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北美自由贸易协定对环境与贸易问题的协调及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李寿平 《时代法学》2005,3(5):97-102
北美自由贸易协定在环境合作委员会的主导下,充分尊重成员国的主权,给予发展中国家实质性的能力支持,赋予成员国确定本国环境保护水平的自由裁量权,建立独立的区域环境贸易争端解决机制,在协调区域内成员国间环境标准及协调区域贸易协定与多边环境协定间的关系等方面构建了一个全新的模式。北美自由贸易协定对环境与贸易问题的协调模式对多边贸易体制协调环境与贸易问题有诸多的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

李丹 《法制与社会》2016,(4):272-273,280
目前中国积极对矿产资源环保制度进行相关的改革。这不仅是为应对原材料案、稀土案接连败诉后相关矿产资源被迫放开出口的不利局面,更是为今后有限资源能够得到可持续发展。本文寄意以反视中国相关出口限制争端的WTO裁决,进一步探讨贸易给资源和环保的改革带来的诸多影响,以及用法律规制保护矿产资源与环境的必要。  相似文献   

针对当前国际服务贸易中的主权理论失语困境,本文引进了国际法权威约翰·H·杰克逊的现代主权理论和主权切割分析方法,以跨国高等教育服务为例,阐释如何以新的视角分析和解决国际服务贸易中的主权问题。该视角的核心是打破对主权的整体论或分层论思维定势,建立基于具体事项的权力分配思维。具体来说,就是把主权视为一组在实践中运用的、具有可切割性的权力,讨论贸易国家之间就每一具体事项在法律和实践层面所形成的权力程度的分配,而不是权力种类的分配。  相似文献   

随着冷战的结束和经济全球化进程的发展,文化因素的重要作用日益凸现,有关文化的冲突也日益增加,文化主权的概念被提出并为国际社会普遍接受。文化主权同经济主权、政治主权这些传统的主权要素紧密交织在一起,相互联系、制约,共同成为现代主权概念的重要构成部分。随着对文化主权认识的深化,各国必定会更加重视在参与全球化进程时对文化主权的保护。  相似文献   

人类赖以生存的环境急剧恶化,在环境保护的呼声日益高涨的情况下,"绿色贸易"成为了众人的企盼。WTO作为在当今国际经济舞台最具影响力的组织之一,也在积极寻求协调环境与其本身的贸易规则协调发展的出路,为消除多边环境条款与WTO环境贸易规则之间的矛盾,促进环境与贸易两大潮流的和谐共进提供了指向标。  相似文献   

资源出口的规制措施,是资源出口国维持世界市场供求关系与本国经济可持续发展的重要手段。近年来,世界原材料市场争夺的加剧导致了资源出口规制措施的合法性受到了挑战。美加之间关于水资源出口禁令的纠纷就是这一挑战的典型反映。在目前的多边贸易体制下,争议中的水资源需要受到WTO与NAFTA的管制。而加拿大采取的水资源出口禁令,在违反了"禁止一般数量限制"规则与国民待遇原则的同时,也无法获得GATT第20条环境例外的豁免。究其原因,多边贸易体制并未承认自然资源较之于其他货物的特殊性,同时,实际上对资源出产国施加了与世界分享其资源的义务。传统的自然资源永久主权原则无法解决经济全球化背景下的资源问题。这一问题的解决,还要有赖于对资源出产国特殊地位的承认与新规则的建立。  相似文献   

主权基金是近年来兴起的一种新型的市场化投资模式。一方面,浓重的主权色彩使这类投资在国际经济、贸易领域发挥的作用愈加巨大。另一方面,目前世界各国和国际组织对其的法律立法仍不能算成熟。本文指出为了使其能够有一个健康、稳定的发展,我们需要为其营造出一个良好的法律环境。  相似文献   

