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In call to action 57, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission calls upon federal, provincial and territorial governments to enhance the skills and knowledge of public servants. Leveraging collaboration theory and collaborative capacity, this article delves deeper into the skills, attitudes and knowledge required of public servants who regularly work with First Nations organizations and governments. Using findings from a health care collaboration between First Nations, federal and provincial governments in Alberta with 25 mid- to senior-level leaders, this participatory action research highlights the importance of member capacity to strong collaboration as Canada embarks on the journey from colonization to reconciliation.  相似文献   

First Nations are important regional development actors, and yet their development ambitions and goals have often been ignored or poorly understood by settler governments. Since 2004, the Canadian federal government has supported First Nations governments and Tribal Councils to develop Comprehensive Community Plans (CCPs)—community planning documents that are meant to set priorities and guide development in the medium to long term. This study employs a quantitative content analysis of all publicly available CCPs and related strategic planning documents in British Columbia in order to understand development priorities and in doing so, reveals a mismatch between the interests of First Nations and settler governments.  相似文献   

Many First Nations communities lack access to safe drinking water. In this article, we examine an under-appreciated tool for improving First Nations water security – governance – and develop a framework for guiding the design and analysis of First Nations water governance models. In particular, we argue that three key ideas from the public administration literature – financial resources, regulation, and formalization – should be integrated with Indigenous insights and philosophies that are specific to each First Nations community. We illustrate how this might work by focusing on the insights, traditions, and philosophies of an Anishinaabek community in southern Ontario.  相似文献   

Abstract: According to the Indian Act, aboriginal women in Canada do not have the same equality rights as aboriginal men living on‐reserve and non‐aboriginal women living off‐reserve. The Indian Act's provisions governing the division of matrimonial real property on Canadian Indian reserves have dispossessed many aboriginal women of their property entitlements during and after separation and divorce proceedings. Despite the existence of this problem for the last fifty‐five years, the Indian Act has proven highly resistant to reform. A number of First Nations, however, have recently been able to address this issue by developing local matrimonial property laws through the First Nations Land Management Act, a federal piece of legislation that is separate from the Indian Act. Not only have these local laws provided solutions to a policy problem left unaddressed by the federal government, they have also given aboriginal women greater equality rights during and after divorce proceedings while respecting local preferences. This article argues that government and aboriginal policy‐makers should consider making greater use of the subsidiarity principle when engaging in reforms to the Indian Act. Sommaire: Aux termes de la Loi sur les Indiens, les femmes autochtones au Canada n'ont pas les mêmes droits à l'égalité que les hommes autochtones dans les réserves et que les femmes non autochtones hors des réserves. Les dispositions de la Loi sur les Indiens régissant la division des biens immobiliers matrimoniaux sur les réserves indiennes canadiennes ont dépossédé de nombreuses femmes autochtones de leurs droits de propriété pendant et après les procédures de séparation et de divorce. Alors que ce problème existe depuis 55 ans, il se trouve que la Loi sur les Indiens a fortement résistéà la réforme. Cependant, un certain nombre de Premières nations ont réussi récemment à aborder ce problème en élaborant des lois locales sur les biens matrimoniaux par l'intermédiaire de la Loi sur la gestion des terres des premières nations, texte de loi fédéral distinct de la Loi sur les Indiens. Non seulement ces lois locales ont‐elles apporté des solutions à un problème de politique que le gouvernement fédéral n'avait pas réglé, mais elles ont également donné aux femmes autochtones de plus grands droits en matière d'égalité pendant et après les procédures de divorce tout en respectant les préférences locales. Le présent article indique que le gouvernement et les décideurs de politiques autochtones devraient envisager faire un plus grand usage du principe de subsidiarité lorsqu'ils entreprennent des réformes de la Loi sur les Indiens.  相似文献   

