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This article examines the relationship between energy consumption, industrialization, urbanization, economic growth, and financial development in India from 1980 to 2017. The ARDL bound testing; Johansen & Juselius cointegration approach and Gregory & Hansen structural break cointegration technique confirm the long‐run relationship exists among variables. The result of long‐run analysis indicates that the industrialization, urbanization and economic growth play a vital role in increasing energy consumption in India. However, financial development indicates negative relation to energy consumption. The coefficient of error correction term is negative and statistically significant at 1% confidence level, it means last‐period's deviation from a long‐run equilibrium. It is clear from the results of Toda‐Yamamoto Causality, there is a unidirectional causality running from industrialization to energy consumption. However, there is bidirectional causality showing between energy consumption and urbanization, economic growth and energy consumption, and urbanization and Economic growth. Urbanization facilitates fuel switching, as decentralized rural energy sources like traditional wood‐burning are replaced by centralized energy sources. From the above findings, we argue that proper awareness should be made at the urban center regarding use of energy saving equipments and public infrastructure should be improved to harness the effect of urban agglomeration. As rapid development of energy intensive‐industries and economic activity in Indian economy, there is need of energy efficient technology in industry in order to reduce energy consumption.  相似文献   

The author discusses possible future trends in economic development and urbanization in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. Information is provided on metropolitan growth from 1940 to 1995; population size and growth rate; extension of the urban area; deconcentration; and projections according to land use.  相似文献   

在人大代表选举中实行城乡人口比例政策,是我国普选产生人大代表的历史条件所要求的。在一定时期内按不同人口比例配备代表,不但反映了共和国国体的本质,而且标志着国家工业化的发展方向。随着中国经济体制改革、城市化、工业化和城乡一体化的发展,以及城乡人口的融合,城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表的条件已基本成熟。新中国成立以来特别是改革开放以来实行普选的过程,一定意义上是个逐步实现城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表的政策制定、调整及其实践的过程。在这一过程中,城镇化和非农业人口的发展,成为推动城乡人口比例政策改进和发展的主要经济社会动因。  相似文献   

The rapid urban growth and increasing number of megacities in Latin America and other developing countries are fundamentally different phenomena than those observed at the time that location theory was developed. To examine whether existing location theory applies to developing countries, an econometric analysis of the relationship between urbanization, city size, and development was first conducted. The relationship between urbanization and development was expressed in the form of a series of regression analyses applied to World Bank data for 96 developing and developed countries. After logarithmic transformation, a simple equation associating total and total urban population of the country and per capita gross national product was able to explain 93% of the variance in total urban population. This result demonstrates that it is not possible to regard urbanization as abnormal. As to the size of particular cities, deviations from the "normal" trajectory of urbanization apparently originate in particular institutional features of some countries. Manifestations of overurbanization in Latin America demonstrate that urbanization is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition of development. A comparative study of spatial location of employment in different economic sectors in Canada and Mexico was next conducted. For this analysis, cities of over 25,000 population in Canada and Mexico were classified into 32 economic activity sectors, which were regrouped into 18 for the analysis. Two matrixes of ten city types and 18 and 32 employment groups were constructed for each country, with the corresponding number of employees noted. The employment information was transformed into quotients of location, with a quotient above 100 signifying concentration of employment. The results did not suggest that factors of localization of employment are different in developing countries. Models of localization of economic activities adopt analogous characteristics imposed by geography and technological conditions. In Canada as in Mexico, economies of scale and distance are the principle variable explaining models of localization.  相似文献   

"Here regional urbanization in Mexico is studied as a function of income level and production structures. This general model allows us to identify four characteristics that are inherent to urban development for the 1970-1990 period." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

我国农民工问题探析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
农民工是我国城市中的一个特殊群体,他们肩负着建设城市和繁荣农村的双重任务,对我国工业化发展和城市化进程作出了重大的贡献,但是却没有得到善待。随着我国社会经济的发展,现在我们到了为农民工“正名”。真正把他们纳入工人队伍,善待他们、给他们以相应的待遇的时候了。  相似文献   

Urban trends in Mexico from 1960 to 1980 are analyzed using multivariate analysis techniques. The authors note that the total number of metropolitan regions has increased from 12 to 26 during this period. Differences between the stage in urbanization reached by the Mexico City region and other urban centers in the country are noted. In Mexico City, the authors observe a decline in the population of the central city region coupled with rapid growth in the surrounding municipalities. (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

大城市空间结构演变与治理研究——对上海的调查与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市空间结构是城市科学研究的热点问题。通过对人口、房地产、城市规划等经济社会数据的分析可知,随着工业化和城市化进程的加快,上海等沿海大城市已出现了经济、社会和人口等空间结构演变趋势。大城市空间结构的演变使得居住分异现象日益显现,社会公平性问题开始突出,加大城市空间资源整合日益重要。维持经济发展、社会秩序与空间匹配之间的有效平衡,需要从更高的社会经济制度层面上思考城市如何治理。因此,建立法治社会,规范政府行为,加强房地产投资的引导与控制,推进市民利益维护机制建设,制定合理的人口战略等城市空间调控政策迫切需要出台。在"和谐社会"治国理念下,城市空间治理将日益重要,因此,需通过对大量城市的实证研究,总结中国城市空间结构演变特征、机制、趋势、效应,并对比中外城市空间演化的差异,反思传统的城市治理模式,构建新型的城市治理架构,并以此规范人口流动、提高城市化质量、消除城市社区隔离、规范住宅房地产发展、保障弱势群体空间公平分配。  相似文献   

