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资本市场在我国的快速发展,使实行分业经营的我国商业银行受到严峻的挑战。本文将主要针对我国资本市场的现状,探讨国有商业银行在新形势下经营与发展的对策。   一、在传统业务的范畴内通过调整产品结构和金融创新,巩固原有的经营阵地   1、调整传统存贷业务结构,通过市场细分对原有的金融业务重新进行市场定位。   在资本市场快速发展,新型商业银行不断兴起,以及中国加入 WTO后外资银行将逐步取得本币经营权的环境下,国有商业银行应该认真分析自身的优势和劣势,对原有的资源进行梳理和整合,适时适度地调整传统存款业务结…  相似文献   

各银监局,各国有商业银行、股份制商业银行,邮政储蓄银行:为进一步规范商业银行个人理财业务的投资管理活动,促进理财业务健康有序发展,针对商业银行个人理财业务发展的实际情况,  相似文献   

卢水莲 《湖湘论坛》2001,14(6):27-28
随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和金融改革的进一步推进,商业银行的经营管理机制正朝着现代企业制度方向迈进。尤其是中国加入WTO的步伐加快,更加速了这一趋势。中国加入WTO后,中国商业银行与外资银行的竞争不仅表现在业务市场上,更多的是表现在要素市场上,尤其是人力资源。人是商业银行最宝贵、最具决定意义的因素,因此,中国商业银行改革人事和分配制度,建立适应市场经济要求的人事管理机制已是当务之急。本文拟探讨当前商业银行实行全员劳动合同制的若干问题。一、商业银行劳动合同制与原有固定工制度的不同点劳动合同制…  相似文献   

对于市场期待已久的国家开放限制性投资领域,国家l委有关官员日前证实,今年将开放新的投资领域和创造投等融资便利,以鼓励民间投资与中小企业的投资发展。据透露今后民间资本可以投资的领域包括:电站和供电网络、铁路公路、港口和机场建设、金融保险业、城市公共交通与地铁医疗机构、各类社会福利设施、广播电视及其他新闻媒体。p时,国家将允许民间资本以参股方式组建民间商业银行或作用社,但对民间金融机构将建立存款保险制度。国家再次明确民间资本开放领域  相似文献   

低碳经济下的商业银行碳金融业务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王曼怡  王楠 《人民论坛》2010,(8):130-131
我国商业银行在发展碳金融业务过程中面临着CDM项目合规性不足、一二级市场CER存在价差及政策风险等因素的制约。随着低碳经济时代的到来,在项目贷款、碳金融衍生品交易、碳交易中介服务等方面进行业务创新,将是我国商业银行提升竞争力的必然选择。  相似文献   

胡晓苑 《理论月刊》2006,(10):149-152
随着中国国民经济稳步快速的发展以及金融业全面开放日期的迫近,银行业市场的竞争将会越来越激烈,金融创新无疑是提高商业银行竞争力的有力手段。如何建立、完善商业银行创新体系,实现自发创新阶段到自觉创新的提升是商业银行必须解决的问题。  相似文献   

建设银行转制问题的探讨孙秋芬现在,我国的经济体制正朝着社会主义市场经济的方向发展迈步,建设银行作为国家的专业银行,体制改革的重点在于塑造一个新经济体制相适应的市场型金融运行机制。这就要对业务发展,内部管理等进行一系列的改革,向商业银行转变,以便在市场...  相似文献   

中国金融市场未来发展展望及商业银行的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合中国自身的实际,我们认为,未来中国金融市场将更加国际化,金融创新的速度也将加快,并且呈现出资本市场和货币市场联动的特征,金融市场的深度也将增加,利率和汇率都将实现市场化。对于中国的商业银行来说,为了顺应中国金融市场未来的发展趋势,需要积极推进综合化经营和业务创新,促进信贷资产证券化,加强利率定价能力,提高风险管理和对冲水平。  相似文献   

发展和完善社会主义商业银行 是金融体制改革的关键 按照建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标,金融体制必须全面深化改革,以适应市场经济的需要。金融体制改革涉及的内容很广,既有加强和完善中央银行宏观调控和管理职能的改革;又有国有专业银行改为商业银行、规范商业银行运行机制的改革;也有建立发展各类金融市场(如外汇市场、证券市场、资金市场、黄金市场等)的改革。 就目前而言,加快国有专业银行向商业银行的转轨,把银行办成真正意义上的银行是最为关键的。这是因为,从转变中央银行调控和管理职能来看,原有的直接调控是建立在作为金融组织体系主体的国有专业银行政策性商业性业务兼营基础上的,如果专业银行不加快向商业银行转轨,其经营的政策性业务和商业性业务不分离,中央银行由直接调控转为间接调控便难以真正实现。再者,建立发展金融市场,更  相似文献   

中国城市商业银行经过近二十年的发展,已经完成了原始积累,并已在我国商业银行资产中约占百分之十的市场份额,在地方经济发展中发挥不可替代的力量。但由于城市商业银行形成的特殊历史背景及独特的市场定位,其外部环境的变化对其发展战略的影响至关重大。步入2015年,"新常态"成为中国当前宏观经济形势和特点的新概括,新常态新特征也引起金融生态新的变化,商业银行的发展模式、风险特点、业务结构等方面都出现金融生态新的演进,这种演进对中国城市商业银行发展战略产生根本性影响。因此,城市商业银行必须根据经济"新常态"所带来的金融新业态,及时调整发展战略,准确进行市场定位,选择科学的发展措施,才能主动适应经济"新常态"的变化特点,不断提升城商行这个群体在金融市场上的核心竞争能力。  相似文献   

