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通过对人情异化、渠村微观经济背景和宏观社会结构的关联与互动的分析,重新解释了人情异化的原因,以和现有的人情异化理论对话。金融排斥和民间货币供给渠道的"先天不足"使村民的资金需求无法得到满足。这样的微观经济背景使渠村人情资源的功能由网络支持功能转向信贷功能,人情资源被货币化,并由此引发对人情资源使用权和收益机会的占有和剥削。这才是人情异化的真正原因。基于以上判断,反思并检视以往的人情改革,这对准确把握人情改革的方向和路径具有积极意义。  相似文献   

人情异化对公序良俗、公共利益造成极大破坏,也在很大程度上贬损了"人情"对中国人所具有的正面形象。本文从理论上揭示了"讲人情"作为一种待人接物的态度和方式的基本特性及其内在精神,指出"讲人情"的行为方式是在默认既定社会规范及其主流价值观念的条件下具有互爱互惠精神的施惠和回报;而人情异化的行为方式则是在自定条件下缺失、偏离乃至背离了这种具有互爱互惠精神的施惠和回报;两者在动机、方式及效果上存在着实质性差异。我们既要弘扬"讲人情"的互爱互惠精神,又要谨防人情异化。  相似文献   

中国是个充满人情的社会,无论是日常生活领域还是工作领域,说话办事要讲人情已成为一种普遍现象,人情规则也在一定程度上保证了社会的有效运转。然而"讲人情"也带来了很多负面影响。在人情异化情况下,可能给领导造成极大的人情债风险,表现为人情盲从、人情屈从、人情交换和人情投资等四种情况。为此,应从淡化身份、建立原则、控制私欲及防微杜渐方面进行相应避险。  相似文献   

解构与重构:乡村政治生态视阈下村级民主监督的深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从现实实践来看,转型期我国乡村社会农民存在的"搭便车"和"不参与"行为消解着村级民主监督体系的主体;熟人社会和流动社会的"人情抵制"和"无人监督"消解着村级民主监督的过程;村庄场域内权力结构的"非均衡性"和"不完整性"造成村庄权力过于集中而使监督主体与客体处于失衡状态。为此,在乡村政治生态视阈下推进村级民主监督的深化,需要构建国家主导下的乡村社会内部自主的民主监督。  相似文献   

甘伟平  陈元园 《学理论》2015,(7):139-140,153
"消费异化(Consumption Alienation)"是西方马克思主义理论家用来分析当代资本主义社会的一个重要概念,他们围绕消费异化产生的原因、危害以及如何摆脱消费异化等方面展开了系统的研究,形成了西方马克思主义"消费异化论"。大学生作为未来消费社会的主力军,消费行为逐渐呈现出异化的倾向。厘清消费异化概念,利用其对当前大学生进行分析,找出消费异化的原因并提出相应措施,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

农村社区建设中“被城市化”问题及其防止   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司林波 《理论探索》2011,(2):89-90,94
农村社区建设中的"被城市化"问题,是农村社区建设进程中出现的一个超越了当地经济社会发展承载能力的、由政府强制推动的村庄撤并问题。"被城市化"是农村社区建设中的异化现象,是某些地方政府出于政绩的考虑和对政策的误读造成的结果,其不仅损害了农民的利益,也带来了一系列社会问题。防止农村社区建设中出现"被城市化"问题,要坚持因地制宜的原则,加强政府的正确引导,不断完善农村社会保障体系。  相似文献   

姚顺良 《理论探讨》2007,13(6):38-41
关于"异化"理论同马克思主义的关系问题,国内外学界已进行过长期和广泛的研究,但不少方面仍有待进一步深化。通过对"异化"范畴和"异化"理论形成过程的全面梳理,可以更为深入地揭示马克思接受"异化"理论的具体语境,特别是青年马克思异化理论本身演化的内在逻辑。马克思以前"异化"经历了从"经济的日常观念"到"社会—价值的概念"再到"哲学的范畴—理论"三个阶段的演化。对马克思产生直接影响的是黑格尔和布鲁诺.鲍威尔,特别是费尔巴哈和赫斯的异化理论。马克思从异化思想萌芽到自己独特的"劳动异化"理论的形成,并非单纯外部语境的产物,而主要是其实践批判不断深化(宗教和哲学批判—国家和法批判—国民经济学批判)、理论上对异化根源不断追问(宗教异化—政治异化—经济即财产异化—劳动异化)的必然结果。  相似文献   

