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This article examines the Advocate-General's comments on the ‘hosting’ provision in the eCommerce Directive (00/31/EC). He suggests the existence of a ‘neutrality’ principle in respect of intermediary liability, which operates irrespective of an intermediary's knowledge about the legality or otherwise of the hosted content. This article critically examines this suggestion within the broader debate about the role and responsibilities of intermediaries in a cyberspace context.  相似文献   

With the widespread concerns about cyber terrorism and the frequent use of the term “cyber terrorism” at the present time, many international organisations have made efforts to combat this threat. Since cyber terrorism is an international crime, local regulations alone are not able to defend against such attacks; they require a transnational response. Therefore, an attacked country will invoke international law to seek justice for any damage caused, through the exercise of universal jurisdiction. Without the aid of international organisations, it is difficult to prevent cyber terrorism. At the same time, international organisations determine which state court, or international court, has the authority to settle a dispute. The objective of this paper is to analyse and review the effectiveness and sufficiency of the current global responses to cyber terrorism through the exercise of international jurisdiction. This article also touches upon the notion of cyber terrorism as a transnational crime and an international threat; thus, national regulations alone cannot prevent it. The need for an international organisation to prevent and defend nations from cyber terrorism attacks is pressing. This paper finds that, as cyber terrorism is a transnational crime, it should be subjected to universal jurisdiction through multinational cooperation, and this would be the most suitable method to counter future transnational crimes such as cyber terrorism.  相似文献   

Cyberspace is a cross-national world that transcends geopolitical national borders. Jurisdiction is the focal point for any dispute arising in the international arena, because it determines which state court has the authority to settle a dispute. The objective of this paper is to analyse territorial and universal jurisdiction principles which can be specifically related to cyberspace to determine which of them is best suited to providing the appropriate jurisdiction in combating cyber terrorism and how conflicts arising between them can be settled. The transnational nature of cyber terrorism offences leads to jurisdictional complexity, thereby investigation and prosecution is difficult. Lack of harmonisation in legislating among countries leads to difficulty in investigation and prosecution of cyber terrorism offences. This paper notes that universal jurisdiction is the most feasible and effective method to deter cyber terrorism.  相似文献   

The Council of Europe is engaging in a process of revising its Data Protection Convention (Convention 108) to meet and overcome these challenges. The Council of Europe celebrates this year the 30th Anniversary of its Data Protection Convention (usually referred to as Convention 108) which has served as the backbone of international law in over 40 European countries and has influenced policy and legislation far beyond Europe’s shores. With new data protection challenges arising every day, the Convention is revising its Data Protection Convention. Computer Law and Security Review (CLSR) together with the Intl. Association of IT Lawyers (IAITL) and ILAWS have submitted comments in response to the Expert Committee’s public consultation on this document. CLSR aims to position itself at the forefront of policy discussion drawing upon the high quality scholarly contributions from leading experts around the world.  相似文献   

Proposals for the reform or ‘modernisation’ of Council of Europe Data Protection Convention 108 have now been forwarded from the Convention's Consultative Committee for consideration by the Council of Ministers. This article assesses the changes proposed, which strengthen the obligations of Parties to implement the Convention as a matter of effective practice, not just as a law on paper. It tightens most of the existing data protection principles, and adds new ones which better align the Convention with the EU Directive (and proposed Regulation). The Convention Committee will have explicit new functions including assessing candidates for accession, and periodically reviewing implementation by existing parties. However, the proposals concerning the required standard for data export limitations are in some respects ill-defined and dangerous for data subjects. The existing standard that personal data can only be exported if the recipient provides ‘adequate’ protection has been abandoned for an undefined requirement of ‘appropriate’ protection. The article situates the risk of abandoning meaningful data export restrictions in the context of the USA's push for ‘interoperability’ of very different data protection standards.  相似文献   

