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描述和分析了1990年末期以来由传媒参与、促进公共政策议程的个案。在该个案中,社会意见表达得以实现,促成了公共讨论,并导致了政府对在公共讨论基础上形成之民意的政策回应。对这一进程的发生及促成因素进行了分析和解释,研究表明:传媒、民意与公共决策的互动过程有三个重要关节点:民意表达、公共讨论、政府回应。在这个过程中,传媒起到了关键性作用,它充当了形成公共意见的"公共领域"的角色与功能。除了探讨传媒、民意与公共决策的互动过程与机制之外,对本个案中表现出的遗憾与局限也做了讨论。通过本个案研究,希望为当代中国传媒、民意与公共决策互动问题提供一个微观视角。  相似文献   

网络公众参与作为在现代传播媒介下所展开的公共对话、讨论的过程,是公众有序参与社会治理的重要方式。从近年来网络公众参与所暴露出来的问题看,公共对话、讨论缺乏“理想的沟通情境”,而这一切与社会资本缺失直接相关。要提高网络公众参与的有序性与有效性,必须全方位培育和积累社会资本。  相似文献   

话语认同是增强意识形态社会影响力的突破口。意识形态话语认同要在同社会互动的过程中获得,以话语参与社会讨论的过程为线索,可以找寻出提升意识形态话语认同的三个着力点:首先,提高意识形态话语的内容生产力,输出高质量的话语内容是参与社会讨论的基础条件;其次,激发意识形态话语的讨论参与力,使其顺利进入社会问题讨论的场域中;最后,提升意识形态话语的问题解释力,在解答社会问题中提升话语认同。  相似文献   

刘飞 《学理论》2010,(11):46-47
社会化是人类由自然人向社会人转变的过程。这一转变过程关系到人成为社会人之后的发展轨迹。本文集中讨论了青年大学生社会化进程中的若干问题,并对共青团在这一进程中的作用作了深入探究,同时对如何推进青年社会化提供了可行性的建议。  相似文献   

人们的社会心理效应,即社会心理的效果和反应,受多种因素的影响和制约。协商对话之所以能满足人们多层次的需要,引起人们浓厚的兴趣,能较快地发现并解决新形势下出现的新问题,是与协商对话过程中能产生一系列积极的社会心理效应分不开的。  相似文献   

杜雨来 《学理论》2010,(21):233-234
以往对青少年的思想道德教育忽略了进行系统教育的合适时间问题,同时德育课本也存在着严重智育化倾向。这些因素直接导致了德育的效果不够明显。旨在分析和讨论了新时期社会对青少年道德形成的影响并据此提出了青少年“道德识别与反馈系统”的概念和我们应该采取的对策。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪心理成因分析的社会控制理论解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章评述并应用社会控制理论,揭示青少年违法犯罪行为形成的动态心理过程,运用该理论与社会学习理论的初步整合,丰富犯罪心理形成的探索,并讨论该视角提供的犯罪心理成因分析的研究路径,提出定量与定性研究结合的可操作性。  相似文献   

受2020年山东省“强拆村居、村民被迫上楼事件”的影响,当前学界对合村并居的讨论呈现负面趋势。但对“合村并居”不能将其简单地理解为“拆村并居”,而需跳出现实问题来谈行动本质。从“需要”概念出发,“国家—社会”关系的相关理论为重新审视合村并居提供了新的框架。研究发现,合村并居能在乡村社会重塑新治理空间与结构,突破区域化的细碎产权局限促进乡村集体经济发展,契合国家与社会在互动中的融合性需要;而国家—社会中的第三领域也有效防范和缓和合村并居过程中的冲突。因此,合村并居的开展需要在国家与社会的互适调整中,坚持农民为中心的发展理念、强化政府履责、激发第三领域的“安全阀”机制,进而实现行政区划改革服务乡村有效振兴的目的。  相似文献   

公民参与网络与公共政策过程的有效运行   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本的生产、维持和积累主要依赖于两大来源:互利互惠的规范和公民参与网络。公民参与网络与公共政策过程的有效运行存在着内在的逻辑关联,即公共政策的有效制定和执行等与公民参与网络社会资本的储量息息相关。公民参与网络社会资本的充分发育是公民切实进入公共政策过程、讨论特定的政策议题、协力执行公共政策的前提。因此,政府在公共决策过程中必须考虑公民参与网络这个变量,通过有效的制度设计和建构促进公民参与网络社会资本存量的提升,以形成公民参与网络和公共政策过程之间的良性互动关系,从而有利于维持公共政策的公共利益的价值取向。  相似文献   

“市民社会”是社会政治学研究中一个非常重要的概念,是社会发展演变的一个重要观察视角.由于时代背景不同,思想家在运用这个概念的过程中差异很大,其含义发生了很大的变化.将市民社会的演进过程具体分为五部分,即古典市民社会理论、自由主义市民社会理论、国家主义市民社会理论、共产主义市民社会理论、公共领域市民社会理论进行讨论.  相似文献   

中国社会保障法律体系的构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了中国社会保障体系的立法背景,根据法律体系构建原理描述了中国社会保障的法律体系结构,指出我国社会保障体系应由政策优先向法律优先转移。从概念研究入手,立足于国际经验比较分析,根据中国宪法原则,提出了关于中国保障法律体系内容和结构的初步设想。  相似文献   

