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燕继荣 《政治学研究》2020,(2):2-13,M0002
中共十九届四中全会《决定》为中国政治学提出了新议题:如何理解制度优势、制度供给与治理效能的关系、如何把制度优势转化为治理效能。讨论上述议题,需要探究国家治理效能的来源。在当今国际体系中,国家作为一个共同体,其运行状况和竞争实力取决于两方面的表现:一是发展水平,二是治理能力。这也就是说,发展和治理是国家的双重任务和追求。无论谋发展,还是求治理,国家运转需要有制度支撑,也需要有政策支持,因此,制度供给和政策供给二者互动状况决定着国家治理的绩效。良好的制度要配套良好的政策才能产生良好的效能,中国发展绩效实则就是制度效应与政策效应相结合的结果。中国在实现发展中国家所追求的主要目标方面,尤其是在40多年改革开放政策推动下,显示了良好的绩效。主要资源国家所有和多种所有制下不同经济主体市场化竞争的经济制度、中国共产党全面领导的制度体系、单一制中央集权的行政体制,这三项制度的综合效应支持了中国高效快速的发展,也为中国治理优势的展现提供了保障。今后,中国共产党应继续凭借集中性、协调性、持续性、高效性的制度优势,通过改革创新,集中力量解决人民关切的问题,并通过对现实问题的逐一解决最终实现制度的成熟固化。  相似文献   

采用内容分析法,以2011-2016年黑龙江煤监的237份"本局文件"为研究样本,借助QSR Nvivo10软件,围绕关键绩效指标考核所引发的地方政府行为选择开展探索性研究.研究发现,关键绩效指标考核下地方政府行为出现诸多变化:地方政府的目标多重性与关键绩效指标的重点关注,地方政府工作的常态化与关键绩效指标的层层加码,地方政府的有限财力与关键绩效指标的集约投入,地方政府碎片化格局与关键绩效指标的协同治理、地方政府治理的结果导向与关键绩效指标的过程导向,地方政府工作的全面铺开与关键绩效指标的目标替换等方面;关键绩效指标考核的显著成效背后,激励机制、问责机制、管理手段和机构设置等,在地方政府行为选择方面产生了深刻影响,遵循着相关的权力行使及措施保障的制度逻辑.  相似文献   

资源贡献行为对于共享经济模式下企业构建自身竞争优势具有重要意义。借助动机—机会—能力(M-O-A)框架构建企业资源贡献的理论模型,并探讨产业竞合与组织因素的组合对创新绩效的作用机制,有助于厘清资源贡献行为及构成,了解资源贡献行为促进创新绩效提升的作用机制。以北京中关村示范区、苏州工业园区和天津经济技术开发区的中国高新技术企业为研究样本,运用定性比较分析法探讨资源贡献行为的动机、机会、能力要素与产业环境因素对企业创新绩效的组配效应。研究发现了可实现高水平创新绩效的6种路径,即反应型资源贡献、研发—能力利用型资源贡献、(利用式)能力塑造型资源贡献、(获取式)能力塑造型资源贡献、动机驱使型资源贡献、资源捕捉型资源贡献,为企业提升创新绩效提供可行的策略选择。  相似文献   

马文骏 《学理论》2009,(32):86-87
如何解决有限的司法资源与不断增加的司法需求之间的矛盾,提高诉讼效率,是刑事诉讼所追求的价值目标之一。基于我国目前刑事司法实践中出现的效率低下的问题,我国有必要从制度和运作两个层面进行一定的改革,以提高诉讼效率。  相似文献   

如何提高政府组织绩效是构建和谐社会过程中的一大问题.由于作为自变量的组织公民行为(OCB)对政府组织绩效具有积极的作用,所以通过激发政府组织的OCB可能是改进政府组织绩效的一条有效的路径.针对现阶段提高政府组织绩效所面临的问题和困难,需要从制度层面对组织中影响OCB的相关变量进行调节和控制,从而激发OCB,以提高政府组织绩效.  相似文献   

新制度经济学认为,制度协同是一个从制度均衡到制度不均衡,再到新的均衡的不断演进过程。制度协同包括三个方面:特定组织行为的改变、组织与环境间相互关系的变化、组织环境中支配行为的规则的改变。制度协同的收益是指把在现行安排下不能得到的外部利益通过改变制度安排而达到协同效应的内在化。制度协同实际上是一个经济组织追求绩效的制度不断调适过程,而绩效则很可能决定着制度协同的方式、制度协同的速度和制度协同的路径。  相似文献   