彭按理 《中国发展》2009,9(4):34-37
2007年以来,源于美国次贷市场的金融危机迅速深化和蔓延,造成欧美大批金融机构严重亏损,一些欧美的商业银行和国际投资银行因流动性问题已经或即将面临倒闭风险,而资产价格泡沫破灭是导致这场银行业流动性危机的根源。由次贷危机引起的金融危机对银行业流动性风险管理提出了新的挑战,该文从资产市场价格波动的角度来进行探讨,加强对中国银行业流动性风险的防范。  相似文献   

WTO membership will dramatically change the environment within which China's financial institutions operate. It increases the urgency of many reforms, including the re-capitalization of state-owned commercial banks and the establishment of a healthy credit culture. The severe under-capitalization of state banks and many state enterprises is part of a growing domestic debt problem that cannot be solved through normal fiscal policy adjustments. It will require the sale or securitization of state assets on a much larger scale than has been undertaken so far. The approach that was taken by the government's four Asset Management Companies to non-performing loan clean-up in 1999 and 2000 was flawed and should not be repeated. State banks should play a larger role in absorbing their own accumulated losses. China should leverage its external financial strength for domestic financial clean up. If the balance of payments remains strong, a mild appreciation of the nominal exchange rate--when the risk of deflation has passed--may serve China's interest. A large and growing proportion of state assets is held in the form of non-tradable shares in partially privatized state companies. To protect state solvency, many of these shares will have to be made tradable and sold in the next 5-10 years. A further strengthening of the fiscal system, along with rapid development of domestic capital markets is essential. Breaking up some or all of the four large state-owned commercial banks into smaller units may facilitate their restructuring and eventual privatization.  相似文献   

To meet the continuing growth of the socialist market economy, the latest focus on China's banking reforms is to transform the 100% state-owned commercial banks into independent, market-oriented commercial banks. This paper will show that listed enterprises in China have generally perceived that institutional changes leading to improvement over the legal and business environment are important for the success of the bank commercialization process (BCP). The effects of BCP on them are positive. Recognizing how poorly managed banking systems in East Asia have suffered in the financial crisis, the Chinese government has quickened the pace of the banking reforms in China.  相似文献   

Many foreign banks are attracted to the PRC economy, as a result of its continuing economic growth and financial liberalisations. This paper provides an empirical analysis of the factors contributing to this development and of the features of those foreign banks choosing to enter this market. In addition, a survey questionnaire permits an assessment of the attractions and weaknesses of the PRC banking market as perceived by foreign banks. It has been shown that large, financially sound foreign banks have helped to stimulate trade and investment in the PRC. However, China's restricted movement of capital and inadequate legal framework has reinforced the need for international banking services from Hong Kong.  相似文献   

我国市场经济发展中商品房市场具有自住需求与投机投资的双重功能,国家为保障百姓生活安居乐业、国民经济协调发展,"新国五条"中通过扩大"房产税"开征范围,以支持自住需求、抑制投资投机行为调控商品房市场,在辩证分析其积极作用的同时,一定要注重其社会负效应的降低。  相似文献   

Funding Retirement State shareholders had transferred nearly 65 billion yuan($9.5 billion)worth of stocks in listed companies to the Social Security Fund(SSF)by March 29,according to a statement from the SSF.  相似文献   

Dan Luo   《当代中国》2010,19(64):401-417
Similarities between the US, the UK and the Chinese housing markets, including the movements of interest rates and house prices, and the exposure of some Chinese banks to the US mortgage securitization market, have triggered concern about whether China could experience a US-style credit and housing market crisis. Significant differences between China and Western economies make that unlikely in the near future. China's booming house market has been supported by fast economic growth, rapid urbanization and high domestic savings. Chinese banks have also been less exposed to mortgage defaults than their Western counterparts. However, the relative underdevelopment of the financial system—credit monitoring and asset securitization—may expose China to domestic mortgage lending-related crises.  相似文献   

Neil Gibson 《当代中国》2009,18(58):175-184
The privatization of urban housing and the subsequent development of a mortgage market have played a major role in the development of China's financial system. This paper explores the history and development of China's urban housing market, its impact on the financial system, and the government's efforts to grapple with new issues that have surfaced alongside these reforms. This paper concludes that although housing privatization has helped strengthen the financial standing of state-owned enterprises, urban residents, and commercial banks alike, systematic weaknesses must be addressed in order to promote sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   

Chen Ji  Steve Thomas 《当代中国》2002,11(33):673-682
Financial services, particularly securities markets, insurance and commercial banking, have played a crucial role in China's post-1978 economic reforms. China has so far established a market structure and a legal framework, and has a growing understanding of how financial services operate in the modern world economy. We will review China's progress in financial services reforms over the last 22 years, describe the commitments China has made to gain WTO entrance, and then evaluate the potential benefits and costs to China's financial sector of WTO accession. We conclude that even with the substantial challenges presented by greatly increased post-WTO foreign competition, China will benefit from the WTO because of a number of factors including a growing pool of well-trained personnel, lessons learned from domestic and foreign development experiences, increasing Chinese economic strength, and continual advancement of China's financial infrastructure.  相似文献   

2012年我国两次不对称降息政策进一步加快了利率市场化进程,并引发了商业银行利润总额和利润结构的急剧变化。从世界金融发展历史看,存贷利差的缩小,利润水平的大幅下降可能影响商业银行财务的连续性,使其遭遇重组甚至“被退市”的危机。我国的商业银行尤其是中小商业银行如不提前防备,同样面临“被退市”风险。因此,中小商业银行必须高度重视利率因素带来的生存危机,提高应对水平,以求在利率市场化过程中得以生存与发展。  相似文献   

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