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税收征管质量特别是“三率”的提高是衡量税收征管工作实际效果的根本依据,是检验纳税人依法纳税,征税人依法征税的客观尺度。为此,洪湖市地税局城区分局以“3251”工程为依托,努力提高税收“三率”,促进了税收征管,推进了依法治税,强化了税源监控,减少了税收流失,保证了税收收入及时足额入库。如何提高税收征管质量特别是“三率”,城区分局近年来从加强宣传、规范管理、监督检查方面入手,做了一些卓有成效的工作:  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,税收成本不仅会影响税收收益,还对经济运行和税收执法等产生负面影响。从理论上深入认识这一问题,将有助于提高税收征管效益,也将有助于税收调节作用的充分实现和我国税制的完善与规范。  相似文献   

税收刑法立法民主化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全承相 《河北法学》2004,22(7):43-46
为了提高税收刑法的自觉遵行度,降低其执法成本,必然要求税收刑事立法反映人民的意志,保护人民的利益,体现人民的民主权利。在税收刑法立法过程中,应当加强税收刑法立法决策,制定民主机制建设,确保税收刑法立法形式的法典化和内容的公正化。  相似文献   

杨之刚 《法人》2004,(5):34-35
要提高纳税人遵从税法的程度,就必须提高税收征管水平.税收征管水平不高,缺乏对纳税人的有效监督,纳税人遵从税法的程度将不会有真正的提高  相似文献   

江苏省江阴市国家税务局成立于1994年9月,负责全市16个乡镇和三个省级开发区的税收征管工作。该局以组织国税收入为中心,以服务经济、服务发展、服务纳税人为抓手,以进一步夯实税收征管基础、不断提高税收征管质  相似文献   

国际税收秩序是全球治理的重要组成部分。当前的国际税收秩序正面临全球化和数字化经营模式所带来的技术挑战以及国际政治经济格局演变所带来的规则主导权挑战。G20和OECD主导的"税基侵蚀和利润转移行动"标志着传统的国际税收秩序迎来了自其形成近百年以来的首次重大变革,此次变革从应对数字经济挑战、加强各国所得税制协调、修订传统税收规则、提高税收信息透明度和完善税收争端解决机制等五个方面重塑国际税收秩序。我国须客观评估此轮国际税改带来的挑战和机遇,立足于我国当前兼具居住地国和来源地国双重身份这一税收地位,从国内法和税收协定两个层面完善我国的国际税收管理体系,同时积极参与和充分利用现有的双边和多边税务合作平台,发挥金砖国家税务合作机制和中国国际税收政策研究中心在国际税收秩序形成过程中的协调作用,推动建立公正合理的国际税收新秩序。  相似文献   

税收执法风险与税务人员的法律意识、业务能力和思想觉悟等息息相关。本文指出加强学习、苦练业务、提高执法水平,树立正确执法理念是从税务人员角度规避税收执法风险的有效手段。  相似文献   

为改善能源结构、提高能源效率,美国联邦和各州的税收立法充分运用了体系复杂、内容缜密的税收激励措施来实现能源管理目标。一百年来美国能源税的立法因时而变,随国家能源政策的变化而及时调整,服务了不同时期国家能源经济的发展需求,促进了能源消费结构从传统能源向清洁能源的转变。然而,只有简化税制、减少法律制度的冲突、建立税收激励的长效机制,才能促进能源税收立法的完善。  相似文献   

高校税收筹划不是偷税,而是一种合法的税务谋划或安排。高校税收筹划是高校提高教师待遇.增强高校教师纳税意识的客观需要。为实现高校效益的最大化,高校税收筹划应遵循合法原则、组织原则和审慎原则。  相似文献   

"税收法定主义"是税收法学的一条基本原则,它是贯穿税收法律意识、税收立法、税收执法(包括税收行政处罚)、税收司法和税收守法等环节的一条红线,它是指导税收立法、税收执法(包括税收行政处罚)、税收司法和税收守法等广大领域的根本原则,它的适用范围应当涵盖上述全部领域。  相似文献   

