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在办理轻微暴力致特殊体质被害人死亡的案件时,应重点考察轻微暴力的行为性质、行为人对死亡结果的出现有无预见可能性,以及轻微暴力、特殊体质与死亡结果之间是否成立必要条件的逻辑关系等方面。如果行为人以伤害他人的主观故意实施暴力行为,该暴力行为和特殊体质均须同时具备才能导致死亡结果出现,同时行为人对死亡结果又具有预见可能性,则可以确认暴力行为与死亡结果之间存在刑法上的因果关系,以故意伤害(致人死亡)罪论处。  相似文献   

自杀案件的因果关系与刑事责任   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正> 自杀,是指有意识地剥夺自己生命的行为。在司法实践中,由于自杀案件因果关系与刑事责任情况复杂,在认识上不尽一致,所以从刑法理论上探讨这个问题,对正确解决这类案件的定罪量刑问题,是十分必要的。一、自杀案件因果关系的对象和研究目的自杀事件是多种多样、极其复杂的。刑法学中所要研究的是与追究他人刑事责任有关的自杀案件。自杀案件的因果关系,是指他人所实施的危害社会行为同被害人自杀死亡的危害结果之间的因果关系。自杀案件同其他刑事案件相比,有一个明显的不同点,就是自杀身死的危害结果,不是他人行为直接致死的,而是自杀者的自杀行为致死的。这就是自杀案件因果关系的特殊性。自杀者的自杀行为,虽然直接剥夺了自己的生命。但它却不是刑法中因果关系的原因。因为在我国刑法中并没有把自杀行为规定为犯罪,所以不能把  相似文献   

何荣功 《法学》2024,(2):70-84
目前轻微暴力致被害人死亡的概念表达不够科学,应改称轻微暴力引起被害人死亡。此类案件的特点是行为的危险性及其强度与法益侵害结果之间的比例严重失衡。轻微暴力引起死亡的刑法定性首先要解决是否存在犯罪实行行为问题,进而才有必要探讨轻微暴力和死亡之间是否存在刑法因果关系以及行为人的主观罪过。一般情况下,轻微暴力在客观上并不具有造成被害人轻伤、重伤或者死亡的定型危险,欠缺故意伤害罪和过失致人死亡罪的实行行为。司法实践之所以广泛地认定此类行为成立故意伤害罪或者过失致人死亡罪,主要考虑的是被害人死亡这一严重法益侵害结果、被害方的处罚诉求以及案件办理的社会效果。将此类行为认定为意外事件,更符合行为的构造和性质。此类案件的办理应重视行为人与被害方的沟通协商,行为人积极赔偿并取得被害方谅解的,应尽量避免将行为积极入罪。  相似文献   

【裁判要旨】行为人在高速公路上持刀抢劫,致被害人弃车逃跑呼救过程中被过往车辆撞死,其暴力抢劫行为是被害人死亡结果得以发生的内在支配因素,两者之间具有刑法上的因果关系。该行为符合抢劫罪结果加重犯的犯罪构成,应当认定为抢劫致人死亡。  相似文献   

(2 )在判断某一后续损害是否与第一次损害之间具有危险性关连 ,虽有上述的限制 ,但是仍有模糊之处 :例如B被A驾车撞倒 ,头部受伤 ,B不能忍受长期头痛和失眠而自杀。该自杀之后续损害是否与A之加害行为有危险关联性 ,依危险关联排除理论 ,B之自杀由B之危险行为造成 ,因而不具有关连性。但在本例中 ,B之自杀却正是由于头部受到伤害而造成的。  三、一个富有魅力的假说 ?法国学者Ripert称 :法学将拒绝投入因果关系之研究 ,因为已经有甚多杰出学说作此研究 ,依然不能提出解决问题之一般方法。因果关系可能是一个不解之问题。① 由此使人不…  相似文献   

何颂跃 《证据科学》1998,5(1):39-41
绪言 在人身伤害事件中,由于损伤或者损伤所致的继发症、并发症(称为损伤相关伤、病)的作用,出现个体死亡或者肉体障害和精神障害的场合下,必然涉及到人身伤害事件相关损伤是否与这种结果的出现有因果关系的问题.如果有因果关系,那么相关程度为多少呢?这种相关程度的讨论已经成为赔偿医学和法学界共同关心的话题.  相似文献   

本文案例启示:行为人实施非法拘禁行为导致被害人死亡的,若要认定构成非法拘禁罪的结果加重犯就必须是非法拘禁犯罪行为与加重结果之间存在直接、必然的因果关系,且行为人对死亡结果具有过失。同时在判断基本行为与加重结果因果关系时,可采用反面排除法。  相似文献   