鄂晓梅 《中外法学》2011,(6):1135-1150
国家主权原则在全球化的背景下面临着诸多因素的影响,日益凸显的气候变化问题也对传统的国家主权原则提出了新的挑战。目前,少数发达国家力求采用单边PPM贸易措施作为应对气候变化的主要方式,由于单边PPM贸易措施具有单边性和域外性的特点,会对出口国的国家主权产生严重威胁。此外,气候变化也威胁到了一些国家对其领土和居民的主权权力,这就要求其他国家尤其是主要排放国要尊重和保护这些国家的国家主权。本文以单边PPM贸易措施为视角,探讨气候变化问题对国家主权原则的影响,并针对中国在气候变化以及主权问题上所面临的现实压力提出具体的应对建议。  相似文献   

伴随着社会经济的发展,环境污染、环境破坏等问题日益凸显出来,在当前的国际贸易中,环境逐渐成为一种重要的贸易资源。当前绿色贸易壁垒是对为达到环境标准的产品进行限制的重要的手段,我国经济贸易发展受到绿色贸易壁垒很大影响,绿色贸易壁垒逐渐成为我国贸易发展的重要的制约因素。本文对绿色贸易壁垒进行了简要地解析,分析了绿色贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响,在此基础上提出了我国面对绿色贸易壁垒的法律对策,以期更好地推动我国国际贸易的完善和发展。  相似文献   

美国是全世界对对外贸易关系管制得很严密的一个国家,美国在对对外贸易方面所制定的法律也是最细致周到的。人们可以清楚地看出,美国在对别国倡导贸易自由化和多边主义时鼓吹"主权过时论",应"淡化"或"废弃"主权,而当其在对外贸易中推行其贸易保护主义、抵制多边规则时,又依"主权论"奉行其单边的贸易政策,其对外贸易法"201条款"、"301条款"、"337条款"等充满了进攻性和挑衅性。这种功利主义、实用主义的双重标准倍受世界各国争议。  相似文献   

互联网和全球网络空间的兴起发展,使传统绝对化的主权观念受到冲击,网络主权是国家主权在网络环境下的国家主权的自然延伸。互联网的自由化、无边界性与国家独立性、固定边界有着鲜明的不同,国家之间的相互依赖性大大增强,面临的复杂法律问题仅凭一国的力量也很难解决,加之国际组织的权力强化和地位提升,国家不得不让渡部分主权或自我限制主权,以促成国家之间的协调合作。同时国家安全问题也受到前所未有的挑战,信息安全成为国家安全的重要方面,树立新的安全观,提高信息保障能力成为信息时代维护国家安全的必然选择。  相似文献   

The article analyses trade‐offs between sovereignty, mass politics and economic and monetary union (EMU), employing Rodrik's paradox of globalisation. The logic of EMU is incompatible with sovereignty and mass politics—only two of the three can coexist. It is argued that three different answers to the trilemma can be observed in the EU practice. In the initial EMU, integration was limited to safeguard mass politics and sovereignty. Member States were free to set economic policies in response to domestic mass politics. This proved unsustainable. During the crisis, democracy was sacrificed to bolster integration, while sovereignty was maintained. Rules on fiscal discipline and macroeconomic imbalances constrain mass politics, and non‐democratic institutions have acquired more prominent roles. Finally, long‐term plans for a genuine EMU envisage the strengthening of integration and moving the locus of democracy to the EU level, while weakening sovereignty. The analysis carries implications. If national courts insist on sovereignty and democracy, the likely consequence is an unworkable EMU, damaging the output legitimacy of the EU. The model adopted in the crisis reinforces the elite nature of the EU, undermines democracy at the national level and may bolster political extremism. This leaves the task of building the preconditions for democracy at the European level.  相似文献   

WTO新的多边贸易谈判的矛盾及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化及多边贸易体系的推动下,全球贸易自由化趋势不断加强,WTO新的多边贸易谈判已经启动,但是谈判面临许多难题,各方在许多议题上还存在较大的分歧,这些分歧反映了经济全球化与各国国家主权及民族利益的冲突以及由此导致的各种矛盾,展望谈判前景,虽然会有许多曲折和困难,但其意义是十分深远的,我国作为WTO的正式成员,将积极参与和推动新的多边贸易谈判,努力维护我国和整个发展中国家的利益。  相似文献   

