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经济法与社会法关系初探   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王全兴  管斌 《现代法学》2003,25(2):113-118
社会法作为寓于法律社会化过程中的公法与私法相融合的第三法域 ,在其发展到一定阶段 ,出现了作为经济领域法律社会化现象的经济法。因而 ,一方面 ,经济法具有广义社会法的基本属性 ;另一方面 ,经济法与狭义社会法之间 ,各自所对应的国家干预在范围、宗旨和手段上都不尽相同 ,但在经济与社会趋于一体化的现代市场经济体制中 ,需要完善其功能的配合。  相似文献   

论社会中介组织的新一类经济法主体地位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
非法学学科对社会中介组织的研究成果交集指向其社会性和中介性,它构成了经济法上社会中介组织的理论基础。法学视野中的社会中介组织处于社会公共经济管理关系中时,民法和行政法无法调整该社会关系。社会中介组织的本质与经济法的宗旨、性质、价值本位等高度契合,其因此具有了新一类经济法主体的唯一身份。经济法主体视角下的社会中介组织理论有利于解决专利权滥用、消费者隐私权保护、公益诉讼、市场经济信用体系的构建等难题。  相似文献   

论社会中介组织的行政主体地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会中介组织发端于西方社会,是市场经济和政府"双失灵"的必然选择。作为沟通政府与社会的桥梁纽带,社会中介组织发挥着积极作用。特别在我国现阶段,社会中介组织的培育和发展,已经成为推动社会发展不可或缺的中坚力量。但是,由于受我国传统行政法理论的影响,在行政法学研究中,社会中介组织在行政法上的地位却不明确。本文拟从传统的行政主体理论入手,以公共行政理论为支撑,对我国社会中介组织的主体地位进行理论上的探讨。  相似文献   

发展中国家贸易与环境法律问题对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐淑萍 《中国法学》2002,(3):151-162
所谓贸易与环境的法律问题 ,实际上是指制订和实施何种国际贸易规则和环境政策 ,才能使国际贸易既不影响环境 ,又能促进各国经济的发展。就广大发展中国家而言 ,它们既要积极参与贸易全球化和自由化进程 ,冲破发达国家设置的种种市场准入障碍 ,又要注意保护环境。为此 ,包括中国在内的广大发展中国家应当在坚持国家环境权的前提下 ,灵活采取各种环境政策和措施 ,以达到发展经济、保护环境的目的。  相似文献   

创新将成为社会生产力解放和发展的重要基础和标志,成为驱动经济发展和社会进步的最根本的原动力。选择相应的创新机构,促进经济的发展,是我们必须关注的话题。在现代社会,高等院校已经成为先进科技研发的前沿阵地,成为创新人才培养的最佳摇篮。这意味着高等院校必须成为知识创新的基地,才能有效地推动经济发展和社会进步。  相似文献   

贫富分化问题已成为困扰我国社会经济持续稳定发展的重大问题。其根本成因在于西方的个人主义观念及以此为基础的市场经济体制和相应的社会法制度的缺失。矫正贫富分化的主要途径在于以整体主义观念为基础构建和完善社会法制度,这不仅符合现代社会的时代精神和各国社会立法的普遍做法,也与中国传统文化和法律观念相契合。但整体主义只是社会法的观念基础,而不是整个法学的观念基础。整体主义也并不意味着对个体主义的否定,二者是互补的,相辅相成的。  相似文献   

This article builds on the work of Michael Lipsky and develops an argument about the significance of interprofessional working for street-level bureaucracy. It presents an ethnographic analysis of criminal justice social workers writing presentence reports for the Scottish courts. Social workers' report writing for judges brought into relief issues of relative professional status. Social workers were uncertain of their place within the legal domain and concerned about their credibility as criminal justice professionals. Reports were written, in part at least, as a way of seeking esteem and credibility in the eyes of judges—a motivation that undermined the policy objectives of social enquiry in sentencing. Applying the conceptual tools of Bourdieu to our findings, we argue that street-level bureaucrats who have to work across bureaucratic "fields" may find, or fear, that the cultural and symbolic "capital" they retained within their own field is undervalued in the symbolic economy of new fields, putting them in a position of relative inferiority. This issue of relative professional status, and how officials respond to it, is significant for our understanding of street-level bureaucracy.  相似文献   

