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陈胜 《法制与社会》2012,(14):171-172
本文通过分析恐怖组织内的人际互动、恐怖组织与国际社会的冲突、恐怖组织共同的价值取向,发现恐怖犯罪有着坚实的社会互动基础。因此,防治恐怖犯罪要正视文化差异,降低文化冲突,摧毁恐怖主义产生的文化基础,消除民族、宗教之间的隔阂,采取公正合理的政策处理国家之间、之间以及各国家和民族内部各成员之间出现的矛盾和冲突,加强国际反恐合作,严厉打击恐怖犯罪。  相似文献   

20世纪后半叶,恐怖活动在世界范围内出现并日益严重。为惩治恐怖犯罪,国际上制订和签署了一系列防止、惩治恐怖主义的公约,各国相继制订法律严惩恐怖犯罪活动。恐怖犯罪的界定国际上目前尚无一个能为各国普遍认同的恐怖犯罪定义。关于恐怖主义,《简明不列颠百科全书》的定义是:对各国政府、公众或个人使用令人莫测的暴力讹诈或威胁,以达到某种特定的政治目的。1937年日内瓦会议上通过的《防止和惩治恐怖主义公约》认为:恐怖行为是指直接反对一个国家而其目的和性质是在个别人士、个别集团或在公众中制造恐怖的犯罪行为。美国联邦调查局把恐怖主义称为“为推进政治或社会目标而对人身或财产使用武力或暴力。以对一国政府、民众或其中  相似文献   

我国当前面临最大的恐怖主义威胁是具有恐怖主义、宗教极端主义及民族分裂主义特征的“三股势力”,影响新疆社会稳定的因素主要是“东突”等恐怖组织策动的以民族分裂为宗旨的暴力恐怖犯罪活动.暴力恐怖犯罪危害极大,反恐防暴斗争形势十分严峻,打击和遏制新疆地区暴力恐怖犯罪活动,是一项长期而艰巨的任务.本文着重阐述“东突”暴力恐怖犯罪的新特点,分析其发展态势,并在此基础上提出防范此类暴力恐怖犯罪的对策.  相似文献   

我国是社会主义国家,坚决反对一切形式的恐怖犯罪是我国政府的一贯立场。设立专门组织,应对恐怖犯罪恐怖犯罪对社会的危害十分严重,因此,各国政府都对之高度重视。为了更有效地应对恐怖犯罪,开展反恐怖犯罪的斗争,很多国家都设立了专门的反恐怖犯罪组织。如美国设有反恐怖犯罪联邦委员会,负责制定美国的反恐怖犯罪政策, 协调各有关部门的反恐怖犯罪工作,发生恐怖犯罪时在总统的直接指挥下,处理恐怖犯罪事件。此外,美国联邦调查局设有国内反恐怖犯罪联合行动中心和反恐怖犯罪处,主要负责国内恐怖犯罪的侦查、处置工作。  相似文献   

自杀性恐怖犯罪是为了达成某种目标或恐怖效果而经常采取的一种犯罪行为。犯罪原因包括民族分离主义的影响、宗教极端势力的蔓延、复仇心态的形成以及社会、经济因素等。目前这类犯罪呈现地域分布全球化、数量上升、个案和系列爆炸结合、主体年轻化、女性犯罪增加、高科技倾向明显、人弹更加隐秘的新特点。对其防控对策有:加强情报收集和分析、加强打击力度、强化综合治理、缔结统一国际反恐公约,完善国内反恐怖立法、大力发展生产力、反对"双重标准"、增强公众的心理承受力、倡导不同文明间的对话、交流与合作等。  相似文献   

恐怖主义是一种具有严重恐怖性、暴力性的暴力犯罪活动。当前恐怖犯罪活动已给世界和平与发展构成了威胁,我国特别是西部地区,一直深受恐怖主义之害,面对日趋嚣张的恐怖主义犯罪,世界各国唯有精诚合作,彻底铲除贻害人类的恐怖主义犯罪的努力才可能见效,人类社会才会有安全的发展环境。  相似文献   

