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高校学风建设是高校行政工作中的一项重要组成部分,也是衡量一所大学综合素质的重要指标之一。合理分析高校学风建设中存在的问题,辅导员在高校学风建设中的策略是:思想上加强教育,明确学习目的,端正学习态度,培养良好学习习惯;加强所负责专业或班级的学风制度建设;引入竞争机制,触发危机意识,激发学生学习动机;加强与家长及任课老师的沟通及合作。  相似文献   

加强和改进学风建设,创建优良学风既是高校学风工作的重要内容,也是促进高校发展,确保其稳定的重要保证。通过问卷调查的方式,在切实了解高校学风情况的基础上对调查结果做深入分析并提出加强独立学院学风建设的相应对策如下:积极促进教学改革;建立完善纪律制度;全员参与、通力合作。  相似文献   

良好的学风是高校文化底蕴、教学质量的体现,它不仅是高校健康、持续发展的重要保证,也是大学生成长成才的重要保证。当前我国高校学风的主流是积极向上的,但仍然存在一些亟待解决的问题。认真研究大学生学风建设目前存在的问题、剖析产生的原因并提出有效的解决对策是必须研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

于红丽  单文  李明亮  赵凯  刘涛 《学理论》2013,(15):345-346
高校学风建设贯穿于院校发展始末,是现阶段乃至更长时间里高校所面临的亟待解决的重要命题。教师是影响高校学风建设的重要因素,分析教师对学风建设的影响及作用,并采取相应措施,切实加强和改进高校学风建设,助力高校和谐发展。  相似文献   

高校是人才培养的重要基地,良好的校风和学风对人才培养有着至关重要的作用。随着高校改革的不断深入,党的十八大对高校提出了"推动高等教育内涵式发展"的新要求。在新形势下,加强高校学风建设为高校内涵式发展提供了重要保证。对高校学风建设的现状以及影响高校学风建设的因素进行了探讨,总结了高校学风建设的三种新常态,即:维护校园稳定新常态、提升教学质量新常态和加强网络教育新常态。  相似文献   

王向阳 《学理论》2014,(32):223-224,252
高校生涯、职涯、学涯规划教育的主体是学生。从学生的学风角度看,高校学风建设的主体是学生。从主体内在契合性和学习主动性上看,"三涯规划"教育与学风建设具有内在的必然联系。"三涯规划"教育既是引领学风建设的重要载体,也是加强大学生思想政治教育的重要载体。它可以把学风建设与思想政治教育有机贯通起来。  相似文献   

现阶段高校学风建设是学校学生工作的重点和难点,整个社会大环境对高校管理和学风建设提出了更高的要求。本文对目前高校班级管理和学风建设中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了以精细化管理为抓手,将学风建设常抓不懈、全面推进的新思路。  相似文献   

网络对于当代大学生可谓是一把双刃剑,与时俱进地做好高校学风建设问题的研究,利用、管理好网络,让它为大学生们的学习和生活更好地服务,成为目前亟待解决的一项重要课题。以阐述学风建设内涵开始,进而分析了网络时代影响高校学风建设的主要原因——网瘾的形成原因,最终提出了网络时代推进学风建设的途径。  相似文献   

刘潇敏 《学理论》2009,(4):108-109
学风是治学之本,高校学风建设是提高教学质量,培养素质人才的重要保证。当前许多独立学院都在纷纷探讨学风建设的新模武,本文拟以湖南工业大学科技学院为例,剖析独立学院存在的学风问题,提出以湖湘文化教育促进独立学院学风建设。  相似文献   

