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黎建飞在《工人日报))2007年3月28日撰文,对就业促进法立法过程中应该遵循的原则进行了探讨。1.禁止就业歧视,保障平等就业。就社会成员而言,公平的就业机会包括得到职业培训的机会、得到就业的机会以及获得平等的就业条件。就业平等是开放性的全方位的平等。以劳动报酬为例,一个人虽然找到了工作,但在该项工作中得到的劳动报酬却低于同岗位的其他人,则其就业仍然是不平等的或者说是被歧视的。这种不平等更多地表现在劳动力市场中的弱者、供给过剩的劳动类别中.如大学生就业中的“零工资”现象、用人单位利用试用期条款实现差别工资等。  相似文献   

分配正义历来备受人们关注,马克思通过分析资本主义的经济制度、分配制度,指出资本主义按资分配原则是形式上的平等,要实现事实上的平等必须经过社会主义的按劳分配阶段,才能实行按需分配。在马克思主义分配正义理论的指导下,我党针对分配领域出现的问题和矛盾,提出在初次分配和再次分配中都要处理好公平与效率的关系。  相似文献   

初次分配中效率与公平是相互统一的关系,这种关系要求收入差距应保持适度。当前我国初次分配中效率与公平的失衡是收入差距扩大的主要原因,突出表现在:初次分配中劳动报酬过低;行业之间的收入差距过大;企业内部资本所有者、经营管理者和劳动者之间分配不公平等。正确处理初次分配中效率与公平的关系,应当优化收入分配制度改革,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重;建立和健全职工工资正常增长制度;加快产权制度改革,消除垄断。  相似文献   

邓小平社会主义本质论回答了“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”这一带有根本性的问题,突破了传统社会主义的误区。邓小平社会主义本质论体现了效率和公平两个原则。“解放生产力,发展生产力”体现了效率原则;“消灭剥削,消除两极分化”体现了公平原则;“共同富裕”是效率和公平原则的有机结合。邓小平社会主义本质论及其体现的效率和公平原则对当今社会主义建设具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

●河南平煤集团九成多农民工加入工会平煤集团现有农民工2.23万人,他们主要分布在井下采掘一线,占采掘一线职工总数的65%。为切实做好维护农民工合法权益工作,2005年,平煤集团实施了以“组织上一样健全、政治上一样平等、事业上一样发展、待遇上一样公平、生活上一样关心”为主  相似文献   

伴随着农民工群体数量的不断增加,农民工的医疗保障问题也成为当前构建和谐社会的主要矛盾之一。现行有关农民工医疗保障制度在运行中存在许多问题,影响着农民工群体的医疗权益,所以要建立一套平等、稳定的医疗卫生保障体制,切实维护好农民工的医疗权益,以促进和体现社会公平。  相似文献   

让所有国民均享有社会保障,追求公平、正义、共享的核心价值正在成为政府与公众的共识。维护劳动者的社会保障权益是工会的天职,工会应通过各种方式参与社会保障制度建设,以推动社会保障制度朝着公平和共享的方向发展。  相似文献   

公平与正义:劳动关系调整中的伦理维度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当代中国新型劳动关系正在孕育和发展之中,其基本特征之—就是对劳动关系调整中体现了强烈的道德关怀和伦理精神,这种伦理精神辐射和放大,就是如何实现公正和公平,它包括劳动关系中的利益主体身份地位的平等、分配中的公正、劳动者待遇上的保证和自身价值的实现。劳动关系的伦理调整已经成为解决劳动关系复杂矛盾的基本方式之一。  相似文献   

近日,山西省交通信息通信公司进行了平等协商,并续订了公司集体合同。续订的集体合同充实了以下内容:一是把维护社会稳定、促进企业发展和改善职工劳动生活条件结合起来,加强了依法对企业的重大问题进行协商和以职工 (代表 )大会为基本形式的民主管理工作;二是积极稳妥地推行职工全员竞争上岗和转岗分流,营造能上能下、能进能出的用人机制;三是贯彻效率优先、兼顾公平的原则,健全完善收入分配的激励机制和约束机制;四是在深化企业改革中落实社会保障制度,健全监督检查机制,重视妥善处理集体合同争议。该公司通过平等协商和续订集…  相似文献   

