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行政诉讼撤诉:问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
撤诉是当事人对诉权进行处分的重要体现,也是法院终结诉讼的重要方式,目前甚至成为主要方式。有些是当事人自愿撤诉,有些是由于被告改变具体行政行为而撤诉,也有的是当事人迫于压力撤诉。原因既有传统法律文化的影响,又有政治体制的因素,还有行政诉讼制度设计本身存在的问题。所以,建构科学的行政诉讼撤诉制度对实现行政诉讼目的有重要意义。  相似文献   

司法实践中,大量行政诉讼案件以撤诉方式结案。撤诉审查权的虚置,使行政诉讼面临撤诉率畸高,而撤诉后的救济渠道缺乏等问题使撤诉案件并未真正"案结事了",行政争议依然存在甚至激化,不利于当事人的利益保护和社会的稳定发展,因此,检察机关应加强对法院行政诉讼撤诉审查的检察监督。不过,对法院行政诉讼撤诉审查的检察监督存在合理的范围和限度。从总体上说,行政诉讼撤诉审查检察监督重在程序控制,是一种有限监督。检察机关应在科学合理的程序和方式下对法院行政诉讼撤诉审查进行监督。  相似文献   

近年来,以撤诉终结诉讼的案件越来越多,在结案总数中所占的比重逐年上升。撤诉己成为仅次于调解的第二大结案方式。与此同时,撤诉中存在的问题也愈来愈严重,撤诉处理不当不仅仅是个别法院的问题,而是普遍存在的,应当引起各界的关注。本文试对撤诉中存在的具体问题作初步的分析。1.强迫撤诉撤诉是原告处分自己诉讼权利的行为,必须由原告自愿提出。强迫撤诉、动员撤诉或者附加条件的撤诉,都是违背撤诉自愿原则的。但在审判实践中却存在着动员、甚至强迫撤诉的情况,具体表现为;一是强行动员撤诉。承办人在案件审理过程中多次动员、“教育”原告撤诉,原告无奈,只好违心地提出撤诉申请。如某原告在撤诉申请上公开写道:“法院催了两次,为了不影响法院工作,暂提出撤诉。”二是附加条件地动员原告撤诉。有些审理  相似文献   

民事一审撤诉实质为多种撤诉类型的集合概念,在诉讼过程中有着多元化的复杂形态,按照程 序运行阶段的不同,可以将民事一审撤诉类型化为提前撤诉、庭审撤诉及禁止撤诉三种撤诉模式,其中庭审撤 诉按照撤诉方式的不同又可以具体化为申请撤诉、和解撤诉、调解撤诉及拟制撤诉四种形态。不同撤诉类型 的制度属性及程序品质各不相同,需要就每种撤诉模式分别予以研究并结合其内在程序机理作出自身应有的 制度安排和程序控制。  相似文献   

刘桂敏 《山东审判》2013,(1):103-107
现行法律并未将和解作为行政诉讼的结案方式,所以司法实践中,经和解的行政案件都是采用撤诉的形式结案。和解与撤诉二者关系密不可分,和解为因,撤诉为果。法律及相应司法解释对原告一审撤诉规定的已非常详尽,但对二审及再审程序中的诉讼和解规定尚有欠缺,为此,本文有意对最高法院《关于行政诉讼撤诉  相似文献   

撤诉是结束诉讼的重要方式之一,它在行政诉讼中占有较大比重.但审判;实践中.对此的认识与适用不尽一致,为此,笔者谈点粗浅的看法.一、撤诉的概念及性质撤诉是指原告人或上诉人在人民法院裁判宣告之前,主动申请撤回起诉或上诉,或以消极的不作为方式放弃自己的诉讼请求,经人民法院审查批准,从而终结诉讼活动的制度.撤诉在第一审程序和第二审程序中都可能发生,前者是指原告的  相似文献   

民事撤诉制度的若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行民事撤诉制度,因法律规定过于疏简,缺乏可操作性,在审判实践中暴露出了很多问题。民事撤诉制度的建立与完善应以原告自由处分原则为基础,着眼于原告撤诉权与人民法院审查权的平衡,实现对原告撤诉权与被告合法权益平等、公正的法律保护。从撤诉权的行使及其时间,不准撤诉的范围和撤诉裁定的方式等方面对民事撤诉制度中存在的若干问题提出了一些想法。  相似文献   

民事撤诉制度是民事诉讼的一项重要制度,既是当事人自由处分其诉讼权利的一种途径,也是人民法院结案的一种方式。但是我国对撤诉制度的规定还有很多的不完善之处。本文通过分析我国民事撤诉制度的不完善之处,借鉴国外一些国家的做法,提出一些完善的建议。  相似文献   

民事撤诉制度是民事诉讼的一项重要制度,既是当事人自由处分其诉讼权利的一种途径,也是人民法院结案的一种方式。但是我国对撤诉制度的规定还有很多的不完善之处。本文通过分析我国民事撤诉制度的不完善之处,借鉴国外一些国家的做法,提出一些完善的建议。  相似文献   