王彦梅 《学理论》2009,(7):143-144
学风建设是高校一项长期的基础性工作。本文通过对学风建设的相关问题进行调查,分析当前学风建设现状,找出问题的症结所在,并根据问题提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Political debate in modern Britain has been structured by four narratives or traditions, called here ‘Whig imperialist’, ‘Tory nationalist’, ‘democratic collectivist’ and ‘democratic republican’. The Whig imperialist tradition goes back to Edmund Burke; it is a tradition of responsive evolution, flexible statecraft, genial optimism and abhorrence of dogmatic absolutes. It prevailed for most of the nineteenth century, for most of the interwar period and for most of the 1950s and early‐1960s. Its Tory nationalist counterpart is tense, rebarbative and often shrill. At its core lies a primal fear of the dissolution of authority and a collapse of the social order. Its most notable exponents include Lord Salisbury, Enoch Powell and Margaret Thatcher. The democratic collectivist tradition stresses ineluctable progress towards a just and rational society, to be achieved by a strong, essentially technocratic central state, with the power and will to replace the wasteful, unjust chaos of the market place by planned co‐ordination. Formative influences on it were the great Fabian socialists, George Bernard Shaw and Sidney and Beatrice Webb; it achieved its apotheosis under the Attlee Government of 1945‐51. The democratic republican tradition is much more inchoate: its exponents have been the awkward squad of British democracy. The most glittering stars in the democratic republican firmament were probably John Milton, John Stuart Mill and R.H. Tawney. It stresses active self‐government and republican self respect, embodied in a vigorous civil society and strong local authorities. During the ninety‐odd years since Britain belatedly acquired a more‐or‐less democratic suffrage, the first three traditions have all been tested, almost to destruction. But though the fourth has had great influence on social movements of all kinds, governments at the centre have done little more than toy with it, usually for brief periods. The great question now is whether Britain is about to experience a democratic republican moment.  相似文献   

Mark Thompson deplores the decline in the public trust of government and of public service institutions such as the BBC. But there has also been a decline in another form of trust: government's trust in the ability of professionals such as doctors and teachers to deliver high quality public services. And, unlike Thompson's type of trust, this decline was inevitable, because it was based on untenable assumptions concerning professional motivation. The author discusses the importance of trust in an unwritten constitution, including trust in the use made of public resources, trust that appointments are being made on merit, trust that the civil service is ‘speaking truth unto power’ behind the scenes and ultimately trust that it retains the ability to serve future governments. In a world where trust in institutions is diminishing, there are still surprising levels of trust in the world of private philanthropy. The public are only too ready to give donations without seeking to question, especially in the wake of major disasters. Yet the nature of aid agencies has changed dramatically in the past thirty years into major global enterprises with sophisticated media and marketing operations. In this case a greater degree of scepticism from those who donate and paradoxically less trust might actually result in better outcomes from aid and better use of funding. Trust is critical to the mission of the FCO. The public needs to trust the competence and sound judgment of the professional diplomats. The diplomats themselves need to be able to rely on the commonsense of their fellow colleagues. Ministers and diplomats need to trust each other. And other governments need to have confidence in the discretion of their British counterparts. This is an increasing challenge in the world of instant news. Trust can be quickly lost by indiscreet or self‐serving revelations. But the key is to be as open and transparent as possible about the processes of diplomacy. A new survey commissioned by the British Journalism Review demonstrates that public confidence in journalism has collapsed over the last five years. This is particularly true for the commercial broadcasters ITV and Channel 4, whose journalism has traditionally commanded as much public esteem as the BBC. Trust in the BBC and print journalists has also declined, and journalism suffered more than any of the other 16 occupational groups being assessed. This is partly due to the cumulative effect of various “fakery” scandals that have afflicted broadcasters over the last 18 months and partly down to a more widespread cynicism directed at those in authority.  相似文献   

The 1991 Census form for households in Great Britain included, for the first time, a question about ethnic group. The question had nine boxes, eight for named ethnic groups and one for 'any other'. One box had to be ticked for each member of the household. Brian Klug discusses his own reaction to the (so-called) ethnic question, and explains why, as a Jew of European extraction, he did not tick the box marked White. He examines several issues raised by the ethnic question, including the following: why this question is different from other questions on the form; the definition and use of the words 'racial' and 'ethnic'; the vocabulary of colour ('black', 'white' etc.) in the language of race; the idea that 'white' is an ethnic category; the claim that the ethnic question is an instrument for combatting racism; one proposal for improving the question by removing the 'racial' components in the categories.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(4):47-65
Gray considers the determinants of British policy towards emigration (and particularly towards state-assisted 'colonization') from Ireland during the Great Famine of 184-50. He surveys the idea of 'colonization' as advocated by Charles Buller in 1843, and its varying appeal (changing over time) in Ireland, Britain and the settlement colonies of the British empire. He also considers the issue in the light of pro- and anti-Malthusian interpretations of Irish population pressure, and the emergence of the alternative idea of 'internal colonization'. Gray argues that the failure of the state to adopt an emigration policy in 1846-50 as part of its response to the Famine was the consequence of a combination of anti-Irish prejudice in Britain and the colonies (which was sharpened by the arrival of large numbers of economic refugees in 1847 and the political conspiracies of 1848), and the prevalence of an economic doctrine that prioritized the need for Irish self-help and moral transformation over state assistance. He traces the debate over colonization within the Whig government headed by Lord John Russell, and concludes that some form of assisted emigration was a feasible policy measure, and that its rejection had adverse consequences in terms of additional famine mortality.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(5):454-468

