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After poverty alleviation, rural areas focus on new development goals while consolidating previous outcomes Shi Liping is famous for her clever hands. From her mother and grandmother, the 55-yearold inherited the skills of Miao embroidery, the traditional art of the Miao ethnic community known for its rich colors and delicate designs, and listed as an intangible national heritage.  相似文献   

施叔青是出生于台湾、入籍于美国并一度定居于香港的著名作家.在她完成"香港三部曲"之后返归台湾矢志写作"台湾三部曲".本文以施氏返台后创作的两部长篇小说<微醺彩妆>和<行过洛津>("台湾三部曲"之一)作为讨论对象,探讨施氏的香港经验对她台湾叙事的意义、影响和局限,分析此两部作品的特点和不足,并将施氏的"跨越写作"作为世界华文创作中的一种文化现象进行分析.  相似文献   

Choy Dick Wan 《当代中国》2009,18(61):517-539
The Chinese government's imprisonment of Mainland journalist Shi Tao on the basis of evidence provided by Yahoo! aroused great concern both in Mainland China domestically and internationally. Being a multinational corporation with a huge number of users of its services, Yahoo!'s ‘assistance’ to the Chinese authorities in the prosecution of Shi Tao has become the focus of discussions, while a detailed discussion of the Shi Tao case itself is lacking. Based on the litigation documents of the Shi Tao case that are available in the public domain, and news reports and commentaries relating to this case, this paper aims at filling this gap by presenting a detailed account of the development of the Shi Tao case in Mainland China.  相似文献   

20年前一位怀胎7个月的女护工上班时因触电造成工伤,本人虽无大碍,但孩子出生后成为三级智力残障者。工伤者当时虽向单位提出工伤及赔偿请求,没有也不可能有结果。20年后当事人受一案例启发,在代理其子提起民事侵权诉讼同时向劳动行政部门提出工伤伤害认定请求。但因法律依据,证据及因果关联度、时效等问题,遭遇重重困境。正是这种困境本身,使我们得以发现现有工伤立法在保障孕妇工伤方面的性别盲点,以及由这一盲点造成的权利救济不能,导致女性法定利益受损,使工伤伤害持续化和合法化,从而带来一种性别歧视的后果。本文通过对这一案例的具体分析,试图探讨法律法规中由性别盲点造成的性别歧视的后果,提出了一种性别歧视理论及检验标准的本土建构思路。  相似文献   

正How China tamed a 1,000-plus-year-old sand land in seven decades It needs two adults to fully wrap their arms around Shi Guangyin's first tree, which stands on the southern edge of the Maowusu sand land, one of the four largest sand lands in China. Shi, China's first state-level hero fighting desertification, planted the tree back in 1984. "I love it very much; it's like my own child," he told Beijing Review.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论施叔青近年来着力的文学工程——台湾三部曲之第一部《行过洛津》。作者力求通过庶民百姓视角来建构台湾历史,与那些以帝王将相、大家族变迁的宏大叙事来建构历史的作品大有区别。本文探讨施叔青作品中众多小人物的汇聚描写象征了什么,颠覆了什么,再现了历史发展中常被史书忽略不计的那些躲在历史暗影里的真实是什么。  相似文献   

在正统观上,苏轼认为孔子作《春秋》是以礼为本,将礼作为国家盛衰之根本,据礼而进行褒贬,从而依礼强调人伦纲常的重要性并阐发尊王的时代思想;在方法论上,因《春秋》将是非之情寓于其喜怒之间,所以苏轼用观其辞气所向的解经方式诠释孑L子之意,以期能更好地理解《春秋》;在历史观上,苏轼将《春秋》看做信史,认为其以历史事实为本,“具文直书而无隐讳之词”,对相关史实作出客观评价。  相似文献   

高明峰 《青年论坛》2010,(4):113-117
胡瑗、孙复、石介是宋初著名学者,其学术成就主要体现在如下方面:倡明儒家道统,批判佛老时文;批判章句注疏,凸显义理说经;讲求明体达用,致力内圣外王;留意性情之论,影响程朱理学。基于此,“宋初三先生”应是汉宋学术转型期间的开风气的关键人物。  相似文献   

本文分析了丁玲前期的生活和写作,并由此探讨“五四”以来女性寻求独立过程中所经历的突破和面临的困境。丁玲独自离家赴异地求学,并以种种实际行动表明了同封建父权制的彻底决裂,从而初步确立了现代女性相对独立的自主地位。在此基础上,丁玲的写作本身既打破了女性在公共空间的“沉默”历史、公开展示了女性隐秘的身体欲望,因而极具颠覆意义和革命力量;同时又因为日记体的特殊体例而重新被置于私人话语的圈子里,削弱了其公共权力和合法性,并且再次把女性作为有待窥视的秘密加以性别化———这构成了丁玲创作的一个悖论。  相似文献   

