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王杨 《四川行政学院学报》2023,(5):15-23+101-102
党建引领是推动乡村振兴与乡村现代化建设的关键动力与组织保障。协商民主是推动乡村治理现代化的一个重要治理理念及工具,党建引领与乡村协商民主之间具有特定的耦合机制,主要表现为党建引领乡村协商民主是提升政党合法性与有效性所指、党建引领乡村协商民主符合国家治理现代化的内在规定性以及乡村协商民主的发展需要党建供给结构性与行动性条件。另外,概观来说,对于基层党组织而言,党建引领乡村协商民主高质量发展可以从文化、政制、主体以及技术等四个维度进行实践拓展。  相似文献   

乡村协商治理理现代化是一个价值导向调整优先于治理技术革新的过程。它是社会主义民主的时代呼唤,乡村多元社会的关切回应,农民利益诉求的现实表达,村民自治创新的制度供给;社会主义乡村协商治理是民主与协商的内在统一,本质是人民民主,特色是农民的平等协商,重点是村民之间的理性包容,途径是共同参与乡村治理;社会主义乡村协商治理有利于促进乡村社会和谐稳定,实现农民权力常态在握,巩固党组织核心地位,防止农村干部腐败变质,培育现代农民公民资格。  相似文献   

我国悠久的协商思想为基层协商民主奠定了政治文化之基,而新时代则赋予了基层协商民主以新的内涵和实质。基层协商民主的演进发展之路,不断凸显出基层协商民主的制度优势。基层协商民主是实现党的领导的重要方式,是实现我国社会主义民主政治的独特形式,是推进基层社会治理现代化的重要力量,体现出我国国家制度和国家治理体系的显著优势。把基层协商民主制度优势转化为治理效能的现实路径有:坚持党对基层协商民主的领导,更好发挥基层协商民主的制度优势;加强基层协商民主制度建设,强化基层协商民主制度执行力;加强基层协商民主制度自信宣传教育,培养人们积极参与基层协商的意识;建设高素质基层协商人才队伍,为把基层协商民主制度优势转化为治理效能提供人才支撑。  相似文献   

乡村全过程人民民主是中国民主政治的重要组成部分,大数据推进国家治理现代化,推动了乡村全过程人民民主治理理念的根本性变化以及乡村治理技术的突破性变革。新时代乡村全过程人民民主的技术场域是科技发展的资源前提、人口流动的场域空置、智能数据的技术支撑。乡村全过程人民民主的技术约束有数字鸿沟与技术主义的技术约束、数据短板与“数据烟囱”的工具约束、数据挑战与思维局限的嵌入困境、人才缺口与制度滞后的治理局限。乡村全过程人民民主的技术路径在于范式转变与政策设计的治理更新、数字生存与网络协商的治理完善、网络平台与网络素养的建设提升、网络民主与人技共治的措施创新。  相似文献   

技术的深度嵌入是传统和现代国家治理体系的显著区别之一,技术化也是现代性构建的重要内容。在乡村治理体系现代化的进程中,随着乡村治理需求、治理组织能力、可用治理资源充裕度的变化,技术日渐深入地影响着治理格局并逐渐嵌入其中。目前,技术嵌入乡村治理表现出明显的非均衡性,技术运用在民主活动和内生性公共事务管理中仍显不足,但是在社会流动性增加和有效治理需求增加的背景下,乡村治理组织对技术的综合运用能力正在提升,技术治理将超越政策执行过程,成为推进乡村治理体系现代化的基础要件。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会把国家治理体系和治理能力现代化作为我国全面深化改革的总目标,并提出协商民主是中国特色社会主义民主政治的特有形式和独特优势,强调要实现协商民主广泛多层制度化发展,由此看来,完善具有中国特色的协商民主制度已成为提升国家治理能力的必然要求。将协商民主理念、程序与制度纳入政府决策过程从而构建协商决策模式,是当代中国政府决策模式创新的重要选择,也是实现国家治理能力现代化的必由之途。  相似文献   

公共性是乡村文化治理的重要基础和动力,主要包括乡村文化治理实现公共利益的本质规定、依托公共空间的场域载体、嵌入公共权力的过程驱动和培育公共精神的目标结果等多个方面。乡村文化治理始终体现公共性是治理的理想状态,现实中却真实存在公共议题失语、场域空间萎缩、行政伦理失范、公共精神淡化等公共性缺失困境,乡村文化治理效能大打折扣。在乡村振兴背景下,需通过形成社会组织、整合文化资源、完善民主制度、培育现代政治文化等多重途径,优化乡村文化治理元素和结构,实现乡村文化治理的公共性“再造”。  相似文献   