早在2001年,美国炭疽信件恐怖袭击就证实了微生物可以被用作犯罪行为的武器。虽然与其他犯罪类型相比,目前"生物犯罪"的案件量很少,但这些犯罪行为却引发了为刑事诉讼活动提供法庭科学证据的问题,即如何确定生物恐怖因子的来源以及如何确定犯罪行为人。本文对法医微生物学在应对生物犯罪中的研究与应用进行综述。  相似文献   

喻义东 《行政与法》2005,(2):112-115
恐怖主义犯罪是为实现一定的政治目的,通过暴力或暴力威胁以及其他非暴力手段制造社会恐怖,侵害他人生命财产的犯罪行为。其在犯罪主体、动机、目的、行为等方面都具有自己的特点,因而不能用传统的个体论的方法探究其产生的根源,而必须将之作为一种犯罪现象从宏观的角度用整体论的方法去研究。作者借鉴著名犯罪学家迪姆凯尔和默顿的犯罪学理论,通过对恐怖主义犯罪现象进行分析,认为恐怖主义犯罪的原因在于各特定社会的文化目标的冲突以及对制度化手段的不同选择。因而只有尊重各种文明的独特性,协调它们的冲突,才是治理恐怖主义犯罪的根本策略。  相似文献   

宗教极端型恐怖犯罪,是指带有明显宗教狂热色彩或者利用信众对宗教的虔诚而实施的恐怖犯罪活动,是宗教极端主义的现实化.宗教极端型恐怖犯罪是当今最主要的恐怖犯罪类型,在中亚地区最为猖獗.中亚五国与中国新疆的宗教极端型恐怖犯罪有本质的联系,必须进行整体的研究.本文论述了宗教极端型恐怖犯罪的概念、特征及其对社会的危害性,中亚宗教极端型恐怖犯罪的原因及预防.本文认为必须正确认识宗教极端型恐怖犯罪与正统宗教的关系,全面认识该类犯罪的本质.为了有效地预防新疆的宗教极端型恐怖犯罪,本文提出了切实有效的措施和建议,例如,正确对待宗教,实行适当的宗教政策;弘扬民族文化与教育人们正确认识宗教;普及科学知识,提高人们的文化水平和文化素养;做好未成年人保护工作;提高群众生活水平,增强抵御各种利益诱惑的抵抗力,防止被极端势力所利用,等等.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪指的是年龄从14岁至25岁之间的青少年的犯罪行为。从60年代开始,尤其是进入80年代以后,青少年犯罪在世界各国都非常突出。如美国青少年犯罪率高达4.5%。在我国近几年来,青少年犯罪也呈上升趋势,已成为人们关注的严重社会问题。本着治标又治本的旨趣,笔者根据多年来在娄底地区中级人民法院从事审判工作得出的实践经验,归纳出我国青少年犯罪的几点趋势,并重点分析了我国青少年犯罪的成因,从而对症下药,提出几点治理办法。  相似文献   

中国大陆黑社会(性质)犯罪的演变过程、规律及其发展趋势   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
新中国成立后彻底肃清了中国大陆的黑社会势力。改革开放以后 ,黑社会 (性质 )犯罪重新出现 ,大体上每 1 0年为一个阶段。第一个阶段是从改革开放初期到 80年代末。其特点是 ,在大量犯罪团伙出现和不断增加的同时 ,有相当一部分犯罪团伙转化为黑社会性质的组织。第二个阶段是从 1 990年到 2 0 0 0年 ,其特点是 ,团伙犯罪向黑社会性质犯罪急速转化以及黑社会性质的组织加速了自身的成熟化和向黑社会组织转化 ,出现了个别的黑社会组织。 2 0 0 0年以后的 1 0年 ,是黑社会 (性质 )犯罪发展的第三阶段。笔者认为 ,黑社会性质的组织不断成熟并向黑社会组织转化 ,是该阶段的特征。与此同时 ,犯罪团伙将继续大量出现 ,犯罪团伙也将继续向黑社会性质组织转变。出现了犯罪团伙、黑社会性质组织和黑社会组织三者并存和同时向高一级转化的局面  相似文献   

