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民族感情、传统文化是东南亚华人与中国保持联系的重要纽带.华人在发展中国与东南亚各国的经贸合作、科技交流中发挥了积极而重要的作用.发挥华人的这种作用,不仅是中国经济发展的需要,也是东南亚各国继续推行外向型经济发展战略、加快现代化建设步伐的需要.  相似文献   

同化,融合,还是共存?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南亚华人与当地民族的关系涉及政治、经济、社会、文化等多个方面。二战后东南亚国家如何处理华人的入籍问题 ,并附加了一些什么条件 ?与此相联系 ,在文化上 ,东南亚华人是完全同化于当地民族的文化 ,还是积极地与当地民族文化融合 ,或是基本上保持自己的文化并与当地民族文化和平共处 ?这些仍然是值得我们思考的问题。  相似文献   

新华文学在一定程度上记载着新加坡的发展足迹.本文以<独立25年新华文学选>中的代表性诗歌为切入点,以其所反映的诗意来探求新加坡社会的发展变迁.以华人为主体民族的新加坡独特的地理环境及发展方式决定了中华文化传统与现代化的关系问题是其发展中的一大热点问题,对现代化与文化传统关系的处理曾是其现代化发展的一大症结,新加坡在此属于"亡羊补牢"型.本土文化内在于社会之中,一切伟大的传统文化都具有相当的潜力,只有在本土文化传统的砧木上,嫁接来的西方文化才能找到生长点.  相似文献   

东亚的现代化与民族文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文 《当代亚太》2006,(12):45-51
对民族文化持基本否定态度的激进观点,与主张肯定和继承民族文化的温和观点,在不同的历史条件下所起到的作用有所不同。二战后东亚社会的发展,尤其是中国改革开放的实践证明:现代化建设须以自己的民族文化为根基,传统应在现代性中继存,新的社会形态必然会受到历史背景和民族感情的制约。  相似文献   

儒家传统文化在新加坡现代化中的作用很大,贡献也是多方面的,但它并非是新加坡现代化的动力所在,而只是推进现代化的有效工具。它被用以防治道德失范、建构民族精神、维护社会秩序、寻求政治理论支持、打造清廉有效的政府形象。新加坡在现代化进程中植入"孔孟的真精神",并对之进行选择性吸收,即将儒家传统文化作为一种历史文化资源来参考、择取和利用,并赋予儒学新的时代意义,这也许就是儒家传统文化的现代出路所在。  相似文献   

杨杰 《人民之友》2020,(2):87-87
湖南慧润农业科技有限公司于2011年12月注册成立,公司旗下拥有全资、合资公司(经营实体)15家,涉及酒店管理、农业种植、农副产品开发、旅游景区管理运营、网络系统开发及运营、文化教育体验等领域。在董事长皮青的带领下,公司现已将项目之一的板仓国际露营基地建设成了省内知名的休闲度假基地;与当地农户联合成立合作社,通过将当地农产品提质为旅游产品,并赋予其深厚的地域文化元素,创立了“板仓人家”品牌,越来越被游客所接受,已成为当地知名旅游农产品品牌。公司还设计开发了拥有自主知识产权的“慧享游”互联网平台。  相似文献   

本文从国家认同、民族认同、政治参与、经济参与、社会文化参与等各方面考察菲律宾华人与当地民族的关系。菲律宾华人与当地民族关系的本质特征 ,就是华人正在逐渐地被同化 ,或叫菲律宾化。  相似文献   

东南亚国家华文教育改革的思考王本尊一个民族的文化传统之所以重要,在于它是一个民族精神的载体,是民族特征与特质的重要标志。如果一个民族不懂得或丢掉了本民族的文化传统,将意味着失去本民族的传统精神、也将意味着被其他民族所同化。同一个民族文化传统的承传.王...  相似文献   

中国式现代化是在科学社会主义基本原则以及中国化时代化的马克思主义创新理论指导下实现的现代化,是明显区别于西方国家现代化的中国的现代化。从道路优势看,中国式现代化是无产阶级政党领导的扎根于群众的运动。从理论优势看,中国式现代化是在马克思主义指引下实现发展,又在发展中得到极大丰富和拓展,而形成的中国化时代化的现代化理论新成果,是中国共产党在新时代的宏观思考和顶层设计。从制度优势看,中国特色社会主义制度为中国式现代化建设提供了制度保障,它与中国式现代化相辅相成。从文化优势看,中华优秀传统文化以其恢宏的气魄和开放的胸襟孕育了传承中国悠久的发展智慧、适应时代变迁的心理认同和行为理念以及符合中国式现代化的核心价值观。  相似文献   

论当代东南亚华人文化与当地主流文化的双向互动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东南亚华人因深远的中华文化背景而长期保留其民族特征 ,但因与当地居民杂居混血 ,以及当地文化的巨大冲击 ,其文化正日益接纳当地成份 ,从而形成传统性与当地化交融并存的局面。另一方面 ,以融汇外来文化著称的东南亚文化 ,也正经历着适应与涵化华人文化的过程。华人文化与东南亚当地文化的双向互动由此而产生。  相似文献   