任明艳 《时代法学》2006,4(6):101-110
互联网的飞速发展对传统的主权概念提出了一系列现实挑战已经成为不争的事实,传统主权观念陷于困境。主权和互联网的关系应该是对立统一的关系,互联网并没有从根本上动摇主权在国际法上的神圣地位,但是传统的主权观念亟待更新,主权的行使日益受到外在的限制,加强国际合作是解决互联网背景下主权困境的唯一途径。  相似文献   

As tensions between investors’ rights and sovereign power escalate, investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) has become a focal point of backlash and controversy. As a result, ISDS now embodies two opposing currents in international law: (1) the erosion of sovereignty that accompanied economic globalization, trade frameworks, and investment treaties following the Second World War and (2) more recently, reassertions of sovereignty prompted by recent backlashes against the global economic order. This article measures and evaluates outcomes of the ISDS system for sovereign participants. Using the best available data, this article contributes more detailed assessments of sovereign winners (home states of claimants) and sovereign losers (respondent states) in the ISDS system. This article also considers the distribution and the proportional impact of outcomes for sovereign participants, both of which are fundamental in the legitimacy debates surrounding the ISDS system.  相似文献   

私人执行GATT/WTO协定是指私人如何行使在GATT/WTO协定下的国家贸易权利。"1934年体制"下"进口竞争性产业"与"出口导向性产业"之间的博弈使得美国国会与总统在共同行使国家经济主权中,通过缔结GATT/WTO协定,为美国创设了市场准入权利与贸易救济权利。这些贸易权利要在国内法中被私人执行,则必须创新国内进口与出口贸易救济制度。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the lessons learned over the past 100 years in international management and conservation of the Earth's natural heritage and biological resources (fauna and flora), in the face of growing threats of degradation and extinction. The focus is on the effectiveness of intergovernmental and non-governmental institutions – in terms of agenda-setting, regime formation, implementation and compliance, and reactions to non-compliance. Among specific case histories analysed are the ivory trade ban, the whaling moratorium, and attempts at establishing an international forest regime. Innovative governance features highlighted in the field of global living resource management include active NGO participation, the use of selective economic incentives and disincentives (e.g. multilateral or bilateral trade sanctions), and a number of judicial enforcement remedies for both species-based and area-based conservation agreements. The paper concludes by assessing the prospects of transition from the paradigm of 'permanent sovereignty over natural resources' towards new concepts of public trusteeship and stewardship.  相似文献   

Ma  Xuechan 《荷兰国际法评论》2022,69(3):439-467

The global commons are traditionally connected to ‘those parts of the planet that fall outside national jurisdictions and to which all nations have access’ such as the high seas, outer space, and the deep seabed. However, there is a trend to expand the reach of commons beyond the traditional perception to cover the environment and natural resources that are of common interest to the well-being of the community of nations, regardless of the sovereignty status over such environment and resources. In this context, this article aims to explore the interlinkage between the concept of (global) commons and disputed marine areas from the perspective of international law, which hitherto has been little explored in literature. In particular, this article discusses the applicability of the concept of commons to disputed marine areas by examining the changing relationship between commons and sovereignty over time. Through a comparative analysis of various legal regimes associated with the well-accepted commons in international law (i.e. the high seas, outer space, the deep seabed, Antarctica) as well as the climate system and biological diversity, the article concludes that a certain space or resource, irrespective of its sovereignty status, including a disputed marine area, can be protected as commons in view of the interdependence of ecological systems. It further analyzes the added values that the concept of commons can bring in addition to the existing regulatory framework governing disputed marine areas.


袁娟娟 《河北法学》2012,(8):46-47,48,49,50,51,52
自保护的责任概念的出现,引起国际社会的极大关注。保护的责任认为主权不仅是一种权利,更重要的是一种责任。试图从保护的责任角度,对国家主权进行新诠释,重新演绎国家主权和不干涉内政原则的关系,并探讨主权新的内涵和在行使方式上的人性化。  相似文献   

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