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不安抗辩权的适用条件及其效力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不安抗辩权是指在双务合同中负有先为给付义务的一方当事人(以下称先履行方),有证据证明对方当事人(以下称后履行方)在订约后出现经营状况严重恶化等情况造成难以履行对待给付义务时,在对方未恢复履行能力或提供担保前,有中止履行合同的权利。在实际生活中,大多数双务合同的订立和履行都不是同时进行的,且双方当事人履行义务的期限也不尽一致,往往约定一方先履行其给付。但在合同成立后,发生后履行方财产状况恶化、丧失商业信誉等情况,可能危及先履行方债权的实现时,如果仍强迫先履行方先为给付,其利益就会受到损害,如果先履…  相似文献   

几乎所有的期租合同都订人停租条款(off-hireclause),该条款规定在一些特定的情况下承租人可以中止履行其支付租金的义务。在期租合同履行期间,出租人与承租人对某个事件是否是停租事件时常发生争端;同时,根据租船合同,如果承租人不支付到期的租金,出租人就有权撤船。  相似文献   

李宗海 《法制与社会》2010,(35):63-63,69
近年来,供电企业因供用电合同纠纷时有发生,为了提高合同的履行率,确保电费款的回收,充分利用法律的规定规辟供电企业法律风险。本文结合实践,就供用电合同在适用法律方面作了简要的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

金琳 《法制与社会》2011,(22):42-43
在市场经济条件下,大多数当事人之间因合同交易互负的给付义务,履行期限往往是不一致的。合同成立后,由于各种经济活动的变化导致违约的情况也屡见不鲜。在双务合同履行过程中,合同约定的先履行一方在履行合同义务后,一旦后履行一方在订约后出现财产状况恶化,就可能得不到该方的对待给付,从而危及先履行一方债权的实现。  相似文献   

在传统的民法理论上,合同当事人的义务以法律明确规定或者当事人的约定为限,否则对合同当事人没有约束力。随着社会经济的发展,经济往来的增多,交易形式更趋于复杂化,导致合同法的发展中产生了一项新的制度——附随义务。法国民法典将合同的违约行为分为:完全不履行、迟延履行、不完全履行合同义务、附属义务或附随义务三种情况,其将违反合  相似文献   

合同订立之后,在履行时遇到事先不能预料的并且不能归咎于当事人本身的原因,致使合同义务不可能履行,或者导致履行极不现实,此时如果仍然责令当事人履行原合同规定的义务,或者承担违约的责任,就显得行不通或者不合理。最简单明显的实例,如就指定的某件物品成交的交易(例如买卖或租赁),该物品在交付前灭失;或由特定人提供服务的合同,该人在履行完成前死亡。又如一种商品的进出口合同,在订立合同后,此种商品的进口或出口为政府法令所禁止。  相似文献   

浅谈中止履行合同韩小兵所谓中止履行合同是指在合同的履行过程中,发生一方当事人将不履行合同义务的情形时,另一方当事人为避免由此而造成的损失采取的暂时停止合同履行的一种法律措施。中止履行合同作为合同法律制度中一个不可缺少的重要环节,具有其独特的不可替代的...  相似文献   

吴忠伟 《经济与法》2003,(10):36-37
在传统的民法理论上,合同当事人的义务以法律明确规定或者当事人的约定为限。否则对合同当事人没有约束力。随着社会经济的发展。经济往来的增多。交易形式更趋于复杂化.导致合同法的发展中产生了一项新的制度——附随义务。法国民法典将合同的违约行为分为:完全不履行、迟延履行、不完全履行合同义务、附属义务或附随义务五种情况.其将违反合同的附随义务作为合同违约的情况之一,可见该项制度的重要。  相似文献   

李婧 《法制与社会》2011,(21):96-97
在阐述网络交易合同基本理论问题的基础上,就网络交易合同信用问题进行探讨,主要以网络交易合同订立、履行、解除的过程为线索,对网络交易合同主体、意思表示、条款、标的以及履行、解除等存在的信用缺失问题进行分析,为保护网络交易消费者的利益,应对网络交易合同信用问题进行法律规制。  相似文献   

随着市场经济和交易实践的发展,预付式消费交易逐渐成为一种重要的消费模式。预付式消费交易主体多元,法律关系复杂,有必要准确认定其法律构造,厘清各个当事人之间的权利义务关系。购卡人与发卡人之间的合同关系难以有效涵盖整个预付式消费交易,预付式消费交易在法律构造上还应当包括持卡人与实际经营者之间的合同关系。就购卡人与发卡人之间的合同关系而言,购卡人需要向发卡人提供长期资金信用,在约定期间内不得就预付卡主张兑现;发卡人则向购卡人提供便捷的支付工具,并对预付卡支付功能的实现负担法定担保义务;持卡人与实际经营者之间成立普通的购买商品或者提供服务的合同,在实际经营者所提供的商品或者服务存在瑕疵时,持卡人可直接基于该合同关系请求实际经营者承担违约责任。  相似文献   