领导干部职务消费"异化"的原因及其整治路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
领导干部职务消费"异化"是现阶段中国社会客观存在的普遍现象.本文从公共选择理论视角探究了现象的原因,论证了领导干部选择职务消费"异化"行为是一个对其行为的成本-收益的分析、比较的过程,是一个追求自身利益最大化的过程;领导干部职务消费"异化"行为屡禁不止的根本原因就在于其所预期的"异化"行为所带来的理性约束成本过小.本文从界定产权角度提出了整治路径--实现职务消费的薪酬化,并在此基础上提出了若干可操作性的措施.  相似文献   

在多元激励促使下,"经营村庄"得以出现并成为探析乡镇政府行为特征的重要方面。以动用体制内资源为核心的诸种行政理性行为,构成乡镇政府"经营村庄"的基本手段。相较于"经营企业"和"经营土地",在"经营村庄"中,乡镇政府的经营重心从基层社会转向行政体制内部,并注重对体制内资源的获取和利用,经营效果上注重推动农村发展中缓解行政压力与满足自利性诉求相统一,上下级政府关系处理上强调对上级政府意志和制度设置的遵从及策略性援引而非突破。乡镇政府"经营村庄"尽管能够在短期内实现村庄快速发展,但化解经营风险依靠持续的体制内资源引入,从而加重了体制负担。本文通过对"经营村庄"中乡镇政府行为的分析,拓展了"政权经营者"的角色认知。  相似文献   

立足对LSZ村的实地考察,从村庄居住模式这一微观视角出发探讨村庄邻里关系的变迁过程。在传统农村社会中,邻里之间的互动遵循着人情、面子和关系三个原则,而楼房格局、合作和信任的生产以及劝架是邻里关系自我维持的三个重要机制。在现代农村社会中,由于楼房格局安排和居住模式的变化,特别是现代意义上客厅的出现和院子周围围墙的设立,传统邻里关系网络正在不断解体,邻里关系正逐渐呈现出一种"熟悉的陌生人"的新形态。在这样一种新形态的关系中,邻里之间的互动逐渐带上了功利化和理性化的色彩,并且邻里之间因地界空间而形成的纠纷和冲突也在不断增多,这种现象值得关注与探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, we make three interrelated points. First, while much of the recent literature on new forms of citizenship has focused on the diversity of large cities and new forms of migration, we seek to establish rural sites as important arenas for negotiating citizenship. We stress that far from being homogeneous, villages in their struggles over belonging are affected by long-standing diversity as well as global discourses. Second, we seek to complicate the interpretation of the demise of socialism as a radical break manifested in a diminished role of the state. We show that if the central state retreats, local state actors may gain in importance for local negotiations of citizenship. Third, we explore how the local state actors sometimes use their new powers over social rights to recreate boundaries of belonging through public performances tied to the administration of these rights. We go on to explore the normative basis for these performances and indicate that membership is still based on a contribution of work to the common good. This can best be conceptualised as a shifting continuity rather than a sharp break after 1989.  相似文献   

What is the effect of out-migration on drinking water provision in rural China? Despite concerns about the ability of migrants to contribute to collective action for public goods provision, this study demonstrates that villages with higher rates of labor migration are more likely to have public drinking water than those with little migration. Temporary labor migration reduces isolation and increases connections outside the village. External funding sources including county governments favor villages where they have contacts as well as villages that need more support because most working-age adults are working outside the village. As a result, villages with high rates of out-migration are more likely have public access to drinking water. The findings are based on data from a survey of more than 50 natural villages in two townships of Southwest China.  相似文献   

This article examines how local government operated in two villages in northern Albania and describes how these two communities organized themselves to negotiate with the state. Post‐communist local government is examined by means of its functions as a provider and an organizer. The reluctance of central government to devolve power was reflected in the resources allocated to local government institutions and thus on their performance. While Albanian cultural traditions were a source of support and cohesion in the villages, they were no substitute for the development of the capacity to collectively negotiate with the state. There was a link between the way in which institutions were socially embedded and the capacity of the villages to form and support representative bodies. The article concludes that local government has been undervalued and argues for greater attention to be focused on the nexus composed of citizens and the institutions of government which are closest to them. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nearly 15 years after embarking on its large‐scale decentralisation programme, Indonesia has decided to extend its efforts to the village level. Decentralising to villages is intended to improve service delivery performance at the lowest administrative tier and reduce social inequality and poverty. A number of potential difficulties with the design of Indonesia's nascent village decentralisation initiative have already become apparent. Methods used to allocate funds to villages are particularly problematic. Oddly, fund distribution procedures insist to a large extent on equal per village allocations, despite the significant heterogeneity of villages. And they ignore other sources of revenue to which villages have access. In the event, village revenues will be very inequitably distributed: villages with high levels of poverty will receive less money than they need and villages with access to significant funding from oil and gas revenues will receive more than required. Also, village service responsibilities are unclearly defined, village financial management systems are inadequately prepared to handle large increases in funding, and mechanisms to monitor and control village spending are underdeveloped. These difficulties will severely constrain the achievement of official objectives and create further challenges for reformers in their attempts to combat corruption at the subnational level. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