社会转型时期,合法性问题异常突出,而合法性概念在中西语境中有很大的差异.法治是西方文明发展的成就,是西方文化不可分割的组成部分.中国传统社会虽然缺乏类似于西方那样的法治环境,但当代中国同样面临合法性的诉求.在依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的现代化进程中,尤为重要的是公众对于法治的信仰和认同.  相似文献   

Policy could be studied on the basis of three different models: ideological, social science, and policy sciences. Policy in accordance with ideology may not necessarily rely on solid rigorous research to back it up. Policy made solely in accordance with a rigorous social science model might be able to demonstrate a causal relationship between a given policy and desired outcomes, and in the process establish a clear role for good research in the policy process. But it often fails to account for the larger social and political context in which policy is formulated. Good policy should be based on rigorous social science research, while also factoring in the values of the broader society, that is, ideology. This would imply that in order to bridge the gap, that good policy should be formulated in accordance with the policy sciences model because it connects the rigorous methodology of the social sciences with the larger social policy context, that is, the broader policy process. When analyzing the reform of 1996 within the framework of these models, it becomes clear that while the legislation is highly ideological, it is not based on any serious research that would satisfy the criteria of the social science model. It fails the policy sciences model, in part, because its absence of clearly defined objectives, or a single objective, makes the task of measurement difficult. On the contrary, this legislation is a good example of why the policy community would do better to rely more on the policy sciences.  相似文献   

在我们党高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,带领全国人民向现代化社会进军的征途中,深入学习和研究江泽民同志提出的“依法治国是社会进步,社会文明的一个重要标志,是我们建设社会主义现代化国家的必然要求”这一观点,有着重大的理论意义和实践意义。中国在跨入现代化社会,从根本上来说,就是要依法治国,扭转“人治”现象,使全社会步入法制社会。  相似文献   

Jian Li 《社会征候学》2019,29(3):393-405

This study investigates the reform of supervision system in China through the Supervision Law, and identifies this Law as a sign within its corresponding social and political purposes and intentions from the sociosemiotic perspective. Within its legislation process, the Supervision Law could be identified as both a sign textualized among the disciplinary regulations, and as a signifier configured with the successive interpretants by relevant laws, for example, the Constitution Amendment 2018 and the Criminal Procedure Law 2018, showing the social construction of legislative meaning as infinite semiosis. In other words, from the whole process of sign perception, reception, acceptation, and interpretation, a legislative text could be interpreted both as a sign constructed in the external but relevant sign systems and as a signifier reconstructed with the successive but infinite interpretants in the internal sign system. This study also finds that the social construction of meaning is achieved and represented to the extent which is constructed through the representation and interpretation of law-making process by sign receivers or legal participants.  相似文献   

Attitudes towards social spending and the welfare state have been characterised by one of the longest standing and widest gender gaps. Past research suggests that parenthood deepens this divide further. Yet, the exact relationship between parenthood and support for social policies – and the gendered nature of this process – has been difficult to establish because it can vary across welfare policy areas and the age of the children, which past studies, relying on cross-sectional data, has found difficult to unravel. Using panel data from the Swiss Household Panel, we examine individual level changes in fathers’ and mothers’ views towards specific welfare state policies. We find that individuals’ support for social spending fluctuates at different stages of parenthood, and that mothers’ demands differ from fathers’ in relation to care related but not in terms of educational spending. This implies that parents are not a homogeneous group that parties could target with uniform electoral pledges. As a result, building widespread electoral support for expanding a broad range of social investment policies is likely to be challenging in a context where, first and foremost, self-interest appears to drive (or depress) individuals’ support for specific welfare state policies.  相似文献   

哲学视野中的制度演化规律是指制度在演化过程中所反映出来的一些规律性的现象。制度演化大体遵循这样三条规律:路径依赖、量变中的质变和渐变中的突变并存、客观必然性和现实可能性的统一。  相似文献   

依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家已走过十年历程。和谐社会与法治国家具有天然的同质性,二者追求社会和谐进步的目标一致,民主、秩序、公平正义、人权保障等价值追求一致。因此我们要进一步明确和谐社会构建中法治的重要作用,通过尊重保障权利,禁止权力滥用,大力培育市民社会的公民意识与法治精神以及建立道德规范体系,加快法治国家建设的进程,推进社会主义和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

Roy Gardner 《Public Choice》1980,35(2):241-252
In this paper, the problem of the Paretian liberal is cast as a preference revelation game whose outcome function satisfies Gibbard's libertarian condition and strong Pareto optimality. Strategic consistency requires that the equilibrium of the game agree with the sincere outcome. It is shown that, whether viewed in a cooperative or non-cooperative context, the liberal social choice function is strategically inconsistent. This result suggests that, from a strategic standpoint, a different resolution of the liberal paradox is desirable.  相似文献   

China’s social welfare system in the past three decades has undergone a fundamental transformation. This process is part of a general movement occurring in the developing world in the new context of globalization. Globalization has produced a structural change of preferences among major social actors with regards to social protection, which in turn induces the governments to adopt a balanced and inclusive approach of social protection that is compatible to market competition and continuous development. What distinguishes China in achieving this objective is the combination of the government’s commitment to openness and its strategic policy adjustment that, working together, induce the vested interests from the public sector to accept the new institutions in a timely manner so that the welfare programs assist the economy in exploring the opportunities offered by the international market.  相似文献   

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