征收个人所得税是缓解我国居民收入差距悬殊矛盾的有效办法.但目前我国个人所得税征管制度不够完善,常常出现"管得住工薪阶层,管不住新生贵族"的现象.当前只有加大税收征管力度,增强公民的纳税意识,"锁定"关键纳税人,才能充分发挥个人所得税在缩小居民收入差距方面的独特作用.  相似文献   

As of January 1, 2005, a court of appeal has been introduced in Dutch tax litigation. Before that date, the substantive merits of a tax dispute could only be heard in one instance. In this paper we investigate which consequences the introduction of the appeals court may have for the way tax payers and the tax administration solve their disputes. We focus on the following questions. Are more or less tax payers willing to go to court to solve the dispute? Is it more or less difficult for parties to agree upon a settlement? Which appeal rate can we expect? What is the role of society's confidence in the courts in the answers to the questions above?  相似文献   

实务中,税收构成要件的认定贯穿于税法评价始终。税法评价旨在税企争论双方论辩中达成共识,其争辩借助并基于部颁税法规则。部颁税法规则一事一议,针对复杂的交易形式,提供交易定性的判定规则,具有无可替代的独特作用。税法评价基于民法规则,与民商法具有内在协调性,而税法规则的缺陷在于罔顾民商法规则。于政策层面,国家财税主管机关应专设规范性文件审议机构,以提升部颁税法规则的法学素养,增进其法学品行,打通其与部门法特别是民商法规则的隔阂。随着时间推移,该类机构或可逐渐独立于国家财税主管机关,形成类似税务仲裁或税务法庭之类的机构。  相似文献   

Both coercion, such as strict auditing and the use of fines, and legitimate procedures, such as assistance by tax authorities, are often discussed as means of enhancing tax compliance. However, the psychological mechanisms that determine the effectiveness of each strategy are not clear. Although highly relevant, there is rare empirical literature examining the effects of both strategies applied in combination. It is assumed that coercion decreases implicit trust in tax authorities, leading to the perception of a hostile antagonistic tax climate and enforced tax compliance. Conversely, it is suggested that legitimate power increases reason‐based trust in the tax authorities, leading to the perception of a service climate and eventually to voluntary cooperation. The combination of both strategies is assumed to cause greater levels of intended compliance than each strategy alone. We conducted two experimental studies with convenience samples of 261 taxpayers overall. The studies describe tax authorities as having low or high coercive power (e.g., imposing lenient or severe sanctions) and/or low or high legitimate power (e.g., having nontransparent or transparent procedures). Data analyses provide supportive evidence for the assumptions regarding the impact on intended tax compliance. Coercive power did not reduce implicit trust in tax authorities; however, it had an effect on reason‐based trust, interaction climate, and intended tax compliance if applied solely. When wielded in combination with legitimate power, it had no effect.  相似文献   

田兰  周涛  胡新丽 《行政与法》2010,(10):47-50
电子税务是各级政府推行电子政务的一种体现,其宗旨是利用信息技术提高税收征管水平,降低征纳税成本,改善税收环境,为纳税人和社会各界提供优质的税收服务。它的实现方式是利用一切现有信息技术,打造全方位的一体化电子服务平台,不断提升服务质量和水平。从本质上,电子税务彰显了现代政府管理中的服务理念。本文从服务理念的角度就政府实施电子税务如何为纳税人服务、为税收管理服务、为基层服务、为机关服务、为领导决策服务等提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

