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零和观与均胜观:社会经济活动中的两种利益观和发展观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零和与均胜是两种游戏,更是两种认识观念和思维方式,作为两种不同的认识观念和思维方式,它们本质上是协调自我和他人的利益关系,谋求自我生存和发展的两种不同的利益观和发展观;二都有各自存在的社会物质基础,其产生具有客观必然性;它们对个人、企业、国家乃至世界经济的发展均有重要的作用和影响。随着商品经济的日趋深入的发展,企业与企业、部门与部门、国家与国家之间打上互依赖会日趋加强,镁胜观对社会经济发展的作用  相似文献   

经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的一个重要特点。经济全球化意味着国与国之间经济实力的角逐和经济主体竞争与合作已经超越国界 ,各国经济相互联系、相互渗透 ,区域经济集团化迅速发展 ,国际分工与合作越来越成为一国经济能否保持高速健康成长的一个关键性因素和基本前提。实行改革开放后 ,中国经济日益与世界经济相融合 ,中国经济与世界经济之间的相互影响日益加强。然而 ,中国是一个发展中国家 ,而世界经济则受到西方发达国家的支配 ,中国融入经济全球化意味着弱者与强者的竞争与合作 ,中国能否在这种竞争与合作中保证民族国家经济的安全并…  相似文献   

世界经济前景受到贸易投资保护主义、各国宏观政策调整溢出效应等因素影响,呈现由"不确定"到"更不确定"的发展趋势,根源在于全球经济发展理念及规则的调整与变化。在这一情境下,中国作为最大的新兴市场国家,如何实现经济高质量发展,是当前必须思考和解决的战略性问题。在分析世界经济不确定性持续深化具体表现和深层次原因以及由此给中国经济高质量发展带来困难和挑战的基础上,着重从持续深化改革、加快推进国有企业新旧产能转换、建设国内强大市场以及提升对外开放水平等四个层面提出相应的策略和建议,以提高我国经济发展的耐力和韧性。  相似文献   

徐复 《求知》2000,(4):18-20
二次世界大战以后,随着生产力的迅速发展和科学技术的不断进步,经济全球化与区域经济一体化的趋势日益加强,已成为许多国家维护自己经济贸易利益和加快本国经济融于世界经济步伐的重要手段。但是,经济全球化在有效推动本国经济发展与技术进步的同时,对许多国家,特别是发展中国家来说,也是一个严峻的挑战。面对经济全球化的影响,我们只有不断改革经济体制与贸易体制,  相似文献   

发展开放型经济是当今世界各国的必然选择。资本主义生产关系与开放型经济之间存在着很强的正相关性。资本主义生产关系是开放型经济形成和发展的主要推动力之一。资本主义生产关系尽管创造出了一个日趋开放的世界 ,促进了全球生产社会化不断向新的高度发展 ,但却存在着两大缺陷———全球的两极分化与世界经济发展的剧烈波动  相似文献   

金芳 《理论参考》2009,(3):13-14
近年来以发达国家为首的贸易保护主义的确有所抬头,而次贷危机向纵深发展后,在全球经济减速环境下,随着各国失业率提高,贸易保护势头更有扩散升温之势。更为严重的是,当下贸易保护主义有向金融保护、产业保护和投资保护进一步渗透的迹象。但保护主义不是拯救一国经济的有效手段,却可能助推世界经济的衰退大潮。  相似文献   

目前,深圳所面临的国际国内环境发生了重大变化,我们必须对特区进一步发展的战略和策略作相应的调整。进入九十年代以来,由于世界各国间政治经济关系的剧变,贸易保护主义日渐为许多国家所采纳,区域经济集团化也成为世界经济的一大趋势。近年来,美国经济有所复苏,国际资本开始向美国国内转移:亚洲许多国家如泰国、越南等也纷纷实行非常优惠的政策吸引外资;出口主导的外向型经济发展模式被越来越多的国家和地区所采纳,因此,外来投资和国际市场的竞争日趋激烈。从国内来看,改革已向纵深发展,改革的许多试探性措施逐步从特区推向全…  相似文献   