While academic interest in accountability and transparency mechanisms in Aboriginal governance has risen over the past few years, very few studies have examined how these mechanisms operate in practice. One author, Shin Imai ( 2007 ), argues that Indigenous groups in Canada are faced with an accountability paradox that gives too much power to the federal government to intervene in band affairs, while giving too little power to band members to hold their local officials accountable for their actions. This paper examines the extent to which Aboriginal groups can avoid this paradox by reviewing three experiments in institutional design and self‐government in Aboriginal communities: the Sechelt Indian Band and the Westbank First Nation in British Columbia, and Nunatsiavut in Labrador. While considerable variation exists in terms of how well these communities overcome Imai's paradox, each community's accountability regime is an improvement over the one imposed by the Indian Act. The effectiveness of these regimes depends heavily on the institutional designs chosen by the Indigenous groups.  相似文献   

政策性银行在推动经济发展的过程中起着举足轻重的作用。国外有关政策性银行的立法由来已久,在全球化的背景下,如何有效地借鉴国外先进的立法经验,尽快出台我国政策性银行法就显得尤为必要。  相似文献   

This article reviews the state of federal health policy discourse toward the LGBTQ population in Canada. Despite the advent of greater attention to diversity and gender mainstreaming in federal public policy and the shift to legalized rights protections for LGBTQ people, symbolized by policies such as same‐sex marriage, LGBTQ health concerns continue to be marginalized in federal health policy. Based on a systematic review of federal policy documents and websites as well as a small number of interviews with federal policy‐makers, the research demonstrates the extent to which LGBTQ health concerns are rendered invisible in federal health policy. The article suggests several ways in which a commitment to gender‐based policy analysis could be expanded to take account of diverse health needs of LGBTQ Canadians.  相似文献   

This article examines the definition of success in First Nations drinking water service as voiced by the First Nations technical community of practice. The research explores success stories to identify success themes and factors to formulate a workable definition for policy‐makers. Researchers interviewed sixteen technical practitioners in Ontario using a semi‐structured approach. Data analysis revealed a definition of success that extends beyond the technical boundary to include professional growth, employment, local action and a facilitating policy environment. This comprehensive definition provides a basis for policy and program considerations to increase First Nations buy‐in and foster a constructive environment for drinking water improvements.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines federal legislation, An Act to Amend the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act (Bill C-36), from the vantage point of the contemporary politics of welfare state reform. Government decisions on the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) made in the 1990s noticeably generated political and administrative feedback to the policy agenda and policy development processes. Bill C-36 was the response by policy-makers to solve these issues and use the occasion to make other changes they had been contemplating. The legislative reforms contained the imposition of specific losses for one group; the introduction of benefits for another group, both geographically diffuse clienteles; and, for all covered by these programs, modest improvements in service provision. Inside the federal public service, officials responsible for the CPP Disability program acted effectively as policy entrepreneurs, making use of a window of opportunity, and the necessity of amending the legislation, prompted by the focusing event of a critical audit report.  相似文献   

Abstract: Local governments in Canada are directly affected by federal and provincial initiatives regarding land claims and aboriginal self-government. Land claims result in new lands being created within or near urban centres, which are owned or controlled by First Nations, either as reserves under the Indian Act or as some form of “settlement land” created by a land-claims agreement. First Nations seek to not only own these lands, but also govern them. The overall jurisdiction of First Nations is still being defined. However, First Nations already have jurisdiction over local affairs on their own land. That jurisdiction is in key areas such as land use. As a result, as soon as First Nations lands are created within or adjacent to an urban centre, the local urban government must deal with a separate First Nation jurisdiction. The issues that these neighbouring jurisdictions need to resolve include compatibility of laws and enforcement of laws, tax-loss compensation and delivery of and payment for local services. There is little or no precedent for how this should be accomplished. The one common denominator that has emerged is that First Nations and urban councils, which enjoy a good working relationship, have all developed ways of dealing directly with each other on issues of mutual concern. Sommaire: Les initiatives fédérales et provinciales relatives aux revendications territoriales et au gouvemement autochtone ont une influence directe sur les gouvemements locaux au Canada. Les revendications territoriales mènent à la création, dans ou près des centres urbains, de nouveaw territoires détenus ou contrôlés par des Premières nations, soit en tant que réserves en vertu de la Loi sur les Indiens, soit come «terres conférées par l'entente». à la suite de revendications. Les Premières nations cherchent non seulement à poséder ces terres mais aussi à les gouverner. La juridiction & ensemble des Premières nations en est encore au stade de la définition. Cependant, c'est déjàà elles qu'incombe la competence des affaires locales surleurs propres terres. Cette juridiction comprend des domaines clés tels que I'utilisation des terres. Par conséquent, dès la création d'un territoire des Premières nations dans un centre urbain ou près de celui-ci, le gouvernement urbain local doit traiter avec une juridiction séparée relevant de la Première nation en cause. Parmi les questions que ces territoires adjacents doivent régler figurent la compatibilité des lois et l'application des lois, la compensation pour perte de taxes, la prestation des services locaux et le paiement de leurs coûts. Or, il n'y a pratiquement pas de précédent pour savoir comment s'y prendre. Le seul dénominateur commun qu'on ait pu relever est que les Premieres nations et les conseils urbains qui jouissent de bons rapports de travail ont tous trouvé le moyen de collaborer sur les questions d'intérêt mutuel.  相似文献   

