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公共服务是指政府利用公共权力组织公共资源.化解市场经济风险,促进社会和公民利益、福利最大化与均等化的系列公共行为。公共政策是公共服务的实践形式和基本手段,也是实施效果的检验标准。核心是解决民主问题。公共服务属于利益二次分配范畴.是工会维权维稳的重要领域。其根本目的是要在社会范围内保障公民分享经济社会发展成果。  相似文献   

为鼓励高校毕业生参加社会主义新农村建设、城市社区建设和应征人伍,政府提出实行四项具体鼓励政策: ——基层社会管理和公共服务岗位就业补贴政策。其中涉及两项补贴政策:一是对到农村基层和城市社区从事社会管理和公共服务工作的高校毕业生,符合公益性岗位就业条件并在公益性岗位就业的,按照国家现行促进就业政策的规定,给予社会保险补贴和公益性岗位补贴。  相似文献   

李炳安、向淑青在《中国党政干部论坛》2007年第6期撰文认为,政府在劳资关系中应扮演如下九种角色。一是劳工政策的制定者。政府依照法定的权限和程序制定劳动行政法规及规章以规范劳资关系,使劳资双方和各项劳动事务都有法可依,具体表现在对工资、工时、职业培训、保险福利、女职工和未成年人特殊保护和劳动者安全卫生等方面。  相似文献   

2017以来,全国多个城市纷纷出台吸才政策,以期吸引人才,促进本地的经济发展与升级。这次人才争夺战主要表现为政府主导,采用户口、政府补贴等非市场的手段配置资源,而这些措施会扭曲要素的价格,弱化价格的信号作用,不利于资源的最优配置。政府应着眼于提供公共服务,使基本公共服务均等化,为全国统一的要素市场和要素的自由流动创造良好的制度环境;引导劳动力市场中介和人力资源服务业的发展,发挥用人主体在引人、选人、用人、留人方面的主导作用。  相似文献   

总览世界各国的假期设置,发达国家以及东欧和中亚等地区,对假期设置更全面、标准更高,具体表现在各个假期的时间更长和福利水平更高,假期类型的设置多样化等方面。与世界各国相比,中国在生育假期设置方面,法定假期长度和福利处于世界前列,但法律法规政出多门,立法目的不利于女职工保护,制度体系不完整,法律法规在不同群体中的落实状况差距较大,企业成本负担过重,政府责任缺失。国外生育保护假期制度中清晰的假期设置理念、科学的假期设置体系、较为合理的成本分担,以及利益相关方角色的准确定位,都对中国修改和完善女职工假期设置具有借鉴和启示作用。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立初期,中国共产党领导的工会组织高度重视职工的生活福利,就如何在发 展生产的基础上逐步改善职工的生活福利问题进行了不懈探索。经过不断改进与优化,一套能够兼顾生产与生 活的工会生活福利工作理论初步形成。但在实践中,生产与生活难以兼顾。这种理论与实践的矛盾根植于高度 集中统一的政治经济体制,只有变革体制,工会生活福利工作才真正有可能实现“在增加生产的基础上逐步改 善工人生活”。  相似文献   

第十讲 社会保险和福利郑尚元完善的社会保险制度是市场经济体制必不可少的环节。《劳动法》对社会保险和福利列专章加以规定,既体现了《宪法》保护劳动者合法权益的精神,也为社会保险立法奠定了基础。一、社会保险与多层次社会保险制度我国《劳动法》第七十三条规定,...  相似文献   

劳动者驿站是洛阳市总工会动员社会力量帮助职工的一次尝试,给爱心人士提供的一个平台,是工会参与社会管理和公共服务、发挥“协同”作用的一种形式。为职工群众提供适合他们需要的个性服务,成为政府公共服务不可或缺的补充,协助政府解决了户外劳动者的一些实际问题。  相似文献   

教育部日前下发《国家促进普通高校毕业生就业政策公告》,公布20条新举措促进高校毕业生就业。 公告鼓励高校毕业生到基层和中西部地区就业,其中规定,到农村基层和城市社区公益性岗位就业的,给予社会保险补贴和公益性岗位补贴;到农村基层和城市社区其他社会管理和公共服务岗位就业的,给予薪酬或生活补贴;到中西部地区和艰苦边远地区县以下农村基层单位就业并履行一定服务期限的,由政府补偿学费,代偿助学贷款。  相似文献   

转型时期政府在劳资关系中的角色李炳安、向淑青在《中国党政干部论坛》2007年第6期撰文认为,政府在劳资关系中应扮演如下九种角色。一是劳工政策的制定者。政府依照法定的权限和程序制定劳动行政法规及规章以规范劳资关系,使劳资双方和各项劳动事务都有法可依,具体表现在对工资、工时、职业培训、保险福利、女职工和未成年人特殊保护和劳动者安全卫生等方面。二是劳工权利的保护者。作为社会公共利益保护者和社会公正代表者的政府,有责任将劳资关系建立在尊重劳动者基本人权和各项劳动权利的基础上,使广大劳动者都能够分享社会进步和经济发展的成果,从而达到整个经  相似文献   

