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80年代以来农村工业化战略的启动,使乡镇的经济社会结构向非农产业发生了快速转型,使其从农村社会中分化出来,成为比农村社会更高一层次的区域社会实体──乡镇社会。由此,我国的区域社会结构演化为农村社会、乡镇社会和城市社会的新格局。  相似文献   

大量农村青壮年人口外出务工对农村社会的影响巨大。本文通过对我国西部农村地区的个案分析,探讨了当地外出务工浪潮的成因、历程和特点,乡村中的青年大量外出务工给乡村生活在个人、家庭与社会层面上都带来了许多改变,并为适应这些变化,在促进青年农民个人发展与乡村发展方面提出对策。  相似文献   

孝昌县供电公司成立于1993年7月,座落于美丽的观音湖畔。辖14个直属单位,现有职工425人,承担着全县12个乡镇和孝感市双峰山旅游渡假区的供用电任务。孝昌电业人在这块红色的热土上,坚持把职业道  相似文献   

全国人大代表、全国老龄办常务副主任陈传书表示,我国半数以上老年人口在农村,农村人口老龄化快于城市,人口老龄化的严峻挑战将在农村地区提前出现。陈传书建议,要创造条件推进农业转移人口市民化,重视发挥老年人的积极能动作用,尽量不让老年人脱离他们熟悉的生活环境。理想的养老布局是,  相似文献   

在任何国家的工业化社会变迁中,农村农业人口向城市工业人口的转化都充满了矛盾和痛苦。我国是一个拥有三分之二农业人口的大国,自改革开放以来,农民作为农村过剩劳动力流入城市企业打工,已形成一股难以阻挡的时代潮流。随着这支产业工人新生力军的日益壮大,他们的境况越来越引入注目。为此,笔者于1992年6月对某造船企业  相似文献   

在农村工业化推动下,我国农民阶级出现了真正的职业分化,开始大规模向乡镇企业与乡镇转移和聚集,从而形成了一个新的阶层———新型工资劳动者,其显著特征是职业身份已和现代产业工人无本质区别,而社会身份仍是农民。它的出现,不仅使我国传统农村社会发生了分解,而且引起了我国阶级阶层结构和区域社会结构的历史性变化。  相似文献   

《共产党宣言》称市场经济将“日甚一日地消灭生产资料、财产和人口的分散状态”。即,生产资料、财产逐渐向少数人集中,(失去土地的)农村人口逐渐向城市集中。社会主义市场经济也同样在“消灭生产资料、财产和人口的分散状态”,只不过,事关国家命脉的生产资料,向国家(比如大型国企载体)集中,其它生产资料,向少数善于经营的人集中;(拥有土地的)农村人口也因逐渐向城市集中而成为农民工。“拥有土地”这一重要的生产资料,是“农民工”区别于“工人工”(姑且这样称谓)最根本的区别。“工人工”打工,首先是为了生存,然后才是过得更好;“农民工”…  相似文献   

改革体现了人与社会的辩证统一。社会的人本身就是一个多面体,人的发展也表现为多方面的发展。我国的体制改革,作为解放和发展生产力的一种社会实践,就是要使社会经济运行机制的支撑点———主体的人的能动作用,得到最有效的发挥。人是构成社会有机体的能动主体。社会的改革,作为主体客体化的过程,是人的实践的产物。我国体制改革的实践,不仅推进了社会的发展,也促进了人的发展,使人的主体意识与综合素质不断提高和强化。  相似文献   

正我国农民工总量达2.69亿人国家统计局5月12日发布的最新监测结果显示,2013年全国农民工总量为26894万人,比上年增长2.4%。《2013年全国农民工监测调查报告》指出,2013年全国在户籍所在乡镇地域外从业的外出农民工为16610万人,比上年增长1.7%;在户籍所在乡镇地域以内从业的本地农民工为10284万人,增长3.6%。"农业剩余劳动力转移在持续进行中。"国家统计局住户调查办公室专项调查处处长阳俊雄解释说,近年农民  相似文献   

农业转移人口市民化进程中的"留农"现象是相对"离农"而言,是指农业转移人口市民化意愿强烈但市民化能力不足而不愿舍弃农村,该现象不仅延缓了我国城镇化进程,阻碍了"三农"问题的最终解决,还会诱发一系列社会问题。其主要根源在于二元社会制度制约和自身能力不足的影响。消除"留农"现象,必须深化相关制度改革,增强城市的拉力和农村的推力以及农业转移人口市民化能力,合力推动市民化进程。  相似文献   

在乡镇工会建立和发展过程中,存在着诸多问题,一定程度上制约和影响着乡镇工会工作的正常开展.为促进乡镇工会的健康发展,更好地履行其社会职能,发挥其维护广大职工的切身利益与合法权益,必须明确乡镇工会的基本定位,以服务农民工为主要工作方向,配置好工作人员,并保障其工作经费.  相似文献   

中国的基尼系数从20世纪80年代的0 25上升到目前的0 458,并且还有进一步扩大的趋势。进入20世纪90年代中期以后,我国城市贫困的状况持续恶化,农村贫困的缓解也面临着极大的困难。即便是按照我们自己制定的非常之低的贫困线来衡量,目前城乡绝对贫困人口的数量也在1亿人上下,如果按照联合国制定的每人每天1美元来衡量,中国的贫困人口总量将达到2 5亿人的规模。  相似文献   

