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随着全球化进程的加深 ,国际移民运动与日俱增 ,人口走私成为东南亚发展最快的跨国犯罪活动。东南亚人口走私日益猖獗有着内在和外部的多重因素 ,国际社会亦受到了东南亚国家人口走私问题的深刻影响。打击人口走私、消除这一现代奴隶贸易活动 ,已经成为东南亚和其他相关国家的共同责任。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来东南亚女性跨国流动的特点与影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自20世纪70年代以来,在经济全球化的促进下,全球跨国人口迁移的速度越来越快。路径越来越多,影响越来越广。在此背景下,东南亚地区的女性跨国流动也表现出越来越引人注目的3个历史阶段性特征,即70—80年代的以女佣为主体的劳动力输出、1990—2000年的以跨国婚姻为主体的移民形态和2000年以来的以跨国色情业为主体的移民形态。东南亚地区女性的上述跨国流动特征对70年代以来的东南亚地区的发展也产生了多重影响。  相似文献   

论中国人移民东南亚的四次大潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国人移民东南亚历史,根据其动力和规模,可分为四次大潮。东南亚为中国海外移民的最主要目的地。中国人大规模移民东南亚始于17世纪,盛于20世纪上半叶,历三波移民高潮。20世纪50年代初期至中国改革开放前,移民东南亚工程中断。随着大陆改革开放及中国与东南亚经济合作的飞速发展,中国人重启移民东南亚热潮。虽然推动不同时期的移民潮各有其不同的国内外因素,但就四次大规模移民潮而言,中国与东南亚的经贸发展和合作都是主要动力之一。随着中国与东南亚经济一体化进程加速,如中国与东南亚的政治关系保持良好,前往东南亚的移民潮仍将继续。与此同时,东南亚各国进入中国的移民也将日益增多,并呈加速之势。  相似文献   

在经济全球化发展日趋增强的今天,移民活动的状况或本质正越来越表现为流动性而非定居性。移民的流动性,是“人权高于主权”这一国际政治思潮的反映,是全球化发展所产生的一种“跨国逃避”趋势,也是国际政治经济多元化、不平衡发展和各国综合国力竞争的必然产物。本文试图通过对移民流动性的探讨,揭示中印两国海外移民的流动性对两国发展和综合国力提升所共同具有的有益影响,以及中印两国因其海外移民流动性在国际社会中所面临的不同处境。  相似文献   

二战结束以来,经济全球化的飞速发展已使国际移民成为国际社会转型和发展的重要力量和因素之一①。全球化时代下的国际移民正不断改变着世界各国及地区的人口比例和组合结构,同时由其带动的资本、技术和人才等要素的全球流动又使世界经济获益良多。诚然,全球化时代下的跨国人口  相似文献   

中国已重新成为移民和学生流向东南亚和世界其他地区的主要来源。中国向东南亚的人口流动主要有三种形式:移民流动、学生流动和旅游者流动。这种人口流动对中国与东盟成员国的经济、社会、文化和外交关系都产生了重大影响,但也带来一些问题。不过,双方在经济上相互依存的必要性将确保这种联系会继续发展下去。  相似文献   

近年来,随着东南亚国家经济的迅速发展,世界经济的国际化、区域化进展,东南亚企业集团的经济实力不断增强,进行跨国经营活动的企业集团越来越多,跨国经营的范围和规模也越来越大,以至形成为企业集团经营的显著特点之一。改革开放以后的中国,也是东南亚企业集团尤其是华人企业集团进行跨国经营的重要投资地,近年来的直接投资增长迅速,人们尤为关注。然而,由于东南亚华人的历史文化背景,东南亚华人企业集团对中国的投资又引起了不同的议论甚至指责,给东南亚华人企业集团的跨国经营活动蒙上阴影。因此,正确地认识和系统研究这一问…  相似文献   

近年来,随着国际恐怖主义形势的变化,尤其是“伊斯兰国”遭受重创后的演变及发展,东南亚地区恐怖主义发展呈现出一些新的发展态势,东南亚首现城市大规模恐怖袭击事件,地区恐怖势力的跨国整合联动及域内外恐怖势力的合流、共振与滋生新的恐怖活动,地区部分国家的国内冲突加剧给予国际恐怖势力更多介入空间,回流恐怖分子引发系列问题以及网络恐怖主义威胁的上升等。东南亚恐怖主义新态势给东南亚地区的安全稳定带来威胁,也给中国尤其是西南边境省份的安全、稳定与发展带来严重威胁。在此背景下,中国需关注东南亚地区的恐怖主义新态势,进一步增强与东南亚国家的政治互信,凝聚反恐合作共识,加快构建与东南亚国家的反恐合作专门机制,增强中国在东南亚地区国际反恐合作中的作用,提升边境省份参与东南亚地区反恐合作的能力,加强对中国在东南亚地区的人员及投资等海外利益的保护,有效遏制东南亚恐怖主义发展及阻断国际恐怖势力经东南亚向中国渗透。  相似文献   

冷战结束以来,国际性犯罪形势愈加严重,并呈现组织化、职业化和国际化的趋势,靠一国之力难以解决,加强国际警务合作,控制和预防各种犯罪就成为国际社会的共同需要。中国和东盟也面临毒品走私、非法移民、洗黑钱、恐怖主义活动等跨国犯罪的严峻挑战,中国与东盟在打击这些犯罪活动方面开展了有效的警务合作,但中国与东盟警务合作也面临主权、域外势力干涉、合作形式单一等诸多问题。本文主要以软实力为视角,就如何克服障碍,加强中国与东盟警务合作提出了相关思考。  相似文献   

