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民族的多样,文化的多元是加拿大区别于其他国家的重要特点。1971年加拿大政府宣布实行多元文化政策,这使加拿大成为西方第一个将推进多元文化发展作为国策的国家。1988年加拿大政府颁布《加拿大多元文化法》,用法律的形式肯定了这一国策。多元文化政策的推行为加拿大处理历史上遗留下的民族问题提供了一个行之有效的方法,同时对其他国家认识和处理本国的民族问题也起到了一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

汤万文在《多元文化格局中的中国文化安全》(载《理论与现代化》2007年第3期)中认为,在多元纷呈的文化格局之下,如果说文化安全的外部挑战来自于西方文化霸权主义,那么,文化部落主义则是来自于内部的挑战。所谓文化部落主义是指以文化相对主义为准则,过分强调一成不变地保存自身的固有文化,强调本民族文化的优越而忽略本民族文化可能存在的缺失,  相似文献   

多元文化主义在20世纪90年代中后期遭到了质疑和批评,这与其自身的症结有关.多元文化主义强调了"多元"的重要性,但却没有能有效地处理"多元"之间以及"多元"与传统"一元"之间的关系.协商民主作为一种治理方式,协商民主对于多元文化社会的建设具有特殊的优势.它不仅能够促进不同文化间的理解,增进政策的合法性,而且还能够促进多样性的生成与发展.  相似文献   

现代民族国家的治理面对多元文化和全球化的双重挑战,实现多元社会的整合与稳定是民族国家必须面对的问题。哈贝马斯将其交往行动理论向政治哲学领域推进的过程中倡导话语政治与商谈民主。借用哈贝马斯对民族和民族国家的解读,解析公民身份与宪法爱国主义,有助于解决民族国家内部蕴含着的普遍主义与特殊主义之矛盾、共和主义与民族主义之张力。  相似文献   

新加坡的多语政策与双语教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡是以华族人、马来族人和印度族人为主的多民族国家。面对多个民族、多种语言、多元文化的现实,新加坡政府十分重视语言教育政策的制订和实施。多语政策和双语教育是新加坡的立国之本,是其经济繁荣、族群和睦、社会安定的重要保证。新加坡现行的语言政策,是根据不同历史时期的社会现实不断调整和发展而来,是新加坡政府长期推行“实用多元主义的多元语言政策”的结果。  相似文献   

在当代各国为解决民族、种族、文化集团问题提出的思路与建立的机制中,与联邦制、民族区域自治、多元文化主义等政治思路与机制相对应的,是文化思路与机制,即"民族文化自治"的思路与机制.但该思路与机制自提出之日起,就遭到种种质疑和抵制.直到20世纪90年代以后,其历史命运才出现了转机.文章对此种转机出现的历史背景、民族文化自治的价值蕴含等进行了详尽的分析和论述.此外,对中国是否能以及怎样引进民族文化自治提出作者个人的初步设想.  相似文献   

民族文化自治历史命运的转折与引进设想(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当代各国为解决民族、种族、文化集团问题提出的思路与建立的机制中,与联邦制、民族区域自治、多元文化主义等政治思路与机制相对应的,是文化思路与机制,即"民族文化自治"的思路与机制.但该思路与机制自提出之日起,就遭到种种质疑和抵制.直到20世纪90年代以后,其历史命运才出现了转机.文章对此种转机出现的历史背景、民族文化自治的价值蕴含等进行了详尽的分析和论述.此外,对中国是否能以及怎样引进民族文化自治提出作者个人的初步设想.  相似文献   

文化的世界是抽象的人类世界,是符号的世界,站在不同的立场可以进行不同的解读。中国传统的刑法文化存在着复杂多样甚至是矛盾冲突的多重性格,既存在着"慎刑"主义与"重刑"主义的对立,也存在着泛刑主义和泛道德主义的文化争鸣,儒家思想和法家学说分别是这两种法制现象的理论源泉。正是这种兼容的多元文化传统为后世的刑法实践提供了多元的选择,也为我们对犯罪的预防对策和控制模式提供了研究上的启发和帮助。我国现行"宽严相济"的刑事政策并不完全是学习西方——"拿来主义"的结果,在很大程度上也受到了传统法律文化的影响。  相似文献   

在现代化的进程中,贵阳城市文化基于历史和现实多种因素,呈现出多元化的发展特征,历史传统文化、红色文化、生态文化和民族地域文化等构成了多元城市文化的主要内容。  相似文献   

“法律多元主义”的风靡使我们理性对待民间法有了全新的认识,但法律多元的具体操作却无法趋一,当下中国依然面对着如何处理民族习惯法文化与主流法文化的冲突。通过对彝族习惯法及习惯法在彝族社会适用的透析,能为我们在看待民族习惯法文化与主流法文化的冲突中找寻到理性的思路。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Best Man for the Job: Joe Fratesi and the Politics of Sault Ste. Marie By harvey r. Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship By will kymlicka. Pulling Against Gravity: Economic Development in New Brunswick During the McKenna Years By donald J. savoie. Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000 By alan dershowitz. Shattering the Myths: Women in Academe By judith glazer‐raymo. The Handbook of Canadian Public Administration Edited by Christopher dunn. The Co‐op Alternative: Civil Society and the Future of Public Services. Monographs on Canadian Public Administration ‐ No. 26 Edited by john restaskis and evert a. lindquist. The Perception of Risk Edited by paul slovic. Public‐Sector Labour Relations in an Era of Restraint and Restructuring Edited Eugene swimmer Don Mills, Ont. Poverty Inequality and Health: An International Perspective Edited by david leon and gill walt.  相似文献   