In this study we seek to understand the gendered dynamics of bearing witness, remembering, and mourning in contemporary Israeli society by examining the performative practices of one protest movement, Women in Black (WiB). Our focus is on the Haifa chapter of the movement, whose vigils we observed over a seven-year period. After a brief overview of the literature regarding national remembering and commemoration in Israel, the formation of WiB and its place in Israeli political life and discourse, we move to our analysis of the vigil. We argue that by analyzing WiB's vigil as a performance, we are able to complicate the discussion concerning women, performance and remembrance in general and in Israel in particular. We find that through their performance WiB disrupts the current “economy of memory” in Israel; by remembering and performing that which many would like to remain forgotten – the occupation which followed the 1967 War and its consequences – it engages in a project of “transformative remembering,” which disturbs its audience's equanimity and forces it to review its past.  相似文献   

Lively discussions on the nature of women went on for a very long time in ancient India. Women were so virtuous that they outnumbered men in heaven. God therefore spread vices among women to make heaven secure for men alone. Mythically conceived, as it is, the concept of dependence of women on men and their faithfulness and servility to husbands was deeply implanted in society. Legendary characters like Sita, Savitri and Parvati, all noted for their devotion to and dependence on husbands were eulogised and kept alive not only by the media but also by the national leaders. Although there were reputable women philosophers, teachers, poets and thinkers, none of them is a model for Hindu women. From the time a male heir became essential for the inheritance and concentration of personal property, and also for the continuance of the lineage, women served only as a means through which these were to be achieved: it is ideal wifehood and not ideal womanhood that Hindus upheld through the ages. In spite of recent legislation in India recognising women's independent entity, the over-all economic conditions of the country makes the dependent image of women still relevant today.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of international literature about birth parents' negative experience of child protection services. This article reviews some of this literature and adds recent Australian materials to it. It is then argued that the over-reliance on “the best interest of the child” construct is the base from which these negative experiences emanate. The argument is that in adopting this construct parents' rights have been removed in favor of children's rights. This violates parents' human rights. Such an approach lacks balance, as human rights are inalienable and cannot be the exclusive property of only one party.  相似文献   

做好企业一把手 ,需要具有良好的道德修养和综合素质 ,科学的领导水平 ,团结员工的协调能力 ,敢于承担领导责任 ,营造一个和谐的工作环境  相似文献   

Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.' In these few words the taciturn Mafia boss Don Lucchese in The Godfather Part III highlights the inextricable link between money and power, which together represent most significant influences on society and gender throughout history. Until the 1960s the very title for this article would have been regarded as a contradiction in terms. With few notable exceptions, women and finance did not mix, largely because they were not given the opportunity to do so. Today, women represent a significant force for change in the financial services industry, both as a target market for financial products and as key employees within the financial institutions. To place the power of financial institutions in an economic context, pension funds and life assurance funds together own about two-thirds of the UK stock market, with a further tranche owned by other collective retail funds, such as unit trusts and open-ended investment companies. As a result, the investment companies that manage these funds effectively control British industry, and are the channel through which the funding for future businesses must flow. The simple fact is, therefore, that the boards of British companies are answerable on a more regular basis to private fund managers than they are to financial regulators or the government itself.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore why private farming in Russia has fared so poorly even after private farming was designated the centrepiece of Russian land reform and political capital was invested in its success. The underlying causes for the lack of success extend beyond economic and social factors. While the entire agricultural sector has been adversely affected by reform policies undertaken since 1992, private farmers have been hurt the most because they were more vulnerable. Private farmers have not been successful in defending their interests because they are politically weak, a fact that led them to seek out urban alliances whose interests differ from private farmers, and because of intra‐rural divisions that have weakened the efforts by agrarians to defend their interests.  相似文献   

A sample of 689 adolescents (grades 7–12) from two Midwestern communities who had been identified by peers as members of one of three major peer groups responded to a self-report survey measuring perceptions of peer pressure in five areas of behavior: involvement with peers, school involvement, family involvement, conformity to peer norms, and misconduct. Perceived pressures toward peer involvement were particularly strong, whereas peer pressures concerning misconduct were relatively ambivalent. Perceived pressures toward misconduct increased across grade levels and pressures to conform to peer norms diminished; grade differences in perceived peer pressures concerning family involvement were community specific. Compared to druggie-toughs, jock-populars perceived stronger peer pressures toward school and family involvement, and less pressure toward (stronger pressure against) misconduct; patterns of perceived pressure among loners were more variable across communities. Results elaborated the process of peer influence in adolescent socialization and identity development.A version of this paper was presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, April 1985. The study was supported by a grant to the second author from the Spencer Foundation, Chicago, Illinois.She received her Ph.D. in 1982 from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests: adolescent peer groups and peer pressure, and implications of various instructional strategies for gifted students.He received his Ph.D. in 1979 from the University of Chicago. His research interests: effects of peer pressure and peer-group affiliation on adolescent self-concept and identity development, and social development in high school.  相似文献   

This essay situates Tiqqun's Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl within a long history of leftist art and theory that uses the figure of the girl to respond to, reflect on, and even to attempt to subvert the various subjective crises of late capitalism. At the same time, and reading Tiqqun against the grain, it asks whether the Young-Girl might be of any use for thinking through the new questions about subjectivity and representation that neoliberalism has presented for feminism.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(3):422-436

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