本文通过集中探讨多种族、跨国界的权力关系,旨在揭示华人移民本土化与跨国化的一些历史含义.本文分三部分一、东南亚地方背景华人移民、槟城和吉打;二、华人移民与殖民主义地区政治英国领事馆的个案;三、华人跨国商业与殖民主义法制困境吉打的个案.  相似文献   

19世纪60年代到20世纪40年代,大批朝鲜人移居中国东北。表面上看,政治强制曾是导致朝鲜人移居中国东北的突出原因,但总体来看,朝鲜和中国东北分别具有的推力和拉力因素,亦即经济因素所造成的生存压力和需求,在朝鲜人大量移居中国东北的过程中起着主导性的作用。此外,铁路的铺设亦恰逢其时地便利了朝鲜人向中国东北地区的流入与散布。本文还尝试将朝鲜人移民中国东北的原因同近代中国人移民东南亚的现象做一简单的比较,进而折射其移民模式的特征。  相似文献   

The author interprets issues related to illegal migration in Russia in the context of the new general international migration situation in the Euro-Asian region that resulted from collapse of the USSR and integration of the newly independent states in the world migration flows. The fact that Russia acts as a sending and—to a much greater extent—as a receiving and transit country is crucial for understanding the nature, reasons, challenges, and perspectives of illegal migration. The “multi-layer” character of illegal migration in Russia needs a diversity of approaches to how best to fight against security threats rooted in it. The major portion of illegal migrants in Russia are in fact labor migrants form former Soviet states, and their illegal status is often due to extremely complicated official registration procedure. The government’s official position in managing this type of illegal migrant (in terms of punishment, legalization, or granting citizenship if wanted) should be different from actions against numerous transit illegal migrants from Asian and African countries who use Russia as a waystation on their way to Europe or other developed regions. However, these transit migrants are mainly managed by migrant-traffickers. Along the borders of Russia, especially with China, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine there exist numerous well-organized channels for migrant smuggling. Therefore, the main efforts at national and regional levels should be directed against criminal trafficking organizations. They should be joined efforts of all the concerned countries.  相似文献   

China has a long history of internal and international migration and has a significant number of diasporas around the globe. From being predominately a country of emmigration, China has now witnessed growing rates of return migration, due to its rising economic status in the world. This article seeks to provide a historical review of international migration from China in different periods, from ancient China to after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It also examines the recent trends of new waves of Chinese migration such as student migration to Europe and touches on issues of government policy and the role of overseas diasporas in the course of Chinese history. By analysing a wide range of data, including published statistics and published papers, this paper illustrates the evolution of changing patterns of international migration from China and its impact for China on the rest of the world.  相似文献   

在地广人稀的中俄边境上,边疆人群对边疆稳定起到了重要作用.17世纪巴尔虎人从贝加尔湖以南内迁至中国东北,这是蒙古高原东部最后一次大规模的部落迁移.整体迁移过程几乎牵动了大半个欧亚大陆的历史,涉及到久居南西伯利亚的巴尔虎、布里亚特人、17世纪蒙古高原上最强大的卫拉特集团和喀尔喀集团,以及大兴安岭与东北平原上附属于清朝的多...  相似文献   

Illegal migration poses a threat to the national security of all countries of Central and Eastern Europe, but as a measure of its parameters, Ukraine’s case is quite representative. This is due to Ukraine’s size and its geographically important positioning from the northern shores of the Black Sea deep into the Central European heartland—along one of the three main routes of illegal migration from Asia to Western Europe and its national policies, which significantly affect the problem.

Three factors highlight its importance: first, Ukraine itself is a source of illegal migration; second, it is a barrier to its spread from Asia and Middle East to Europe and the West; and third, it is a potential target for illegal migration. Though currently Ukraine is considered first of all as an origin and as a transit country, there is a growing tendency for it to become a destination country too.

This article examines the state of the illegal migration threat for Ukraine, as well as measures to respond to it and perspectives for future development. Conclusions are drawn about the complexity of the problem and the necessity of a multi-faceted approach to solve it.  相似文献   

俄罗斯的独联体劳动移民及相关问题分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着独联体经济一体化进程的逐步推进,劳动移民已成为独联体内部移民的主流,且劳动移民的流动具有单向性,即主要流向俄罗斯。俄罗斯境内独联体劳动移民规模的不断扩大引发了一系列经济和社会问题,独联体劳动移民问题成为困扰俄罗斯的一大难题。俄罗斯对独联体劳动移民的接收与拒绝的矛盾心态将构成其对独联体劳动移民政策的基础,限制性劳动移民政策将是其具体表现形式,且限制的内容将有所扩大。  相似文献   

In this paper, return migration from Sweden to three sourcesof refugee immigration is analysed, with a focus on the effectof political change in 1990. Chilean immigrants reacted morestrongly to political liberalization in the home country thanPolish immigrants did, primarily due to more favourable economiccircumstances in Chile compared to Poland in the 1990s. In fact,the increase in Polish return migration propensity after 1990is not statistically different from the Iranian increase, inspite of the absence of political liberalization in Iran. Thereare significant cohort differences within the Chilean group,indicating an element of economically motivated migration withinthe last waves of Chilean refugee immigration in the late 1980s.Hence, successful implementation of schemes of voluntary returnmigration for refugees will not only be dependent on an improvedpolitical situation in the source country, but will also behighly dependent on economic circumstances.  相似文献   

India has a vast reservoir of highly skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labor force and is one of the major source countries in the global labor market. The current paper is the first of its kind to focus primarily on migration of health professionals from India. In the absence of national-level data on migration, the paper uses data from different sources to outline the magnitude and direction of flow of health care providers from India. The paper also assesses the existing global and national policies on migration and discusses their relevance in the context of migration of health professionals from India.  相似文献   

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