Poverty, Social Assistance, and the Employability of Mothers: Restructuring Welfare States. By maureen baker and david tippin. The Politics of Pragmatism: Women, Representation, and Constitutionalism in Canada. By alexandra dobrowolsky. Black Eyes All of the Time: Intimate Violence, Aboriginal Women, and the Justice System. By anne mcgillivray and brenda comaskey. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?By susan moller okin.  相似文献   

The Canadian public sector employs around one-fifth of Canadian workers; they are responsible for policy making, stewarding public funds, and serving the public. Canadian governments struggle with job satisfaction, engagement, retention, and turnover, all of which may be associated with public service motivation (PSM). We conducted a scoping review of Canadian PSM research to synthesize what is known about these associations in the Canadian context. We identified 24 published studies and four works in progress. These demonstrate that PSM exists among Canadian public servants from the early stages of their career until later stages, and that PSM bolsters attraction to public sector work among students. No studies measured PSM among Canadian public servants using a validated instrument. Further research about the contributions of PSM to the quality of Canadian public services and how employers can nurture PSM is recommended, particularly given recent changes in work environments.  相似文献   

This article focuses on how control is exercised in the Canadian federal administrative system. More specifically, it aims to determine whether the management philosophy introduced by the Canadian federal government in 2000, which advocated for greater flexibility in the system, is reflected in government policies. The research examines the content of Canadian federal government financial management policies between 2000 and 2018.  相似文献   

Literature on Canada-United States (US) counter-terrorism (CT) cooperation from the early 2000s presumed that Canadian CT policy was driven by US security imperatives and fear, leaving little room for Canada to develop its own path in fighting terrorism. It presumed that: the Canadian government was more worried about the US reaction to terrorism than terrorism itself; Canadian security policy sought to be “separate but cooperative”; and Canadian policy was informed by “wise” understandings of the US. We argue these assumptions no longer hold. Since 2011, with the rise of the Islamic State and foreign fighter activity, the Canadian government took independent steps to address national security concerns in a multilateral environment. We use process tracing to track evolutions in the Passenger Protect Program (Canada's “no-fly list” policy), showing how Canada has increasingly asserted agency in response to violent extremism. It suggests the prior scholarly consensus on the US role in Canadian CT policy must be rethought.  相似文献   

文化权利在国际人权体系中构成特定的类别,其中的一个重要方面就是少数人群体(包括少数民族)保持其文化特性的权利(《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第27条)。根据本人的调查,鄂伦春族文化权利保障在目前面临着许多问题,如禁猎政策的实施,民族旅游开发中缺少本民族人的参与,"一旗分治"现象严重影响鄂伦春族的发展等。在和谐社会理念指导下,鄂伦春族文化权利保障措施的完善应包括如下内容,保障鄂伦春族文化权利的实现,鄂伦春族的旅游业应主要由鄂伦春族人来从事,保障鄂伦春族的生存环境等等。  相似文献   

“The instruments that Parliament will need if it is to become effectively assertive in parliamentary control of finance will have to be devised by Canadian members of Parliament working within the Canadian parliamentary tradition.” The Public Purse: A Study in Canadian Democracy. By Norman Ward . Toronto: University of Toronto Press  相似文献   

在对外文化交流过程中,民族文化的翻译起着不可替代的作用。应当认真研究民族文化中专有名词以及民俗文化的翻译方法。"民族语言语音拟声"、"图像、模仿、替代与阐释数法并用"等可以充分地传达语言中所承载的文化意义,对外文翻译的发展将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

Assertions have been made about the immortality of public‐sector organizations and the need for higher rates of termination of public‐sector organizations. Research on the American federal government argued that such organizations had mortality rates lower than private‐sector organizations. Better research demonstrated that the mortality of public‐sector organizations has occurred at the highest rates observed in the private sector, where rates could be expected to be high because most organizations were very small. Mostly large public‐sector organizations were examined in the U.S. – they should have had low mortality rates. What is the situation in Canada? How does Canadian survival of public‐sector organizations compare to that in other sectors and other countries? This article compares the survival and mortality rates of Canadian public‐sector organizations to those of the private sector and the non‐profit sector. It also compares Canadian public‐sector organizations to those in Ireland and the U.S., finding that Canadian federal organizations have not been immortal and that their mortality rates are among the highest detected. The pattern of Canadian public‐sector organization terminations is punctuated equilibrium.  相似文献   

新疆跨界民族问题与国家安全有着十分密切的关系。民族意识膨胀、回归运动、民族分裂主义、宗教渗透、跨国犯罪仅仅是新疆跨界民族问题的特殊表现形式,其实质就是跨界民族的国家认同危机。新疆跨界民族的民族认同与国家认同既共生互融又冲突和对立,从我国地缘安全的视角看,国家认同高于民族认同。在国家认同的建构中要充分尊重与发展新疆少数民族也包括跨界民族的民族认同,实现国家认同与民族认同的整合与互融,从而形成中华民族多元一体的国家认同。  相似文献   

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