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美国国务卿蓬佩奥2019年4月15日在演讲时说:“我们撒谎,我们欺骗,我们偷窃……这才是美国不断探索进取的荣耀。”美国政客的言论彻底暴露了其在人权问题上奉行双重标准、以人权维护霸权的虚伪面目。美国号称人权立国,以世界人权卫士自居,以自身对人权的狭隘理解为框架,以称霸全球的核心利益为标尺,每年根据捕风捉影、道听途说的材料拼凑出年度国别人权报告,对不符合其战略利益的国家和地区的人权状况肆意歪曲贬低,却对自身持续性、系统化、大规模侵犯人权的斑斑劣迹置若罔闻、熟视无睹。  相似文献   

Long proclaiming itself as the architype of "democracy" and "human rights,"the U.S. is used to reprimanding other countries by wielding the baton of said concepts.  相似文献   

正While wreaking havoc on people’s health, the COVID-19 pandemic also helps shed more light on the reality of human rights in the United States,which run counter to hypocritical claims on the part of U.S. politicians.  相似文献   

2021年,劣迹斑斑的美国人权状况进一步恶化。政治操弄导致新冠肺炎死亡病例激增,枪击事件致死人数再创新高,虚假民主践踏民众政治权利,暴力执法让移民难民的处境更加艰难.针对少数族裔特别是亚裔的歧视攻击愈演愈烈。与此同时,美国单边主义行径在全球制造了新的人道灾难。  相似文献   

正As U.S. President Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken attempt to rebrand post-Donald Trump America through new policies and narratives at home and abroad, the topic of "human rights" has become, once again, a focal point of Washington’s propaganda. China should welcome this discussion and join it robustly.  相似文献   

五、弱势群体处境艰难美国作为世界上最大的发达经济体,至今拒绝批准《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》《儿童权利公约》《残疾人权利公约》等多项核心国际人权公约。政府不仅缺乏足够的政治意愿改善弱势群体的处境,反而不断削减相关资助项目。数千万儿童、老年人、残疾人衣食无着,面临暴力、欺凌、虐待和毒品的威胁,令人匪夷所思。  相似文献   

China's participation in the international human rights system is mainly attributed to China's reform and opening-up since1978.The most important influence of the international human rights system on China is the change of the Chinese government's governing philosophy,the awakening of domestic people 's rights awareness,the popularization and deepening of human rights concept and human rights awareness.However,China's participation in the international human rights system is not completely passive.China's participation in the international human rights system is both a strategic issue and an inevitable result of domestic political choice.It reflects China's understanding of human rights from a formal recognition to a major change in value recognition.There is a process of mutual influence,interaction and mutual recognition between China and the international human rights system.While learning and internalizing existing international human rights norms,and adjusting its behaviors with existing international human rights norms,China is also affecting the evolution of the international human rights system with its human rights stance,human rights views and its capabilities of continuous growth.  相似文献   

This paper expounds how China participates in and contributes to global human rights governance from the perspective of its participation in United Nations' human rights affairs. For more than 70 years since the United Nations was founded, it has done a good deal of work in establishing the principles and standards for human rights, developing the connotation of human rights, setting up the international human rights treaty system, and reforming the specialized United Nations' body on human rights, and so on. Since the United Nations was founded, China has been an active participant in and made important contributions to global human rights governance under the framework of the United Nations' human rights conventions. It has contributed to the establishment of the principles and standards for human rights and the connotations of human rights. It has also actively joined international human rights treaties and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations.  相似文献   

From December 10 to 11,2019,the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly held the 2019 South-South Human Rights Forum in Beijing.Participants from more than 80 countries,regions and international organizations discussed and exchanged views on such topics as "the practices and experiences of human rights protection in the countries of the Global South","path of human rights development against the background of the diversity of civilizations","building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings and global human rights governance".Participants in the forum actively voiced their national human rights views,exchanged human rights development experiences,explored human rights development paths in developing countries,and reached broad consensus.In an international environment featuring the rise of unilateralism and hegemonism,the South-South Human Rights Forum issued a strong message of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries on human rights issues,and also conveyed to the world the firm determination of developing countries to jointly promote the healthy development of the world's human rights cause.  相似文献   

HE Shiqing  LIU Haile 《人权》2021,(1):95-116
Marxist human rights thought has realized an epochmaking change in human rights thought and has distinguished itself from capitalist human rights thought with its distinctive character.Marxist human rights thought has a humanistic character,starts from human nature and its essence,regards human rights as an important means to realize the all-round development of human beings and the fundamental proof of human liberation.Marxist human rights thought is characterized by being people-centered,and expresses the desire of the masses,with the proletariat as the main body,to realize a better life through the guarantee of human rights.Marxist human rights thought has a practical character,is based on practical materialism,advocates that human rights are derived from the social practice and promotes social practice toward civilization and progress.Marxist human rights thought has the character of rule of law,guides legal governance to the rule of good law,and lays the guarantee fot human rights on the foundation of substantive rule of law.  相似文献   

由于各国在先技术认定规则的差异,传统知识的在先技术地位具有不确定性。传统知识的在先技术地位在美国专利法上存在障碍。按美国专利法模式把我国少数民族传统知识在先技术化,可以保护传统知识的消极知识产权利益。但我国少数民族传统知识的在先技术化也存在一些问题,如该种保护是一种最低水平的保护等。解决这些问题,应采取有关措施如我国少数民族传统知识在先技术化时做出知识产权权利保留等。  相似文献   