王娟 《学理论》2012,(8):116-117
当今世界经济发展的一个最突出特征就是全球化。在全球化的进程中,中国企业也不可能逆流而动,而应积极参与全球分工。从贸易的角度,用静态比较优势理论和动态比较优势理论探讨中国企业参与全球分工的动因。而中国迅速成为世界制造中心的结果是,既有正面效应,如这些企业增强了我国的竞争优势,另一方面也产生了如附加值低、环境污染等一系列的负面效应。  相似文献   

新贸易保护主义出现和发展既有多边贸易体制的原因,也有理论发展的推动,而各国经济发展不均衡是其出现和发展的深层原因。在当前的经济环境下,新贸易保护主义会继续存在,并可能会愈演愈烈,贸易自由化和贸易保护相互交织将会是国际贸易发展的常态。  相似文献   

当前世界经济中出现了明显的区域集团化趋势,这一趋势的发展将对未来世界经济和政治的发展产生巨大影响,因而成为各国政界和学术界热烈讨论的话题。  相似文献   

In this paper we are trying to answer the question of when economic sanctions have the best chance to succeed. Almost three hundred scholars from around the world participated in a survey designed to define which pre-conditions and actions by the sender are desirable in order for economic sanctions to succeed. The resolution algorithm is employed to find out whether there is a consensus among the scholars about the factors leading to the success of economic sanctions. The results provide evidence that when scholars were grouped by region the consensus could be reached that sanctions will succeed if: (1) modest policy change is sought, (2) sanctions are comprehensive, i.e., both trade and financial sanctions are imposed, (3) the target does not receive significant support from a third party, (4) the sender has much greater economy than the target, (5) there is international co-operation in the imposition of sanctions, and (6) the target is economically and politically weak and unstable. When scholars were grouped based on the level of economic development of their countries of origin, a consensus on all but one issue (senders welfare or economic interest are threatened by targets action) was reached between scholars from economically developed nations and scholars from less developed nations. Surprisingly, experts from economically developed nations, i.e., the United States versus EU nations, could not reach a consensus on several issues.  相似文献   

Tang  Eddie Wing Yin  Hedley  R. Alan 《Public Choice》1998,96(3-4):295-323
High-performing economies in the Asia-Pacific region together with only mediocre economic development in Latin America prompts the question of what explains differential economic growth rates among developing countries. Combining a statist perspective with Olson's theory of interest group formation, this research hypothesizes that nations with weak distributional coalitions will more likely experience high growth and state intervention will be effective. Using a longitudinal research design, this secondary analysis involves a comparative and interactive examination of eight Asian-Pacific and twelve Latin American countries. By considering the role of the state in interaction with distributional coalitions in society, the results indicate that approximately two-thirds of the variance in national economic growth is explained.  相似文献   

Deeg  Richard 《Publius》1996,26(1):27-52
As in many other nations, economic globalization underminedthe economic policymaking autonomy of the German federal government.At the same time, it prompted decentralization of other kindsof economic policymaking authority within the federal system.Thus, the Länder have assumed increased responsibilityfor regional economic adjustment through the expansion of regionaleconomic policy networks. The economic impacts of globalizationand the decentralization of economic policymaking, however,combine to promote greater disparities among the Lander. Thesedisparities exacerbate growing competition among the Länderfor investment and publicresources. This, in turn, creates deeperconflict among constituent governments that threatens to weakenfurther the problem-solving capacity of cooperative federalism.  相似文献   

Social scientists traditionally have described local governments as competing with each other for residents and businesses. But in a number of metropolitan areas in the United States, local governmental officials have formed groups voluntarily to enhance the economic development of multijurisdictional areas. This article develops a theory that asserts the key determinants of the formation of these regional partnerships for economic development are cooperative norms—or a tradition of regional cooperation—and need. The theory also posits that norms influence regional partnerships' organizational structure and processes. Hypotheses are tested empirically using data from all metropolitan areas in the United States and responses to a national survey of regional partnerships for economic development. Results provide some support for the theory that norms and need are both positively related to the formation of regional partnerships for economic development. Support is weak that norms are related the organizational characteristics of regional partnerships for economic development.  相似文献   

