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孙道萃 《中外法学》2023,(4):1022-1042
经由我国基本/具体刑事(司法)政策以及刑事司法(体制)改革、刑事司法试点工作等通道,发展出广泛而多元的出罪实践,逐渐形塑了我国经由刑事政策出罪的本土经验与逻辑,可归结为政策出罪。它是中国出罪体系的特殊组成部分,相对独立于其他出罪机制。政策出罪以“政策”为核心或者主要的支撑理据,有特定且专属的运作机理。在实施中,因政策出罪的运作机理等内外因素,也会出现合法性的隐忧等关联性制度困题。应优先建立合法性的说理机制,阐明政策出罪的刑法根据或者实体根据、政策出罪与程序出罪的耦合逻辑、政策出罪与其他出罪机制的协同关系,制定冲突协调的上位规则。应细化政策出罪的一般类型化规则,阐明主要情形的特定适用细则,增强出罪路径的规范化。应从政策运用不能超越刑法、权力裁量需保持审慎、避免混同政策出罪与程序分流等方面,精准管控政策出罪的外溢风险。  相似文献   

王宁 《法制与社会》2011,(36):19+23-19,23
近年来,在打击侵犯著作权犯罪过程中,司法机关对于涉及非法出版物的犯罪行为,是认定为侵犯著作权罪、销售侵犯复制品罪还是非法经营罪,存在一些分歧,司法实践中的做法也不尽相同,其中的主要问题是如何厘清侵犯著作权罪、销售侵权复制品罪与非法经营罪三者之间的关系。  相似文献   

韩松 《法治纵横》2011,(16):63-65
2011年7月8日,湘潭市雨湖区人民法院刑事审判庭依法作出了一审判决:该法院以被告人李湘铭犯组织、领导黑社会性质组织罪,强奸罪,故意伤害罪,非法拘禁罪,敲诈勒索罪,寻衅滋事罪,非法运输枪支罪,虚报注册资本罪,抽逃出资罪,买卖、非法提供、非法使用武装部队专用标志罪,容留他人吸毒罪,骗取贷款罪,一审判决其有期徒刑20年,剥夺政治权利2年,  相似文献   

刘宪权 《法学研究》2009,(4):122-136
罪数形态作为一罪与数罪中诸种复杂的犯罪形态的总称,其既区别于典型一罪,也区别于典型数罪。罪数形态理论既涉及罪数的判定,也涉及罪数的处罚,罪数形态的体系定位应为兼具犯罪论与刑罚论的二元论。在罪数的判断标准上,应注意将形式上罪数的区分标准与法律评价上罪数的处断标准相区别,形式上罪数的区分标准只能是犯罪构成,法律评价上罪数的处断标准则应考虑罪刑均衡、诉讼效益等原则。犯罪构成的复数性、非典型性与法律后果上的不并罚性是罪数形态的两个基本特征。应以有无刑法规定为标准,将罪数形态分为法定的罪数形态和处理的罪数形态两类。  相似文献   

滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修订后的刑法第九章“读职罪”第三百九十七条,除保留了原刑法第一百八十七条玩忽职守罪的规定外,还根据司法实践,在该条中增加了滥用职权罪,并对因河私舞弊,犯滥用职权罪或者玩忽职守罪的,单独规定了较重的刑罚。在学习过程中,笔者发现,对滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的犯罪构成,两罪的主观方面、客观方面的区别以及两罪的异同等等,常常“仁者见仁、智者见智”,认识不一致。玩忽职守罪和滥用职权罪,均是国家机关工作人员的读职犯罪,是人民检察院今后重点查办的案件,弄清二者的区别和联系,区分两罪的犯罪构成,对于检察机关准确适…  相似文献   

危害国际航空罪是一类严重的国际犯罪,它是有关破坏国际航空秩序、危害国际航空安全的犯罪的总称,包括劫持航空器罪、危害航空器飞行安全罪和危害国际民用航空机场安全罪三种具体罪名。此文从危害国际航空罪的法源、危害国际航空罪的分类、危害国际航空罪的惩治原则、危害国际航空罪与我国新刑法四个角度对此类犯罪进行了研究,并就我国新刑法对惩治国际犯罪的完善和不足作了简要评价  相似文献   