正How one tiny woman stands tall as a truck driver Zhang Lin,25,is from a village in the mountainous province of Yunnan,southwest China. She escaped from her first marriage,which she was forced into by her parents,due to domestic violence. Later on,she got married once again,this time for love; nevertheless,she had to leave this marriage,too,because her second husband could not accept her son from her first marriage.  相似文献   

It is a story occurring in the magic world, Sophie, who, at the wonderful age of 18, should have been dating or attending parties in fine dress just like other girls, has had to run the hat shop left her by her father on her own, She would take care of the business in the shop day after day, but she was happy, for she wished to make the best hats for her customers.  相似文献   

正Seven million people with disabilities in China have moved out of dire poverty over the past five years When the car crash that changed the course of her life happened in April 2011, Yang Shuting was just about to embark on her career as a nurse at a local hospital in Hunan Province. Waking up in a daze, she found herself in intensive care. Not long after, doctors told Yang that the accident had left her with high paraplegia,  相似文献   

宋庆龄为中国人民革命和建设事业做出的不可磨灭的贡献及其特殊的身份和地位,使之成为中国现代史和中共党史研究中必不可少的人物。邓颖超在回忆文章中说:"宋庆龄这个名字象征着自辛亥革命以来,七十年革命的历程。"邓小平在悼词中评价她:"尤其难能可贵的是她紧跟历史的脚步不断前进,从伟大的革命民主主义者成为伟大的共产主义者。"志先生之志,行先生之行是实现转变的前提;这一转变是她始终跟随历史的脚步不断前进的时代感和进步性使然,是理性的选择。  相似文献   

明清时期长三角地区方志中的遇虎孝女给人以女德化身的印象。然而细细考量,可以发现虽然国家话语体系认同此孝,但因为统治阶层(男性)对典范女性的塑成寄予更多期待,女孝的边界亦随之延展。本文通过对相关文献的钩沉与梳理,着重分析女性遇虎行孝的数量、类型及对象,进而对这一特殊女孝文本所隐涵的教化目的与性别含义进行探讨。文章指出,兼具凶猛和灵性的"山兽之君"不过是检验女德的一剂良方,以身代亲的行为不仅被着上了道德和功利的双重色彩,而且被用来移孝作忠、移孝守节甚至是移孝替孝,女性只能也必须依赖自己在家庭中所扮演的角色获得更多的道德肯定。  相似文献   

正A China Mobile office keeps island residents in touch with the modern world and each other One day every three weeks, Shi Hua spends six hours commuting to and from an island on the outskirts of Shanghai. The 33-year-old Shanghai local has been making the trip for the past three years as part of her work for Chinese telecom carrier, China Mobile.  相似文献   

李秀清 《青年论坛》2010,(4):126-129
托尼·莫里森在《慈悲》一如既往地表达了对女性的关怀,不同于其他作品的是,作者关注的对象除了黑人女性之外,还包括了贫困的白人女性和土著女性等弱势女性群体,挖掘了女性群体受压抑和受损害背后的蓄奴制这一社会根源,在父权文化的背景下,女性或做男人的附庸,或在寻爱的过程中开始女性书写,进行女性主体的建构。  相似文献   

Newly nominated U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman has been well received among Chinese observers. Recently, Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei discussed the nomination with Professor Shi Yinhong of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, a prominent expert on American studies. Excerpts of the interview follow:  相似文献   

At Your Service     
正In 2017,when Liu Shanshan,then 32 years old,is asked to accompany an elderly family member to see the doctor,she had no idea that request would lead her into a new profession.  相似文献   

柳宗元一生信奉儒家思想,并在“文以明道”中弘扬了儒家的中道思想和民本思想。他好佛而不溺信佛,以一个思想家的理性和卓识,显示了对多种社会文化思想兼容并包的恢宏气度。他以“势”论政体更替的历史观,以“元气”论自然的天道观,以及“统合儒释”的文化理想等等,都是他对儒家思想述而有作之处。柳宗元是复兴儒家思想的开拓者和革新者。孔子的儒家思想正是在后人述而有作的创造中,才得以不断丰富和发展。  相似文献   

A Tender Heart     
BEIJINGER Chang Mengwas once one of those for-tunate types that seem notto have a care in the world.On marrying twenty years ago,after a sweet and loving courtship.Chang Meng and her husbandopened an hotel that prospereddaily.Her life was bliss.Then one  相似文献   

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