唐民云 《学理论》2012,(13):9-10,17
随着我国城镇化进程的推进,乡镇政府所处的行政生态环境发生了深刻的变化,突出体现在乡镇经济、政治、文化和社会环境的变化。其变化对乡镇服务型政府作用的方向、方式、范围和程度提出了挑战。乡镇服务型政府对此积极作出回应,以保持乡镇行政生态的动态平衡。  相似文献   

Active research on a wide range of political contexts centers on ethnicity's role in collective action. Many theories posit that information flows more easily in ethnically homogeneous areas, facilitating collective action, because social networks among coethnics are denser. Although this characterization is ubiquitous, little empirical work assesses it. Through a novel field experiment in a matched pair of villages in rural Uganda, this article directly examines word‐of‐mouth information spread and its relationship to ethnic diversity and networks. As expected, information spread more widely in the homogeneous village. However, unexpectedly, the more diverse village's network is significantly denser. Using unusually detailed network data, we offer an explanation for why network density may hamper information dissemination in heterogeneous areas, showing why even slight hesitation to share information with people from other groups can have large aggregate effects.  相似文献   

本村人、本地人与外来人——经济发达村庄的封闭与开放   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本通过对四个经济发达村庄村民与外来人口之间关系的研究解释村庄的封闭与开放。在这项研究中我们发现,农村改革以后,随着农村工业化和城市化的发展,村庄并不是越来越走向开放,相反,经济发达的村庄越来越形成一个经济共同体,其封闭性在提高;与此同时,本村村民保持了与周围村民的交往和联系,是开放的。来自边远地区的外来人被排斥在村庄的公共生活之外,形成了自己的群体,与村民很少交往。造成这种现象的原因是农村工业化和城市化与市场发育的不同步,地方政府在农村工业化和城市化过程中起到了主要的作用。这项研究说明,用“差序格局”和“村落共同体”的理论都无法正确地概括现在中国村庄的特征。  相似文献   

农村城市化和城镇化是两条不同的道路。中国的农村应该走城市化道路,而非城镇化道路。农村城市化应该通过申型城市辐射发展模式来实现。城镇化是实施小城镇模式,实际上,中国所实施的小城镇策略在现实申很难实现。  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设中的政府能力——公共产品的视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会主义新农村建设是我国现代化的一个关键环节.从一定意义上说,社会主义新农村的建设过程就是农村公共产品供给效率的改善及供给结构的优化过程.从公共产品的视角出发,有利于深入探讨社会主义新农村建设中政府能力的本质、问题与成因,政府与乡村自组织的关系等重要方面.我们认为,政府是农村公共产品的主要责任者,政府供给农村公共产品的程度与质量是政府能力的重要表现;农民的自组织化是提高农村公共产品供给效率及促进基层民主发展的内在要求;厘清政府与乡村自组织的关系是社会主义新农村建设的应有之义.推进社会主义新农村建设,要求政府既能够承担农村公共产品的供给责任,又能够在公共产品供给中处理好与乡村自组织的关系,为此,应当划分好政府在农村公共产品供给中的责任;改革乡村治理结构,提升基层政府的能力;培育农村自治组织,提高农村公共产品的供给效率;处理好政府与农村自组织的关系,促进农村基层民主的发展.  相似文献   

Previous studies on village elections have focused on the election process, but few have examined post-election outcomes related to local land management systems. Land is the most important resource in Chinese villages, but land management and reallocation are the chief responsibility for elected village leaders. Previous studies show that villager attitudes toward the “fairness” of land reallocations and the type of village elections vary across villages. Some villages have an open election/nomination process while other villages have “closed” or unfair elections. We found that openly elected leaders are more accountable to villagers and that their land management decisions do reflect villager preferences for “fair” land reallocation. Our findings are based on a 2000–2001 survey of 34 villages in rural Shaanxi province. Rozelle is also a member of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. We acknowledge the finical support of the Fulbright Fellowship and the University of California, Pacific Rim Research Fellowship. We want to thank the three anonymous reviews as well as Kevin O’Brien and Li Lianjiang for their comments and suggestions. In addition, we want to thank our friends and colleagues at Northwest University, Xian for all their help, collaboration and support. This paper was first presented in Chinese at the “Contemporary Rural Chinese Social Life” conference held at Hong Kong Polytechnic University November 21st and 22nd 2002.  相似文献   

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