Heritage planning in Ghana is mainly governed by the idea of sustainable pro-poor tourism, but is only marginally integrated with general planning programmes and fragmentally addressed by policy-makers. Motivated by the general lack of research on heritage policy in Ghana, this paper examines the role of heritage planning in national socio-economic, cultural and tourism policy and highlights various ambiguities in terms of concepts, objectives and approaches. The major findings show gaps between rational and communicative planning ideals, between informal management systems and wider democratic concerns, and between delimited and comprehensive planning perspectives. The central argument is that the lack of coherence among different development planning perspectives is an issue that future heritage policy-making needs to consider in order to balance tourism development with concerns such as social stability, community development and local pride of place.  相似文献   

In Cuba over the past two decades, diverse and apparently contradictory aspects of tourism have emerged along with state‐led development and market‐driven initiatives. This ethnographic account examines the complex ways in which Cubans and international visitors experience tourism as an economic and cultural force. Despite the unintended consequences of tourism, which has produced growing social inequality and illicit trade, tourism has met surprising success in appealing to desires for both pre‐revolutionary pleasures and enduring revolutionary culture and politics.  相似文献   

Parhad Keyim 《East Asia》2017,34(1):79-85
Based on literature review and statistics of National Tourism Administration of China and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) Tourism Bureau, this article examines the trends of inbound tourism development in the region. The results show that the inbound tourists in the XUAR are only a tiny portion of the Chinese, and the regional total which mainly is made up of domestic tourism originated from the coastal areas. Among the Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan has become the largest inbound tourism market of the XUAR. The article further suggests that it is worth to investigate whether the inbound tourism development of the region is affected by the geopolitical and geo-economic situations and the national strategic interests of respective neighboring countries.  相似文献   

YU  Hong 《East Asia》2011,28(2):85-113
The Chinese central government has identified tourism as an important means of stimulating domestic consumption and transforming China’s economic development pattern from investment and export-driven to consumption-led. According to the government’s new plan released in 2009, development of Hainan as an International Tourism Destination has been upgraded to a national strategy. By critically discussing the western theories on the policy-making process, this paper intends to adopt the case study of Hainan to specifically analyze its state-initiated plan for regional tourism development. Hainan is the only province in China to clearly be identified by the government for the development of its tourism into a mainstay industry. It is intended to become a test zone for China’s tourism reform and innovation and take a lead in development of tourism and associated industries. The government believes that the tourism sector is a key means of boosting regional economic development and reducing regional disparities between Hainan and the prosperous eastern provinces. Nevertheless, Hainan still faces serious obstacles to its goal of becoming a top Asia Pacific holiday destination. A lack of skilled personnel, backward transport network and poor service standards in tourism and hospitality are persistent and pressing issues. The plan for developing Hainan into an international tourism destination is unlikely to become a reality in the near future.  相似文献   

东南亚华人青年如何看待华人与当地民族的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过问卷调查的方式分析研究东南亚华人青年对民族关系的看法和态度。结果表明,大多数华人青年认为,他们在政治上认同居住国,但在文化和民族认同方面则仍然保留华人特色  相似文献   

As neoliberalism has taken root in the Caribbean, heritage tourism has grown enormously. Using examples drawn from the Trinidad Carnival, this article shows how culture becomes a marketing force in the wake of increasingly difficult economic times in the Caribbean. As selling culture increases in importance for the overall economic health of Caribbean economies, it becomes, more and more, the focus of Caribbean states and state agencies and a basis for state sovereignty. Drawing on Foucault's notion of biopower, the article draws a connection between the increasing importance of cultural performances for state revenue and government intervention into those performances.  相似文献   


The current state-induced and top-down-implemented development and modernization of the predominantly rural areas of western China can be perceived as a clear demonstration of Chinese power in Tibetan areas, resulting in the repression of expressions of minority culture. This article argues that the local population’s various practices of traditionalization, as demonstrated through an emphasis on the maintenance or (re)invention of representative cultural forms can be understood as efforts to counteract the socio-economic and cultural assimilation measures or even as a form of political resistance. At the same time, in the context of the economic opportunities brought on by the rapid development, in tourism for example, traditionalization has become an important economic asset for both the state and local Tibetans. These (revived) traditions could enhance cultural awareness among visitors to minority areas and strengthen local people’s sense of cultural security and their self-understanding as Tibetans.  相似文献   

The case of Mancora, Northern Peru, illustrates a process of neoliberalisation through which conceptions of place, local identities and the recent history of the place have been reformulated due to the rapid expansion of global tourism. In this former fishing village, tourism development altered local conceptions of place, allowing the emergence of contrasting projects for converting it into a beach resort. This process brought about a context governed by land conflicts and tension between local authorities, where local inhabitants reshaped their identities and the recent history of the place in order to gain or maintain ownership over valuable natural resources.  相似文献   

本文从澳门旅游业在澳门经济中的重要作用及其发展的基本状况出发,就澳门旅游业整体竞争力的提升、 多元化产业格局的形成以及可持续发展三个方面,论证了CEPA签署后澳门旅游业进一步发展的方向,及对澳门经济持续 平衡增长的意义。  相似文献   

2009年,旅游业继续成为菲律宾经济发展的引擎之一.旅游业的发展与菲律宾政府的一系列旅游产业扶持政策、旅游产品推陈出新、旅游推广等措施是分不开的.  相似文献   

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