The present paper1 aims both at introducing the legal aspects of the protection of minors in cyberspace and analysing and criticizing certain main features embedded in this legal approach of young people protection. After a short introduction underlining the concept of child’s rights and the reason why this right has been particularly proclaimed in the context of the cyberspace, the first section describes the new technological features of the ICT environment and linked to this evolution the increasing risks the minors are confronted with. A typology of cyber abuses is proposed on the basis of these considerations. A list of EU or Council of Europe texts directly or indirectly related to the minors’ protection into the cyberspace is provided. The second section intends to analyse certain characteristics of the legal approach as regards the ways by which that protection is conceived and effectively ensured. Different principles and methods might be considered as keywords summarizing the legal approach and to a certain extent, fixing a partition of responsibilities taking fully into account the diversity of actors might be deduced from the different regulatory documents.The third section comes back to the different complementary means by which the Law is envisaging the minors’ protection. The obligation to create awareness about the potential risks minors might incur definitively is the first one. The omnipresent reference in all the legal texts to the role of self-regulatory interventions constitutes another pillar of the protection envisaged by the Law. After having described the multiple instruments developed in the context of this self-regulation (labels, codes of conduct, hotlines, ODR…) or even co-regulation, the paper examines the conditions set by the European legislators as regards these instruments. Technology might be considered as a fourth method for protecting children. Our concern will be to see how the Law is addressing new requirements as regards the technological solutions and their implementation. The present debates about the liability of the actors involved in applications or services targeted or not vis-à-vis the minors like SNS or VSP operators are evoked. As a final point the question of the increasing competences of LEA and the reinforcement of the criminal provisions in order to fight cyber abuses against minors will be debated. In conclusion, we will address final recommendations about the way by which it would be possible to reconcile effective minors’ protection and liberties into the cyberspace.  相似文献   

The year 2010 set an important milestone in the development of data protection law in Europe: both Europe's basic regulatory texts, the EU Data Protection Directive and the Council's Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention 108), were placed at an amendment process, having served individual data protection for many years and witnessed in the meantime technological developments that threatened to make their provisions obsolete. After briefly presenting Convention 108, the analysis that follows will highlight the Council's data protection system currently in effect as well as developments relating to the Convention's amendment so far with the aim of identifying improvements and shortcomings. While doing this two separate points of view shall be adopted: at first a micro point of view will attempt to identify improvements and shortcomings through an ‘insider’ perspective, that is, judging only the merits and difficulties of the draft text at hand. Afterwards a macroscopic view will be adopted, whereby strategic issues will be discussed pertaining to the important issue of the relationship of the suggested draft with the EU data protection system, as well as, the same draft's potential to constitute the next global information privacy standard.  相似文献   

Cyber pornography plays an accessory role in negative social issues such as child abuse, violence against women, rape, inequality, relationship and family breakdown, youth crime, promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases. Cyberspace and the pornographic matter transmitted through it have created challenges for India’s antiquated laws. The lack of jurisdictional boundaries and the sheer volume of traffic that the Internet can handle, as well as the potential for anonymity have resulted in a complete lack of control over what appears on the Web at the click of a mouse button. Before there was no liability of a cyber café owner but with the introduction of the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008, the responsibilities of Cyber Café owners have only increased. This paper deals with the Cyber pornography, its legal implications and the liability of cyber café owner under the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008.  相似文献   

There is a clear trend for law and regulation, particularly in cyberspace, to become increasingly precisely specified. The perceived benefit of this approach, increased certainty as to compliance, may be illusory. Over‐complex laws have serious disadvantages, particularly a greatly weakened normative effect, and problems of contradiction and too‐frequent amendment. The combined effect of these disadvantages can be to produce a ‘bad’ law system, assessed in terms of Fuller's internal morality of law. It may also result in a law‐system which substantially fails to achieve its intended aims. This article proposes that these defects can be cured by abandoning the search for precision and substituting a method of lawmaking which requires the law's subjects to make their own qualitative assessments of whether they are meeting the obligations imposed on them. This will make the law more easily understandable by those to whom it applies, and will also increase the normative effect of cyberspace law.  相似文献   