公平性组织文化对知识型员工心理契约存在着天然的优化作用,进而促进员工个人创造力的成长。基于高科技中小风险企业的样本数据,借助于结构方程模型,经验性的研究揭示了员工组织公平感、心理契约态度和技术创造力之间的内在关系,发现动机公平、过程公平和分配公平对交易型心理契约存在着优化功能,而仅有过程公平对关系型心理契约存在着优化功能。同时,交易型心理契约对员工创造力的成长存在着直接的驱动作用,而关系型心理契约则缺乏这种驱动功能。样本检验为高科技中小风险企业员工创造力的培育提供了现实性的策略指导和理论借鉴。  相似文献   

The case for gender equality on the bench wouldseem too uncontroversial to requirejustification. Yet the practical realities ofthe slow progress of women towards equality ofparticipation both quantitative and qualitativein the judiciary testifies to the continuingneed to argue the case for change. To date, theprimary rationale for promoting gender equalityhas been that women will bring a uniquecontribution to the bench as a result of theirdifferent life experiences, values andattitudes. Such arguments derived fromdifference theory have had a strong appealsince they appear to give legitimacy to theundervalued attributes traditionally associatedas feminine while also promoting the meritprinciple by claiming to improve the quality ofjustice. However, this article argues thatdifference theory arguments are theoreticallyweak, empirically questionable andstrategically dangerous. Instead, it argues forthe adoption of a rationale for gender equalitybased on equity and legitimacy; that equalparticipation of men and women in the justicesystem is an inherent and essential feature ofa democracy without which the judiciary willlose public confidence. This approach, thoughless immediately appealing, is ultimately moresound.  相似文献   

In this article the author revisits the question of how feminist theory/theories could address questions regarding universalism, sameness, difference, and the quest for justice. She reconsiders the quest for justice and equality for women and the (im) possibilities of a feminist perspective on justice and a feminist `community'. The three feminist theorists that she discusses are Martha Nussbaum, Drucilla Cornell, and Iris Marion Young. Nussbaum is closer to a liberal defense of universal values – Cornell and Young stand critical of liberalism and focus on sublimity, dignity, and asymmetrical reciprocity. The author supports the perspective of the latter two theorists and applies these perspectives to aspects of South African equality jurisprudence. She also considers critically the extent to which the Draft Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa breaks with liberal universalism and sameness. To the end she supports a notion of` slowing down' in order to protect women's freedom and dignity, to approach each other with wonder and respect. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Concerted attempts to exclude farming people from policy development and decision-making have been accompanied by the formation of an international peasant and farm movement, the Vía Campesina, which emerged in 1993. This article examines the response of peasant and farm organizations to the increased globalization of an industrialized and liberalized model of agriculture by analyzing the formation, consolidation and functioning of the Vía Campesina. The Vía Campesina is using three traditional weapons of the weak - organization, cooperation and community - to redefine rural development and to build an alternative model, one that is based on social justice, gender and ethnic equality, economic equity and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

期刊编辑工作中的侵权风险与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编辑侵权主要是指在期刊编辑工作中,编辑主体不遵守有关法律、法规,对著作权人的人身权和财产权形成侵害的行为。期刊编辑工作中有意无意出现多种侵权现象,小则损害作者的利益,挫伤作者的积极性,大则会侵害社会利益,危害到社会的公平公正原则。期刊编辑必须增强著作权意识,维护好编者、作者、读者的合法权益,尊重作者,审慎进行编辑加工,避免在编辑出版过程中的侵权行为。  相似文献   


