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To become an economic developed country, every country needs to look for its trade and commerce because it is one of the most prominent factors. Hence, the present study is an endeavor to highlight "India's Look East Policy and its northeastern states". The methodology adopted here is mainly based on secondary data and information, the sources of which have been compiled from different national and international journals and related books, etc.. India's involvement in the enterprises of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) for economic corporation was initiated in the year 1991 with the function of "Look East Policy". ASEAN countries have emerged as significant entities among India's most dynamic trade partners. Undoubtedly, north-east India has the potential to become gateway to the east, which can help trade and commerce with ASEAN countries to flourish.  相似文献   

From 2000 to 2012 the Latvian economy experienced four important events: (1) accession to the European Union in 2004; (2) the fastest GDP growth in the European Union and one of the fastest in the world in 2006; (3) the fastest GDP decrease in the European Union and in the world in 2009; and (4) resumption of economic growth in 2011. Such substantial changes during relatively short period of time make the experience of Latvia interesting in context of economic growth. Now Latvia has success in overcoming the consequences of the global economic downturn but the question which still remains relevant is the rationality of the branch structure of economy, because of high share of non-tradable sector in GDP. Such high fluctuations of the GDP during period analyzed, as well as requirements of the modem economy show the necessity to provide changes in the branch structure of economy. The most acceptable and popular direction in accordance with the strategy "Europe 2020" indicates that these changes should be in favor to the innovative manufacturing branches. On the other hand, the question--whether the changes in the branch structure of economy would be a tool for maintaining and providing the economic growth in Latvia--is actual. The importance and relevance of this question are reinforced by the fact that there is no consensus in the literature about the sequence of the economic growth and changes in the branch structure of economy. The article considers the linkage between economic growth and the changes in the branch structure of economy in Latvia, as well as search for sequence between these processes.  相似文献   

This essay is a study of China's political corruption and countermeasure for it. The author will focus on the cultural factors and the incompleteness of the market economy because these show us the reason why the corruption became severe after the initiation of the economic reform. The author will move on to search a solution within the field of political reform. The author will deal with the problem by two approaches. The first one is to focus on the democratization and the second one is to focus on the political institutionalization. The goal of the author's analysis is to examine which approach will work as a proper solution. The author's argument is that institutionalization will be the better one. The author will outline the grounds briefly. Firstly, unlike democratization, this solution shows possibility of realization. Secondly, political institutionalization has its own value of political development which was not considered sufficiently before. And finally there are advantages of strengthened accountability and limit discretion. To consolidate the author's argument the author will use Hong Kong's case where have been successfully controlled the problem by political institutionalization.  相似文献   

中国印度经济改革和发展之比较和反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫翔 《学理论》2008,(8):21-24
中国和印度经济转轨具有共同背景,都选择了政治稳定条件下的渐进式改革,但在改革的突破口、通向市场化的道路、对外开放以及经济增长的模式方面却存在着差异。总体上,中国的宏观经济指标和硬件好于印度,但印度的微观经济指标和软件基础优于中国。中国和印度在投资与商业环境方面所存在的较大差异,使它们走向了不同的发展道路。需要反思的是:经济增长的核心动力是软件条件还是硬件条件;什么样的政府更有助于后发展国家的经济增长;政治体制与经济增长的关系及其对经济发展有何影响;对经济增长而言,制度是重要的,但或许不是决定性的。  相似文献   

Since the economic reforms began in the end of the 1970s, family enterprises have emerged and thrived in the People's Republic of China, and have contributed significantly to China's phenomenal growth in the last few decades. Yet, little recognition, scholarly or otherwise, was given to family enterprises in China. The author argues that such a lack of recognition of family enterprises in China has to do with various negative perceptions of family firms and entrepreneurs. Among such perceptions is the view that family enterprises are "backward" and "unscientific", and as such they need to be modernized or they will disappear. This article calls for more rigorous and ethnographic research of family businesses in China, because such research will not only afford much needed attentions to the issues unique to family businesses, but also provide a comparative case to the study of Confucian capitalism, which is believed to be an alternative to western capitalism.  相似文献   

王晓峰 《学理论》2008,(8):12-16
美国经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯与其他经济学家合作,对中国的经济改革进程做了大量的实证分析,认为:中国是作为一个农业社会开始改革的,其经济结构与东欧及前苏联显著不同;中国经济改革的主要特点是“双轨制”的改革和财政联邦制;中国经济增长有两个转折点:一个是制度向着加速非农业部门的方向变化,另一个是工业作为无可争辩的、主要的增长引擎的出现;中国经济发展面临的挑战:一是地区间发展的不平衡,二是政治体制改革。  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the literature that examines obesity in China. Multiple factors that contribute to this phenomenon are investigated, such as globalization, urbanization and cultural changes. Most of the researches reviewed in this paper concern urban, coastal populations of China. Obesity is defined differently for Asian populations; thus, diagnosis has been underestimated in the past. As China's economy develops, the country may now be gaining western problems, such as obesity. Obesity is related to economical causes as China participates in international business and trade. Furthermore, the role of the globalized food industry is reviewed. More western food companies and restaurants have infiltrated Chinese cities, causing mass changes in the traditional Chinese diet. Likewise, employment is a significant factor examined since more occupations in Chinese cities have transitioned to the service sector. Cultural attitudes differ from those of the West in which the Chinese view heavier bodies as healthier than thinner figures. Interventions that have been attempted are reviewed.  相似文献   