袭警罪的独立罪质观和特殊关系罪质观直接影响到司法实践对本罪构成要件和罪间关系处理要点的把握。从包括刑法第277条第1款和第5款关系在内的广泛刑法罪条关系视野下考察,将袭警罪作为与妨害公务罪具有特殊与一般关系的罪名并不合理;独立罪质观既可以避开与刑法现有相关罪名之间不必要的竞合,又可以化解特殊关系罪质观可能面临的不同罪条之间的罪刑平衡问题。在独立罪质观之下,应将袭警罪的规制范围限定于行为人以直接故意的心态实施的、指向正在执行职务警察的、足以造成轻伤以上伤害结果的暴力袭击行为,并以此为基础正确处理袭警罪的罪间关系问题。  相似文献   

危险作业罪系《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(十一)》增设罪名,如何准确认定事关罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪。以J省首例已判决的危险作业案为例,结合全省、全国该类案件面上总体情况,危险作业罪法律适用中主要有三个焦点性争议问题需要加以厘清:一是对“现实危险”的把握,此系危险作业罪的核心要件,可重点结合危险来源的特定性、危险程度的严重性、后果发生的紧迫性等三个方面作出认定;二是对于危化品的界定与规制,需要综合考虑毒害、腐蚀、爆炸、燃烧等性质对涉案化学品加以考察,并在司法实践中组合关联证据加以证明;三是对罪名竞合问题的处理,主要是把握好危险作业罪与部分危害公共安全犯罪、危险作业罪与危险驾驶罪、危险作业罪与非法经营罪、危险作业罪与非法制造、买卖、运输、储存危险物质罪等四组关系,划分罪名边界,依据不同原则进行处理。  相似文献   

一、我国现有的单行刑法中增设的新罪名我国现有的单行刑法不仅在很多方面对我国现行刑法典作了重要的修改和补充,而且在此之外还增设了一百多个新罪名。这些新罪名按其出现的先后顺序如下:(一)1981年6月10日通过的《中华人民共和国惩治军人违反职责罪暂行条例》中增设的新罪名有武器装备肇事罪,泄露或遗失军事机密罪,窃取、刺探、提供军事机密罪·擅离职守或玩忽职守罪,逃离部队罪,偷越国(边)境外逃罪,私放他人偷越国(边)境罪,虐待、迫害部属罪,阻碍执行职务罪,盗窃武器装备或军用物资罪,破坏武器装备或军用设施罪,战时…  相似文献   

查办徇私舞弊罪的法律难点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刑法有关向私舞弊犯罪的罪名中,有5个涉及到“前提罪”的认定问题,即枉法追诉裁判罪、打私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪、放纵走私罪、放纵制售伪劣商品犯罪行为罪、帮助犯罪分于逃避处罚罪。所谓“前提罪”,实践中又叫“原罪”,是认定一些河私舞弊行为是否构成犯罪的前提。刑法规定这些罪名的询私舞弊犯罪以‘“前提罪”为构成条件,但未规定这些“前提罪”要认定到什么程度本罪才能成).是有证据证明有“前提罪”,还是要经法院判决有“前提罪”,询私舞弊犯罪才能成立?根据刑诉法第十二条规定,未经人民法院依法判决,对任何人都不得确定…  相似文献   

Evaluation appointment orders provide enforceable scaffolding for conduct of family court parenting plan evaluations, and use of the evaluator's reports, feedback, file, and testimony. Unlike a contract, a stipulated or adjudicated appointment order is directly enforceable by the family court. It unambiguously positions the evaluator as the family court's appointee – answerable directly to the court and, in some jurisdictions, protected by quasi-judicial immunity from damages claims. A well-crafted appointment order governs the roles and expectations of the court, the evaluator, the parties, the lawyers, and the collateral witnesses. An appointment order mandates the legal duties, rights, powers, and responsibilities of the professionals, the parties, and the collateral witnesses. At minimum, an appointment order articulates the legal basis for the appointment, the purpose and scope of the evaluation, compensation of evaluator, and the duty of the parties to participate in the process. A written evaluation protocol or procedures statement discloses in advance the methods of investigation and assessment that the evaluator intends to use. Together, the appointment order and written protocol help the evaluator, lawyers, parents, and judge manage the complexity of the evaluation process.  相似文献   

