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马骏飞 《学理论》2009,(18):160-162
在中美关系解冻过程的三条秘密渠道中,巴黎秘密渠道发挥了重要贡献。从某种意义上说,巴黎渠道是基辛格亲手建立起来的。在前期的数次失败尝试之后,基辛格终于在第一次访华期间建立起与中方直接接触的巴黎秘密渠道。随后,在基辛格的亲自安排下,巴黎渠道为基辛格第二次访华、黑格先遣组访华以及尼克松访华做了大量的信息传递和准备工作,在中美关系史上留下了浓重的一笔。  相似文献   

<正>周恩来总理咬文嚼字,体现了他求真务实、严于律己、严谨缜密的工作作风。"获悉"二字化尴尬1971年7月9日至11日,美国总统国家安全事务助理基辛格秘密访华。周恩来总理与基辛格进行了多次会谈。10日晚,双方就此次基辛格秘密访华的联合公告问题进行了商谈。联合公告如何措辞,双方出现了争议,其中一  相似文献   

1971年7月9日至11日,美国总统尼克松的国家安全事务助理基辛格博士经过巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡秘密访华.这是世界外交史上一次非常经典的秘密访问,此次访问对后来中美两国关系的发展,具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

毛泽东妙论“空对空” 1971年7月,基辛格秘密访华期间,发生了这样一则趣事: 一天下午,基辛格的助手、美国国家安全委员会东亚事务助理约翰·霍尔德里奇,拿着一份新华社英文新闻稿,找到了接待组负责联络的人员,他指着封面上的毛主席语录问这是怎么一回事。  相似文献   

康慨 《党政论坛》2011,(16):46-46
美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格的新著《论中国》(On China)在美英两国正式上市,大报连续刊发书评。其中心论题大抵有二,一是对中美关系与世界未来的关切,二是对基辛格博士的现实政治——或实用主义政治策略的褒贬。基辛格不重视民主《纽约时报》前主编、曾报道1972年尼克松访华的马克斯·弗兰克尔(Max Frankel)撰文指出,  相似文献   

震动世界的1971年4月乒乓外交,由于导致了尼克松总统访华"破冰之旅"而众所周知。与此同时,周总理精心安排的文物外交,却鲜为人知,也未见史料详述。1971年7月9日,基辛格秘密飞越喜马拉雅山到北京密谈时,到钓鱼台之外惟一的考察活动就是参观故宫及出土文物展。如此,基辛格有幸成了故宫关闭五年后得以进宫的第一个外国人。  相似文献   

亨利·基辛格撰写一本回忆中美建交秘辛及他本人对于中美关系论断的新书。这本书,由企鹅公司在尼克松访华40周年的2011年5月推出,书名简洁利落——《论中国》(On China)。在书的最后一页,基辛格提出了关于中美未来的最关键问题:“这两个已经没有了共同敌人的大国,如何把和平、合作和信任保持下去?”  相似文献   

中国驻美国大使李肇星答本刊记者问建立面向二十一世纪的中美建设性战略伙伴关系江泽民主席去年访美成功,开辟了中美关系发展的新阶段,为中美关系的跨世纪进程确立了战略框架,标志着中美关系开始走上稳定、健康和持久发展的正确轨道。克林顿总统的访华,将会在此基础上...  相似文献   

一九七一年七月美国总统国家安全事务助理基辛格首次访华,双方发表尼克松总统将访华的公告; 一九七二年二月应周恩来总理的邀请,尼克松总绕访华。中美发表上海联合公报; 一九七三年五月中美互设联络处;  相似文献   

冷战期间美国外交官乔治·凯南所著《苏联行为的根源》成为美国决策者研究对苏政策的重要参考。二战后美苏没有携手共建世界最终走向冷战。今天,中美关系成为全球最重要的双边关系,美国如何看待"中国行为的根源"是影响中美关系未来走向的重要变量。基辛格是分析这个变量的代表人物。基辛格在《大外交》中认为,没有可兼容的价值观的赤裸裸的权力的均势是脆弱的。延续这样的逻辑,基辛格在《论中国》中探讨了中美两国价值观兼容的可能性。美国决策者应当注重中国行为的这一根源,避免《克劳备忘录》中的错误,与中国共建世界。  相似文献   

四、国际竞争力的差距城市的国际竞争力是城市参与国际竞争的能力 ,是城市对全球人才、技术、资金等资源的吸引能力。城市国际竞争力的强弱取决于城市信息化水平、科技实力、国际交通能力和经济开放度的高低。在这些方面 ,北京国际交通能力较低 ,其他几方面的基础条件与发达国家接近。(一 )信息化程度接近发达国家水平资料显示 ,2 0世纪 80年代前后 ,以纽约为首的几个全球性世界城市正是通过电信技术的革新 ,使信息活动得以集中化 ,从而使得在一个特定城市的中心区协调和控制全国乃至全球经济成为可能。例如纽约 ,至 1 984年 ,美国有 1 /3的…  相似文献   