Since the inception of the Internet, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have been used to segment cyberspace and make it possible for national states to apply their local laws to conduct having effects within their borders. This is true in particular in the realm of intellectual property. When one looks at the national regulatory regimes supposedly framing the behavior of ISPs, there appear to be more similarities than differences at a first glance. Does this mean that the national or regional legal frameworks regulating the behavior of ISPs, which are increasingly considered to be the sword of public authorities, should be identical in all legal systems? Is it not true that the content of these national or regional legal frameworks regulating the behavior of ISPs should partly depend upon the local trade-offs among conflicting fundamental rights and liberties? Indeed, private power can jeopardize the exercise and the very core of individuals’ prerogatives as much as public power and priorities vary from one legal system to another. This paper therefore seeks to highlight the dependence of national regulatory modes framing the conduct of ISPs upon the strength of certain fundamental rights and liberties. More precisely, while the first part aims to explore the influence of certain fundamental rights and liberties upon the regulatory modes set up by national legislators, and in particular free speech, from the perspective of the user-to-user relationship, the second part of this article is devoted to the protection of these fundamental rights and liberties from the perspective of the intermediary-to-user relationship. It shows that at least within two legal systems the dependence described initially is in reality altered by the prevalence of the intermediary’s interests, even if the latter are in part affected by a recent trend towards more state interventionism. As a result, national solutions appear to be less innovative than foreseen.  相似文献   

The study’s aim was to determine the predictors of weapon use during domestic violence incidents that were reported to the police. Randomly selected cases (N = 369) from the San Diego County Sheriff’s department comprised the study sample. The predictor variables for weapon use included relationship type, relationship length, suspect drug or alcohol use, and restraining order status at the time of the attack. Suspect sex and race were included as control variables. A logistic regression demonstrated that victims who had restraining orders against the perpetrator were more likely to have a weapon used against them in a domestic violence incident. Suspect sex was significant in an unanticipated direction, with female perpetrators being more likely to use a weapon during a domestic violence incident.  相似文献   

Research Summary: Following reforms of the federal firearms licensing system, nearly 70% of the nation's retail gun dealers active in 1994 dropped out of business by 1998. Dropout dealers supplied one‐third of guns recovered and traced by police but were linked to fewer crime guns than were other dealers, most likely because dropouts tended to be lower volume dealers. It is not clear if guns sold by dropouts had a higher probability of being used in crime, but guns supplied by dropouts did not move into criminal channels more quickly. Policy Implications: If federal reforms have reduced the availability of guns to criminals, the effect has probably been more modest than suggested by the overall reduction in dealers. Producing further reductions in the flow of guns to criminals through oversight of gun dealers will require refinement in the identification of problematic gun dealers.  相似文献   

Cyberspace is a new frontier for both international and domestic family law. On the one hand, it presents great opportunities for society and, on the other, great dangers particularly for children. This paper explores a number of issues from a domestic and international family law perspective. These issues include:
  • ? What is cyberspace, how has it emerged, and where is it likely to go?
  • ? What are the potential dangers for children that arise from children's engagement with cyberspace?
  • ? What is the nature and extent of domestic and international family laws that protect children from the dangers of cyberspace?
  • ? What are some of the present and emerging policy issues that impact on these matters?
Cyber‐abuse is a term that encompasses a wide range of aggressive online activities.  相似文献   

刘涛 《政治与法律》2020,(3):113-124
网络空间中的帮助行为实质不法具有行为对象上的不特定性、行为方式上的非外在可辨别性和侵害结果上的非实体性,网络帮助行为的不法归责模式因此具有独立化的必要。在功能主义的视角下,针对实质不法的特点,网络帮助行为不法归责模式凸显主观不法要素对不法归责范围的厘定效果和客观归责上的功能维护与管道治理的目标。网络帮助行为的不法归责不同于传统的犯罪参与归责模式,刑法对此类行为的规制较共犯归责原则宽松,但也应当对其进行合宪性解释,归责边界应当遵循社会宪治的理念,以社会功能分化的视角构建网络时代公民基本权利保护的刑法解释框架。  相似文献   