Abstract: Extensive research has attempted to elucidate the role of fantasy in sexual offending. In this paper, the authors summarize the main results of the literature, especially the contents, themes, dynamics, etiopathogenesis, and potential functions of fantasy in sexual offending. Further, the authors analyze the case of a serial sexual offender who assaulted 39 women. The forensic‐psychiatric assessment revealed that his fantasies of forced sex, sexual coercion, and dominance, which were linked to narcissistic personality organization and functioning, were the primary drive mechanism in his crimes, because he imagined himself in the role of the aggressor, identified with the power associated with the role of perpetrator, and was sexually aroused by such images of omnipotent control of the victim. In conclusions, the authors suggest that fantasies of sexual aggression, coercion, and dominance of women may stimulate grandiosity and omnipotence and, in a minority of cases, may lead to sexual offending.  相似文献   

在我国刑事诉讼制度中,检察机关与侦查机关之间主要围绕侦查分工和追诉目标形成相应的配合制约机制;检察机关与审判机关之间则围绕查清犯罪事实和管辖程序展开配合、围绕裁判和审理程序展开制约。检察机关主要通过通知立案、通知撤案、不捕、不诉、追捕、追诉、纠正违法等方式对侦查机关进行制约,侦查机关则通过对不捕、不诉决定的复议、复核等方式对检察机关进行制约;检察机关主要通过抗诉和纠正违法对审判机关进行制约,审判机关则通过无罪判决、改变指控等对检察机关进行制约。在司法实践中,检察机关还通过侦诉协作、附条件逮捕、建议撤案和地方政法委协调等方式与侦查机关和审判机关进行配合。总体而言,在检察机关与侦查、审判机关之间的配合制约体系中还存在制约范围不全面、制约手段有限、制约结构不稳定、配合机制缺乏约束力、配合范围不明确、考核评价机制不协调等问题。对此,应当分别加以解决和完善。  相似文献   

张力 《法律科学》2009,27(2):125-139
上世纪90年代以来形成的俄罗斯公共所有权制度,在其主体、客体、权能、实现路径,及其调整社会生活范围、比重等方面,都经历了与社会转型同步的变迁。其中的重要线索是:在延续公共财产民法整体调整传统方法的前提下,围绕实现公共利益的根本目标,回应公共财产客体功能的特殊性及由此产生的法律调整方法特殊性要求,吸收与改造了大陆法国家“公产”与“私产”二分体制,构建了由俄罗斯特色的公共所有权向私人所有权循序过渡的类型序列。  相似文献   

我国当前民间借贷的特点、问题及其法律对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当前民间借贷市场已经进入高级阶段,资金供需两旺,并具有迅速走红网络经济的发展趋势。然而,民间借贷相关立法滞后,市场监管缺位,司法主导突出,整个市场呈现出产生发展的内生化、投资主体的多元化、交易形式的电子化、法律规则的零散化、法律地位的尴尬化以及裁判结果依赖指导性解释等特征。民间借贷组织的主体地位问题、民间借贷合同的效力认定问题、民间借贷利率的法律管制问题、网络借贷平台的风险控制问题以及民间借贷交易的信息监测问题等日益突出,加强监管立法和监管机构主动执法,依法规范民间借贷行为,严厉打击高利贷,已成为金融生态建设中民间借贷法律规制的必然选择。  相似文献   

