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论中日"战略互惠"关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"战略互惠"关系标志着中日关系进入全新定位的新时期,两国在更加宽阔的领域进行战略层面上的合作。由于两国在政治、经济等领域还存在不少分歧和问题,未来中日关系仍将充满不确定性。为使中日关系朝着构建"战略互惠"的方向发展,今后两国应该不断寻求共同利益,不断增加相互信任,在决定两国关系走向的重大问题上保持理性、冷静的态度。  相似文献   

王泰平 《亚非纵横》2012,(2):38-43,60,62
2011年对中日两国来说是关键的一年,两国关系从2010年的钓鱼岛风波后逐渐得到恢复并有所发展,双方高层互访频繁并达成共识;两国在经贸领域交流频繁,日本加大了对华投资力度;野田佳彦担任首相后,日方还采取新政策推进中日关系。但受制于历史和现实因素,两国关系发展还面临难点和困境,尽管如此中日关系积极发展的大局有望保持稳定。  相似文献   

2011年对中日两国来说是关键的一年,两国关系从2010年的钓鱼岛风波后逐渐得到恢复并有所发展,双方高层互访频繁并达成共识;两国在经贸领域交流频繁,日本加大了对华投资力度;野田佳彦担任首相后,日方还采取新政策推进中日关系。但受制于历史和现实因素,两国关系发展还面临难点和困境,尽管如此中日关系积极发展的大局有望保持稳定。  相似文献   

近几年来,中日关系经历了一系列新的挑战;同时由于两国紧密的经济关系和民间联系以及东亚局势的演变,也使两国关系出现了许多积极的因素,特别是两国领导人的多次成功互访.为两国关系的未来发展提供了历史性机遇。中日两国尊重并超越历史,相互肯定长处,增信释疑,对于两国关系的持续稳定和发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

展望中日关系的发展趋势, 一是中日友好的原则将维持, 因为中日友好符合两国的 根本利益。二是矛盾与合作并存将是两国关系的基本特点, 中日之间相互交往和相互作用的方式 将继续发生变化, 新的方式将在长期相互“磨合”中逐渐形成, 直至相对稳定。三是两国关系的发展 将受众多国际因素的制约, 主要有:中美日之间的相互关系、东盟的崛起和朝鲜半岛局势等;亚太多 边合作的发展将使中日关系从封闭型体系走向开放型体系。  相似文献   

中日邦交正常化40 年来,两国关系虽不时经历风雨波折,但总体上还是不断向前发 展,遍及各领域的交流与合作达到了前所未有的水平。在中日两千年交往的历史长河中,这40 年是 发展最快、成就最显著的40 年。但是,随着内外形势的发展变化,中日关系也正在经历历史性的转 型过渡,各种矛盾和问题比较突出,政治互信不足,作为双方政治互信缺失在社会层面上的一种反 映,两国国民友好感情不断下滑,这些问题值得双方高度重视。中日走和平、友好、合作之路是两国 人民的共同愿望;中日关系的发展对两国各自的长远发展都具有不可替代的重要意义;中日关系保 持健康稳定也是国际社会的普遍期待。我们要学习、传承老一辈政治家的战略思维和长远眼光,登 高望远,求同存异,要努力增进政治互信,妥善处理敏感问题,维护两国关系大局稳定;要加强互利 合作,扩大共同利益,实现两国共同发展、共同繁荣;要弘扬友好传统,扩大人文交流,不断增进两国 人民的互相理解和友好感情;要顺应时代潮流,加强两国在地区和全球层面的合作,拓展两国关系 的发展空间。可以相信,在双方的共同努力下,中日关系的明天一定更加美好  相似文献   

中日关系是我国对外关系中的重要方面 ,也是当今东北亚国际关系中的重要双边关系之一。中日邦交正常关系化以来的近 30年 ,两国在各个领域的交流与合作取得了显著成果 ,双边关系的健康发展为新世纪两国的进一步友好往来奠定了坚实的基础。在两国关系不断发展的同时既存在着许多有利的条件 ,也有不容忽视的不利因素 ,这为判断、预测新世纪中日关系的发展趋势提供了重要的客观依据。因此 ,新世纪初期两国关系将在友好合作与竞争摩擦并存状况中得到发展。  相似文献   

随着《中日关于全面推进战略互惠关系的声明》发表,两国关系的基础将更加牢固,中日关系发展历史揭开了新的一页。面对瞬息万变的国际和地区形势,双方必须具备与时俱进、寻求双赢的气度,努力寻找和扩大两国利益的交汇点。两国在努力建立新型合作关系的同时,各个具体领域的交流合作则是检验两国关系在不同侧面阶段性发展的试金石。  相似文献   

地缘环境是影响一个国家发展以及国家关系的稳定制约因素 ,是不可忽视的。中日两国作为地缘上非常接近的国家 ,其关系必然离不开地理环境的影响和制约。从两国所处的自然地理状况入手进行分析、探讨两国地缘政治关系的变化和美国这一地缘制衡力量对现实中日关系的影响 ,在两国利益上的共同点和难以解决的矛盾点都存在的情况下 ,两国关系只能是有限合作、有限冲突 ,但合作应是两国关系的主流  相似文献   