王彬  褚晓琳 《桂海论丛》2004,20(5):62-65
米尔恩人权哲学通过对先验人权观的批判,以低度道德作为其权利体系的理论起点,这有利于消除人权国际保护中的政治化趋向;低限人权概念是米尔恩人权哲学体系的理论内核,它在人权国际立法中具有可操作性,使人权国际保护从理论必然性走向了现实可能性;普遍人权命题是米尔恩人权哲学体系的理论诉求,普遍人权命题意味着人权主体的普遍性和人权标准的普遍性,并调和了不同人权价值的对立,从而为人权国际保护的对话提供了理论平台。  相似文献   

The dominant human rights views in a country or region is closely related to the economic and social development of that country or region and is closely related to human rights practices. Since the launch of reform and opening-up, the development of China's conception of human rights has gone through many stages. The changes of contemporary Chinese human rights conceptions have gone through the stages from the views of human rights to the theories of human rights, to the norms and practices of human rights, and human rights conceptions developed from avoidance to controversy, from passiveness to initiative, and from learning to construction, which reflects the continuous development of China's human rights cause. By analyzing the journal records through a search of the human rights and its related keywords, it is possible to chart the evolution and historical context of contemporary Chinese human rights theory.  相似文献   

Studying and practicing the view on human rights with Chinese characteristics is important for raising the awareness and improving the protection system for human rights in China. It is important for China to improve human rights on its own path and to promote the safeguard of human rights in the world. The paper offers an overview of the concepts, contents and features of China's view on human rights.  相似文献   

The controversy between Karl Marx's concept of human rights and the Western liberal concept of human rights has been a focus of the contest between Eastern and Western values for a long time.Based on historical materialism,Marxism exposes the incompleteness of the Western liberal concept of human rights in terms of human rights subjects,human rights objects and epistemology of human rights,and promotes gradual integration of norms of international human rights discourse,with international human rights instruments as a carrier,into pluralistic cultural perspectives.A review of such controversy and its influence on development of norms of international human rights discourse will be in the interest of China's objective response to Western export of human rights(democracy) discourse for the time being,and expanding space for discourse on human rights practice with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

The international agenda on business and human rights has entered a new era when the united Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights was endorsed in 2011 Meanwhile, as china is growing to become one of the biggest economies in the world, chinese businesses are exerting greater impacts on human rights in and outside china The "Pillar II" policy shift of the chinese government regarding human rights refers to the translation of human rights from norms of public law to value principles for the private sector including businesses, and such a policy shift has been both a result of chinese businesses dealing with "imported human rights challenges" in china, and one of the reasons for chinese businesses tackling "exported human rights challenges" in overseas investment and trade Through a series of policy changes, the chinese government has transformed international human rights principles and norms into a value system and code of conduct meant for chinese businesses to respect and observe, which can greatly enhance the awareness and capacity of chinese businesses in fulfilling the irresponsibility to respect human rights in and outside china on the other hand, the challenges and opportunities from different dimensions are faced by the chinese government and businesses in business and human rights Therefore besides effectively fulfilling its duty to protect human rights, the chinese government needs to optimize and strengthen its "Pillar II" policies, so as to push and support chinese businesses in knowing and showing their responsibility to respect human rights at both perception and practice levels.  相似文献   

Marx and engels' great ideology contains rich thought on human rights. Based on the class structure and social development in their lifetimes, the two founders of Marxism profoundly revealed the essence of human rights. They revealed the historical process, class essence and hypocrisy of the bourgeois human rights, and expounded the important principle that human rights are always subject to economic and social development. The Marxist of human rights theory emphasizes that even in a capitalist society, the proletariat should not abandon its efforts to strive for human rights, and that the proletariat should use human rights well to improve their survival and development conditions as well as the advancement of the society as a whole. In the localization process of Marxism in China, the Marxist view on human rights has been further developed and innovated in China, and the socialist human rights theory with Chinese characteristics has been formed, which is used to guide the development of China's human rights cause.  相似文献   

Aimed at eliminating all forms discrimination against women, ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms for women in all fields and realizing de-facto equality between men and women, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women adopted by the U.N. General Assembly is a most significant and most comprehensive legal document concerning the protection of human rights of women, which is called "The Charter of the Human Rights of Women." This thesis reviews the achievements and problems in the fulfillment by the Chinese government of obligations under the Convention after signing and ratifying it; and also puts forward some feasible approaches for improvement thereof.  相似文献   

服刑人员的人权保护问题是国际社会普遍关注的焦点问题。由于服刑人员的人权具有权益主体的特殊性、人权的不完整性和人权内容的特定性等特点,在对其人权保护方面尚存在诸多问题,亟待监狱及其监狱人民警察在对服刑人员人权保护方面,树立正确的思想观念,完善其人权保护的法律规范,进一步加强其人权保护的监督制约机制,不断提高监狱人民警察的执法水平,使服刑人员这一特殊群体所享有的法定人权切实得到有效保护。  相似文献   

At present, the value revealed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is under attack, and the consensus on human rights value is experiencing division globally,which asserts that "human rights can only be provided by paradox". The root of this is that" reason ",the metaphysical nature of human rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,is infinitely magnified while the " spirit " is ignored. History and philosophy show that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights entails the Confucian ethical " spirit ".At this time,this potential factor is gradually emerging in the course of world history and became a force to bridge the global division of human rights values. The significance of Confucian ethics " spirit " to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights lies in: from the perspective of " spirit ", its holistic view, bridging individual rights and collective rights; its relational view focuses on the realization of human rights and transcends the " paradox of human right; progressing from the value consensus to common action, so that in the process of judging the progress of human rights in the world, we consider not only the value consensus, but also the common action.  相似文献   

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