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目的:明确常见尸食性昆虫成虫的活动习性和产卵习性,为法医实践中死后间隔时间的判断提供借鉴;方法:在自然温度、室内恒温及包括夜晚、雨天等26种不同环境条件对丝光绿蝇、大头金蝇、巨尾阿利蝇、棕尾别麻蝇成虫活动与产卵(产仔)习性进行了观察;结果:昆虫成虫的活动与产卵习性在不同环境条件下往往不同,不同种类之间也存在差异,在利用昆虫发生规律为法医实践提供死亡时间等信息时,应具体问题具体分析。  相似文献   

成都市嗜尸昆虫种类季节变化研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
Wang Y  Liu M  Sun DH 《法医学杂志》2003,19(2):86-87,91
目的 研究成都市嗜尸昆虫种类及其与季节变化的关系。方法 经过两年重复试验,观察3~11月兔尸上嗜尸昆虫种类变化。结果 发现3~11月兔尸上出现的嗜尸昆虫种类主要有舍蝇、丝光绿蝇、大头金蝇、赭尾麻蝇、巨阿尾丽蝇。其中,巨阿尾丽蝇见于3、4月,舍蝇出现于4月中旬至10月初,而大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇、赭尾麻蝇则自3月至10月中下旬均可见到,10月底以后则见不到任何嗜尸苍蝇。幼虫的出现晚于成虫1~4天不等,与季节及环境有关。结论 通过舍蝇、丝光绿蝇、大头金蝇、赭尾麻绳、巨阿尾丽蝇的生命周期的研究,有望为成都市法医学实践中死亡时间的推断提供依据。  相似文献   

为了明确案发现场昆虫证据的分布,为法医昆虫学现场昆虫证据收集提供借鉴,我们利用猪尸体进行模拟,对现场昆虫的分布进行了调查,重点观察了大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇、绯颜裸金蝇、厚环黑蝇、阎甲科、隐翅甲科、埋葬甲科和皮蠹科昆虫的活动情况。结果表明,昆虫标本主要分布于尸体上及现场约10米范围的地面和地下,据此我们提出了法医昆虫学现场取样规范。  相似文献   

目的基于翅脉的图像数字化分析对常见嗜尸性蝇类进行种类鉴定,为法医昆虫学中嗜尸性蝇类快速、准确的物种鉴定提供新的思路。方法用腐肉野外随机诱捕棕尾别麻蝇、绯角亚麻蝇、酱亚麻蝇、拟东方辛麻蝇、红尾粪麻蝇、巨尾阿丽蝇以及裸芒综蝇7种常见的嗜尸性蝇类雌雄成虫共226只,对每只苍蝇右翅的17个标志点进行数字化处理和图像分析,利用置换检验评估异速生长效应的影响,典型变量分析(canonical variate analysis,CVA)对7种嗜尸性蝇类物种间以及雌性物种间的翅形变化情况进行分析,交叉判别验证对分类的可靠性进行评价。结果在7种嗜尸性蝇类物种间和雌性成虫物种间,异速生长的影响具有统计学意义(P0.05)。CVA结果表明在7种嗜尸性蝇类物种间和雌性物种之间,翅膀形状变化具有明显的差异性,前2个典型变量占据了翅脉形状总变异的82.9%和84.1%。利用翅脉的图像数字化分析可以区分这7种常见的嗜尸性蝇类,总体种类判别准确率为81.2%~100.0%,7种雌性蝇类的种类判别准确率为75.0%~100.0%。结论基于翅脉的图像数字化分析是一种较为简便、可靠的昆虫物种鉴定的方法,可用于常见嗜尸性蝇类的种类鉴定。  相似文献   

利用尸体上的昆虫生活规律推断死亡时间 ,近年越来越被法医工作者及侦察人员重视 ,但由于法医昆虫学的研究还处在不完善的阶段 ,在应用中难免出现一些概念不清的问题 ,本文就昆虫世代的概念及昆虫世代运用到法医检案中存在的问题进行如下讨论 ,供同行参考。1 昆虫世代的概念昆虫的世代是指一种昆虫从卵开始经过幼虫、蛹到成虫性成熟产卵为止这整个周期称为一个世代。一年完成一个世代的昆虫称为一化性昆虫 ,一年有两个世代的称为二化性昆虫 ,一年有多个世代的称为多化性昆虫。昆虫完成一个世代各虫态所经历时间的总记载称为生活史。有的昆…  相似文献   