The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“the Convention”) provides for the prompt return to the country of habitual residence of children taken by a parent from one country to another. It was created to address the threshold problem in such cases, that is, which court should determine the rights of the parties involved. In a case under the Convention, the court's concern is which country is the country of habitual residence and practical aspects of the return to ensure the safety of the child and the taking parent. This article will discuss the formation of the International Hague Network of Judges (IHNJ), why it is crucial in the advancement of the Convention's goals, and, specifically, what it does to educate judges and facilitate communication between judges, and how the IHNJ can facilitate the return, including providing information on services, procedures, and protections offered in the countries of return.  相似文献   

网络共同犯罪若干疑难问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张俊霞 《河北法学》2007,25(11):190-197
网络空间中的共同犯罪,由于犯罪人之间往往是单纯的技术配合,彼此之间互不相识,甚至永生不会谋面,从而使该类犯罪在共同犯罪故意的认定上、网络单位犯罪与网络共同犯罪的区别上、共同犯罪的聚合形式上均产生了困难.犯罪方法和犯罪手段呈现出的网络化特征,使网络环境中的共同犯罪问题成为刑法理论急需给予关注并加以及时解决的一个重要问题.从计算机网络共同犯罪的含义及特点的分析入手,网络共同犯罪故意的认定网络单位犯罪问题网络聚合性犯罪的性质及其认定等几个方面展开了较为深入的探讨.  相似文献   

Data protection and privacy gain social importance as technology and data flows play an ever greater role in shaping social structure. Despite this, understanding of public opinion on these issues is conspicuously lacking. This article is a meta-analysis of public opinion surveys on data protection and privacy focussed on EU citizens. The article firstly considers the understanding and awareness of the legal framework for protection as a solid manifestation of the complex concepts of data protection and privacy. This is followed by a consideration of perceptions of privacy and data protection in relation to other social goals, focussing on the most visible of these contexts–the debate surrounding privacy, data protection and security. The article then considers how citizens perceive the ‘real world’ environment in which data processing takes place, before finally considering the public's perception and evaluation of the operation of framework against environment.  相似文献   

In November 2016, China passed its first Cybersecurity Law, aiming to strengthen cyberspace governance through a number of initiatives, including Internet operator security protection, personal information protection, special protection of critical information infrastructure, local storage of data, and security evaluation for data export. This Article discusses the major concepts and principles of the Cybersecurity Law. It also discusses the tensions and controversies inherent in the law. All in all, the Cybersecurity Law exhibits distinctive Chinese characteristics. It is premised on the concept of cyberspace sovereignty and emphasizes security over free flow of data and freedom of speech. It provides a basic legal framework for cyberspace governance in China, to be supplemented by implementing regulations in years to come.  相似文献   

于海防 《法律科学》2010,(5):100-107
在民事诉讼管辖制度中,只有特殊地域管辖才受到案件涉网络性质的影响。造成影响的直接缘由是迥异于现实空间定位规则的以TCP/IP协议簇为核心的网络空间定位规则,法律事实发生地与法院辖区间的原本关联被切断。这种影响的直接表现是在涉网络案件中是否需要剔除或增设管辖连接点,以及如何结合网络空间定位规则,重新建立法律事实发生地与法院辖区间的直接关联。网络空间具有"技术——社会"的双重结构特性,涉网络案件管辖问题的解决,应在网络空间的社会性的基础上,参酌技术性,主要以法律解释的方法对传统规范进行改良。在涉网络合同案件中,经由规范解释便可解决问题,而在涉网络侵权案件中,还需要对规范加以修正,建立"实际发生损害"标准。  相似文献   

世界 4是指继物质世界、精神世界和客观知识世界之后 ,借助电脑网络、电子通讯、虚拟技术及人类丰富的想象力将光、电、色、能、数字与信息集于一体 ,将宇宙万物和人类社会的政治、经济、科学、文化、日常生活缩合为一 ,构建的一个美妙神奇的新天地。它是对塞博空间、虚拟现实、网络世界和信息社会等“新实体”的综合。其实在性主要体现为有得以存在的物质基础———信息和网络 ;有其存在形式———塞博空间和塞博时间 ;有其存在的认识论和本体论根据。它与世界 3具有质的区别 ,突出地展示了人的主体性、想象性、虚构性、模拟性和自由意志  相似文献   

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