中日关系长期存在着诸多挑战和矛盾。日本民主党执政以后,有些矛盾相对柔化,有 些矛盾并无实质性改变。2010 年9 月的撞船事件激化了两国固有的一些矛盾,中日两国一度在政 治、经济和海洋巡查领域形成激烈对峙状态,双边关系陷入新的低潮。两国关系中结构性矛盾、领 土矛盾、军事矛盾、经济矛盾等挑战凸显。与挑战并存,中日两国关系面临诸多新机遇,日本“3?11” 大地震既是一次严重的自然灾害,也成为中日关系转好的契机。中国政府和人民对日本的灾害表 现出了深切的同情和大力支援,以实际行动改善两国关系,由此抓住机遇,连动开启了两国关系中 的一系列转机。但中日关系的矛盾毕竟十分纠结、复杂、深化,两国关系很难在短时内根本好转。  相似文献   

美伊战争结束后,世界经济总体上呈现温和复苏态势。尽管复苏势头并不强劲,并存有一些制约因素和不确定性,但可以认为世界经济在经过两到三年的调整后,今年开始进入扩张轨道。这将为我国经济发展提供有利的外部环境。制约世界经济增长的各种因素对我国经济有负面影响,特别是全球范围内呈加剧之势的贸易保护主义对我国外贸事业构成直接挑战。  相似文献   

In a negotiation study, we investigated the efficacy of acknowledging an opponent's role in securing a concession made to that opponent. The study featured a face-to-face, one-shot bargaining session between a student favoring marijuana legalization and a confederate playing the role of a legalization opponent. When the confederate acknowledged the student's putative influence in producing a concession by the confederate, the student perceived the magnitude of the concession to be greater and was more likely to accept it. The student negotiators also reported that they liked the other party more following acknowledgement, and our mediational analysis suggested that enhanced interpersonal sentiments played a role in facilitating agreement. In this article, in addition to documenting these findings, we also discuss their implications, both for theoretical analyses of conflict and negotiation and for the practical problem of settling disputes.  相似文献   

From December 12 to 18, a seven people publication delegation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding, led by Mr. Song Zude, visited Japan with the focus on the publication industry and other cultural industries at the warm invitation o…  相似文献   

If properly harnessed, the passions inherent in complex public policy disputes can be a driving force for reaching sustainable agreements, rather than leading to chaos. The author discusses how mediators can intervene to challenge existing assumptions, encourage ease among negotiators, promote curiosity and lay the groundwork for achieving actionable agreements by delving into human nature and the spectrum of differentiated human emotion.  相似文献   

In revolutions, it is crucial to identify who is the enemy and who is the friend. But when we look at Islamic State it is difficult to distinguish between the two. If there are only two participants, and the relationship is linear, there is no problem. But when there are multiple players, the problem becomes complex. When each player has many targets, and these targets overlap, conflict and vary, the friend-foe relationship becomes multi-dimensional and is often stereotyped. Not only is it complicated but also it can change widely over time and circumstances. A good example is the political game vis-a-vis ISIL. On the surface, most countries and factions regard ISIL as the enemy, but actually the true relationship is very complicated.  相似文献   

A large number of multilateral and bilateral donors have become engaged in the area of democracy and governance (DG) assistance over the last 15 years, stimulated by a series of trends and events. Despite the maturation of DG assistance as an important development area and the high profile of democracy promotion as a key foreign policy goal, research on the impact of this assistance and the effectiveness of different types of programming has been limited. Donors are constantly in need of feedback on the effectiveness and impact of their programming in order to revise programme designs, re-strategize aid portfolios, or address new DG issues. Moreover, legislatures increasingly require government aid agencies to be able to measure the results of their programmes, thereby demonstrating a ‘return on investment’ that would guide future assistance. Quality research is hampered by a daunting political, logistical, and methodological context, however. In 2005 a donor-sponsored workshop was organized to discuss challenges facing the evaluation and assessment of DG programming and assistance. The purpose of this article is to share insights from the workshop with a wider audience of scholars, practitioners and other policy-makers in the hope that this will stimulate additional research and thinking in this area.  相似文献   

In the 2016 election in the United States,non-traditional candidates like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have emerged.Populism,counter-elitism,anti-intellectual sentiments are on the rampage.The seemingly irreversible world trend of globalization has come under doubt.Ethnic conflicts and clashes with police have caused a series of massacres.Currently,the US is on high alert.  相似文献   

The year 2009 had witnessed the most profound changes in the international arena since the end of the Cold War. The ongoing international financial crisis, the "new policies" of the Obama administration, and the collective rise of emerging economies represented by China are the three major factors behind the changes in the international situation of 2009.  相似文献   

China-U.S. relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in today's world. It not only relates to the overall interests of both sides, but also has an important influence on peace, security and development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. In the foreseeable future, China-U.S. relations will definitely be upgraded to the world's most important bilateral  相似文献   

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