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越南外国投资优惠法律政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漆思剑 《河北法学》2007,25(12):173-176
越南是我国企业进军东盟的必由之路.自越南改革开放以来,越南的外商投资的法律不断得以完善,投资程序日趋简化,投资环境日益宽松,投资优惠政策也增多.外资在越南投资前景广阔.  相似文献   

丁泓宇 《法制与社会》2013,(24):244-245
东盟是当前中国能源进出口的重要来源地,能源企业实施"走出去"战略的主要目的地,实现中国-东盟能源安全合作有利于保障我国的能源安全。能源投资是实现能源安全合作的主要方式之一,中国需要加强对东盟能源的投资,但是目前仍然存在许多投资壁垒、投资风险、中国海外能源投资保护的法律缺陷等问题,对此应当借鉴其他能源投资法律规则、完善中国-东盟能源投资海外保险制度等。  相似文献   

日前,中国海关总署公布的数据显示:2011年,中国与东盟双边贸易总值为36285亿美元,增长23.9%,高出同期中国进出口总体增速1.4个百分点.中国对东盟出口1700.8亿美元,增长23.1%;自东盟进口1927.7亿美元,增长24.6%;对东盟贸易逆差226.9亿美元,扩大37.1%.相较于欧美日传统市场,中国对东盟国家贸易增长强劲.2011年,东盟首次成为中国第三大贸易伙伴,中国继续保持是东盟第一大贸易伙伴.东盟首次成为中国企业在国外投资的第一大市场.  相似文献   

“走进东盟论坛”是由世界贸易组织及中国东盟自由贸易区法律、贸易研究会(深圳)与中国人民政治协商会议广东省深圳市委员会、中国法学会世界贸易组织法研究会、深圳商报社、深圳市总商会等单位联合主办、有关单位协办的国际性论坛,旨在促进对中国东盟自由贸易区开展法律研究,介绍东盟投资政策、环境以及中国企业在东盟的投资经验,推动投资贸易和文化交流。首届走进东盟论坛于2005年9月在深圳举办,论坛每年举办一届,在深圳、北京、云南等地轮流召开,至今已成功举办六届,产生了良好的影响。  相似文献   

中国-东盟博览会、中国-东盟商务与投资峰会(以下简称“中国-东盟‘两会’”)是中国与东盟10国开展多领域多层次的交流活动,搭建交流合作平台,自2004年起永久落户广西南宁市,每年举办一次,已连续举办17届。2020年,在新冠肺炎疫情冲击的背景下,中央仍保留第17届中国-东盟“两会”作为国家级的重大活动,作用特殊,社会关注度高,国际影响力大,安保工作容不得半点闪失。  相似文献   

核心提示 2002年中国和东盟10国共同签署的《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,总体确定了中国-东盟自贸区包括货物贸易、服务贸易、投资和经济合作等在内的基本架构,是中国-东盟自贸区的纲领性文件.2010年1月1日中国-东盟自贸区的如期建成,是按框架协议的要求进行的.  相似文献   

东盟投资区的法律评析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东盟各国于1998年成立的东盟投资区旨在建立一个较为统一的、自由的、透明的"单一投资区",增加东盟对外国资本的吸引力。《东盟投资区框架协议》是东盟进行投资合作的法律基础,是东盟自由贸易区在投资领域最具决定性的法律文件。在分析《东盟投资区框架协议》的基础上,对东盟投资区进行了法律方面的评价。  相似文献   

蒋德翠 《河北法学》2020,38(5):104-116
随着"一带一路"建设各项措施的推进,中国与东盟的投资合作有了迅猛发展,然而,投资合作的发展速度与投资冲突的产生成正比。当前中国与东盟签订的一系列协定虽为双方投资争端的解决指明了方向,但这些解决投资争端的方式在实践中存在着制定脱离于实践、适用范围受限等不足,其已不足以充分解决新增投资领域的诸多争端。对此,应立足于中国-东盟自贸区自身的特征,结合投资争端的特殊性,从适用主体、适用范围、解决程序等方面对中国-东盟自贸区投资争端解决规则进行优化,以期适应自贸区的长足发展。  相似文献   

