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Forensic investigators frequently utilise light sources to detect and presumptively identify biological evidence. The instrumentation typically deploys single or multiple wavelength exposures at various intensities, which interact with constituents of biological material, initiating fluorescence or improving contrast between the material and substrate. Documentation using sketches and/or photographic approaches follows detection, which are essential for scene reconstruction. Recent research has demonstrated the simultaneous detection and capture of biological evidence using a 360° camera system combined with an alternate light source exhibiting broad wavelength ranges of light. Single wavelength light sources reportedly offer enhanced sensitivity, due to the increased light intensity and narrower bandwidth of light, although their combined use with a 360° camera system has not yet been explored.Samples of human blood, semen, saliva, and latent fingermarks were deposited on to a variety of substrates. A 360° camera system combined with a laser light source was used to detect and capture the samples. Ten participants were asked to detect the samples on images of the substrates without ground truth knowledge. It was possible to detect and capture biological evidence, although success varied according to substrate colour and light intensity. Advantageously, presumptive screening for biological fluids and the simultaneous location and visualisation of such evidence as part of a 360° panorama of the scene for contextual purposes was permitted. There was no fluorescent response from the fingermarks, although the oblique lighting effects appeared sufficient to aid mark detection in some circumstances. The use of single wavelength illumination clearly facilitates identification of a range of forensically important material. When coupled with a 360-degree camera, this allows for simultaneous identification and recording of such evidence in the context of the whole environment.  相似文献   

It is thought that deaf or hard of hearing individuals are at greater risk of abuse than the hearing population. The purpose of this paper is to systematically examine and integrate existing literature to determine the prevalence rates of neglect, emotional, physical and sexual abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV). A set of inclusion and exclusion criteria was determined. Following this a comprehensive search of numerous databases was conducted. Fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Eight studies reviewed the prevalence of sexual abuse, seven reviewed physical abuse, five reviewed emotional abuse, four reviewed neglect and six examined IPV. This exceeds 14 as numerous studies examined multiple types of abuse. Quality assessment indicated 12 studies were of ‘moderate’ quality and the remaining two were rated ‘good’ quality. Issues with similar samples, a tendency towards young, educated women within the IPV data, and small samples suggest caution is to be used when interpreting their results. The reliance on written measures and the absence of an interpreter or translation of materials in some studies further complicates the results. All types of abuse were found to be more prevalent within the deaf and hard of hearing population compared to the hearing population.  相似文献   

PurposeTo examine the inter-rater reliability of two risk assessment tools: The Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) and the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI).MethodsTwo identical experiments are reported. For both studies, a random sample of 10 offenders were interviewed and videotaped with each tool (totaling 20 offenders). The tapes were then shown to a random selection of 20 raters (for a total of 40 raters) employed at a state agency. The fully-crossed design allowed each of the raters to rate the each of the cases, resulting in 200 total risk score observations for each tool. Inter-rater reliability analyses were then conducted.ResultsThe LSI-R demonstrated adequate to fair reliability, with certain domains showing lower reliability. Overall, the LSI-R had an ICC of .65. The YLS/CMI demonstrated higher reliability (ICC of .78). In addition, for the LSI-R study, comparisons were made between staff raters who work in a facility versus those in the community (e.g., probation officers). For the YLS/CMI study, comparisons were made between incarcerated offenders versus probationers. Neither comparison yielded consistent differences.ConclusionsThe YLS/CMI is generally reliable. The LSI-R showed less reliability. However, each study showed certain domains with less than ideal reliability.  相似文献   

Five marijuana samples were compared using bulk isotope analysis compound-specific isotope ratio analysis of the extracted cannabinoids. Owing to the age of our cannabis samples, four of the five samples were compared using the isotope ratios of cannabinol (CBN), a stable degradation product of Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Bulk δ(13)C isotope analysis discriminated between all five samples at the 95% confidence level. Compound-specific δ(13)C isotope analysis could not distinguish between one pair of the five samples at the 95% confidence level. All the measured cannabinoids showed significant depletion in (13)C relative to bulk isotope values; the isotope ratios for THC, CBN, and cannabidiol were on average 1.6‰, 1.7‰, and 2.2‰ more negative than the bulk values, respectively. A more detailed investigation needs to be conducted to assess the degree fractionation between the different cannabinoids, especially after aging.  相似文献   

