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现实生活中人们遭遇的各种不法侵害在虚拟的数字化世界中同样可能发生。近年来我国计算机网络犯罪呈现上升态势 ,计算机网络已成为一种新型的犯罪工具、犯罪场所与犯罪侵害的目标 ,应该引起我们的高度重视。本文试就计算机网络犯罪及其特征、计算机网络犯罪的趋势 ,进行一些分析、探讨 ,并就遏制计算机网络犯罪的蔓延提出一些对策、建议。  相似文献   

随着计算机及其网络技术的不断发展,网络犯罪率也在不断增高,给社会带来的危害性不容小觑。而我国目前对网络犯罪立法方面存在很大的缺陷。完善网络犯罪的立法,降低网络犯罪的刑事责任年龄,增加单位犯罪主体;明确规定"电子证据";设立网络警察,收编网络黑客,组建网络犯罪侦查"特种兵",提高和打击网络犯罪的能力,维护良好的网络秩序,还原一个良好的网络环境,已经成为当前的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

论电子商务中的诚信问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机技术、网络技术及通信技术的迅速发展,网上营销和电子商务已经成为网络的主要应用之一,网络诚信度则是关键因素。本文分析了电子商务活动和诚信度方面存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的发表,社会生活的各个领域都在发生着深刻的变革。会计领域也不例外。网络会计以实现电子商务为目标,能够提供互联网环境下财务管理模式,财务工作方式及其各项功能的财务管理软件系统。与传统的会计形式相比,网络会计有如下优点:①会计信息提供更及时;②会计信息披露更全面;③会计信息的获取更具针对性;④在网络会计中,一项复杂的工作可以划分为许多部分,由网络上不同的计算机分别处理;⑤实现计算机资源的共享;⑥管理结构的扁平化。但网络会计在实施与发展过程申也面临一些问题:①对会计人员的素质提出了更高的新的要求;②信息资产的计量问题;③信息传递的完整性问题;④网络系统的安全保证问题。要发展网络会计,在立法方面,为了对付日益猖獗的计算机犯罪,国家应制定并实施计算机安全及数据保护法律,从宏观土加强对信息系统的控制,并从技术上、管理上考虑安全措施,同时,要注意软件开发和网络会计方面的人才培养。  相似文献   

网络传播技术的发展,为人们提供了极其丰富的信息资源和应用服务,但网络犯罪与网络技术同步发展。所谓网络犯罪,是指发生在网络空间的,以计算机网络为犯罪工具或者攻击对象实施的严重危害社会、应受刑罚处罚的行为。  相似文献   

金辉 《学理论》2009,(18):F0003-F0003
网络传播技术的发展,为人们提供了极其丰富的信息资源和应用服务,但网络犯罪与网络技术同步发展。所谓网络犯罪,是指发生在网络空间的,以计算机网络为犯罪工具或者攻击对象实施的严重危害社会、应受刑罚处罚的行为。  相似文献   

科学技术是一把双刃剑。计算机网络技术的应用和普及,在改变人类生产和生活方式的同时,也带来了各种各样的犯罪活动,严重危害社会的稳定,成为当前和谐社会构建中的一大障碍。只有把握计算机网络犯罪的生成机理,对症下药,才能预防和惩治日益猖獗的计算机网络犯罪。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术和Internet的发展以及信息处理能力的不断提高,基于网络的安全问题也日益突出、日显重要。本文从影响网络安全的因素入手探讨了网络安全防范方法及防火墙技术的应用,并对防火墙技术的不足和发展提出了一些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

近10年来,全球经济和文化的发展呈现出两大趋势———全球化和知识化、信息化。这也是“知识经济”一词产生的国际背景。这两大趋势都离不开信息技术的快速发展与支撑,正是信息技术发展成为一门新兴产业———信息产业(IT产业),使信息的全球性快速流动成为现实,并使得上述两个趋势成为可能。信息的快速流动,是在计算机及其网络上实现的,这种存在于计算机及网络之中的“空间”就是网络空间,其所带来的文化现象就是网络文化。本文拟就上述问题作一初步探讨,并就如何应用相关的技术加强宣传思想工作,谈一点看法。一、“网络空间”概念的提出…  相似文献   

一、虚拟社会的概念及特征(一)虚拟社会的概念睦拟社会是一种源于计算机网络技术不断普及和发展而形成的一种新的社会形态,是指现实社会中的个人和组织以现代计算机网络为基础和框架,在各种虚拟空间中展Yt=活动,相互作用、相互影响而形成的社会关系体。  相似文献   

In this study we examine responses to the recent expansion of information technology in two rural Minnesota towns. One of these towns took a cooperative approach to technology access, developing a community electronic network, while the other town relied on a more individualistic, entrepreneurial model. The present study examines citizens' attitudes concerning social, political, and technological issues in these two communities, with the goal of uncovering what kinds of attitudes and resources citizens need to have in order to help support and sustain a community electronic network. Structural equation modeling is used to specify the relationships among individuals' economic, political, and social resources, technology ownership and use, and awareness of and support for the community network. Drawing on a theory of social capital, we consider the relative importance of privately- oriented social engagement versus publicly- oriented political engagement in relation to collective outcomes. Our analysis shows that in the town with the broadly- based community electronic network, individuals' political as well as economic resources are linked to knowledge and use of computer resources, whereas in the comparison community, economic stratification alone drives computer access. The implications of these findings for issues of equity, access to technology, and the development of strong community ties are discussed.  相似文献   