The paper contends that in order to understand the role of punishment within the Georgian city we must challenge our own perceptions of space. A key difference I suggest between the Georgian and the modern city was that in the former most of the city space had yet to become functionally specialised. The competing demands placed upon it had not yet been, in the main, resolved by municipal authorities; since they were not, as yet, inclined to think in terms of functional efficiency. Consequently, punishment existed as but one activity, embedded within a general culture of public performance. Execution in particular, depended for its efficacy upon the creation of intense nodes of experience within the realm of the ordinary and found its place within a wider system of communication between the orders based upon the notional equality of violence. It was then, owned by the public in a way that was soon to be repudiated. That repudiation was, I suggest, inextricably connected with a reformation of urban space, which was in part motivated by the challenge to public order posed by popular radicalism and which was substantially driven by the application of principles of subjugation and manipulation derived from liturgy and religious practice. It was, I suggest, the subjugation of public space and the suppression of popular performance that in turn necessitated the re-conceptualisation of one of its elements, that is to say, punishment. Punishment was re-conceptualised by disenfranchising those who had formerly owned it in return for the offer of a new, but largely fictitious, form of social ownership of public space.  相似文献   

检察权是法律赋予检察机关各种职权的总称。我国检察权的配置总的来看比较科学,但仍然存在一些不尽合理的地方,突出表现为六个方面的问题,究其原因就在于对检察权的定位不够准确,影响和制约了检察职能的发挥。在我国权力结构中,应坚持检察机关为法律监督机关、检察权为法律监督权的宪法定位,并由此提出检察权的合理配置分为两个层面:宏观层面和微观层面,建议司法体制改革中,应当首先从宏观层面对检察权进行合理配置,增设暂缓起诉制度,完善撤回起诉制度,强化民事行政监督权,赋予民事行政公诉权。  相似文献   

This article analyses the genesis and recent evolution of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), one of the key institutions of African integration. Based on theories relating to the European Parliament, it argues that the dynamics surrounding the establishment of the PAP result from a blend of internal and external factors. On the one hand, the decision to create a PAP can be traced back to the problems of the Organisation of African Unity and to the will of African leaders to revive Pan-Africanism. On the other hand, the establishment and design of the PAP are partially inspired by international precedents such as the European Parliament. Over and above this observation, which is informed by the theory of mimetic institutionalism, the existence of regular interactions between Europe and Africa and, more generally, the outward activities of the PAP, would seem propitious to the self-assertion of this institution. Ultimately, the objective of the article is to lay the ground for a more ambitious theory of regional parliamentary assemblies.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(3):364-368
The stamp markings on wooden surfaces, which are placed on trees and products including antiques, indicate the status of trees and involve identifying data regarding the products. Such markings are obliterated either to facilitate illegal logging or to conceal product information. Despite the wide literature on the restoration of obliterated characters on metal and polymer surfaces, the recovery of defaced characters on wooden surfaces appears to be understudied. Several reference texts in the forensic marks’ examination literature suggest that water, water vapor, and alkaline solutions are useful in restoring the abraded markings on the wood. Since there does not seem to be any experimental study proving such success, this study aimed to fill this gap. This study conducted experimental research by using water, ethanol, ammonia, and chloroform to recover the scraped characters on samples obtained from walnut, beech, spruce, oak, and cedar trees. The cold-stamped characters, which were defaced at varying depths, were restored using vapor and liquid phases of four solvents. While the vapor phases of water, ethanol, and ammonia yielded good outcomes on all types of wooden surfaces, the liquid phases did not seem to be useful in the revisualization process. The response of the vapors, which varied between 62 and 220 s, depended on the type of wood. The restoration technique developed in this research offers the possibility of on-site usage, easy application, utilization of low-cost solvents, rapid recovery, and effectiveness on various wooden surfaces. Overall, the restoration methodology used in this research appears to be fruitful in retrieving identifying information on wooden samples.  相似文献   

李杰  朱向东 《行政与法》2005,(4):106-107
人权和公民权是两个关系非常密切的概念,它们既有相同之处,又有细微差别。它们的共同点表现为:起源相同,社会基础和制约条件相同,内容基本相同,价值取向和理论基础相同。它们的区别体现在:主体不完全相同,适用范围不同,属性不同,表达方式的差异,实施和监督机制的差异,救济途径的差异。  相似文献   

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