2018年中美技术转让法律争端所反映的实际上是投资条约范畴中的技术转让履行要求禁止问题。美国投资条约确立了相对完备的技术转让履行要求禁止规则。因技术转让与知识产权和投资关系紧密,故WTO框架下的TRIPs对其进行了明文规定,TRIMs也以隐性的方式对其进行了关照,从而形成了不同的技术转让履行要求禁止标准。在国际社会尚未达成有实际操作意义的技术转让规则之前,中国应当在投资条约和实践中坚持引入TRIMs标准的技术转让履行要求禁止标准。基于技术转让在国际投资中具有基础性地位,中国应当改变技术发展的思路,转换知识产权的立法重点和追责模式,促进国内技术转让立法的完善,并积极推动国际社会展开新一轮的技术转让规则谈判、达成具有实际意义的技术转让规则,扭转因技术转让与知识产权保护关系不明确而产生的困局。  相似文献   

在去滁州市检察院采访路上就听说,前阵子,滁州市检察院两个处长主动提出要辞去领导职务,一问方知,原来两人所领导的处室在去年的全省考评中虽跻身全省前三名,却没能拿到第一,自认为拖了大家的后腿,没颜面再做这个领导。这听来未免夸张,但得知2005年度,滁州市检察院蝉联检察业务  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe an existing legal practice of contractual interpretation in Estonian legal order. In order to investigate the semiotic essence of contractual interpretation and its limits, this paper narrows its focus on a notion “conflict of laws” (as developed by Roberta Kevelson). By conflict of law is meant a depiction of incompatibility or conflict of co-existing legal practices, the conflict, which is both internal and external to Estonian legal system. From the inner perspective of Estonian legal order, the conflict of law is subsequently reduced to the conflict in law, and being analyzed on the grounds of contract law, the conflict of legal rules, in fact becomes a issue of contractual interpretation. It is claimed in this paper that there has been a fundamental incompatibility between objective and subjective approaches to interpretation of contracts. As later as 19th century, with the development of systematic legal science, an apparent confusion of objective and subjective approaches was becoming transformed into an open and growing system of law, based on a fusion of both methods. This paper lays theoretical grounds for a practical test, which could measure the exact level of legal integrity between different elements of legal system.  相似文献   

Pratt and Turanovic (European Journal of Criminology, 13(1):129–146, 2016) argue that previous studies operationalizing risky lifestyles as mere “going out” (problematic indicators of risky lifestyles) were misspecified and that “improved” indicators of risky lifestyle (risky behaviors) would perform better than “problematic” indicators in models that explain victimization. This study examines these propositions by testing the self-control/lifestyle framework of victimization using the data from a random sample of Filipino high school students at a state university in Dumaguete City, Philippines. Results show strong support to Pratt and Turanovic’s claims. Self-control has stronger effects on improved indicators than on problematic ones. And, improved indicators have stronger effects than problematic indicators on property, violent, peer/sibling and sexual victimization. Moreover, the findings provide partial support for the self-control/lifestyle framework of victimization.  相似文献   

The article uses a data set of the 2010–15 Parliamentary Conservative Party (PCP) to test a series of hypotheses in order to determine whether those selected for ministerial office during the coalition era were representative of the PCP as a whole. The findings show no significant associations or bias by Cameron in terms of age, schooling, regional base, morality, voting for Cameron in the Conservative Party leadership election and, most significantly, gender. Significant associations or bias were evident in terms of Cameron’s patronage with regard to university education and electoral marginality. The findings demonstrate that any critique of current Conservative ministers based on their supposed elitism stems from the institutional and structural biases within the Conservative Party at candidate selection level, and cannot be attributed to bias on behalf of Cameron.  相似文献   

After being condemned and imprisoned in Lisbon by the Portuguese Inquisition, Luis Mendes de Franca exiled himself in late 1683 to France, where his descendants adopted the family name Mendes France. In 1695, at the age of 55 years, Luis Mendes committed suicide in Bordeaux by a pistol shot that decapitated him. The inquest conducted at that time concluded that Luis Mendes was insane and thus not guilty of the crime of suicide. We hypothesize that he used a flint stone-type pistol loaded with an extraordinarily large quantity of black gunpowder. Using available information on historic firearms, ammunition, and powder, coupled with the preserved testimony of historic figures, we propose a reconstruction of this drama and a diagnostic approach to the psychiatric aspects of the suicide.  相似文献   