郑秀平 《学理论》2010,(6):182-183
《电子商务概论》是一门新兴的交叉性课程,它融合了计算机技术和网络通信技术,涉及到了金融学、管理学、经济学等多门学科,是一门学科综合、文理渗透、理论和实践应用相结合的课程。作者对该课程实践内容按照电子商务“四流”即信息流、商流、资金流和物流分别进行探讨,主要包括“四流”的相关含义、特征和实训内容,以期对电子商务概论课程实践教学内容有一定的参考和帮助意义。  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, civil society activists and non-governmental organizations have been employing new information and communication technologies, such as the Internet, to facilitate their activities. At the same time, an increasing number of computer scientists, hackers, and engineers have become increasingly politicized, contributing their skills to security, privacy, and networking tools used by civil society organizations worldwide. The merging of these two social forces, and their sophisticated uses of technology for political action, is giving rise to a new form of distributed information and communication networking that I refer to as ‘network intelligence’.  相似文献   

The postcapitalism thesis asserts that open source and collaborative non-profit organisations represent a new, non-market sector in which the profit motive and monetary exchange no longer drive economic activity; in Marxist political economy terms, they are a new means for suppressing the law of value . Information technology has produced four systemic dysfunctions, limiting capitalism’s ability to function as a complex adaptive system: the zero marginal cost effect, the tendency to delink work from wages, positive network effects, and information asymmetries. In response, in addition to the traditional remedies of social democracy for a stagnant neoliberal economic model, left parties must adopt a programme of transition: aggressively breaking up technological monopolies; promoting universal basic income and basic service solutions; outlawing rent-seeking business models; and promoting data democracy.  相似文献   

In recent times, Pearl Harbor historiography has shifted towards the question of whether or not the Pearl Harbor attack could have been predicted through intercepted signals. The recent prodigious output of books and articles on this subject makes it necessary to reflect upon how the debate has developed. Some traditionalists (who believe that the Pearl Harbor attack surprised US and Allied authorities) continue to criticize revisionists (who believe that intercepted signals may have provided foreknowledge of the attack) using a blend of polemics and ad hominem criticism. That adversarial template began long ago with the first sharp criticisms of the work of revisionist historian Charles Beard. Similar criticisms of revisionists continue to the present day, but such criticisms are unfounded as relevant evidence concerning pre-Pearl Harbor signals intelligence, drawn from both archival and anecdotal sources, suggests that the revisionist thesis merits further scholarly attention.  相似文献   

校园网建设,简而言之是将校园内各种不同应用的信息资源通过高性能的网络设备相互连接起来,形成校园园区内部的Internet系统,对外通过路由设备接入广域网。在这些网络基础上,形成在校园内部、校园与外部进行信息沟通的体系,建立满足教学、科研和管理需求的计算机环境,为学校各种人员提供充分的网络信息服务,在网络环境中进行教学、研究、收集信息等工作。  相似文献   

通过总结五年网络教学经验,对如何通过利用网络平台和计算机绘图软件来有效、扎实、科学合理的实现《工程图学》的实际教学与网络教学的有机结合以达到老师与学生的有效、高质量的互动,提出了几点建设性意见,对提高《工程图学》课的教学质量将有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

The inherent right of self-defense is critical in protecting the United States (U.S.) space network from growing threats. The scope of this right is frequently questioned, and as applied to the space network, raises several questions. To what extent does the right of self-defense extend outside U.S. territory? Is it permissible under this right to defend non-U.S. registered space assets? What is the standard for establishing an “armed attack” in space? Is the intent of the attackers or the scope of the attack relevant in exercising this right in space? In a 2003 case from the International Court of Justice, the Case Concerning Oil Platforms, many of these questions were addressed, not in the context of a space war, but in the context of a factually analogous conflict, the Tanker War of the 1980s. The Oil Platforms case may be a harbinger for an international shift in the interpretation of the inherent right of self-defense in such a manner as to severely limit U.S. military options in response to an attack on it space systems. This is a shift the U.S. must be prepared to counter.  相似文献   

张荣 《学理论》2011,(19):239-240
虚拟网络社会与现实社会交融共存,共同构成人类基本的生存环境。虚拟社会毕竟不同于现实社会,引发了一系列的网络社会的问题。要建立和谐良好的网络生态环境,就必须遵循一些基本的网络交往原则。  相似文献   

计算机犯罪作为一种高智能型犯罪,随着社会和技术的进步不断呈现出新态势。本文对当前我国计算机犯罪的现状特别是计算机犯罪类型进行了深入分析,并就计算机犯罪类型中几类高发案件进行了技术防范措施的探讨。  相似文献   

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