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Pre-service teachers who had completed their practicum or student teaching and in-service teachers in their first 3 years of teaching (n = 218) completed open-ended surveys about their beliefs and fears of school violence and rated their fears for such acts as use of weapons and the likelihood of those acts about their fears about schools and school violence. There were significant differences between pre-service and in-service teachers in their rankings of fearful events and the perceived likelihood of these events using t-tests to compare the groups. The informants reported being most afraid of guns or other weapons or other forms of dangerous violence (hostage taking, an outside stranger coming in and threatening their students, and so on). These fears were significantly correlated with their beliefs in the likelihood that these events would happen. Open-ended questions revealed that pre-service teachers tended to be more afraid for their personal safety and personal failure in a crisis situation and in-service classroom teachers tended to be more afraid for their students' safety. The implications for teacher education and preparing teachers to address school violence are discussed.  相似文献   

Adult caregivers (n = 184;Mage = 43.9 years old) working at a non-profit, eldercare program at five geographically diverse sites located in the self-contained, island state of Tasmania, Australia, completed a set of self-report measures. Results across the five sites indicated that respondents experienced a relatively strong sense of self-efficacy toward making a difference in their local community. However, there were significant differences (controlling for social desirability) when comparing caregivers from rural northern (n = 45) with urban southern (n = 139) communities, with rural caregivers claiming stronger sense of common mission with others, reciprocal responsibility to help others, and caregiver satisfaction, plus lower disharmony with other members and caregiver stress in helping the elderly than urban caregivers. Implications suggest that community self-efficacy may be high among eldercare staff, but their sense of community and caregiving perceptions may reflect geographic differences, especially in Tasmania.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate community-oriented and political civic engagement activities and intentions among youth in Italy and the United States. Adolescents (N = 566) from academically rigorous schools in both countries completed surveys assessing frequency of civic activity participation, motivation for activity, evaluations of activity, and intentions for future civic engagement. Results suggest that youth in both countries were more likely to participate in community-oriented than political civic activities and that youth in both countries found their civic experiences to be meaningful. American youth reported more past civic activities of both types and higher intentions for future community-oriented civic engagement compared to Italian youth. Finally, a model was tested to examine links between peer and school contexts and civic activities and intentions. Findings highlighted that, in both countries, peer and school contexts had a stronger impact on community-oriented than on political civic activity.  相似文献   

Witnessing violence is one adverse childhood experience (ACE) associated with living in impoverished Black urban communities. Youth with higher violence avoidance self-efficacy and positive coping are more likely to avoid violence. This study evaluates educational entertainment (edutainment) as an intervention with Black adolescents exposed to community violence. Edutainment has shown success in increasing self-efficacy and positive coping skills in other domains. Self-administered scales were used to measure stress, anxiety, violence avoidance self-efficacy, and coping strategies. Data were collected pre- and nine days post-interventions/no intervention from 20 subjects receiving the edutainment intervention, 19 subjects participating in a group discussion about violence, and 21 subjects receiving no intervention (N?=?60). Edutainment and no intervention were more effective than group discussion alone in increasing violence avoidance self-efficacy. Violence avoidance self-efficacy was found to have an intervening relationship between edutainment and the outcome of stress. This study indicates limited but positive effects for edutainment.  相似文献   


Adult caregivers (n = 184; M age = 43.9 years old) working at a non-profit, eldercare program at five geographically diverse sites located in the self-contained, island state of Tasmania, Australia, completed a set of self-report measures. Results across the five sites indicated that respondents experienced a relatively strong sense of self-efficacy toward making a difference in their local community. However, there were significant differences (controlling for social desirability) when comparing caregivers from rural northern (n = 45) with urban southern (n = 139) communities, with rural caregivers claiming stronger sense of common mission with others, reciprocal responsibility to help others, and caregiver satisfaction, plus lower disharmony with other members and caregiver stress in helping the elderly than urban caregivers. Implications suggest that community self-efficacy may be high among eldercare staff, but their sense of community and caregiving perceptions may reflect geographic differences, especially in Tasmania.  相似文献   

