and kindergarten children classified the boy's or mother's initial false statement as the truth; all of the older children classified these statements as a lie. About 20% of the children recalled incorrectly that the neighbor's daughter hit the boy.This project was supported with funds from the College Research Grant Fund of the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University. Great appreciation goes to several schools, including Groton Elementary (Joseph Amore, Principal), Montessori School of Ithaca (Carol Hill, Co-Administrator), Ithaca Community Child Care Center (Gloria Landis, Teacher), and Pinwheels Day Care Center (Kendra Maturo, Administrator). Virginia Alhusen, Ph. D., managed data collection and analysis for the project superbly.  相似文献   

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