死亡时间(postmortem interval,PMI)推断一直是困扰法医学工作者的难题之一,尤其是荒郊野外或偏僻屋内的高度腐败尸体更是难以使用常规手段推断PMI,因此常需要借助现场中的昆虫证据来推断。不同种属的蝇类发育时间差异较大,在实际案件中,如果不进行种属鉴定而直接测量蝇蛆体长、计算积温或演替阶段,或是基于错误的种属鉴定来计算,往往会导致推算出的结果与实际PMI之间出现较大偏差,误导案件侦查方向。因此,使用法医昆虫学方法来推断腐败尸体PMI,必须先进行准确的昆虫种属鉴定。本文对嗜尸性蝇类不同虫态的大体和超微形态学种属鉴定以及分子生物学种属鉴定方法进行综述,以期为相关研究和实践提供新思路和新方法,为法医昆虫学在鉴定实践的应用推广提供参考。  相似文献   

目的观察新疆石河子市区尸食性昆虫的种类及温度对优势种丝光绿蝇生长发育的影响。方法 2007年和2008年的4月15日至6月15日在石河子市(E44.18°、N86.00°)3个不同地点诱集尸食性昆虫,并鉴定分类。将优势种丝光绿蝇在不同温度下饲养,观察其体长、体重、羽化率、雌雄比、历期等生长发育特点。结果石河子地区春季3个不同地点共诱集到尸食性昆虫6目14科16种,其中以膜翅目、双翅目和鞘翅目为主;丝光绿蝇幼虫体长、体重随着温度升高而增长、增加,化蛹时又有所缩短、减轻;不同的温度对幼虫的羽化率和雌雄比影响不明显。结论本文所得数据可为新疆石河子地区的法医昆虫学及相关研究和实践提供一定参考。  相似文献   

双翅目(Diptera)丽蝇科(Calliphoridae)蝇类是最早出现在腐败尸体、尸块上的主要蝇类。在法医昆虫学领域,根据丽蝇科的生活特性,可以较准确地推断出凶杀案或无名尸案的死亡时间(postmorteminter.val,PMI),为案件侦破提供有利线索。本文介绍了丽蝇科蝇类的生物学、形态学特征,并对其在法医昆虫学与分子生物学、数学形态学、法医毒理学方面的联合应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

河南三门峡地区夏秋季常见嗜尸性蝇类的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨三门峡地区常见嗜尸性苍蝇种类、演替规律及其在法医学实践中的应用价值。方法采用笼诱法观察7月中旬-10月中旬兔尸上嗜尸性苍蝇种类演替规律及生活习性。结果出现的双翅目嗜尸性苍蝇有3科9属13种,主要为蝇科的舍蝇、市蝇、厩腐蝇、元厕蝇、斑蹠黑蝇、兰翠蝇;丽蝇科的大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇、亮绿蝇、巨尾阿丽蝇;麻蝇科的棕尾别麻蝇、褐须亚麻蝇和尾黑麻蝇;且出现时间有很强的规律性。结论河南三门峡地区夏秋季常见嗜尸性蝇类在兔尸上的出现有一定的演替规律,可望为该地区法医学死亡时间的推断提供参考。  相似文献   

目的观察嗜尸蝇类种群落组成、季节变动及蛆虫生长长度与死亡时间的关系,为在死亡时间推断中应用提供基础数据。方法采用荷兰猪尸/兔尸/猪肺作诱饵,在海拔1115.2~1120.8m的自然环境中吸引蝇种。捕抓特定时间段内优势蝇种,每日定时观察记录其在营养基上产卵、幼虫孵化、成熟幼虫爬离的时间,测量其长度,采用Excel软件进行数据处理。结果获取了贵阳市郊宽丽蝇、巨尾阿丽蝇、紫绿蝇、丝光绿蝇、棕尾别麻蝇、肥躯金蝇、大头金蝇和绯颜裸金蝇等8种常见嗜尸蝇类群落组成、季节变动及蛆虫生长长度的规律性变化数据,并用于实际案例死亡时问的推断。结论嗜尸蝇类群落组成、季节变动及蛆虫生长长度在推测死亡时间上有重要意义。  相似文献   