民主制度的成功运行与主体人在利用机会和制度实现个人合理目标上的行为密切相关,因此,社会公正同时依赖于有效的社会制度和人们理性的行为方式。如何立足于社会现实将制度方案的设计与运行同人们的行为实际结合起来,这是制度建设需要思考的一个重要哲学问题。我们通过分析罗尔斯正义原则对民主制度的理想设想,讨论社会选择理论对特定社会结构中个体理性与公共理性的冲突、协调与均衡的分析,力图说明制度建设不能"为制度而制度",而应该着眼现实,从解决那些很多人都关注但缺乏强有力的见解和解决方案的问题入手,寻求建立合理制度的具体方法和现实途径。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法赋予了村民代表会议承担村民会议委托的职能,在对村庄公共权力约束方面,它取代并承担了实际的职能,因此这项制度的绩效关系到社会主义新农村建设的政治制度绩效和对村庄政治公共权力约束问题。我们抽样对云南14个村庄村民代表会议制度绩效实施调查,结果显示,在农村政治民主的形式上,选举村民代表基本体现了民主的价值;而在三年一个周期的制度运行方面绩效上,则基本背离了立法的原意。这一点,基本与全国的村民代表会议绩效一致。这就反映了,作为一项农村民主政治的基本制度构架,事实上效果是非常有限的。  相似文献   

本指出了行政部门内部劳动力市场的独特特征,给出了一些人力资源管理(特别是绩效工资方面)改革的例子,并讨论了这些改革是否已解决以及如何解决了过去十年来困扰行政部门的认同、效率和冲突等问题。本分析的主要结果揭示了行政部门的低度组织化。行政部门决定职业结构专业人员组合、制订有关工作行为和态度的准则的选择标准缺乏说服力。有限的流动性和工资的刚性是影响行政部门内部劳动力市场的最重要因素。这些因素再加上中讨论的其他因素,使得将私营部门的做法应用于行政部门极其困难(即使不考虑相关组织的具体特征)。假如不存在一定的结构和社会前提条件,管理主义也无计可施;仅靠立法也无济于事,也不会创造提高行政部门组织化的条件。  相似文献   

自新型农村合作医疗制度2003年试点以来,迅速发展成为我国重要的农村基本医疗保障制度,学者对新型农村合作医疗制度绩效如何开展了广泛而深入的研究。本文探讨了近十年来新型农村合作医疗制度绩效研究的新进展,这些研究包括三大部分:一是新型农村合作医疗制度绩效的内涵,二是新型农村合作医疗制度绩效评价的主要内容,三是新型农村合作医疗制度评价的方法。本文认为新型农村合作医疗制度绩效评估还可从减少效率损失的角度研究如何提高绩效、新农合制度应与农村居民的医疗服务需求相适应,这将是新型农村合作医疗制度绩效评估的新的动向。还应进一步注重计量模型的选择,从而更加精确测量新型农村合作医疗制度的绩效。  相似文献   


According to the extensive literature on performance gaps, the various reference points of the problem identification process affect the managerial decisions of public managers. In this article, we propose a theory about the public management decision-making processes based on the roles of proactive behaviors, specifically regarding how identifying such problems (performance gaps) leads to performance improvement. Using panel data from Korea covering 2005–2014, this analysis provides support for our assertion that not all reference points are equally important to public managers’ proactive responses; however, we find evidence supporting the importance of perceiving the external reference point of problem identification as a significant precedent for successful organizational performance. Our results also indicate that practitioners need to become involved in greater feedback processes when searching for proactive solutions that remedy poor organizational performance. This suggests that the creation of diverse and sophisticated performance feedback systems can strengthen public managers’ abilities to find solutions for organizations. Ultimately, the findings enhance our understanding of the relationship between performance gaps and performance improvement by examining the role of public managers’ proactive behaviors.  相似文献   

Collective action has been identified, by governments and nongovernmental organizations, as a mechanism to improve smallholder farmers' bargaining power and access to input and output markets. In many developing countries, supporting collective action has and continues to be an important policy instrument. However, in the collection and marketing of forest products, recognition of and support for producer organizations, is limited. Data, from focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and an analysis of formal producer organizations' functioning and organizational aspects, were used to examine the motives, benefits, challenges, and enabling conditions of collective action in promoting the sustainable production and marketing of shea, frankincense, and honey from dry forests in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Zambia, respectively. Lessons and key recommendations, including those related to policy, are presented on how collective action through formal producer organizations could be assisted to promote responsible forest products collection and marketing practices that benefit small‐scale producers in Africa's dry forests.  相似文献   


Power's book examines how organizations are designed through risk-based science, law and managerial techniques. As organizations have come to think of, reform and govern themselves through the vague but powerful notion of risk, both the fortunes of the managers who conceive of these designs and the behaviour of the organizations themselves have been affected. Power develops four themes as he analyses the consequences of these moves towards risk management as governance. First, he notes the tensions that have emerged as risk management systems take in information about uncertainty in the operational environment and process it into risk, while simultaneously producing yet more uncertainty. Second, he offers an account of developments in the system of professions as the abstractions of mathematical risk analysts have lost ground to managerial approaches to the processing and uses of risk. Third, he applies neo-liberal notions of the individual to organizational behaviour in an analysis of the conflict between risk-embracing profit motives and risk-averse precautionary instincts. Fourth, he argues that the uptake of risk management techniques and discourses in organizations has fundamentally changed the way they view themselves and operate in the world. As better risk management through internal self-control has become the obvious solution to every problem, enterprise values and trust have imploded. We close our review with a critique of this implosion thesis, suggesting directions for future research for socio-legal, governance and organizational behaviour scholars.  相似文献   


