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2009年底,上海文广集团的正式转企改制,掀起了整体实施广播电视制播分离的序幕。本文通过对新一轮制播分离改革从"分而治之"向"分而谋之",从"细分职能"向"谋求成熟的合作关系"等新特征的揭示;深入探讨此番变革可能对于电视媒体经济、政治和文化功能的拓展,以期为电视体制改革的良性发展提出些许建议。  相似文献   

陶涛 《政策》2008,(9):39-40
制播分离,是指除涉及新闻时政类节目不纳入制播分离外,将其他专业频道的节目制作和播出分开运营。这是近年来湖北省广播电视总台(以下简称省广电总台)深化体制改革的重要内容,也是提高广电竞争力的有效途径。省广电总台在新体制基础上,积极推进制播分离改革,取得阶段性成果。中宣部2008年《宣传信息清样》第五期刊发文章,专门介绍了省广电总台制播分离的改革模式。  相似文献   

林华 《观察与思考》2009,(22):41-43
近日,国家广电总局下发文件《关于推进广播电视“制播分离”改革(修改稿)》,其中明确规定,除影视剧外,电视台从市场购买节目的比例,原则上每年不低于播出总量的30%。这意味着中国电视机构“制播分离”改革正式起步。  相似文献   

<正>武汉并非电视问政的首创者,但把电视问政弄得如此声势浩大、风生水起的却似乎武汉一家。武汉电视问政已延续三年,由最初的一年一次,已发展到一年两次、一次五场,大有连续发展下去之势。每年武汉电视问政之时,便是国内媒体蜂拥而至之时。媒体的大幅度报道,更加助推了这一档问政节目知名度的提升。但检视媒体的报道,少见深度的思考,多见浅显的颂扬。作为一名曾经的问政参与者和密切关注者,本着质疑是为了完善的态度,我在此表达一下自己对电视问政的管见。  相似文献   

传统电视所面临的挑战并不是新媒体本身,其本质是该如何适应"数字化生存"的受众,以及随之而来的社会结构变革。文章基于"自我决定理论"的受众视角,提出要彻底改变电视媒体的"我播你看"、"台网两张皮"的传统模式,建立以电视为基础的全媒体"大众圈",从而实现传统电视媒体的全媒体系统升级。  相似文献   

新形势下,需要进一步深化广播影视行政管理改革和制度创新,构筑科学规范高效的广播影视管理体系“超女”、“易中天”现象,电视台黄金时间只播国产动漫节目,电视剧拍摄制作备案公示管理,电影剧本(梗概)备案制,整顿广播电视医疗资讯服务和电视购物节目内容……2006年,中国广播影视行业发生了许多令人瞩目的大事,彰显了广播影视行政管理改革和制度创新的  相似文献   

蔡凯  李浩 《湖北社会科学》2006,(11):179-181
随着媒体竞争的不断加剧和信息技术的迅猛发展,传统的电视新闻联播的形式日益受到新颖活泼的新闻节目的挑战。低成本、高收益的“电视读报”充分利用媒体联动的优势,增大新闻信息的有效利用,迎合现代人的心理需求,纷纷涌现荧屏。其核心竞争力是有价值的内容、独特的节目风格和话语形态。  相似文献   

从8月1日起,所有广播电视播出机构暂停播出药品、丰胸、减肥等五类产品电视购物节目。日前,国家广播电影电视总局和国家工商总局主要负责人表示,违规的电视频道和电台将被停播所有广告。据了解,由于这几类广告的投诉比较集中,被先行叫停,等待新的医疗管理办法修订出台后遵照执行。在此之前,媒体报道了连续在17家卫视播了4年的“波丽宝”丰胸广告被认定为虚假广告。近年来,媒体对电视直销广告多有曝光,但并没有影响电视直销产品的声势,就在对其的投诉以每年450倍飞速增长的同时,各种名目的产品却陷入加速增长的怪圈。为电视直销设防@于多 @…  相似文献   

桑林 《前沿》2012,(5):190-191
近年来,新媒体(主要是网络媒体)的兴起对传统大众媒体造成了不小的冲击。电视、报纸、杂志、广播这些传统的传播方式已经不能满足现代人的需求,传统大众媒体所拥有的受众正日益减少,使得长期依赖于传统大众媒体进行广告等宣传的行业不得不做出相应的调整。  相似文献   

张虹邻 《前沿》2012,(21):184-185
随着我国经济的快速发展,居民个人投资理财观念不断加强,关心财经,关注国际国内经济,并通过电视强势媒体获取经济信息与资讯已成为百姓的强烈需求.地方电视台创办的电视经济类节目,该如何应对来自多方的市场压力?本文拟在这方面做些探索.  相似文献   

Li Li 《当代中国》2011,20(69):327-341
The television play has been recognized by scholars as the most influential genre in the flourishing television industry in China's new media landscape; yet little critical attention has been given to inquiry of why and how it functions as a dynamic cultural agent in the Chinese people's reconfiguration of their past and imagining of their everyday life. This paper investigates the intriguing socio-historical environment from which the genre emerged and its unique modes of operation by focusing on the television play of sentiment. It demonstrates that the television play embodies the many complex aspects of social forces and relationships contested in China's reform, suggesting, all at once, commercialization in Chinese society, the popular imaginary of morality and the state's conceptualization of a ‘harmonious society’, a strategic policy aiming at maintaining social balance while bypassing some of the thorny political questions in the post-revolution era.  相似文献   