叶姗 《法学家》2012,(3):18-29,175,176
我国股票转让所得课税规则的变迁经历了"征税—暂免征收—部分恢复征收—返还部分税收"四个阶段,相应的法律文本为《个人所得税法》、国务院财税主管部门或地方政府的税收规范性文件,核心内容分别是给予、取消以及变相恢复税收优惠。上述规则的变迁反映了税收减免权在中央财税主管部门与地方政府之间的分配及其冲突,这种斜向府际税收竞争越来越激烈。斜向府际税收竞争的产生,源于财政分权不尽规范和规则设计不甚合理等制度成因,它形式上违反税收法定、税收公平和税收效率原则,实质上也侵害了税收征纳各方的合法权益。法律上应当对此进行规制,既要减少税收竞争发生的可能性,又要解决税收竞争引发的问题。  相似文献   

纳税人需要尽可能低的税收遵从成本,而税务机关希望纳税人最大限度地遵从税法,征纳双方在税收征管的博弈有个理性选择的契合点——降低税收遵从成本。因此,研究纳税人税收遵从成本与纳税服务的相关性,探索降低企业税收遵从成本来推进纳税服务工作,通过改进纳税服务措施来降低纳税人的税收遵从成本,形成二者间的良性循环,对我国企业、税务机关和国家经济健康的发展都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a novel survey of 550 small and micro enterprises in Greece regarding their tax compliance behaviour and drawing some useful policy implications for a country facing one of the largest tax gaps in the developed world. We explore the determinants of such behaviour, by integrating economic and psychological perspectives on tax compliance. Results suggest that respondents perceive a strong connection between the quality of political and of tax institutions, while trust seems to play the most significant role in increasing intended compliance and in deterring strategic tax evasion. We contrast the theoretical results with the actual reported compliance behaviour of entrepreneurs and analyse how this behaviour is influenced by factors like perceived nature of power of tax authorities (legitimate versus coercive), perceived fairness of the tax system, etc. The strategy currently followed, that is toughening the profile of tax authorities is a viable short-term response to increase enforced tax compliance. The present study, however, has provided evidence on the multifaceted nature of power and trust and their relation with tax compliance, and the link between power and trust in political regulatory strategies. Current policies seem to completely miss that link.  相似文献   

对完善我国《个人所得税法》的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张龙 《法学论坛》2007,22(6):95-101
随着中国社会经济的发展,个人所得税在调节个人收入,维护社会公平方面的重要意义将更加凸显.我国现行的《个人所得税法》存在的主要问题有:税制模式不能体现纳税人税负的公平合理;个人所得税的征收范围窄,不利于发挥税收的调节作用;费用扣除标准的设定不合理;税率设定复杂显失公平;税收征管缺乏力度;全社会依法纳税的意识依然淡薄,纳税义务人故意隐瞒收入.其改进方案包括:选择合理的税制模式;拓宽个人所得税的征税范围,减少减免税项目;调整费用扣除标准;税率调整;加强税收源头控制,防止税款流失;加大对偷漏个人所得税行为的查处、打击力度,维护法律的严肃性.通过有针对性的改革,进一步修改、完善适合我国社会主义市场经济发展需求的科学的《个人所得税法》.  相似文献   

This study examines the taxation of transnational companies from the perspective of state-corporate crime. As in Sutherland’s pioneering study on white-collar crime, the author relies, in this case, on administrative decisions issued by the European Commissioner for Competition regarding Fiat and Starbucks. According to the Commissioner, the tax advisors of these organizations prepared and submitted special tax rulings on behalf of their clients that were granted by the Luxembourg and Dutch tax authorities, respectively. However, these tax rulings were considered illegal under European law, as they constitute state aid. Therefore, the Commissioner fined Fiat and Starbucks. In this inquiry, state aid from tax rulings is conceived as a process of capital accumulation that arises from states’ regimes of permission based on the interactions between public sector and private sector actors. Thus, an observable symbiosis between tax authorities and transnational companies allowed the latter to use tax regulations in a manipulative way, while the former exercised weak/undue control. This study also unveiled the criminogenic role of tax advisors, an industry that is rarely held accountable for their actions.  相似文献   

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