Timing of oviposition on a corpse is a key factor in entomologically based minimum postmortem interval (mPMI) calculations. However, there is considerable variation in nocturnal oviposition behavior of blow flies reported in the research literature. This study investigated nocturnal oviposition in central England for the first time, over 25 trials from 2011 to 2013. Liver-baited traps were placed in an urban location during control (diurnal), and nocturnal periods and environmental conditions were recorded during each 5-h trial. No nocturnal activity or oviposition was observed during the course of the study indicating that nocturnal oviposition is highly unlikely in central England.  相似文献   

Abstract: The likelihood of dipteran maggots colonizing a corpse due to nocturnal oviposition can be used to challenge the postmortem interval (PMI) estimated assuming diurnal oviposition. Earlier experiments tested nocturnal oviposition behavior by exposing fresh baits once during a single night. In this pilot study, oviposition behavior was studied using beef baits, which, simulating the decay of the body seen in case situations, decomposed inside cages designed to open and close at scheduled intervals during consecutive night or twilight periods. Freshly hatched maggots from diurnally oviposited eggs emerged in control baits on the third day, while a limited number of maggots attributable to nocturnal or twilight oviposition were observed in experimental baits only on the fifth or sixth day, indicating a categorical delay. These results suggest that such delayed and limited nocturnal oviposition is not forensically significant since the larger maggots deriving from diurnal oviposition would be the ones considered when estimating PMI.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of paraquat, a prevalent poison used by suicides, on initial oviposition and development of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) using minced‐beef substrates. Paraquat in lethal dose for human (40 mg/kg), two times the lethal dose (80 mg/kg) and five times the lethal dose (200 mg/kg) were mixed thoroughly with respective minced‐beef substrates (1 kg each) that were decomposed in a shaded habitat fully protected from rain. Results of four replications of the above experiment revealed that the presence of paraquat neither delayed initial oviposition nor prolonged the developmental stages of C. megacephala. Therefore, estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) based on empirical baseline data obtained using animal models devoid of any poisons would still be appropriate for estimating PMI in paraquat‐related deaths.  相似文献   

The changes of postmortem corneal opacity are often used to roughly estimate the postmortem interval (PMI) in forensic practice. The difficulty associated with this time estimate is the lack of objective means to rapidly quantify postmortem corneal changes in crime scenes. This study constructed a data analysis model of PMI estimation and implemented an intelligent analysis system for examining the sequential changes of postmortem corneal digital images, named Corneal‐Smart Phone, which can be used to quickly estimate PMI. The smart phone was used in combination with an attachment device that provided a darkroom environment and a steady light source to capture postmortem corneal images. By segmenting the corneal pupil region images, six color features, Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B), Hue (H), Saturation (S), Brightness (V) and four texture features Contrast (CON), Correlation (COR), Angular Second Moment (ASM), and Homogeneity (HOM), were extracted and correlated with PMI model. The results indicated that CON had the highest correlation with PMI (R2 = 0.983). No intra/intersubject variation in CON values were observed (p > 0.05). With the increase in ambient temperature or the decrease in humidity, the CON values were increased. PMI prediction error was <3 h within 36 h postmortem and extended to about 6–8 h after 36 h postmortem. The correct classification rate of the blind test samples was 82%. Our study provides a method that combines postmortem corneal image acquisition and digital image analysis to enable users to quickly obtain PMI estimation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨轴索肿胀在鉴定脑干损伤中的意义。方法 取明确死于原发性脑干损伤(36例)和脑外疾病(28例)者共64例,分为损伤组(36例)和对照组(其中死于心血管疾病12例、非心血管疾病16例),并将其死后24h和48h前、后做尸体解剖分为2组,通过对中脑、脑桥和延脑切片、镀银染色,在100倍光镜下采用显微测微器测量每片9条最粗的轴索横径,对所得数据作方差分析、t检验统计学处理。结果 损伤组与对照组(不包括心血管疾病死亡者)相比,中脑、延脑部的轴索肿胀程度有明显差异(P<0.05);死后48h内解剖的损伤组与对照组相比无差异(P>0.05),但超过48h解剖两组有明显差异(P<0.05)。结论 中脑、延脑部轴索肿胀与外伤有明显的相关性。轴索肿胀对判断脑干损伤有意义。需排除心血管疾病致死。  相似文献   