张立群 《求知》2009,(1):9-10
2008年是中国经济运行由升转降的一年。这种变化既是由于美国经济和世界经济变化的影响.也是数年来宏观调控政策效果的综合体现。可以认为.2008年中国经济增长的转折性变化,是内外因素共同作用引起的结果。由于中国经济增长潜力巨大。因此只要政策调整适度。经济增长就不会发生深度下调。在此基础上如果能够把握时机.积极推动结构调整和发展方式转变.深化改革.完善社会主义市场经济的体制机制,2009年中国经济就将走上更为稳健的发展轨道。  相似文献   

经济增长模式问题的提出已经很久。早在1995年制定第九个五年计划的时候,中国政府就提出要解决这个问题,实现经济发展方式从依靠投资的粗放发展到依靠效率提高的集约发展的“转型”。之后的五年计划和规划也都有提到,但始终没有解决,并变得越来越严重。  相似文献   

The focus on networks in public administration has grown rapidly in recent years and prompts modifications of traditional planning and control systems of public entities. Public networks have been defined as a response to the criticalities of New Public Management and they represent a recurring approach for policy implementation and service provision in the theoretical framework known as New Public Governance. This article addresses the question whether public entities are aware of being part of a network and whether they have actually changed, as such, their planning and control system. Focus is made on the case of Italian regional governments which are particularly significant for different reasons. First of all, the recent process of administrative devolution and federalism in Italy has reinforced regional governments' powers and responsibilities as well as their importance as actors in the political and economic scenario, where they can influence the behaviours of many public and private organizations. Furthermore, Italian regional governments have extensive autonomy and so they can actually modify and integrate traditional documents of their planning and control system. The article proposes a framework for mapping different approaches toward being part of a public network. This framework can support the interpretation of the behaviour of public entities involved in networks and take the initiatives to develop them.  相似文献   

吴邦国 《党政论坛》2010,(24):18-19
第一,经济实力显著增强,同时长期形成的结构性矛盾和粗放型增长方式尚未根本改变。突出体现在三个方面。一是经济增长主要依靠工业带动,农业基础薄弱,基本还是“靠天吃饭”,农业科技进步贡献率只有51%,比发达国家低了约20个百分点,  相似文献   

受次贷危机的影响,美国经济衰退的预期给2008年全球经济罩上了巨大的不确定性阴影,也给中国经济罩上了不确定性的阴影。新年初始,我国南方50年不遇的大风雪,又给2008年中国的经济增长增加了诸多变数。如何应对新的国内外的经济环境?笔者认为,以我为主、坚持有所变有所不变,是非常重要的策略。  相似文献   

Traditionally, security is understood as merely "national defense". During an on-going process of globalization, economic, political and cultural interdependence between individuals, nations and regions have changed the traditional ideas of national security to broader dimensions. The notion of incorporating economic security, environmental security and human security, with national security into a single whole, formulate the idea of comprehensive security (CS). This paper tries to explore the origin, components, and significance of comprehensive security. In case studies, the rise of China in the twenty-first century is not an assumption any more, but a reality already. In this research, the author focuses on China, a country which not only experiences comprehensive development, but also faces comprehensive security challenges in the age of globalization. The author discusses China's security challenge from a comprehensive perspective and argues that understanding them and finding the solution will not only benefit China itself, but also benefit other nations as a whole in the age of globalization.  相似文献   

We trace the development of the regulatory policy in China's telecommunication, electricity and public utilities. We find that different characteristics of industry result in different policy evolution processes, different reform strength and methods, which lead to different effects. Some industries have just established the competitive structure, and some others have already formed sufficient competition. Reasons for these differences among industries include: regulatory promise, technical progress and substitutive competition. According to the analysis, the foundation of the regulatory system and the coordination of the regulators' behavior can improve the industrial regulation in China.  相似文献   

The article describes the action trajectory and the value concept of e-government service innovation in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province during 2006-2012. The background, value orientation, innovation, and reconstruction results as well as implementation strategy of the sequence of four rounds of reorganizing a one-stop shop structure are analyzed. From the perspective of overall efficiency of government services, some recommendations are put forward to break fragmented services of local government. At the level of central government, ideas and future directions have been discussed. In this respect, the Chuzhou City Government has been a pace-setter. Last year, it launched a new round of government reorganization. The aims are to realize every ordinary matter by applying one examination and approval and one review exercise; further increase the rate of on-spot handling; and try to ensure that for every complex matter, the three steps of reception, examination, and approval procedure should be completed in five days.  相似文献   

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