劳工政策是指针对劳动者或劳工阶层而设立的社会政策。转型时期我国劳工政策在劳工权益保障方面存在缺失,诸如劳动合同制度对乡镇企业和进城农民工还存在较大空白;集体谈判制度的完善有待工会组织体制的改革和谈判斗争手段的丰富;劳动监察制度不能有效地威慑和遏制用人单位的违法行为;劳动争议处理制度存在许多制度设计上的缺陷,亟待变革,等等。劳工政策缺失的要害是从属和服务于效率优先的经济增长政策,未能体现出公平与效率的统一。应在科学发展观指导下完善劳工政策。  相似文献   

关于新形势下非正规就业问题的研究与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非正规就业是我国城镇普遍存在的现象。由于非正规就业的特殊性,我国的非正规就业存在很多问题,要解决这些问题必须切实转变观念,积极引导非正规就业,全面保障非正规就业人员的基本权益,实现体面劳动以及为他们提供智力支持等,并最终促进就业方式的转变。  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of women's resistance to gender inequities in resource distribution and ideological representation. It argues that to understand how women perceive these inequities it is necessary to take into account not only their overt protests but also the many covert forms their resistance might take. At the same time, to significantly alter gendered structures of property and power it appears necessary to move beyond 'individual-covert' to 'group-overt' (organized collective) resistance. These issues are examined here especially in the context of women's struggles for land rights and gender equality in South Asia. Although historically South Asian women have been important participants in peasant movements, these movements have not been typified by women demanding independent land rights or contesting iniquitous gender relations within the movements and within their families. Some recent challenges in this direction indicate that attaining gender equality in the distribution of productive resources will require a simultaneous struggle against constraining ideological constructions of gender, including (in many regions) associated social practices such as purdah. And in both types of struggle (namely concerning resources and gender ideologies), group-overt resistance is likely to be of critical importance.  相似文献   

This is the story of the formative years of one of Israel’s big corporations – the Dead Sea Works Ltd. (DSW). It concerns the interrelations between space and labor, told through an account of four transitions: (1) The transfer of the company from England to Israel with its establishment in 1952; (2) The move of its central office from Jerusalem to Be’er Sheva; (3) The dismantling of the original workers’ camp near the factory (in Sodom) and the move of the workers’ dwellings to three different towns; and (4) The transfer of representation from Tel Aviv to Be’er Sheva. The case of the DSW, I argue, is a ‘geohistory’ of labor that exemplifies the construction of the northeastern Negev’s social space, especially the making of scale. This ‘scale-making’ was an ongoing process of scaling up (from the local to the regional) and scaling down (from the global to the state level, and from the center to the periphery). Through this process of scale-making, the workers of the DSW gained a great deal of power and became spatially strong.  相似文献   

What do new materialist activisms and direct theory look like? Something massively distributed yet also micro somehow in relation to persons, indeed crowd-sensible among personal storifyings, is emergent among and as microaggression and microaggressions. Literally we see, in data visualisation, this perhaps hyperobject (see the online Microaggressions Project). A mattering entanglement not simply micro or macro reframes anything personal, person-all. And the connections with movements of re-action, #Baltimore, #Ferguson, and #BlackLivesMatter, matters too along with other massive distributions: of military hardware escalating aggression in police forces, of debt peonage of whole towns, and county, regional, and national citizenry to pay to arm police, against themselves. People gathering in their person at sites of danger to confront these activating realities, as well as to enact the distributive social media and art activisms supporting them and making their actions widely available. All this at scales both intentional and not, sometimes tactical and often spontaneous, escalations fraught with danger and release, and all thoroughly neurologically entangled as mattering motivations: caring, attention, attachment, aggression. These move within and through and among bodies and infrastructural embodiments. Our holobiont/s include/s it all.  相似文献   

入世后初期,我国城镇中固有的就业矛盾将进一步加深,农村劳动力将面临就业需求减少和素质要求提高的双重压力,劳动力市场也将呈现更加弹性化、灵活化、复杂化的发展趋势.职工队伍的分化将更加明显,职工的愿望和要求也将日益呈现多元化的特点.为此,政府应采取就业优先的政策取向,实行积极的劳动力市场政策,促进社会充分就业的实现;工会亦应确定经济全球化背景下新的工作方式,更好地维护职工的合法权益.  相似文献   

Peru will see the International Decade of Women come to an end with some real achievements tempered only by doubts as to their endurance and long-term impact on the conditions of life of the great majority of poor women, in cities, towns, and the rural countryside. To evaluate the likelihood of a lasting effect it is useful to review some of the actions which were taken under the stimulus of the international call to give priority to the concerns of women in public and private institutions.  相似文献   

This article explores the changes in village self‐governance in the reform period. It reflects upon the potential of village self‐governance to contribute towards a broader democratisation process in China. It begins by reviewing rural governance in the pre‐reform period, drawing attention to the factors stimulating change. It then examines the newly emerging system of village self‐governance, focussing on the village committees, village assemblies and village representative assemblies. How this new system is implemented forms the subject of the third section. Finally the article considers the potential contribution of village self‐governance towards democratisation.  相似文献   

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