Critically revisiting the ‘equality versus difference’ dualism that is inscribed in the feminist canon of the last decades is an important task for feminist ethico-political discussions today. The theoretico-political tension between claims of equality and difference still troubles feminist discussions and thus needs to be addressed by contemporary research. Yet, moving beyond the persisting antagonism cannot be done by either moving outside the problematic relation or by choosing one term over the other. It is, as Joan W. Scott noted, impossible to choose between equality and difference, so that other ways of tackling the problem are needed. This article suggests a new line of flight for feminist politics in respect to this founding paradox from a feminist new materialist/posthuman(ist) perspective. Via an affirmative reading of Irigaray's cosmopolitical concern of Sharing the World (2008) and a critical investigation into the structuring ‘anthropological limit’ (Derrida) of her sexual difference thinking, the author pushes the dualistic framework of equality versus difference towards a thought of ‘nonmimetic sharing’ and ‘staying with the trouble’. In her argument, she turns to the differential worldings of Grosz's ‘differing’, Barad's ‘quantum’ and Haraway's ‘terran’ in order to open up ethico-political alternatives to engage difference(s) differently. The article ultimately argues that by affirming all multifaceted (im)material worlding entanglements, significant new insights can be gained for both theorizing differentiality as ethico-onto-epistemological ‘becoming-with’ and for practising this world of/as difference(s) in a more ‘response-able’ manner.  相似文献   

公平正义是建设和谐社会的重要前提之一,马克思主义经典作家和党的三代领导集体对社会公平正义及其实现的问题予以强烈的关注。"科学发展观"中的公平正义思想是对马克思主义公正思想的继承与发展,是建设和谐社会、促进和实现社会公平正义的重要指导原则。工会作为职工群众利益的代表者和维护者应成为实现社会公平正义的促进力量。  相似文献   

This article describes how a feminist intervention project in Canada focused on girls' more equitable access to and use of computers created significant opportunities for girls to develop and experience new identities as technology ‘experts’ within their school. In addition to a significant increase in participants' own technological expertise, there was a marked shift in the ways in which they talked about and negotiated their own gender identities with teachers and other students. Most significantly, the participants in the project became increasingly vocal about what they saw as inequitable practices in the daily operation of the school as well as those they were subject to by their teachers. This created, within the otherwise resilient macro-culture of the school, a more supportive climate for the advancement of gender equity well beyond the confines of its computer labs. We suggest that while equity-oriented school-level change is notoriously difficult to sustain, its most enduring impact might rather be participants' initiation into a discourse to which they had not previously experienced school-sanctioned access: a discourse in which to give voice to gender-specific inequities too long quieted by complacent discourses of “equality for all.”  相似文献   

Gender equality is an essential part of Finnish self-understanding. The public discussion on equality does not, however, only focus on gender; it is also used to promote anti-immigration-minded, homophobic opinions. In the article, the coexistence of contradictory discourses on gender equality is interpreted as populist rhetoric. The articulations of gender equality in online debates on gender, sexuality, and immigration are analysed. The main questions are: How is gender equality reframed in anti-immigration-minded online debate? How are the notions of sexuality and gender fixed in order to oppose immigration? How are gender, sexuality, and immigration articulated intersectionally? The investigation focuses on an article on Muslim homosexuals, published in the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat in March 2013, and the discussion that followed on blogs and in online discussion fora. The logic of the articulation in the empirical material is analysed by identifying five discursive modes for discussing gender equality in opposing Muslim immigration: The Finns Party as defenders of sexual and gender equality; Equality for Muslim women; “The Tolerant” as scapegoats in risking achieved equality; Othering Islam; and Equality for the Westerners. The analysis indicates how the subjects of sexual and gender equality are produced, and illustrates the ability of populist rhetoric to adopt topics, agendas, and ideologies from other discourses and reframe them to promote its political aims. The article discusses how equality is used changeably, referring to varying groups of people. In populist rhetoric, the themes traditionally associated with sexual and gender equality in the Nordic welfare states can be ignored; the concept is detached from all its emancipatory meanings. In populist rhetoric, equality becomes a tool used to promote hegemonic power relations.  相似文献   

Political documents on gender equality in the Nordic countries contain interesting systematic variations in justification strategies and discursive commitments at different political-rhetorical levels. This is particularly apparent when political texts move from general gender equality to arguing about specific issues. This article looks at the variety of "versions" of gender equality that appear when the discourses of gender and the conceptualisations of power that inform Swedish political party documents are scrutinised. Consequences of different versions of gender equality for rhetoric about policy measures and rhetorical uses of "uniformity" versus "heterogeneity" are also discussed.  相似文献   

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