沈伟 《法学研究》2015,(4):184-208
与双边投资协议在全球范围内的爆炸式增长形成鲜明对比,国际投资保护领域的多边协定相对而言谈判进展缓慢并且较少受到关注.亚洲地区最近的多边投资协定,当属《东盟—中国投资协议》及《中日韩三方协定》.本文以中国签订的双边和多边投资协议为研究对象,考察国民待遇、最惠国待遇、公平和公正待遇、全面保护与安全、征收以及资本转移等主要实体保护标准的演进.《东盟—中国投资协议》与《中日韩三方协定》为外国投资者提供的实体保护标准,越发显示出更为自由的保护投资者的立场,这将有利于促进投资、改善投资相关规章制度的透明度、加强投资领域的多边合作,最终推动整个亚太地区的区域投资协定的签署以及投资法律体系的自由化和多边化发展.  相似文献   

魏艳茹 《中国审判》2014,(10):26-27
2010年被宣布正式建成的中国一东盟自由贸易区(以下简称“自贸区”)大大促进和便利了中国与东盟之间的经贸、人员往来。与这种现象相伴而生的,便是跨境民商事法律纠纷的激增。虽然中国与东盟为自贸区专门缔结了2002年《中国一东盟全面经济合作框架协定》、2004年《中国一东盟争端解决机制协定》,此外,中国与除文莱之外的其他东盟9国之间还存在现行有效的双边投资保护协定,但是,考察这些国际协定可见,除了范围非常有限的跨境大型商事纠纷的当事人有权根据此类协定直接提起国际公法层面的国际投资仲裁外,绝大多数跨境民商事法律纠纷都无法根据此类协定获得国际法上的出诉权。他们若要寻求法律救济,除了走涉外民事诉讼或者涉外国际仲裁途径外,别无选择。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the provisions of the Agreement on Investment of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (the “ASEAN”), especially those on the scope of application, national treatment, Most Favored Nation (MFN) treatment, expropriation, and investor-state dispute resolution. The paper then compares the new agreement with other international investment agreements concluded by China or ASEAN. In comparison with existing Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) between China and individual ASEAN member states, there are significant changes in the Investment Agreement which provides a higher standard of investment protection. Such an investment protection is common in the new generation of Chinese BITs, which were signed by China since 2000. However, unlike some other investment agreements in free trade arrangements, the Investment Agreement rarely touches upon the investment liberalization, although the Framework Agreement of ASEAN-China FTA provides for creating a liberal investment regime. This paper concludes that negotiating an investment agreement in China’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) is regarded as an opportunity to update its old BITs, but China is not yet prepared to undertake investment liberalization in its FTAs. The ASEAN-China Investment Agreement is, rather, an extension of China’s BITs at the regional level, which is a demonstration of China’s growing influence at this level.  相似文献   

Electronic commerce has brought about business and technological changes globally, and these global changes have given rise to major legal reforms across nations. In the fast-changing global digital economy, states need strategies to maintain competitiveness of their markets while simultaneously ensuring the secure and effective use of technologies involved in conducting electronic transactions. This paper examines how the use and recognition of electronic signatures are regulated in Southeast Asia – the region that has shown the most significant growth in global e-commerce in past few years. Based on a comparative analysis of the laws of four representative ASEAN member states – namely Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam, this paper argues that there is a regional trend towards adopting more liberal and technology-neutral standards for electronic signatures. Electronic signature regulation in Southeast Asia is now built upon limited technological neutrality (or the so-called “two-tiered” approach) as a shared regulatory understanding, but this approach is operationalized differently in each state due to distinctive national contexts. Within the common legal framework, each state has developed its own system of control and management with respect to higher-level signatures (using advanced technologies). The principle of technological neutrality, a concept originally developed for the regulation of technologies in response to the liberalization of telecommunications market, has been the central theme of discussions on the e-transactions policy-making scene. As the author shows, in the process through which states localize the global standards of technological neutrality, ASEAN as a vehicle of regulatory change has played an essential role in translating this principle to the national context.  相似文献   