检察机关对于提起公诉的案件又撤回的在实践中虽然发生率不高,但却存在很多问题。主要表现为撤诉事由明显超出规定情形、证据不足的撤诉阻断存疑无罪判决、被告人在司法审查过程中缺位、法院的审查走过场、重复追诉随意等。要完善撤回公诉制度,应当分析实践中做法的原因与合理性,调整撤诉的具体事由,限定法院以开庭的方式审查撤诉,并对审查进行原则性约束,增加法院的指令撤诉等程序,还要对撤诉后的重复追诉加以控制。  相似文献   

Negotiated management—various forms of communication, collaboration and cooperation between police and protest organizers, often taking the form of protest permits—has been mainly theorized as a means to mitigate police violence while respecting protesters’ 1st Amendment rights. A few theorists have problematized this view, suggesting that negotiated management is a form of social control that puts various restrictions on dissent. Drawing from my research on Occupy Oakland, I build upon these critiques to illustrate how negotiated management was used as a tool of repression in two key ways, and how newer forms of repression (strategic incapacitation) are still enmeshed in its logic. First, by criminalizing legal activity among protesters, through the use of a permit, who were then subjected to police repression. Second, I show how negotiated management as a normative structure of protest was used as a form of repression, even when communication and cooperation with police were clearly rejected by the movement. I illustrate how the refusal of negotiated management was used to discredit the movement and subject it to physical repression. Rather than seeing negotiated management as an alternative to police repression and strategic incapacitation, I argue that they are two sides of the same policing project, the primary aim of which is to prevent disruptive protest.  相似文献   

Indigenous sentencing courts are now an established form of innovative justice practice in most Australian jurisdictions. Whether such processes, which involve the participation of local community elders or representatives in sentencing an offender, provide a “better” form of justice is still up for debate. Recidivism analyses have yet to find that these courts are more likely to reduce reoffending than their mainstream counterparts. Some scholars argue that this is not the sole purpose of the courts and that other measures of “success” should be utilised when evaluating their performance. This article uses interviews with judicial officers, elders, community representatives, and Indigenous and non‐Indigenous court workers to explore what the courts are seeking to achieve and how that translates into a different form of doing justice.  相似文献   

This article argues that there is a need to understand better the legal origins of collective responsibility, as well as to provide additional material for further judicial interpretation of this form of responsibility. For the purposes of this article, collective responsibility refers to the form of individual criminal responsibility that holds individuals accountable for the criminal purpose or objective of a group where they acted in concert with others or otherwise contributed to the fulfillment of the common criminal plan. To spur on further inquiry into the subject of collective responsibility specifically, this article examines the contribution of the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC) to the development of this mode of liability and discusses how it is relevant today. In order to provide sufficient background information on this subject matter, this article begins by presenting an overview of the evolution of collective responsibility from Nuremberg to where it stands in practice at the ICC. Finally, the article will demonstrate how the Commission’s diplomatic exchanges in tandem with cases under its supervision contributed to early formation of customary international law and how these historical events are important today.  相似文献   

The medical profession is in the habit of using a standard "consent form" to record a patient's consent to medical therapy, particularly for a surgical operation. This article explores how to design a consent form to avoid the many traps to be found in the law of consent.  相似文献   

Gideon Yaffe??s ??subjectivism about attempts?? rest on the Transfer Principle: ??If a particular form of conduct is legitimately criminalized, then the attempt to engage in that form of conduct is also legitimately criminalized.?? From the perspective of a moral concern with culpability, this principle seems to get to the heart of the matter: the true essence of what is wrong with attempting to commit a crime. Unfortunately, Yaffe??s argument for the Transfer Principle is based on an equivocation and therefore logically unsound. The moral core of the Principle is still sound, but we can??t tell from Yaffe??s book how far that principle would take us in the criminal law.  相似文献   

This article examines the records of free-standing proof-of-age hearings from their probable introduction around the mid thirteenth century to their formal consolidation by the beginning of the fourteenth. It traces the gradual establishment of a hybrid legal form, unique to proof hearings, whereby individual jurors were routinely questioned as to the basis of their knowledge of an heir's birth and replied with a statement of plausible personal connection with the birth. It shows in detail how a rationalising legal bureaucracy encountered the expectations and practices of local jurors and recorders and the compromises that resulted in an enduring legal form.  相似文献   

Elder abuse is a growing public health problem in the United States and statistics show that each year, hundreds of thousands of elders are abused in some manner. This Note discusses elder abuse while focusing specifically on the occurrence of elder abandonment and how the majority of states do not recognize elder abandonment as a form of elder abuse in their statutes. Moreover, this Note proposes a model statute to be adopted by every state in an effort for elder abandonment to become more widely reported. Elder abandonment is an unfortunate phenomenon and those who contribute to elder abandonment should face criminal liability similar to those abusers who engage in elder neglect or other types of elder abuse. Furthermore, this Note emphasizes that there should be a greater focus on how caregivers can seek assistance in order to prevent elder abuse in the United States.  相似文献   

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