三次鉴定结论均不属于医疗事故,一审法院认定医院的医疗行为与患者的死亡无因果关系,驳回原告的诉讼请求。但二审法院认为没有完全否定过错与死亡结果存在间接因果关系,近日,广西河池市中级人民法院对这起医疗损害赔偿纠纷案作出终审判决,撤销宜州市人民法院民事判决,由河池市第一人民医院赔偿葛开华、覃秀美、吴斯楠丧葬费、精神损害抚慰金等共计14391.01元。  相似文献   

张建肖 《河北法学》2015,33(4):70-77
现阶段家庭精神暴力的法律认定范围不宜过大,应将其限定于家庭成员间以直接、积极方式进行的精神伤害行为.例外情况下,家庭精神暴力可通过间接、消极方式来实施,但此时需要其他条件辅助认定.从实体法角度,法律介入家庭精神暴力的切入点主要有刑事案件中的酌情减轻处罚和民事案件中适当的损害赔偿.从程序法角度,主要有举证规则和赔偿规则上对家庭精神暴力受害人的适当倾斜.但法律对家庭精神暴力的介入存在一定界限,既受到社会性道德的约束,又要考虑该行为所侵犯的权利类型.  相似文献   

论网络自杀协议犯罪场与控制对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皮勇 《法学评论》2006,24(6):124-132
各国社会学界、精神病学界通常将网络自杀(Cybersuicide)、网络自杀协议(InternetSuicidePacts)视作新的自杀类型,实际上,网络自杀协议中存在多种促进、激励甚至直接导致死亡的人为因素,属于互联网时代与自杀相关的网络杀人行为。本文分析了网络自杀协议中之犯罪场及这一犯罪场中各因素的作用机制,并提出应以减少自杀者和有自杀企图者为目标,主张采取结合疏导、减少有自杀念头者和遏制影响自杀的外部消极因素这两方面措施的对策。本文还对网络自杀协议相关法律问题进行了分析,对我国网络自杀协议相关犯罪立法提出了完善建议。  相似文献   

Sharp force injuries and drowning are methods exceptionally combined in complex suicides. We report a challenging case of complex suicide by self‐stabbing and drowning that illustrates the difficulty in discriminating between homicide and suicide in such circumstances of death. The corpse of a young man was found submerged in a river, stabbed nine times with two wounds that had penetrated the thorax and had caused lung injuries and a hemopneumothorax. The postmortem and histological examinations were consistent with a death caused by drowning, but the manner of death still remained undetermined. Police investigation finally concluded to a suicide, although no suicide note had been left and the victim had no underlying diagnosed mental disorder. The parameters that may help distinguish suicide from homicide at the autopsy should be interpreted in light of a thorough forensic investigation to determine the exact manner of death in such a case.  相似文献   

Workplace-related death by suicide raises a number of difficult issues in the context of workers compensation. On first reading, workers compensation statutes usually prevent recovery of compensation where an injury is self-inflicted, suggesting that compensation for suicide will be excluded. Additionally, compensation is usually denied when the nexus between employment and injury is broken which is frequently the defence to any claim by the dependants of workers who takes their own life following a work injury. This article examines the Australian landscape in relation to the evolution of principles that apply to consideration of workers compensation claims where suicide is an element.  相似文献   

Asphyxial suicide by placing a plastic bag over the head, especially in combination with inhalation of gases, is a rarely described method of committing suicide. This article reports a case of suicidal asphyxiation by inhaling the inert gas helium inside a plastic bag. A 64-year-old man probably followed the instructions described in an article about committing suicide written by a medical practitioner from Zürich. This form of suicide is recommended by right-to-die groups and in the internet as a certain, fast, and painless suicide method. Additionally, it leaves only seldom externally visible marks or pathomorphological findings on the body. If the plastic bag and other auxiliary means are removed by another person, the forensic death investigation of cause and manner of death may be very difficult. Therefore, the death scene investigation and the inquiry ordered in the environment of the deceased are very important.  相似文献   

This study is an extension and cross-national test of the Stream Analogy of Lethal Violence (SALV). The SALV is an integrated theory of homicide and suicide that hypothesizes a relationship between “socially patterned” sources of frustration and lethal violence. By drawing on the insights of General Strain Theory and Institutional Anomie Theory, this study extends the SALV by assessing the impact of “decommodification” on the lethal violence rate. Partial support is found for this modified version of the SALV, as lagged measures of social expenditures are negatively associated with total lethal violence. The findings of this study suggest that social welfare expenditures in OECD nations protect citizens from lethal violence while austerity measures may contribute to greater rates of violent death.  相似文献   