本文将集中讨论两大问题:其一涉及到法国社会学大师埃米尔·迪尔凯姆的自杀学说。笔者认为,迪尔凯姆的自杀学说在论及性别问题时带有浓厚的男权主义偏见,他的分析偏移了他所大力提倡的社会事实研究法;其二民国时期京沪两地的青年女性自杀格局。根据笔者的分析,京沪女性的自杀问题在当时非常严重,两性自杀死亡率相近;两地不同年龄段的女性的自杀已遂和未遂事件中女青年所占的比例最高;诱因多是家庭矛盾或情感纠纷。本文意在厘清古典社会学自杀理论的局限,也在将中国近现代的自杀问题纳入到社会性别分析框架中探讨。  相似文献   

《Strategic Comments》2018,24(2):i-iii
US President Donald Trump's reversal of long-standing American climate policy – in particular, his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement – is informed mainly by domestic politics, ideology and short-termism. Even if sub-federal US entities' voluntary adherence to emissions reduction enables the United States to meet its targets, following through on the rejection of the Agreement would intensify perceptions that the United States has abdicated global leadership.  相似文献   

My Chairman, Mr H. H. Dickinson, was honoured to be offered the role of keynote speaker for the 1974 Annual Conference of the Royal Institute of Public Administration. He had proceeded a considerable distance along the road of preparing his address when he was unexpectedly called on to visit Canada on government business. On his behalf I wish to apologize to the organizers for his absence today. He regrets it very much. The address I am about to give is in some sense therefore a joint effort, encapsulating the theme judged by Mr Dickinson to be most appropriate for this occasion, within a framework which enables me to develop and expound that theme.  相似文献   

In the mid-1960s the controversial ideas of media guru Marshall McLuhan hit France like a cyclone. ‘Macluhanisme’ is the summarization of the basic tenets of his theory and marks the paradoxical mire into which one was thrown by engaging with them. For to criticize McLuhan was to resist his truth by rationalization. Criticism. also put one in the position of being labelled a counter-revolutionary since McLuhan aligned himself, albeit rhetorically and despite his conservative politics, with counter-cultural tendencies. Moreover, he was condemned by university professors as a charlatan, but widely supported by media workers. This support exposed the political issue of who was, in French intellectual life, in a position to authenticate ideas. This study traces the effects of macluhanisme through the work of the sociologist of the media and administrator Jean Cazeneuve, the cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard, whose debts to McLuhan are well-recognized but little explored, and Roland Barthes, with whom McLuhan met in Paris to discuss (but never accomplished) a collaborative project.  相似文献   

通过对北京外商投资的分析可以看出,外商投资加快了北京经济的发展速度,加快了北京经济融入国际化的发展进程。外资的注入,在北京形成了一定规模的国际化空间和国际化企业,产生了国际化人才队伍。同时,北京利用外资也存在不足,北京对外开放程度与国际化大都市相比还有差距,外资来源相对集中,利用外资形式单一等。北京要吸引跨国公司,扩大利用外资规模,营造国际化环境,转变政府职能,建设国际化人才高地,就必须加强宣传,参与国际事务,增强北京的城市影响力和辐射力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the rapid changes made on U.S. climate change policies and regulations under the Trump administration for the past 22 months since his inauguration in January 2017. Policy changes are made on a wide range of climate‐related programs: Paris Agreement, Green Climate Fund, Clean Power Plan, CAFÉ automobile emission standards, arctic drilling, methane rule, and farm animal emissions. This paper discusses that Trump effects will soon be observed by several empirical indicators.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Foucault's analysis of two forms of neo-liberalism in his lecture of 1979 at the Collège de France: German post-War liberalism and the liberalism of the Chicago School. Since the course is available only on audio-tapes at the Foucault archive in Paris, the larger part of the text presents a comprehensive reconstruction of the main line of argumentation, citing previously unpublished source material. The final section offers a short discussion of the methodological and theoretical principles underlying the concept of governmentality and the critical political angle it provides for an analysis of contemporary neo-liberalism.  相似文献   

During his May 2014 visit to Australia Pascal Lamy, former Director General of the World Trade Organization, urged ‘public institutions, civil society, and global businesses’ to forge ‘creative coalitions’ for the purpose of engaging constructively and positively with the complex problems standing in the way of achieving social and economic sustainability. Lamy's visit was but the first of several occasions during 2014 in which intense public discussion erupted about the need for government, business, and civil society to pool their capacities in boundary‐spanning efforts to address complex policy problems. This article investigates whether the public discussion portends a heightened policy focus on the ‘five Cs’: co‐production, co‐design, corporate social responsibility, collective impact, and Lamy's creative coalitions.  相似文献   

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