Abstract: The nature of governance in Canada, both horizontally (between federal departments) and vertically (between federal and provincial governments) is changing. Or is it? Two distinct trends seem to have emerged over the past decade: one towards horizontal coordination and one towards vertical collaboration. These trends are perhaps best exemplified by the Public Health Agency of Canada, which depends very emphatically on integrated relationships both with other federal departments and with provincial and territorial governments. Yet in the past year, severe criticisms have emerged regarding the agency's ability to meet its objectives. To what extent are these problems due to the failure of collaborative governance? On a wider level, have decision-makers been too insouciant about making importunate public policy decisions on an assumption of the viability of collaborative governance? This article argues that problems in vertical collaboration in public health have occurred largely due to failures in horizontal coordination within the national government.  相似文献   

In the early days of cannabis legalization, certain Indigenous communities and businesses are asserting jurisdictional authority and refuse to acknowledge federal and provincial sovereignty on their territories. This has led, in some cases, to police intervention. This article examines jurisdictional contestations on Indigenous lands in relation to cannabis legalization, providing insight on the responses of government and law enforcement. The Canadian approach may have lasting implications for reconciliation and Indigenous relations beyond the cannabis field.  相似文献   

宽严相济刑事政策作为一种基本的、应然的和系统的刑事政策,应由纸面上的法转变为行动中的法。宽严相济刑事政策与刑事立法和刑事司法具有密切关系:刑罚结构的改变和刑罚的轻缓化是我国刑罚制度的发展方向;刑事司法实践中适用宽严相济刑事政策应注意刑事和解、社区矫正和修复性司法等等措施或制度的运用,并建立各部门间的协调机制。宽严相济刑事政策在运行中应注意相关具体的适用性问题。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper examines the relationship of past and current federal structures for northern policy development to existing federal northern policy requirements. Current policy-making machinery, arguably appropriate to an earlier era of northern development, now serves neither the interests of any constituency - native or non-native northerners or the northern resource development industry - nor the national interest. On the basis of a critical analysis of present arrangements, available institutional options for reform are identified and assessed. Far-reaching structural reforms are recommended including the abolition of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). Sommaire. Les auteurs de cet exposé examinent le rapport entre les structures fédérales, anciennes et présentes, et les exigences actuelles de la politique fédérale dans le Nord. Le mécanisme actuel de la détermination des politiques, qu'on pouvait justifier à une époque plus ancienne du développement du Nord, nesert plus maintenant ni les intérêrs de groupes particuliers - habitants du Nord, autochtones ou non, industries développant ses ressources - ni l'intérêt national. A partir d'une analyse critique des dispositions actuelles, les auteurs identifient et évaluent les options institutionnelles existantes. Ils recommandent des réformesde grande envergure, dont l'abolition du ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord.  相似文献   