Rising demand for quality, efficiency, and openness in the management of collective problems and their solutions has prompted successful government agencies to consider knowledge as a key resource. Government agencies make intensive use of human capital and knowledge in the performance of their duties. Knowledge represents the most important strategic resource, and its skillful management is a key capability in institutional performance. Using structural equation modeling, we analyze the relationship between the learning capability of an organizational system, characterized by the dynamic interaction of stocks and flows of knowledge, and its impact on performance. Our results support the view that learning capability, especially knowledge flows and stocks, has a positive impact on the performance of public institutions.  相似文献   

This article responds to recent calls for research examining the mechanisms through which high‐performance human resource practices (HPHRPs) affect employee outcomes. Using the theoretical lens of social exchange and process theories, the authors examine one such mechanism, public service motivation, through which HPHRPs influence employees’ affective commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors in public sector organizations. A sample of professionals in the Egyptian health and higher education sectors was used to test a partial mediation model using structural equation modeling. Findings show that public service motivation partially mediated the relationship between HPHRPs and employees’ affective commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. Similar results were achieved when the system of HPHRPs was disaggregated to consider the individual effects of five human resource practices.  相似文献   

An evaluation of primary-level healthcare undertaken in Tanzania 1989-91 found that district health managers felt powerless to address health care performance weaknesses, although the district is the unit to which government management functions have been decentralized. In order to understand the managers views, this article analyses the pattern of decentralization within the health system from their perspective. It reviews the hislorical development of government structures and the theory and practice of decentralization within Tanzania. The matrix of accountability for health care has become very confusing, with multiple and cross-cutting flows of authority within and between levels of the system. District health managers have limited authority to take management action, such as managing resources, in ways that would begin to address problems of inefficiency and poor quality of care within primary care. District health management also suffers from weak resource allocation and financial management piocedures. The main obstacles preventing more effective management are: resource constraints; conflicts between the demands for central control and local discretion; limited institutional capacity; and political and cultural influences over the implementation of decentralization. Evaluation of past experience suggests that future policy influencing the organizational structure of government health services must be developed cautiously, recognizing the critical importance of complementary action to develop both institutional capacity and political and economic support for the health system.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the implementation of rural development management in Nepal, especially how the implementation of the Karnali—Bheri Integrated Rural Development Programme is managed. The empirical data are provided by the officials themselves, and touch on organizational competence and responsibilities, the role of district line agencies. management mechanisms, inter-organizational cooperation, local leadership and local support of organizations and people. It is concluded that several reorganizations of power relationships, resource allocation and administrative mandates are needed to improve the feasibility of effectively managed implementation in the Karnali—Bheri programme. In a wider context, rural development management in Nepal will only be possible if the development administration reforms itself for greater management and implementation potential.  相似文献   

Human resource management and managerial capacity are well documented in the public management literature as integral management functions. The field has devoted attention to the importance of human resources, but it has yet to consider whether human resource management interacts with capacity in attaining organizational outcomes. Using a large‐N, multiyear data set of public organizations, this article seeks to rectify this gap in the literature. The findings validate scholarly arguments on the importance of public organizations’ need to manage human resources and capacity effectively, identifying just the right combination for performance gains. Empirical results encourage practitioners to consider the ways in which human resource management and capacity work together to influence performance but sometimes undermine each other in counterintuitive ways.  相似文献   

This article applies social exchange theory to investigate the relationships between work opportunities and organizational commitment in four United Nations agencies. It demonstrates that international civil servants who are satisfied with their altruistic, social, and extrinsic work opportunities are more likely to declare high levels of organizational commitment. Furthermore, perceived organizational support mediates these relationships. The empirical findings highlight the importance of considering the specificity of organizational features in explaining international civil servants' attitudes and behaviors. Their preferences for altruistic, social, and extrinsic work opportunities are not similar to the motivational orientations and rewards valued by public or private sector employees, confirming the hybrid characteristics of international organizations. Drawing on these original results, the research identifies some practical implications for human resource management in international organizations.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence about prosocial motivations and their effects on employee behavior, how can new public service motivation research translate into more effective management practices—which, so far, regrettably remain underdeveloped? Increasingly, public service motivation studies have moved from understanding what motivates public servants to exploring how public service motives influence performance. Similarly, greater attention is now paid to the practices of transformational leadership. Drawing on concepts from transformational leadership, this essay explores how managers can harness the positive aspects of public service motivation to enhance employee and organizational performance and outlines strategies that can help managers incorporate public service motivation values across management systems.  相似文献   

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