东盟成员国通过一系列区域性贸易协定和安排扩大了医疗服务贸易。但是,医疗服务贸易的扩大也给成员国的国内医疗服务市场带来了复杂的影响。从某种程度上讲,东盟成员国的经济社会发展水平与中国类似。东盟的区域性立法和成员国的实践可以为中国的医疗服务制度的完善提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

China and the ASEAN are negotiating to establish a free trade area and an investment agreement is an integral part of it. The ongoing investment agreement negotiations have achieved some basic consensus as to specific contents of the agreement. However, due to the procedural obstacles and substantive controversies, the negotiations have become stagnant. In order to reach a final and successful conclusion of the investment agreement, the procedural obstacles should be overcome and the substantive controversies be settled since the agreement has economic and political implications for both China and the ASEAN.  相似文献   

中国与东盟国家国际投资保护法律制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国——东盟自由贸易区的框架下,中国与东盟国家间的相互投资规模日益增大。加强对国际直接投资的法律保护既是最终建成这一自由贸易区的重要条件,也是防范投资风险(主要是政治风险)的必要手段。因此,认识到该区域内国际投资保护制度的重要性,运用比较分析的方法找出现行保护机制的不足和缺失,从国内法和国际法两个层面提出完善中国与东盟国家间国际投资保护制度的建议将对完善与发展这一国际投资保护制度有所裨益。  相似文献   

This report begins with a brief historical sketch of eventsleading up to the conclusion of the Framework Agreement on ComprehensiveEconomic Cooperation between ASEAN and CHINA in 2002 and themaximum utilization of their collective efforts to implementthe establishment of CHINA–ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA)for China and ASEAN Six by 2010, and for China and ASEAN asa whole by 2015. The Second CAFTA Expo at Nanning on 18–21October 2005 provided yet another yardstick to assess the progressachieved as well as a platform from which to launch future practicalmeasures to accelerate the realization of their joint endeavorsto set up a super regional Free Trade Area of 1.85 billion ASEANand Chinese consumers, and an ideal investment area coveringthe entire mainland China and all ASEAN countries. The SecondNanning Expo 2005, like its predecessor the year before, servedas an effective tool: (1) to place goods and services availablewithin the CHINA–ASEAN Greater Region on display at theexhibition pavilions; (2) to provide facilities and opportunitiesfor the Business and Investment Summit meetings for traders,investors and members of the ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and theirChinese counterparts to gather together for closer consultationon the cultivation of their joint projects; and (3) to organizethe CHINA–ASEAN Legal Affairs Forum for brainstormingsessions to work out practical ways and means to implement theircombined plan of actions, notably to devise a functioning legalmachinery to ensure further inter-regional economic integration.It is gratifying, at the end of the day, to be able to witnessat close range the rebirth and phenomenal natural growth ofa new breed of Chinese and ASEAN transnational legal scholarsand practitioners actively at work. The heritage of ASEAN–Chineselegal scholarship is apparent and distinctive.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the characteristics and effects of the Cape Town Convention, which provides legal protection for investors in relation to asset-based aircraft financing. Some countries lack credibility for investors, who believe that the protection level of creditor rights in the country differs before and after investment. This time inconsistency problem results in credit rationing. Airlines in such countries cannot access the credit market, particularly the international capital market. This paper first examines why developing countries have been suffering from a lack of credibility and from credit rationing, and then explores how the Convention resolves this problem. We focus on two devices: the white list system and the system of declarations. The former gives the contracting states incentive not to break the Convention. The latter is considered to promote the ratification of the Convention by potential contracting states. These devices enable the Convention to attract a number of states.  相似文献   

邓崇专 《河北法学》2007,25(1):155-160
随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的启动和建立,我国与东盟之间将在投资和各项贸易方面密切合作,这势必会产生大量的民商事法律关系.而如何处理和对待我国涉东盟的民商事法律关系,这是目前摆在我们面前急需探讨的问题.由于中国-东盟自由贸易区是我国与他国的第一个区域自由贸易安排,加之东盟自由贸易区自身特点十分突出,所以,我国在处理涉东盟民商事法律关系时应有独到的价值取向.  相似文献   

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