我国刑法中“恐怖活动犯罪”的认定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈忠林 《现代法学》2002,24(5):24-31
“制造社会恐怖”是恐怖活动犯罪特有的犯罪目的 ,正确理解恐怖活动犯罪的这一犯罪目的的内容 ,以及由这一目的决定的恐怖活动犯罪的罪过结构和客观特征 ,是司法实践中认定恐怖活动犯罪 ,正确适用刑法相关规定的基本前提。  相似文献   

The pictures of the inhuman and abusive treatment of Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison shocked the world. The authors of this contribution will take a criminological approach to the crimes committed and will show—by using an analytical framework used by organizational criminologists—that the abuse and torture at Abu Ghraib was an inevitable outcome of the War on Terror as launched by the U.S. administration in a reaction to the terrorist attack launched against it. The abuse at Abu Ghraib which violated U.S. as well as international human rights law was not caused by a few rotten apples as policymakers tried to make us believe, but was a clear example of a state crime. A state crime for which U.S. leaders within the Bush administration such as the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, might be held criminally responsible if they would be prosecuted by the ICC.  相似文献   

反洗钱情报在侦查中的深度应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋利红 《政法学刊》2011,28(3):28-31
发达国家及国际组织纷纷认识到了通过对金融系统资金交易进行监控,利用了解客户身份、保持记录制度、大额和可疑交易报告制度等反洗钱制度来发现犯罪线索、截留犯罪收益、追查犯罪嫌疑人的重要性。许多犯罪涉及到犯罪资金的流动,经侦、刑侦、禁毒、反恐等侦查部门应充分认识到反洗钱情报在侦查中的重要作用,通过建立包含金融、税务、海关、公安...  相似文献   

Criminal law in contemporary societies is undergoing a transformation or according to some, even a paradigm shift. The reach of criminal law is now extended to terrains that were hitherto immune to criminalization. These new forms of criminalization. in post-heroic risk societies are targeting conduct well before it causes a harm. The prime examples of this preventive criminalization. are pre-inchoate offences, crimes of possession of “innocent” objects and crimes of abstract endangerment. The common trait of these offences is that they enable the so-called preponing criminal liability (Vorverlagerung), through which the earliest of preparatory acts, neutral, everyday activities such as merely standing around or merely possessing may well fall within the reach of criminal law. This phenomenon is now taking place virtually everywhere considered by many as an erosion of the traditional post-enlightenment criminal law model. Yet, proponents of the preventive criminal law are suggesting that such laws are needed in order to avert risks (terrorist attacks, for instance) while they are at preparation phase. There is, therefore, a tension between the traditional criminal law and new security interests that pose new questions which need to be addressed by a meticulous analysis. In this article I shall try to deal with following questions: Whether these preventive offences are inherently incompatible with the rule of law? How far a law-abiding nation can go in criminalizing preparatory acts? Are there any promising constraining constitutional principles or instances that delimit preventive criminalization?  相似文献   

张丽霞  赵红星 《河北法学》2005,23(10):132-135
世界范围内有组织犯罪令人触目惊心。有组织犯罪在中国特指黑社会组织或者黑社会性质组织所实施的犯罪。在新形势下,有组织犯罪呈现出一些新特点:带黑社会性质的犯罪数量上迅速增长,质量上正向典型的黑社会犯罪演化;装备更趋现代化;犯罪的“组织化”程度越来越高,“企业化”趋势更加明显;犯罪手段上越来越重视“软”手段的运用;犯罪活动呈现跨区域化、国际化的发展趋势。针对这些特点,提出一些控制对策。  相似文献   