Deaths due to falls from height are common in urban settings. At the time the body is found, it is often unclear whether the mode of death is accident, suicide, or homicide. To assess the injury pattern in fatal falls from height with special regard to criteria that might be helpful in discrimination between accident, suicide, and homicide, respectively, we reviewed 68 medicolegal autopsy cases (22 females, 46 males, age range 13-89 years) of fatal falls from height regarding demographic data, findings at the death scene, results of the postmortem examination, psychiatric history, and toxicologic findings. Among the 68 cases, there were 34 suicides, 23 accidents, and 11 unclarified cases, in 3 of which homicide was suspected. In general, suicides were from greater heights than accidents (mean height 22.7 m for suicides and 10.8 m for accidents, respectively; 79% of suicides from more than 16 m). Strikingly, severe head injuries predominantly occurred in falls from heights below 10 m (84%) and above 25 m (90%), whereas in the group of falls from 10 to 25 m, these lesions were seen less frequently (28%). Neck injuries like muscle bleeds and fractures of the hyoid bone were found in 33% of falls from more than 10 m and did not occur from less than 10 m. Our data stress that the evaluation of pathologic features alone is not sufficient to assess the mode of death in fatal falls from height. Instead, postmortem findings have to be considered within the framework of the subject's social, medical, and psychiatric history in conjunction with findings at the death scene and toxicology results to obtain the clearest possible picture of the circumstances of death.  相似文献   

A case report describing the suicide of a physician classified initially as a natural death. Faced with the vehement protest of the family of the deceased the magistrate decided to request a 'preventive' forensic autopsy. Forensic investigations revealed the cause of death as being a pentobarbital intoxication and the circumstances favoured the hypothesis of a genuine suicide. This case illustrates that the tendency of magistrates to request or not an autopsy is related to their experience or intuition.  相似文献   

A case of disguised suicide is presented. A 77-year-old man had made technical arrangements so that the pistol with which he shot himself was thrown aside by the elasticity of a rubber band, to which it was tied, and was thereby hidden. After the shot the man fell and crushed his head, which initially concealed the bullet wound. A scrutinizing technical investigation at the scence of the death with close collaboration between the experts involved, revealed the true circumstances. No explanation for the attempt to conceal the suicide was found.  相似文献   

朱霁  陈宇 《时代法学》2011,9(3):60-64
目前理论界关于致体质特异人死亡的轻微暴力行为的定性问题的三种主要观点——意外事件说、故意伤害致人死亡说和过失致人死亡说都有失偏颇。准确给致体质特异人死亡的轻微暴力行为进行法律定性,应从其行为本身是否属轻微暴力,及对不同行为类型的特征具体分析行为的性质。明知他人体质特异致其死亡的轻微暴力行为,应区分情况以故意杀人罪或过失致人死亡罪定性;而不明知他人体质特异致其死亡的轻微暴力行为则应归为意外事件。  相似文献   

Despite evidence of an intersection between suicide risk and intimate partner violence (IPV), crisis hotlines tend to focus on callers at-risk for suicide or callers involved in IPV, but not both. In an effort to begin to address this gap, we developed and conducted an initial pilot test of a suicide prevention curriculum for hotline workers at the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH), highlighting the intersection of these two public health issues. A mixed methods approach was used as a first step to assess the impact of the 3-h suicide prevention training for 42 domestic violence hotline workers. Results showed significant increase in knowledge regarding suicide risk from pre to post-training and a high degree of satisfaction among attendees. Focus groups conducted with hotline workers 3 months after training indicated a greater willingness to engage callers in suicide screening and prevention efforts. A 6-month follow-up focus group with NDVH managers revealed that suicide prevention had become more integrated in the agency culture, a finding that was consistent with an environmental scan of the workplace that showed an increase in displays of suicide prevention information. In sum, suicide prevention training can be feasibly incorporated into domestic violence hotline workers’ roles. Limitations and suggestions for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Suicide by burning is an extreme act that is uncommon in the United States and throughout the Western world. The characteristics of people who complete such acts are not well understood. To address this issue, we examined the death records of the King County Medical Examiner's Office in Washington State over the 13 years from 1996 to 2009. Twenty-five cases of suicide by burning were identified and used to characterize decedent demographics, circumstances of death, and motivating factors. Compared to other methods of suicide, burning demonstrated a significant overrepresentation of decedents who were women, 40-59 years of age, and Asian/Pacific Islander. They also tended to have previous psychiatric illness and/or substance abuse issues. Self-burning predominantly occurred at the decedent's residence with the intent of suicide given. There was no unifying theme in motivating factors. Together, these data represent the characteristics of people whose death is because of suicide by burning in King County, Washington.  相似文献   

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