乡村协商民主就是在广大的农村地区,利益攸关方的村民通过平等的对话、讨论等方式,围绕乡村社会中的公共问题达成共识,从而赋予决策以合法性的过程。河北乡村协商民主获得了快速的发展,探索出了月协商制度和搭建三个平台等形式。公共问题意识不足、组织化程度不高等因素阻碍了河北乡村协商民主进一步发展,因此,发展乡村组织和培育协商文化是解决该问题的必由之路。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记提出了关于社会主义协商民主制度的一系列理论。其中,习近平关于协商民主理论中的国际视野体现在他重视和强调人民政协制度形成与发展进程中的国际因素,从国际视野的角度强调人民政协的历史使命;习近平肯定了中国协商民主制度取得的成就,并从民主多样性的角度为中国协商民主制度正名与发声,强调在国际社会中争取制度话语权的重要性;习近平把协商民主制度与国际体系治理相联系,提出了国际体系治理中需要协商民主的观点,指出了人民政协在构建人类命运共同体中应当发挥的作用,其国际治理观中融入了协商民主理念。  相似文献   

乡村治理:基层民主与社会结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于乡村治理的多数研究过分聚焦于基层民主制度的建构与完善本身,忽略了支持这一制度有效运转的社会结构.对于社会结构的分析发现,在乡村治理中,除了能够对基层民主制度起到约束作用的民间组织之外,还有一种类型的组织能够对基层民主制度起到激励的作用.发现和分析这种类型的组织有助于理解为什么在基层民主制度较为薄弱的情况下,在乡村民间组织还未充分发挥作用的情况下,一些地方的乡村治理质量超过了可预期的水平,公共物品与公共服务的供给超过了乡村所需要的最低水平.  相似文献   

胡伟 《理论与改革》2020,(2):150-159
坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政,是发展社会主义民主政治的必然要求和必要条件,也是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的关键所在。为此,要把党的领导方式和执政方式嵌入到社会主义民主和法治的制度框架之中,把科学执政、民主执政、依法执政有机统一起来,把“为人民执政”和“靠人民执政”有机统一起来。其前提是澄清我国民主政治建设的一些重大理论和实践问题,在知行合一的前提下不失时机地推进社会主义民主政治建设。  相似文献   

Canadian nuclear waste management policy has taken a deliberative democratic turn. What explains this turn? What is its significance? What lessons does it teach us? I trace a narrative of a powerful discursive coalition that was able to take advantage of institutional and financial opportunities to advance deliberative democratic decision making. I identify limitations in this turn by evaluating the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s subsequent consultation process against the criteria of inclusion, equality, reciprocity, agreement, and integration. Despite impressive deliberative democratic designs, the process falls short of each criterion. This analysis clarifies the relative importance of actors to coalitions and institutions. Even with a strong coalition and favorable institutional context, realizing deliberative democracy is contingent on the will of involved actors. This conclusion has implications for the theory and practice of deliberative democracy.  相似文献   

“新乡贤”作为农村基层治理重要的非制度性主体,是贯彻落实“乡村振兴”战略的重要规划部署,有助于汇聚社会多方力量、统筹社会资本、助力乡村振兴;有助于实现农村基层治理参与主体的多元化;以“新乡贤”为建构主体的“乡贤文化”有助于推进农村基层治理文化建设。但是,“新乡贤”在农村基层治理纵深拓展的过程中却呈现出融合难、效果低、留不住等突出问题,限制了“新乡贤”内在功用的发挥。因此,应该从拓宽“新乡贤”参与农村基层治理的渠道、完善“激励—约束”并重的风险防控体系、健全社会主义核心价值观培育机制入手,以期为“新乡贤”有效融入农村基层治理,进而提升其治理效能提供有益参考价值。  相似文献   

Citizens' Juries and Deliberative Democracy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the face of widespread dissatisfaction with contemporary democratic practice, there has been a growing interest in theories of deliberative democracy. However theorists have often failed to sufficiently address the question of institutional design. This paper argues that recent experiments with citizens' juries should be of interest to deliberative democrats. The practice of citizens' juries is considered in light of three deliberative democratic criteria: inclusivity, deliberation and citizenship. It is argued that citizens' juries offer important insights into how democratic deliberation could be institutionalized in contemporary political decision-making processes.  相似文献   