The end of the Cold war has seen an explosion in Holocaust history, and some significant changes in the main historiographical explanations. The ‘return of ideology’ that began displacing the ‘functionalist’ or ‘structuralist’ dominance of the 1980s remains strong. But it is being supplemented by very detailed regional and local studies, by analyses of different experiences of ghettoization in different places, and by a focus on the widespread plunder and corruption that accompanied the killing process. This enormous attention to detail reveals that the Holocaust unfolded differently in different places; but it also demonstrates the existence of an overall framework in which all the operations took place, what we might call an ‘antisemitic consensus’. Simultaneously, historians have broadened the discussion of the Holocaust, situating it into a transnational or world-historical context of imperialism and colonialism. Stone outlines in broad brush some of these themes, and asks what effects they have had and will continue to have on Europeans' self-understanding in an age in which the post-war anti-fascist consensus has been dismantled while Holocaust-consciousness is officially enshrined into European identity.  相似文献   

On Public Action     
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):200-224

This essay explores Hannah Arendt’s contribution to our understanding of the rhetorical as opposed to the aesthetic quality of public speech, with an emphasis upon her conception of opinion and glory. Arendt’s focus on the revelatory quality of public action in speech is widely understood to preclude or seriously limit its communicative aspect. I argue that this is a misunderstanding, and that accepting it would reduce speech not merely to the discussion of a sharply limited set of topics, but to no topics at all. Public action is speech that reveals the speaker as “answering, talking back and measuring up to whatever happened or was done.” Such revelatory speech is most appropriately judged by the standard of the glorious and the inglorious. Because such speech must inform as well as reveals, so does glorious or great speech rise to the level of greatness in part because of what is said, to whom, where, and how. Arendt’s understanding of this is shown to have significant parallels to the ordinary language philosophy of Stanley Cavell.  相似文献   

道德规范表现形式的历史演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王茝 《学理论》2010,(4):33-34
道德规范的产生和形成,有着深刻的社会经济根源,是由一定的社会物质生活条件和社会关系决定的。道德规范随着社会的发展而不断发展,具有历史性和继承性。在人类漫长的道德生活中,道德规范曾有过形态各异的表现形式,大体可以概括为图腾、禁忌、礼仪、风俗、箴言、准则、义务、责任等几种主要的表现形武。道德规范表现形式的历史演进,是一个由蒙昧到理性、由自发到自觉、由低级到高级的发展过程。  相似文献   

Science and technology policy initiatives in the early 1980s have focused in both the United States and Western Europe on improving capacity to apply a good science base in practice, expecting increases in technological advancement, improved market presence and enhanced economic growth. Results varied broadly in the United States and Europe. Even more puzzling, Japan charged ahead in technological advancement without that strong of a science base of its own. Some industrialized economies do not conform to the expected science–technology relationship, whereby strong performance in science shall lead to strong technological performance. The puzzling science–technology relationship in advanced countries has plausible explanations. (1) Science–technology relationship is much interdependent or symbiotic. Its strength and primary direction at a given time varies largely by field of science or technological innovation and across long periods of time. (2) Science–technology link in a country may depend on the overall scientific and technological level of development in that country. The strength and interdependent nature of this link evolves historically and varies across fields of science and technology. The strength of the link is affected by scientific and technological specialization in a country. Different technological fields have different scientific intensities, or degrees of building upon the science base. (3) Specialization of countries across scientific and technological fields varies. Hence, the strength of science–technology link differs between countries. High technological specialization of a country may impact its technological performance more than its immediately current scientific performance does. History, tradition and knowledge transfers may affect more returns on R&D expenditures than the actual value of R&D funds spent in science or technology. Explanations of puzzling behavior of science–technology link may become policy recommendations.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):77-89

In this article I argue that hope is rightly numbered by Hesiod among the evils, as hope cannot be separated from an awareness of the inadequacy of one's current state. Political hope for democrats in particular is tied to the awareness that we have not yet realized ourselves, that, to paraphrase Pindar, we have not yet become who we are. I argue that, although Rorty comes close to articulating this in his book Achieving Our Country, his emphasis on pride ultimately obscures more than it reveals. I conclude that Thoreau's anguished reflection in Walden on the failures of his fellow citizens is a better place to look for instruction on the question of political hope.  相似文献   

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