本村人、本地人与外来人——经济发达村庄的封闭与开放   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本通过对四个经济发达村庄村民与外来人口之间关系的研究解释村庄的封闭与开放。在这项研究中我们发现,农村改革以后,随着农村工业化和城市化的发展,村庄并不是越来越走向开放,相反,经济发达的村庄越来越形成一个经济共同体,其封闭性在提高;与此同时,本村村民保持了与周围村民的交往和联系,是开放的。来自边远地区的外来人被排斥在村庄的公共生活之外,形成了自己的群体,与村民很少交往。造成这种现象的原因是农村工业化和城市化与市场发育的不同步,地方政府在农村工业化和城市化过程中起到了主要的作用。这项研究说明,用“差序格局”和“村落共同体”的理论都无法正确地概括现在中国村庄的特征。  相似文献   

随着中国城市化进程的发展,城乡结合部的公共管理问题成为理论界和政府关注的一个焦点问题.本文在分析城乡结合部特征及其发展阶段的基础上,阐述了不同时期和阶段城乡结合部公共物品提供的主体、责任与机制问题.  相似文献   

行政管理支出、城市化与经济增长的动态计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立在向量自回归模型的基础上,运用Granger因果关系检验、协整理论和向量误差修正模型分析我国行政管理支出、城市化和经济增长之间的动态关系。结果表明:我国城市化发展滞后于经济发展;城市化水平的提高导致行政管理支出的膨胀。长期来说,三者之间存在稳定的均衡关系,其中,经济增长与城市化水平正相关、与行政管理支出负相关;行政管理支出与城市化水平正相关。短期来说,我国的经济增长和城市化水平都有惯性上升的趋势,其它变量的波动对其影响不显著;短期内行政管理支出也有惯性增长趋势,同时受城市化水平波动的影响;而且,三个变量对上一期非均衡的校正能力都很弱。  相似文献   

从社会、经济、环境生态三个方面构建丽水市土地利用综合效益评价指标体系,对丽水市1996——2005年的土地利用综合效益进行定量分析;并从产业结构升级的角度,对丽水市在不同工业化发展阶段的土地利用各项效益及产业结构调整对土地利用综合效益提高的驱动作用进行分析。丽水市工业化初期,土地利用环境生态效益值明显高于社会和经济效益值,各效益系统基本处于高度协调状态,进入工业化中期后,社会和经济效益增长较快,而环境生态效益却快速下降。在追求工业化发展同时也要注重环境和生态的保护,走土地资源的可持续利用和社会经济的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

"The purpose of this article is to identify and evaluate the impacts of growing female in-migration to Mexico City at the close of the eighteenth century, analyzing for the case of the parish of Santa Catarina the proportion of men/women in the certificates of baptisms and burials...." Consideration is given to family formation, government policy, urbanization, and employment opportunities and their impact on family life. (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

重构我国土地立法的价值体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地政策是国民经济宏观调控的重要手段,科学完善的土地立法对于依法保护土地资源、促进国民经济健康发展和国民经济宏观调控的成败至关重要,国家土地利用战略和经济发展战略比市场调节更具有不可比拟的作用。我国的土地立法迫切需要重新建构其价值体系,真正贯彻可持续发展的战略,体现平等保护财产权益的法治精神,这是我国土地立法价值选择真正的理性基础。  相似文献   

设立城市现代化指标的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代化作为一个特定时代的历史范畴,是指从传统的农业社会向现代的工业社会转变这样一个历史过程。现代化实现标志主要是城市化和工业化进程结束,并包括生活质量、社会公正和环境保护内容;设立城市现代化指标,一个重要原则是注意城市与国家的区别,同时还应注意指标的可比性、城市中心区域与边缘区域比值的大小、城市自身的特点、所处的发展阶段和指标的可操作性。人均GDP、第三产业比重和非农化水平是反映城市现代化指标体系中的三项基本指标。  相似文献   

浅析解决我国农民工问题的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,农民工问题已经引起了社会各界的普遍关注。这一问题得不到合理的解决,不仅会减缓我国工业化、城市化的进程,而且影响到我国的社会和谐和稳定。为此,现在我们到了采取有效途径,彻底解决农民工问题的时候了。  相似文献   

中国进入全面建设小康社会的新时期,而城乡贫困问题的客观存在、收入分配差距的持续扩大、市场竞争带来的失业现象,以及工业化与城市化的快速发展等,都迫切需要推动社会保障改革事业的健康发展和逐步完善。本文认为,非营利组织参与社会保障具有独特的优势与作用。政府应从各方面促进非营利组织参与社会保障;非营利组织也应创造条件,积极参与社会保障的管理和服务。  相似文献   

Dic Lo 《Economy and Society》2013,42(3):443-470
The recent resurgence of intellectual interest in industrialization has been stimulated by the emergence of a wealth of empirical evidence which constitutes a reinterpretation of the East Asian experience, and the rise in mainstream academia of the 'new' theories of trade and growth. Both of these two bodies or writings point to the necessity of placing technological development at the centre of industrialization. There is however considerable doubt among economists over this tematic shift away from the hitherto dominant emphasis on incentive. There are also conceptual ambiguites over the nature of technological development that need to be clarified. This paper aims to reaffirm the centrality of technological development, and to argue that the imperative of technological development normally outstrips the capacity of the regulation of the market.  相似文献   

城市群:城市化健康发展的主体形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈柳钦 《学理论》2008,(18):20-24
城市群是区域经济活动的空间组织形式,城市群的形成和发展是城市化的高级形态。随着经济发展与城市化水平的提高,城市群的形成与扩张是城市化发展的趋势,并在城市化进程中发挥重要作用。在我国经济发展水平和城市化水平较高的地区,城市群的发展和完善是推进城市化发展的主要途径。今后,我们有必要确立城市群作为中国经济发展的中心环节,以城市群为主体形态推动我国城市化健康发展。  相似文献   

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