This article examines the parliamentary activity of the head of government in Ireland in selected years from 1923 to 2000 and compares the findings with previous studies of the British and Canadian systems. The results show that, similar to the UK and Canada, there is variation in the level of parliamentary activity in Ireland from one head of government to another. However, contrary to the British and Canadian experience, in the Irish case the data show that the head of government's overall level of parliamentary activity has generally increased over time. In short, Irish heads of government are not necessarily more active than their contemporary British and Canadian counterparts. However, in a number of respects they are certainly more active than their Irish predecessors used to be. These findings suggest that there is now a greater degree of indirect accountability in the Irish system than was previously the case.  相似文献   

Estimates of cost of crime have gradually been introduced into the public debate on crime policy. Estimates differ in their scope and methodologies and this impedes international comparisons. This article follows the model of estimating costs of crime developed under the 6th Framework Programme and provides the comparable results of costs of crime in Poland. The total costs of crime have been estimated at 5.1% of GDP. In particular, the victimisation costs of violent crimes have been estimated at 1.94% of GDP and the costs of property crimes against individuals at 0.5% of GDP. The results are in line with estimates for other countries and provide the relevant measure for any cost-benefit analysis of a crime policy.  相似文献   

在传统行政法上,诸如政府与公务员、公立学校与学生之类的关系属于特别权力关系之范畴,这种关系由其内部自带体系的规范调整,并排除法治主义的作用。二战之后,基于法治观念和人权理念的提升,特别权力关系的适用范围尽管有所收缩,但其所作用之领域仍属于“法治普遍性之例外”。鉴于党组织与党员之间具有特别权力关系的一般属性,行政法上的特别权力关系理论不仅可以充当党内法规的正当性基础,而且也可以为党内法规的适用范围与效力边界提供理论依据。正是基于特别权力关系,党内法规才具有独立于国家法体系而独立存在的正当性;同样是基于特别权力关系,党内法规的适用范围当受“特别关系”之拘束,其效力不宜漫过“特别权力关系”之边界。  相似文献   

Marta Bo 《Criminal Law Forum》2014,25(3-4):505-540
The PTCI’s decision on the admissibility of the case against Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and the subsequent AC Judgement are the first expressions of the ICC’s understanding of complementarity in Article 13(b) cases. Admissibility decisions display how the ICC attempts to strike the balance between international justice and states’ right to exercise their territorial criminal jurisdiction. In relation to cases triggered by UNSC referrals, these decisions also mark the delicate moment in which the ICC’s interaction with the politics UNSC is unveiled. In the case against Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi the ICC seems to have taken deferent approach toward the highly authoritative mechanism that triggered the case. Legally speaking, these decisions might appear as a missed opportunity. They fail to provide a conclusive clarification of the parameters of the ‘same case’ test. First, the AC did not subscribe to the offence-specific interpretation of the ‘same conduct’ test embraced previously by PTCI and, in the name of consistency with the Court’s previous case law, reverted to the incident-specific approach adopted in Lubanga. However, the case-by-case approach adopted by the AC undermines the legal certainty that the AC meant to achieve in the definition of the admissibility test. Moreover, the AC has failed to appraise the PTCI’s conclusion that domestic implementation of international crimes is not necessary for the purposes of successfully challenging the admissibility of a case. Finally, in light of the constraints imposed by Article 17(2) on the relevance of due process violations, the PTCI’s decision to reject on the grounds of ‘inability’ as opposed to ‘unwillingness’, which again the AC did not consider, could be seen as evidence of a deferent stance toward the UNSC.  相似文献   


视域是人理解世界的场域,任何法哲学皆内置视域。法律规范是理解法律现象的基本图式,法律陈述是带有视域印记的法律规范存在形态,是考察法哲学视域的恰当对象。内在法律陈述和外在法律陈述是法律陈述的两种基本形态,其分别与内在视域和外在视域这两种典型视域对应。遵循这一线索,可通过考察既有法哲学对法律陈述的理解反观其视域,从而形成视域内外二分、外化补强、内化补强、内外融合之视域谱系。整体上看,视域不仅直接影响法哲学的理论构成和争议,而且是评判法哲学的重要标准。在未来的研究中,中国法哲学家可将确立视域根据、扩大视域影响、强化视域判定作为法哲学视域研究的主要任务。  相似文献   

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