This article examines the interaction between institutional change and caste and gender embeddedness. It develops a framework for understanding how this interaction takes place. The article presents data on the results of an effort by a non-profit development organization, the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF), to promote women's cooperatives, grounded in the ideas of mutual self-help and equitable access to services, in rural Andhra Pradesh in India. Using a simple theoretical framework that highlights the multi-level nature of institutional change, and the potential for interactions with embeddedness at one level to affect interactions at other levels, the article presents data showing how particular institutional rules of the cooperatives interacted with caste and gender to shape the overall governance and service delivery practices of these new organizations. In particular, after failed attempts to integrate existing, male-dominated cooperatives with women, the CDF created gender-segregated cooperatives. Data from the women's cooperatives show the creation of mixed-caste organizations, with boards of directors that were fairly representative of their membership, but with presidents that were more likely to be from the higher-castes. Access to financial services shows little caste bias, though lending is through caste-based peer groups. The data suggest that the interaction of embeddedness and institutional change is a process contingent on: a) the strategy taken by the development organization towards embeddedness; b) the nature of the institutional change itself relative to the existing social structure; and c) the effects the interactions between institutional change and embeddedness at different levels have on each other.  相似文献   

Deliberative democracy requires a new type of deliberative citizenship and deliberative governance. However, there has been little examination of the connection between deliberative citizenship and deliberative governance. Moreover, despite a growing literature that has examined a diversity of concepts of Chinese citizenship, the newly emerging deliberative citizenship has not been studied. This paper attempts to fill these two gaps by studying the role of deliberative citizenship in deliberative governance practice. Drawing on an experiment this author organized in 2010, this article examines the question of whether deliberative citizenship can be harnessed to solve a particular social problem and how deliberative forums can become a new form of deliberative governance mechanism. It examines what kind of conditions help or hinder the development of deliberative citizenship and deliberative governance, and identifies the limitations of local deliberative democracy in China.  相似文献   

Deliberative Democracy and the Deliberative Poll on the Euro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Focus on the concept of deliberative democracy has increased rapidly within recent decades. However, the concept is weakly defined, if at all. 'Deliberation' is defined as an unconstrained exchange of arguments that involves practical reasoning and potentially leads to a transformation of preferences. Throughout the 1990s several innovative democratic experiments have flourished focusing on citizens' involvement and deliberation. The Deliberative Poll in focus here is, according to many parameters, the most ambitious one. The article presents the results from the Danish National Deliberative Poll on the single currency. In August 2000, 364 repres-entative Danish citizens assembled to deliberate on Denmark's participation in the single currency. The Deliberative Poll is described as a quasi-experiment set out to explore the empirical potentials of deliberative democracy. The focus is whether the claimed potential of deliberative democracy is present in the experimental setting. The participants' answers reflect a deliberative process dominated by considerable changes in opinion, an increase in knowledge and an improved ability to form a reasoned opinion. Mutual understanding among the participants prevailed. At the same time, self-interest and domination were also part of the deliberative process. Thus, this article encourages the development of deliberative democratic theory in order to incorporate these features of politics.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to describe the conditions necessary for the furthering of democracy in Turkey by focusing on a certain conception of democratic legitimacy that goes beyond formal arrangements. It argues that the effective participation of citizens in democratic procedures is necessary for the consolidation of democracy in public life. To defend this argument, the theoretical background developed in deliberative models of democracy is followed. The quality of 'talk', as a constitutive feature of democracy, is explored by following the critical perspectives in deliberative theory that focus on the discursive mechanisms of exclusion and on power relations intrinsic to deliberative procedures. For this purpose, the deliberative processes in a series of 'working group meetings', carried out as a part of the Local Agenda 21 project, are analysed. The democratic capacity of deliberative experiences and public dialogue is analysed by examining the inclusion/exclusion of opposing ideas, different identities and discourse styles during these working groups meetings.  相似文献   

This article makes three key contributions to debates surrounding the effectiveness of democratic innovation, deliberation and participation in representative political systems. In the first instance, it argues that more attention should be paid to the role that participation actually plays in governance. The literature on democratic institutional design often neglects concern about the effects of innovative institutional designs on more traditional representative fora, at the expense of concerns about their internal procedures. Second, the article argues that despite limitations, replicable systematic comparison of the effects of institutional design is both necessary and possible even at the level of national governance. A comparative analysis of 31 cases of National Public Policy Conferences (NPPCs) in Brazil is presented. Finally, the article shows that popular deliberative assemblies that vary in their familiarity and their policy area of interest, and that organise their structure and sequence deliberation in different ways can be associated with differential effects on both option analysis and option selection stages of the policy process, respectively.  相似文献   

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