This article provides a robust empirical test of the economic development thesis using time-series data on seventeen Latin American countries ( n =408). It specifies similar models (both linear and non-linear) to those found in the global comparative literature on economic development and democracy in an effort to replicate their findings at the regional level. The statistical analysis shows that the positive relationship between economic development and democracy is not upheld at this level, even when using alternative measures of both and controlling for sub-regional variation. Overall, the analysis provides a regional 'most likely' study that infirms the main claims of modernization theory.  相似文献   

Regulatory reforms to public infrastructure services across European Union (EU) countries were aimed at increasing consumer welfare by introducing competition and choice into service markets. However, empirical evaluations have questioned whether these reforms have benefitted all consumers, suggesting that vulnerable groups of service users (especially those with lower levels of formal education), might be locked into poorly performing services. We assess the relationship between the level of competition in electricity and fixed telephony markets in EU countries and evaluate the affordability of these services for different socio‐educational layers. Our findings show that – although in countries where there is a relatively high frequency of switching, inequalities between socio‐educational groups are smaller and eventually disappear – competition as such does not play a part. These results suggest that demand‐side regulation that successfully enables consumer switching has the potential to equalize social welfare, thereby reflecting a possible convergence of regulatory instruments and the central aims of the welfare state in this context.  相似文献   

The Brexit negotiations raise the question of what Britain’s future role in the world should be. Brexiters have drawn on ideas of the Anglosphere to imagine what that future might be. The Anglosphere belongs in a long line of thinking about uniting English speaking communities around the world. Different conceptions of the Anglosphere such as CANZUK are identified. The Anglosphere appeals to many Brexiters because it gives them a positive vision of ‘Global Britain’ as an alternative to EU membership. The advantages to Britain of regaining full sovereignty and associating once more with its ‘true friends’ are stressed. What is ignored is the lack of support among Anglosphere countries for much closer relationships except in the security sphere, and the inability of increased economic ties with the Anglosphere to begin to match what the UK will lose by severing itself from its most important economic partner.  相似文献   

和平与经济相互依赖关系的理论考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本系统梳理了经济相互依赖和平论的历史沿革和不同观点,论证了经济相互依赖既包含有促进和平的因素,也包含有诱发冲突的可能;指出全球经济联系的增强,各国之间在经济上的交流与合作,在一定意义上有利于和平因素的发展,但具体分析经济相互依赖的性质、条件和其他因素,则会发现经济相互依赖远远不能成为国际和平的保障。  相似文献   

Bischoff  Ivo 《Public Choice》2003,114(1-2):197-218
Mancur Olson's theory of institutionalsclerosis is based on the notion that thenumber of interest groups within a countryincreases with the duration of itspolitical stability. The following paperargues that the increase in the number ofinterest groups over time could also be aconcomitant of economic development.Theoretically, both explanations provetenable. An empirical cross-sectionalregression analysis using data from 21OECD countries finds no evidence for asignificant impact of the duration ofpolitical stability on the number ofinterest groups. A significantly positiveeffect is, however, reported for the degreeof economic development.  相似文献   

Economic Growth and Social Capital   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Recent interdisciplinary theoretical work has suggested that social capital, or the interpersonal trust of citizens, plays an important role in explaining both the efficiency of political institutions, and in the economic performance of contemporary societies. This paper examines the relationship between social capital and economic growth in a sample of thirty-four countries over the period 1970 to 1992, within the framework of a modified neo-classical model of economic growth. The findings suggest that social capital has an impact on growth which is at least as strong as that of human capital or education, which has been the focus of much of the recent work on endogenous growth theory. It appears to have about the same impact on growth as catch-up or the ability of poorer nations to adopt technological innovations pioneered by their richer counterparts.  相似文献   

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