未婚同居现象在中国日趋增多,但对于年轻人如何从约会发展到同居、性别是否以及怎样影响同居的动机与意义还缺乏研究。本文通过对94名正在同居和近期经历同居的"90后"乡-城流动青年的深入访谈,从性别视角探讨了影响年轻人从恋爱交往向同居转变的因素。研究发现,流动青年受访者的同居,无论男女大部分发生在有结婚意图甚至是订婚之后,但在同居决定如何受结婚目标推动上出现了明显的性别特征,女性更多地因道德规范压力,男性更多地出于经济和时间成本。同时,一些流动青年的同居决策也受到现实因素的影响,如为了相处或居住上的便利以及意外怀孕的发生,往往会推动男女加快向同居的转变;经济层面的考虑对同居决定的影响则因性别而异,女性更有可能出于经济需要而加快同居,而男性更多地因经济紧张而推迟同居。总之,传统性别文化规范和农村婚姻市场变动延伸到同居,并影响流动青年男女的同居决策。  相似文献   

Proactive aggression (PA) is goal-directed, hostile social behavior that has been linked to detrimental outcomes. It has been theorized that adolescents who believe aggression is a normal and acceptable social response (approval of aggression) are more likely to show PA. Confidence in one’s ability to behave aggressively (self-efficacy about aggression) is understood to mediate this relationship. A mixed-gender sample of 860 Australian, 12–14 year old adolescents was used to investigate gender differences and the mediating effect of self-efficacy for aggression on the relationship between approval of aggression and PA. As hypothesized, approval of aggression, self-efficacy, and PA demonstrated significant positive relationships, with males also scoring significantly higher on these three variables than females. Furthermore, self-efficacy was found to significantly and partially mediate the relationship between approval of aggression and proactive aggression for both genders. Implications for the understanding and prevention of aggressive behavior in adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the plethora of studies regarding bullying worldwide, there are limited studies at the early childhood level. This article presents the results of a pilot study aiming at exploring preservice and in-service early childhood teachers’ views on bullying in Greek early childhood settings. A total of 192 early childhood teachers completed a questionnaire containing six vignettes and questions regarding the seriousness of the incidents, feelings toward the students involved, and methods of intervention. Results indicated that early childhood teachers considered social bullying to be less serious than the other forms of bullying, displayed less sympathy for victims of social bullying, and were less likely to intervene in social bullying incidents; they varied their actions toward bullies and victims according to the type of bullying behavior.  相似文献   


Objective: This study was designed to describe the level of violence in three high schools and to test the effects of universal and targeted strategies to reduce this violence.

Design:A repeated measures design with two baseline scores and two intervention scores was used during a two year period. Two rural high schools served as control schools with a single intervention high school.

Participants: All freshmen at the three high schools completed a self-report measure of school violence; 420 completed the study at the end of their sophomore year.

Method: Multiple universal and targeted interventions to prevent school violence were used for slightly more than one year. Scores on student Victimization and Perpetration, gathered one year apart, were compared using a pre-test post-test model.

Findings: Student reports of perpetration at the intervention school were significantly lower than the combined scores at the control school. Students, teachers, and administrators reported improved awareness, knowledge, and skills to implement violence prevention programs.

Conclusions: A comprehensive program that includes university and high school partnerships has the capability to reduce school violence during a short period. Despite limitations to the study, continued use of research partnerships to decrease school violence is war-ranted.  相似文献   

Arecent opinion poll shows that changes in the relationship between China and the U.S. over the past year have had striking impacts on relations between China and Japan. Moreover, more than 60 percent of Chinese respondents and half of all Japanese respondents believed these impacts were negative. The annual survey's results were released dur-ing the 17th Beijing-Tokyo Forum, jointly held both online and in person by China International Communications Group (CICG) and Japan's Genron NPO on October 25 and 26. More than 100 partici-pants from political, business, academic and media circles exchanged views on a wide range of issues.  相似文献   


This study compares middle school students' and teachers' perceptions regarding the effectiveness of intervention and prevention strategies commonly used by children, teachers, and nonteaching staff to address bullying among students as identified in the research literature. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The results indicate that teachers are more likely to perceive bullying intervention and prevention strategies as effective than are students, and to perceive teachers as offering assistance to student victims. Both teachers and students appear to believe that teachers need to teach students assertiveness techniques to confront perpetrators. However, both students and teachers generally did not see as helpful some of the common educational techniques utilized by most bullying prevention programs, including role-playing and literature.  相似文献   

This study conducted telephone interviews with a random sample of adults (N = 509) in a state with a universal child abuse reporting law. A substantial proportion of the interviewees (39%) were not aware of this law. Findings indicated that the public's understanding was mixed. Most respondents knew that reports could be made anonymously and that their identity could be kept private. However, most believed that children are automatically removed from the home if there is maltreatment and more than 50% were not aware they could be charged with a misdemeanor for failing to report a suspicion of child abuse. The respondents who had ever made a report (19%), had a greater knowledge of the laws than those who had not made a report. Older adults and those with less education had the least accurate perception of child abuse reporting policies. When asked about barriers to reporting, respondents cited worries that reporting would not help the child. Findings suggest that efforts to increase the public's comfort with reporting may require strategies to increase their confidence that the benefits will outweigh the risks for the child.  相似文献   