商业贿赂犯罪侵犯了公平竞争的商品经济秩序,对我国经济社会的发展危害十分严重,科学认定商业贿赂犯罪具有非常现实的意义。《联合国反腐败公约》为世界范围内的反腐败提供了基本的科学理念和策略及基本的法律指南和行动准则。我国刑法关于商业贿赂犯犯罪的规定存在与《联合国反腐败公约》不相一致的问题,以《联合国反腐败公约》为借鉴,将"贿赂"范围扩大到非财产性利益,增设"外国公职人员或者国际公共组织官员受贿罪、对外国外国公职人员或者国际公共组织官员行贿罪",废除商业贿赂犯罪死刑的规定等是我国刑法应予完善的重要内容。  相似文献   

Lobby legislation and regulation in Canada are relatively new. The federal government was the first to enact lobby legislation in 1989, requiring only the most basic information. Eight provinces have since proclaimed lobby legislation and another has legislation pending. This article explores whether there was a common trajectory for lobby regulations and identifies the factors fostering similarity and differentiation. Using diffusion theory and the theory of institutional development, we attempt to explain the variation between jurisdictions in adopting particular democratic and ethical tools and approaches. We conclude that a particular and unique Canadian approach to lobby legislation benefitted from the creation of a network of federal and provincial officials across the country.  相似文献   

在全面两孩和未来更宽松的生育政策背景下,国家连续出台政策发展学龄前教育和照护服务,推动托幼公共服务发展。研究发现,政策质量总体较好,完美级2项,优秀级16项,可接受级13项;政策方向明确,已从过去单纯的重视教育逐步转向注重服务。然而,政策内部分化明显,对托幼公共服务供需失衡问题的回应较少。为进一步优化政策,建议:理念先行,通过政策立法明确政府与社会在托幼公共服务中应尽的责任;区别对待,明确0-3岁婴幼儿与3-6岁幼儿的不同政策需求;找准方法,运用资源整合策略为托幼公共服务供需平衡创造有利政策条件;权衡效果,锁定国家对家庭照顾功能的补充特性。  相似文献   

In the context of Two-Child Policy and a more extensive fertility policy, the state has continuously introduced policies to develop pre-school education and care services for promoting the development of childcare public services. The results show that the subtotal of 31 polices have a good overall performance, of which 2 are perfect, 16 are excellent, and 13 are acceptable.The direction of policy development has gradually shifted the focus from education to service. However, the internal differentiation of the policies is obvious with less response to the current imbalance between the supply and demand of childcare public services. To further optimize the policy, the following suggestions are made: clarify the responsibilities of the government and society in childcare public services by legislation, treat the different policy needs of infants aged 0-3 and children aged 3-6, create favorable policy conditions for the balance of supply and demand of childcare public services by resource integration strategies, and keep the country's complementary characteristics for family care functions.  相似文献   

政策过程理论研究从一开始就争论不休,而这些争论大致可以划分为三个阶段。在寻求因果关系理论的逻辑下,形成了大量的主流政策过程理论或框架。而今,政策过程理论又有了一些新的发展,包括叙事政策框架、子系统及其超越、决策和官僚机构、政策过程的综合框架等方面的发展。这种新发展及其趋势,对我国政策过程理论的研究来讲无疑具有诸多启示:(1)区分和厘清政策过程理论研究中的关键概念;(2)继承与创新政策过程理论的研究方法;(3)实现行动主体的多元化、精细化与政策子系统的超越;(4)合理把握官僚机构在我国政策过程中的影响力。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Once and Future Canadian Democracy: An Essay in Political Thought by Janet A. Ajzenstat Municipal Reform in Canada: Reconfiguration, Re‐Empowerment and Rebalancing edited by Joseph Garcea and Edward C. Lesage Jr. Recognizing Aboriginal Title: The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English‐Settler Colonialism by Peter H. Russell Market Rules: Economic Union Reform and Intergovernmental Policy‐Making in Australia and Canada by Douglas M. Brown The New Geo‐Governance ‐ A Baroque Approach by Gilles Paquet Canadian Energy Policy and the Struggle for Sustainable Development edited by G. Bruce Doern Riding the Third Rail: The Story of Ontario's Health Services Restructuring Commission, 1996–2000 by Duncan Sinclair, Mark Rochon and Peggy Leatt Le défi du monde de la santé: Comment humaniser les soins et les organisations de C. Gravel  相似文献   

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