The investigation of social mechanisms within social disorganization theory has led to the concept of collective efficacy. Collective efficacy has typically been measured as a composite of social cohesion and informal control; however, more work remains to be done with respect to the measurement of informal control and the modeling of the relationship between cohesion and control. The present study addresses this issue by using multiple operationalizations of informal social control. Results suggest that respondents rely upon their ability to call the police as a method, by which they exercise informal control over their area of residence. Moreover, the cohesion and control scales are distinct from one another, which adds to the literature showing that they are better treated as separate scales. In regression models, cohesion emerges as largely unrelated to individuals’ propensity to intervene in neighborhood problems, but enhances their perceptions of their neighbors’ likelihood of intervention. Future research should continue investigating different types of informal control and each one’s relationship with cohesion. Policy recommendations include the need for police to be prepared to respond to a variety of neighborhood problems, many of which are not directly crime related but, nonetheless, have important implications for informal crime-control efforts.  相似文献   

作为时下的一个焦点概念,"社会管理"极少在法规范意义上得以解析。通过检索可知,我国现行法规范中有3部法律及8部行政法规直接使用了社会管理概念,最典型的是《刑法》与《治安管理处罚法》。前者用整整一章规定了"妨害社会管理秩序罪",后者用一节规定了"妨害社会管理的行为和处罚"。分析表明,社会管理立法数量少,水平低;法规范中的社会管理概念是在狭义上使用,具有弱经济性、弱政治性乃至非经济性、非政治性的特征;主要是在消极语境中使用,管制色彩浓厚;法规范中的社会管理概念与社会管理创新语境下的社会管理概念有较大差别,不同法规范中的社会管理概念也有差异。社会管理法治化是社会管理创新的必由之路,它呼唤认真对待作为法律概念的社会管理。  相似文献   

关于民法、商法、经济法定位与功能的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王保树 《现代法学》2008,30(3):3-11
运用科学的研究方法研究民法、商法、经济法的定位,是为了改善人们的视角,而揭示三法不同的定位并不意味着将它们之间的分隔绝对化。越是定位的不同越意味着需要交融,越意味着需要互动、互补,越意味着在准确把握三法特性的基础上充分发挥其在综合调整社会关系,解决社会重大问题上的作用。通过讨论它们的定位,发挥三法各自的优势,并以彼优势克服己劣势,实现三者交融、互补、互动,这才是根本目的。  相似文献   

ANNA SELENY 《Law & policy》1991,13(2):149-169
The particular historical trajectories of economic reform in East European socialist systems were important causal factors in their transformation, and often account for the different paths now open to each. Taking the case of Hungary, this article argues that socialist reforms, even when justifiably assessed as ineffective attempts at improved efficiency, interacted with an expanding second economy to alter in a gradual but profound manner the state-imposed relationship between the political and economic realms. This process of incremental social and ideological change “politicized” the economy and partially “privatized” the public sector, albeit often in informal ways. The turning-point was a 1982 reform of property-rights which legalized much of the second economy and opened up newly-legitimate channels for its cooperation with the state sector. By formalizing the previously informal relationship of mutual dependence between the state and the second economy, these statutes engendered new economic and political contradictions and possibilities in the system, as the enfranchisement of previously-excluded groups led to further concessions on the part of the state. The legalization of the second economy, the public campaign to legitimize the private sector, and the creation of new private partnership forms constituted a significant difference between the legacy of Hungarian socialism and other East European varieties.  相似文献   

娄宇 《法学研究》2020,(2):190-208
为平台经济从业者构建社会保险制度,可以为其提供合理的基本生存保障,促进平台经济和谐健康发展。引入“类雇员”概念可以为网约工提供类似于劳动者的保障,但是需要结合我国的立法和司法实践,通过分项处理劳动福利制度克服劳动关系认定规则较低的可预见性。网约工对平台企业的经济从属性以及基本权利的辐射效力,可以作为这个群体强制参保社会保险以及“拆包”参保各险种的理论依据。工作时长取自我国现行立法,体现了经济从属性的程度,可以作为网约工强制参保职工社会保险的标准。社会保险各险种对应的基本权利类型有别。基本医疗保险保障了作为核心权利的生命权和健康权,网约工应当强制参保职工基本医疗保险,通过该制度的无过错支付设计和商业意外事故险部分地补偿工作伤害导致的损失。基本养老保险和失业保险不应当作为强制网约工参保的险种,但是应当通过重复保险的基本原理解决网约工以不同身份参保基本养老保险和基本医疗保险之后的待遇给付问题。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪已成为世界三大公害之一。中国在20世纪90年代确立市场经济以来,社会生活各方面巨大变化,作为社会负面的犯罪问题也随之出现新的特点,其中青少年犯罪尤为值得关注!纵观当代青少年罪犯,他们在年龄上有个共同点——"90后"。由于"90后"罪犯年龄上的特点,其家庭因素在其误入犯罪歧途及改造中均有不可忽视的作用。所以本课题组分析"90后"服刑人员家庭特点,希望利用家庭资源对"90后"服刑人员的改造发挥一份力量。  相似文献   