A hypothesized relationship between early violent behavior and subsequent connectedness in middle school was examined. Using self-report survey data and a hybrid structural model, the impact of violent behavior on connectedness to teachers and to school among 136 predominantly Caucasian, rural middle school students was examined. After accounting for parenting practices, which explained most of the variance in violence and connectedness, the data revealed a direct effect of violent behavior on connectedness. The data suggest that middle school students who have engaged in violent behavior are likely to experience disconnection from their teachers, and that this disconnection may provide a target for educators' efforts to prevent violence in schools.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨两性面对新冠肺炎疫情时害怕、焦虑、担忧这些典型负面情绪的变化,以及疫情期间工作、家庭关系的变化对负面情绪影响的性别差异。借助2020年1月至3月在国内疫情上升期和下降期对同一批受访者的网络追踪调查,本文发现,虽然在疫情初期女性比男性表现出更多的负面情绪,但随着国内疫情趋于好转,女性负面情绪已降至与男性同一水平。疫情给女性工作带来的消极影响比男性大,这不利于女性负面情绪的改善;较之男性,女性负面情绪的改善更多受到家庭关系的影响,尤其是对于工作出现消极变化的女性,家庭关系的改善能够缓和工作损失对她们情绪的不利影响。  相似文献   

This study investigated associations of general and specific parental self-efficacy factors with bullying and peer victimization behaviors among 142 fourth and fifth graders and their parents. Using structural equation modeling, exploratory factor analysis was used to examine one general parenting self-efficacy measure and a bullying-specific parent self-efficacy measure. The latter produced two unique factors: (a) self-efficacy to know when one’s child is bullied, and (b) self-efficacy to respond to one’s child being bullied. Child reports of bullying and peer victimization were simultaneously regressed on the three (i.e., one general and two specific) parent self-efficacy factors. Findings revealed that parental self-efficacy to know when one’s child is bullied was uniquely and negatively associated with both bullying and victimization. Additionally, and contrary to expectations, parental self-efficacy to respond when one’s child is being bullied was uniquely and positively associated with victimization.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among self-efficacy for condom use during distress (SE-Condom Distress), self-efficacy related to general HIV prevention skills (SE-HIV), and HIV risk behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge. Two hundred and twenty two adolescents with psychiatric disorders between 13 and 18 years-old participated. Participants completed measures related to HIV Self-Efficacy, HIV Attitudes, and Sexual Behaviors. Self-efficacy for condom use during distress (SE-Condom Distress) was significantly associated with more HIV protective behaviors. Controlling for observed covariates, SE-Condom Distress was the only variable significantly associated with consistent condom use in a multiple logistic regression (OR=2.43). Self-efficacy regarding condom use during affective arousal is closely associated with HIV-related attitudes and behaviors. Clinicians need to be alert to subtle signs of distress as adolescents contemplate safer sexual behavior.  相似文献   

本文站在法哲学的高度,对规则理念进行了深入思考。揭示了规则的本质属性,对国人对规则的态度进行了深刘的检讨,指出了对规则应有的正确态度,对于更好的遵守规则具有指导意义。  相似文献   

我国警务经济理论前沿问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,我国警务活动的决策落实往往以行政命令代替科学经济规律,致使警务部门存在诸多不经济、低效率、高成本、高浪费的现象,这不仅不利于有限警务资源的合理配置,也阻碍了警务部门长期目标的实现。在军事经济学、政府经济学等警务相近领域学科得到深入发展的同时,我国警务经济理论却没有得到应有的重视和系统的研究。本文以经济学理论为基础,以警务为研究对象,分析我国警务经济理论的现实意义和研究思路。  相似文献   

当前,暴恐犯罪分子最常采取的恐怖活动方式主要有四种,即:恐怖刀斧砍杀、恐怖纵火焚烧、恐怖爆炸袭击、恐怖驾车冲撞。这些恐怖活动对人民群众的生命财产造成严重损失,对社会的和谐安宁构成巨大的威胁。因此,研究有效的反制措施和战术应对方法显得十分急迫。要抑制此类暴恐犯罪,应针对四种恐怖活动特点与方式,采取相应的应对措施和战术方法。  相似文献   

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