Despite the monopolistic networks, the liberalized electricity supply industry in Germany is unregulated; the network-access charges are only subject to competition law, not to ex-ante approval. This paper explores the consequences of this policy by analyzing empirical observation with the theory of vertical relations. It concludes that the authorities' focus should be on the level of the access charges and not on discriminatory behavior. Unregulated access charges imply that the integrated firms have different incentives as compared to the independent entrants with respect to the competitive markets. Thereby, the principle of a level playing field is violated.  相似文献   

刘宇晖 《河北法学》2008,26(7):121-124
由竞争性电力市场替代垂直一体化的电力行业模式是我国电力体制改革的目标,决定了现行《电力法》必须进行大的修改。未来《电力法》的体系应是以构建和维护竞争性电力市场为价值目标统辖的总则、发电、输电、配电和电力零售、电力交易规则、电力监管六部分。  相似文献   

The paper highlights and analyzes the tension between designing power sale agreements that reduce uncertainty for the private investors and running the power systems as more efficiently as possible in the restructured electricity market. The features of such agreements are preliminary in resolving this tension and, therefore, in orienting the development of electricity markets restructuring towards a competitive direction. We define a theoretical contractual model, highlighting the tension between the two opposite directions: reducing uncertainty and risk in order to attract private investment and operating the power system efficiently. We apply the theoretical model for analysing the formal structure of a selected sample of power purchase agreements, really operating in the restructured electricity markets all over the world. We show how competitive contracting can increase efficiency pressures and, at the same time, increase investment risk. We then discuss some policy implications for the design of power purchase contracts in the restructured electricity market.  相似文献   

《行政强制法》第43条基于生存照顾的考虑,对断水、断电做了禁止性规定,但对该条的具体适用等问题却存在诸多争议。通过对实施层面的考量,断水、断电的使用是属于有条件的限制性使用,作为行政强制执行手段在正当性上仍存在不足,不能通过扩大性解释而获得合法性。运用该手段时,不能简单基于实施效果的考虑,必须进行综合性衡量。为了防止对行政相对人合法权益的侵害,应当从法律依据、适用条件及程序设置三个方面实现对断水断电等手段的法律控制。  相似文献   

This paper contains an economic review of the law regulating the liberalisation process now under way in the Italian electricity sector. The legal framework is presented focusing first on Community rules, in particular Directive 96/92, which provides for common rules for the internal electricity market, and then on the recent Italian implementation decree no. 79 of 1999. The part concerning the law is then connected with a part where the issue of liberalisation of the electricity sector is tackled in economic terms, with special focus on transition from the public monopoly that has characterised the Italian experience for some time, and also on the new interpretation of the traditional theory of natural monopoly. On the base of the legal framework and the economic theories, the features of each components of the electricity sector is finally analysed in terms of competitiveness: in particular, the future market configuration is considered for generation, for transmission, for distribution, and, for the whole market.  相似文献   

消防电缆配电系统线路在火灾救助过程中和平时运行过程中应具备高可靠性,以确保正常供电和有效实施人员疏散和火灾扑救,使火灾损失降低到最低限度.本文探讨高层建筑消防电缆配电系统火灾危险性和对策.  相似文献   

This paper applies the concept of regulatory threat to analyse the electricity supply industry in Germany, where in contrast to other European member states there is no ex-ante regulation of network access charges. Instead, network access relies on industrial self-regulation and ex-post control by the Cartel Office. The paper extends the concept of regulatory threat to vertically related markets, stressing an optimal balance between the level of the network access charges and discrimination against third parties. The conceptual framework appears to explain developments in the German electricity sector accurately and thus provides a useful tool for policy analysis.  相似文献   

The paper analyses how politics and adjudication answer similar questions in the context of policy-making. It contrasts how societal problems are selected, defined, solved and legitimised by both disciplines. We raise these questions in regard to the liberalization of the European Electricity markets. We reconstruct the decision-making process at the political and adjudicative arena taking place in this policy area. By so doing, we elaborate the differences and establish the links between politics and adjudication. We argue that what differentiates these two disciplines constitutes their very links; that is, the adjudicative and political arena are linked precisely because they are different at various level.  相似文献   

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