China’s red-hot economy in recent decades has not only brought the country unprecedented wealth and political prominence in the world but also created ample opportunities for criminal enterprises to flourish. A review of recently published literature reveals that two types of transnational criminal activities – human smuggling and drug trafficking – received a fair amount of empirical attention in the research community. Other crimes, however, although carrying equally significant cross-national implications, have received scant attention. Thanks to a handful of empirical studies in recent years, the notion that traditional Chinese crime syndicates dominated transnational criminal activities has largely been dispelled. Most of those involved in transnational crimes (at least in human smuggling and drug trafficking) were found to be otherwise ordinary individuals who exploit their social or familial networks to take advantage of emerging opportunities. The criminal underworld in China appears to be growing along two separate tracks, with transnational organized crimes operating on one track and locally based criminal organizations on the other. Both groups of criminal entities are not known to cross paths in any systemic way. Research on Chinese organized crime (either locally based or transnational) has remained rather limited. Future research needs to emphasize empirical strategies to explore these and other pressing transnational criminal activities, as well as to solidify recent findings.  相似文献   

The idea of a world criminology specialty emerged in response to the increasing magnitude of global social disorder—wars, revolutions, terrorist activities, riots, crimes, delinquency, deviancy. These problems, together with our increasing problems of ecology, overpopulation, starvation, energy, tyranny and injustice, disease, and arms build-up, threaten to produce social disorder the magnitude of which the world has not yet seen. Many scientists have predicted that the next two decades will find the human species submerged under a barrage of severe catastrophes as these unchecked forces repeatedly reach crises proportions.

It is here suggested that criminologists and criminal justice practitioners begin scholarly and applied efforts toward development of a world criminology. This world criminology would take a global approach to the problems of social disorder and attempt to identify universal causative elements as well as universal principles and strategies relevant to the achievement of world order and the advancement of a world civilization. This paper presents and discusses seven assumptions which are held to be vital to the advancement of this new discipline. Further, a series of objectives and questions are posed, which are suggested as a means of encouraging initial exploratory work in world criminology.  相似文献   

Since 9/11 the threat from terrorism has been regarded as ‘exceptional’, a threat that requires military and sometimes even extra-judicial responses. But experience has shown that these responses can have unintended and counterproductive results. Many experts now believe that criminal justice and rule of law-based responses to terrorism are often more legitimate, effective and sustainable. The paper argues that prosecutors have a vital role to play in promoting appropriate criminal justice responses to terrorism. Yet with no international court with jurisdiction over terrorist crimes, prosecutors carry the primary responsibility to work with their local law enforcement agencies to bring terrorist suspects to justice before national courts, while ensuring that no misuses or abuses of authority have occurred. To deliver on this mandate, prosecutors must remain vigilant and ensure that the counter-terrorism actions of police, corrections and other law enforcement authorities are lawful and respectful of human rights. This will often require immense courage under fire.  相似文献   

Global terrorist networks are dependent on receiving financial support from a variety of sources, including individuals, charities and corporations. Also known as terrorist financing, the potential of terrorism finance to resemble a global threat has been recognised and also its closeness to other international crimes such as money laundering and organized crime. As a result, possible responses have to constitute co-ordinated, multi-lateral and multi faceted actions under the umbrella of a wide range of international stakeholders such as the United Nations Security Council and the Financial Action Task Force. Combating terrorism requires a ??holistic?? approach which allows for a mix of possible responses. Besides ??kinetic?? security operations (such as targeted killings) and the adoption of criminal prosecution measures another possible response could be the use of US styled transnational civil litigation by victims of terrorism against both, terrorist groups and their sponsors. Corporations, both profit and non profit, such as banks and other legal entities, as well as individuals, are often complicit in international terrorism in a role of aiders and abettors by providing financial assistance to the perpetrators (cf. UN Al-Qaida Sanctions List: The List established and maintained by the 1267 Committee with respect to individuals, groups, undertakings and other entities associated with Al-Qaida). Such collusion in acts of terrorism gains additional importance against the background of so called ??Hybrid Threats??, NATO??s new concept of identifying and countering new threats arising from multi-level threat scenarios. This article discusses the potential impact of US terrorism lawsuits for the global fight against terrorism.  相似文献   

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