Besides being the most influential television news program with the largest viewership in China, Xinwen Lianbo (Television News Simulcast) also boasts of unique political value in the Chinese media landscape. Each and every change in form the program has adopted since its first broadcast in 1978, has been a reflection of a certain aspect or element of the arch of political reform in the country, and has been widely interpreted as such, thus making it ‘the toughest nut to crack’ in news reform. Throughout its 35 years of history, by striving to represent, maintain, adapt and disseminate the established ideological framework, thus ensuring political reform has progressed at a cautious and gradual pace acceptable to the ruling party, Xinwen Lianbo has proven to be a great example of the construction of political reality by journalistic text on the symbolic level. This article adopts the methodology of new social history with semi-participatory observation as it combs through the evolution of Xinwen Lianbo over 35 years, in an attempt to explore the patterns and paths of Chinese journalistic reform and the factors that have come to shape this journey in the broader context of political reform in China.  相似文献   

Ian Weber 《当代中国》2002,11(30):53-75
China's television industry has experienced a number of internal changes that have shaped this system's structure into the new millennium. The Chinese Government has reconfigured the propaganda and control modalities of this industry to allow television to become the prime mover for economic reform. A case study of Shanghai's dynamic television system from 1995 to 1999 is used to understand the changes that have taken place. This analysis provides an understanding of how the Chinese Government policy changes impact on the interrelatedness of the system's components. The consequences of these changes have had dramatic and lasting effects on the way the television industry operates in China. These effects have serious implications for foreign organisations, that are attempting to find a foothold in this booming industry, and for the Chinese television viewer.  相似文献   

近年来,我省新闻媒体法制报道出现了新的发展动向.部分法制报道逐步重视普法功能,突出向大众传播法律知识、提供法律服务.与此同时,随着司法改革后大众维权意识的逐年提高,我省法律服务行业对社会和百姓生活的影响越来越大.基于社会和大众的法律需求,本着"共生、双赢"的目标,新闻媒体与法律服务行业之间良好的互动关系正在形成.  相似文献   


Prevention professionals have often steered away from using media because of the mistaken notion that media cannot be effective for behavior change. This chapter presents one integrative framework, “behavioral systems,” useful for conceptualizing, designing, implementing, and evaluating media-based, particularly televised, preventive efforts. Effective elements and variables for such behavior change efforts are gleaned from the framework and related literatures and are shown to be operative in a number of successful prosocial and health promotion television spots and programs, as well as being applicable to various “news media” efforts. However, a major problem is gaining access to the media. Typically, in the U.S., extensive resources are required to deliver televised messages, even at a local level. This central problem is discussed in relationship to regulatory policy and ways to work within the current broadcast system, as well as ways to bypass the system, so as to deliver specialized content to specific target audiences.  相似文献   

随道我国政治文化的逐渐发展,对于政治传播学的研究已越来越广泛,政治传播也已成为了我党宣传大政治方针,获取民意的一项重要手段。政治传播是与大众传播相依相伴的,不论是电视、报纸、广播、网络还是新媒体,都是政治传播的有效渠道,这里,我们主要探讨一下早间电视新闻节目的政治传播功能。  相似文献   

本文主要从电视法制节目的 现状进行了分析,从法制栏目的创新 战略、文化宣传以及社会伦理进行了 探讨。提出在目前全国激烈竞争中的 电视法制栏目如何创新和应对挑战。  相似文献   

法制含量是电视法制节目区 别于其他节目的根本标志,是法制节 目的出发点和落脚点。强化电视法制 节目法制含量的有效途径不是数量上 的增加节目的法制内容,而应研究如 何有效地让节目所包含的法制内容最 大限度地为观众所接受。法制含量是 否得到强化,其标准主要是看观众是 否得到更多、更有益的法制内容与服 务,最终落脚点是观众身上。只要我们 慎重选择题材,精心策划,并善于运用 表现形式,再辅以各种电视技术的合 理运用,就可以将法制事件以及其所 涉及的法律知识的内涵和外延完整、 准确地展示给观众。  相似文献   

随着"三网融合"进入实施阶段,电视产业迎来了新的变革期。置身于其中的广大城市台,需要面对挑战,并力争在其中孕育出新的生机和活力。本文试图在紧紧围绕电视新闻从"本土、互动、服务"上做文章,牢牢把握和提升城市台核心竞争力;并重点就加强城市协作、城际联合、打造"城视"传播新平台的实际操作层面上探究出一条符合城市台电视新闻的改革发展之道。  相似文献   

由于历史缘故,我国大多监狱位于偏僻地方,外观标识不明显、不统一、不规范,形象特点各不相同,造成寻找难、识别难,特别给探监的服刑人员家属带来了极大不便。监狱是国家的刑罚执行机关,是惩罚与改造罪犯的重要场所,是警示社会不稳定分子的"效应器",与银行、工商、税务、派出所、司法所、社区卫生服务站等机构一样具有公共服务职能,因而外观标识也应做到统一规范和"一目了然"。  相似文献   

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