Positive identification relies on comparison of antemortem and postmortem data. Some identifications are based on morphological features such as fracture, pathological condition, and surgical hardware, despite little literature indicating the frequencies of such traits. This study examines whether such features are sufficiently rare as to be deemed individualizing. Data were collected on two modern North American skeletal collections (N=482 individuals). Presence/absence of features was scored by skeletal element and side. Results indicate that frequencies vary by geographic region (higher frequency of fractures and pathological conditions in New Mexico while individuals in Tennessee were more likely to have surgical interventions), many features such as fractures are remarkably common and that even suites of traits may not be individualizing. Caution is warranted when using written data rather than radiographic comparisons as the primary source of identification. The implications of these findings to missing person databases are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Here, we characterize the cool weather insect fauna found associated with partially skeletonized and desiccated human remains recovered from an abandoned house in an urban area of subtropical, coastal Galveston County, Texas, and use the information to conclude an approximate postmortem interval of 7–10 months. The predominant factors that allow for a confident assessment of the postmortem interval include climatological data, entomological data, and anthropological data. The documented insect fauna represents a unique assemblage present in a particular environment (an urban abandoned house in coastal Texas) at a particular time of year (winter) and includes expected forensically significant insects such as calliphorid flies, muscid flies, and dermestid beetles but also includes less commonly encountered insects such as an unusually dense population of live case-making clothes moths.  相似文献   

The succession of insect communities on carrion varies at local and global spatial scales. As such, ecological succession data obtained from corpses at one geographic location cannot necessarily be applied to other locations. Our study describes this succession in the far southern part of China to provide such data for forensic cases in this region. A total of 18 pig carcasses were placed in the field in four seasons, and the timing of the following events were recorded: appearance of larvae, onset of larval wandering, when most larvae had wandered, onset of pupariation, when most larvae had pupariated, onset of eclosion and end of eclosion. Our results indicated that all of the evaluated events could be used as accurate indicators of postmortem interval (PMI). The carcasses decayed fairly quickly in spring, summer and autumn, taking 225+/-75 h, 183+/-44 h, and 247+/-70 h, respectively, to decay from the fresh stage to skeletonisation. In winter, carcasses needed longer (1180+/-291) to decay as much. Carcasses attracted 47 species of insect, with flies predominating. The larvae were mainly Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) and Hydrotaea (Ophyra) spinigera (Stein). Most necrophagous insects were found all year around, and there were no marked differences in species among the four seasons, except that Dermestes maculatus (De Geer) was absent in winter. Blowflies produced only one generation on a carcass before it became skeletonised, which simplified the estimation of PMIs.  相似文献   

Postmortem interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels were investigated prospectively in sepsis-related fatalities and non-septic fatalities by using a linear regression model. At least three blood samples were collected between 0.3 and 139 h postmortem from sepsis-related fatalities (n=8) and non-septic fatalities (n=16). In addition, one antemortem blood sample was collected shortly before death from the septic patients. Antemortem and postmortem IL-6 and CRP levels were highly elevated in all individuals included in the sepsis group. An excessive postmortem increase of IL-6 serum levels associated with progressive time after death was observed in five out of the eight septic patients. Both, IL-6 and CRP serum concentrations seem to be suitable biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis. The determination of IL-6 serum levels above 1500 pg/ml in peripheral venous blood obtained in the early postmortem interval can be considered as a diagnostic hint towards an underlying septic condition. A more precise postmortem discrimination between sepsis and non-septic underlying causes of death is provided by the postmortem measurement of serum CRP in peripheral venous blood: on condition that at least two postmortem CRP values have been determined at different time points postmortem, the CRP level of a deceased at the time of death can be calculated by using linear regression analysis. When assessing postmortem IL-6 and CRP concentrations as biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis, various clinical conditions, such as a preceding trauma or burn injury going along with elevated IL-6 and/or CRP levels prior to death as a result of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) should be taken into consideration, thus adding relevant information for the practical interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses three cases of cadavers found, unburied, in the province of Venice, Northern Italy. In each case, all insect species playing some role in carrion decay processes, both sarcophagous and their predators, found on or in the bodies, were collected and determined. In one case, many larvae of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) were found and are reported, for the first time in Italy, as necrophagous. Experimental breeding of some fly species was also carried out in controlled temperature and humidity conditions. In particular, it was of interest to know how the Neotropical black soldier fly modified its life-cycle to adapt to a temperate climate. It was thus possible to establish the rate of larval growth and timing of pupation, emergence, oviposition and hatching in various external conditions. The postmortem interval (PMI) established by identifying the life-cycle stages of dipterofauna were later confirmed in all cases through police investigations and the results of forensic analyses.  相似文献   

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