经济法与公益诉讼的契合性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实体法与程序法作为矛盾的对立双方相互依赖、互为前提。没有实体法就没有程序法;没有程序法,实体法也没有存在的必要。经济法是在生产高度社会化的历史条件下,为适应国家广泛调节社会经济的需要而逐渐形成为以社会公共利益为本位的部门法;与之相适应,经济法程序始终贯穿着对社会公益的关注,以有效保护社会公共利益不受侵害为主线。公益诉讼是有关组织和个人依据法律的规定,对由于违反法律而给国家、社会公共利益造成事实上损害或潜在损害的行为向法院起诉,由法院追究违法者的法律责任的诉讼活动。所以,公益诉讼作为经济法的内部生命的表现有效地维护了经济法的切实实施,经济法与公益诉讼之间具有天然的契合性。  相似文献   

This article examines collective legal mobilization through the courts, or collective litigation, in a non‐liberal regime. It analyses the emergence and development of collective litigation to challenge the constitutionality of section 377A of the Penal Code, the law that criminalizes same‐sex sexual conduct in Singapore. The analysis focuses on the relational dynamics of collective litigation and legal subjectivities of the social actors involved, highlighting how social positions and strategic interests shaped their interactions and decisions on litigation. While gay rights activists emphasized their movement's collective interests when choosing the appropriate case and lawyers, a movement outsider pursued individual interests on behalf of a client. Due to their divergent social positions and strategic interests, the two teams competed with each other as they initiated two separate constitutional challenges. Tension between the teams led to conflict with constituents of the gay rights movement and influenced their relational dynamics with other parties.  相似文献   

This article considers Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as part of the projects in ‘new governance and decentred regulation’, which draw social forces towards the regulation of economic behaviour. It uses Karl Polanyi to open up pertinent interfaces between society and economy for observation, and Gunther Teubner to substantiate a ‘regulatory’ view of the company's social relationships. The article finds that CSR combines movements for the recognition of social relationships, on an unprecedented scale, with rigorous simultaneous movements for market building and social abstraction. Twenty‐first‐century market economy is defined by a capacity to contain ‘the social,’ which is thrown between the two movements, creating opportunities for companies to void the market's social limits. The article counterposes that the social that ‘returns’ after marketization needs to find its way past market‐building CSR, to constructively unshackle and redefine the framing of social conflicts that concern the corporation.  相似文献   

民法与环境法的理念碰撞与融和   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周珂  张璐 《政法论丛》2008,4(1):45-51
民法是国家经济和社会生活的基本法。我国民法典的制定是我国建立社会主义市场经济的客观需要,是促进我国经济持续发展、科技进步、文化繁荣乃至社会长治久安的基本法律保证。民法与环境法存在理念的差异,民法与环境法互动发展是历史的必然。可持续发展是21世纪最重要的时代特征,我国民法典的制定应当顺应时代潮流,把可持续发展的环保政策观念贯穿于民事立法的整个过程,推动民法理论的自身发展与完善,进而实现民法典制定与环境法制建设同步跨越式发展的目标。  相似文献   

杨树明  陈芳华 《现代法学》2007,29(4):120-131
要了解和把握商事仲裁制度的发展趋势,离不开对商事仲裁社会基础的分析研究。商事仲裁的社会基础包括政治、经济、文化等基本层面。其经济基础是商品经济的需求;政治基础是政治国家的维护;文化基础是法律文化的发展。这些基本面与商事仲裁相互因应,促进了商事仲裁的发展,同时商事仲裁也影响了这些基本面。同时,这种因应的关系亦将影响商事仲裁发展的总体趋势。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(4):312-320
In its decisions, the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the CPSU devoted much attention to further developing socialist democracy, strengthening the Soviet state, and improving the entire system of the political organization of society. Among the contemplated measures, a special place is assigned to improving the work of the local Soviets. It is deemed essential that they exercise their functions more fully, that they exert an effective influence on the development of the economy and culture and on improving the people's welfare, and that they concern themselves more persistently with social and consumer services and the maintenance of public order.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):447-471

This paper describes two ‘popular justice’ institutions which exist in both the USSR and Poland: people's assessors and social courts (workers' courts and residential tribunals). An attempt is made to assess these developments in light of the official national ideology. In addition, these institutions are placed within the context of contemporary Western debates on popular justice in order to test the applicability of Western ideas to the reality of Soviet-style communism. While the paper does not attempt to assess the adequacy of the critical Western voices which warn against the dangers or illusory advantages of community justice in Western democracies, it demonstrates that these ideas are indeed validated when tested within the communist reality. The social courts tend not only to reflect the authoritarian relations prevailing in the communist economy, but also serve to perpetuate them. The lay assessors who accompany judges in ordinary courts are extremely passive and their influence on the process and outcome of the adjudication seems to be minimal. Above all, they cannot influence the law itself or the legal structures in which they are participating.  相似文献   

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